NATIONAL REPORT MADAGASCAR TO THE PARTICIPATION OF MADAGASCAR TO THE CONFERENCE HABITAT III HABITAT III May 2015 Word from the State Minister The fourth Republic is starting in Madagascar, with the willingness to go into a new development’s direction. Through the vision ‘Madagascar a modern and a prosperous nation”, the country is now ready to take on any opportunities available in many sectors. Therefore, and contrary to the past, the National Development Plan does consider the urban sector, to be one pillar of the economics’ growth of the country, so as to promote inclusive and sustainable development. Dealing with this vision, the State Ministry under my responsibility, is working to prepare the founda- National Urban Forum, the establishment of the National Policy and Strategy for the Urban Develop- ment,tion’s revivaland the of implementation the urban sector. of someMany operationalactivities have project been in carried some Malagasyout recently, cities, as etc.examples the first Moreover, this National Report is very timely, to have the review achievements, in particular those related on Habitat II’s action plan, from 1996 to 2013. But, this National Report does provide also the issues and the challenges that the country would take on for the next twenty years. There, for the new post-2015 development agenda, I am launching a formal appeal to the international community, so as to contribute on cities’ development in Madagascar. In particular, I call on the heavy sector. Furthermore, new partners are strongly required, given the important challenges. support from the UN-HABITAT and the technical-financial partners, already working in this urban Finally, I would emphasize the interdependence between rural and urban development. Therefore, I would solicit to promote an integrated programming of the development actions in these two areas, whether at supranational, national and regional level. Acronym list Institut National de Formation Adminis- ADURRA Agriculture Durable de l’Agglomération INFA d’Antananarivo (Sustanaible Agriculture trative (National Institute of Administra- in the Agglomeration of Antananarivo) tive Training) Institut National des Sciences Techniques ANALOGH Agence Nationale d’Appui au Logement et INSTN à l’Habitat (National Agency of Suppor- Nucléaires (National Institute of Nuclear ting Housing and Habitat) Science and Technology) Institut Supérieur de Technologie (High BNGRC Bureau National de Gestion des Risques IST Institute of Technology) Politique de développement des JIRAMA Jiro sy Rano Malagasy BVPI et de Catastrophes (National DRM Office) Bassins Versants et Périmètres Irrigués LDRMC Local DRM Council (Irrigation and Watershed Management LP2D Lettre de Politique de la Décentralisation Program) et de la Déconcentration (Policy Letter of CDRMC Communal DRM Council Decentralization) CFSVA Comprehensive Food Security and MAP Madagascar Action Plan Vulnerability Analysis MECIE Mise en Compatibilité des Investisse- CPGU Cellule de Prevention et de Gestion ments avec l’Environnement (Implemen- des Urgences (Disaster Prevention and tation Investment compatible with the Emergency Management Unit) Environment) CRC Convention of the Rights of the Child MEPATE Ministère d’Etat en charge des Projets Présidentiels, de l’Aménagement du CSB Centre de Santé de Base (Basic Health Center) Territoire et de l’Equipement (State Ministry of Presidential Projects, Country CRPD Convention of the Rights of Persons with Planning and Equipment) Disabilities MFB Ministry of Finance and Budget CTD Collectivités Territoriales Décentralisées (Decentralized Territorial Authorities) MID Ministry of Home Affairs and Decentra- lization CUA Commune Urbaine d’Antananarivo (Antananarivo’s Urban Commune) NGO Non-Government Organization National Habitat Committee DCPE Document Cadre Politique Economique NHC (Framework Paper of Economic Policy) OEMC DRM Disaster Risk Management Citizenship)Office de l’Education de Masse et du DRR Disaster Risk Reduction Civisme (Office for Mass Education and OMC Organisme Mixte de Conception (Concep- DSRP Document de Stratégie pour la Réduction tion Joint Agency) de la Pauvreté (Strategy Paper for Poverty Reduction) ONCD EIB European Investment Bank ConcertationOffice National and de Decentralization) Concertation sur la Décentralisation (National Office of EIS Environmental Impact Study ONE ENAM Ecole Nationale d’Administration de Office National de l’Environnement Madagascar (Madagascar National School Organisme Public de Coopération OPCI (National Office of Environment) of Administration) Intercommunale (Public Organisation for EPP Ecole Primaire Publique (Primary Public Intercommunal Cooperation) School) PADR Plan d’Action pour le Développement FAD French Agency for the Development Rural (Action Plan for the Rural Develop- ment) FDI Foreign Direct Investment PAIQ Programme d’Appui aux Initiatives de FDL Fonds Local de Développement (Local Quartiers (Neighborhood’s Initiative Development Fund) Support Program) FIJ Fonds d’Insertion des Jeunes (Fund for PAMU Programme d’Amélioration de la Mobilité Integration of Youth) Urbaine (Urban Mobility Improvement FIZOMA Firaisam-ben’ny Zokiolona eto Madaga- Program) sikara PANAGED Plan d’Action National Genre et Dévelop- FNRE Fonds National des Ressources en Eau pement (National Action Plan of Gender (National Fund for Water Resources) and Development) GDP Gross Domestic Product PANEF Plan d’Actions National sur l’Emploi et la Formation (National Plan on Employment Human Development Report HDR and Training) ILO PARGED Plan d’Action Régional Genre et Dévelop- Institut National de la Décentralisation pement (Regional Action Plan of Gender INDDL International Labour Office et du Développement Local (National and Development) Institute of Decentralization and Local PDU Plan de Déplacement Urbain (Urban Development) Transport Planning) PE Programme Environnemental (Environ- PSU Plan Sommaire d’Urbanisme (Urban mental Program) Summary Plan) PEEJ Programme de Promotion de l’Entre- PUDé Plan d’Urbanisme de Détail (Urban preneuriat Jeunesse (Program of Youth Detailed Plan) Entrepreneurship Promotion) PUDi Plan d’Urbanisme Directeur (Urban PErERDD Politique Nationale de l’Education Master Plan) relative à l’Environnement pour le RGPH Recensement Général de la Population et Développement Durable (National Policy de l’Habitat (General Census on Popula- of Education on Environment for Sustai- tion and Habitat) nable Development) REU Redevances sur les Eaux Usées (Wastewa- Plateforme Nationale de la Société Civile PFNOSCM ter charges) à Madagascar (National Platform of Civil Society in Madagascar) ROM Redevances sur les Ordures Ménagères (Royalities on Household Waste) PIP Public Investment Program SAC Schéma d’Aménagement Communal PLan Local d’Occupation Foncière PLOF (Communal Land Use Scheme) (Reliable local and land tenure plan) SAMVA Service Autonome de Maintenance de Programme National d’Accès à l’Eau PNAEPA la Ville d’Antananarivo (Antananarivo Potable et à l’Assainissement (National Autonomous Municipal Maintenance Program of Safe Water Supply and Service) Sanitation) SFR Sécurisation Foncière Relative (Relative Plan National d’Action pour la Nutrition PNAN Land Tenure Security) (National Action Plan of Nutrition) SIM Syndicat des Industries de Madagascar Politique Nationale de l’Aménagement PNAT (Industries’Union of Madagascar) du Territoire (National Policy of Land Planning) SNAT Schéma National de l’Aménagement du Territoire (National Land Use Planning Plan National de Développement PND Framework) (National Development Plan) SNFI Stratégie Nationale de la Finance Politique Nationale d’Education Relative PNERE Inclusive (National Inclusive Finance à l’Environnement (National Policy on Strategy and Action Plan) Environemental Education) SNGRC Stratégie Nationale de Gestion des Politique Nationale de l’Habitat (National PNH Risques et de Catastrophes (National Policy of Settlement) Strategy on Disaster Risk Management) PNJ Politique Nationale de la Jeunesse SRAT Schéma Régional de l’Aménagement du (National Youth Policy) Territoire (Regional Land Use Planning PNL Politique Nationale de Logement Framework) (National Policy of Housing) STD Service Technique Déconcentré PNPF Politique Nationale de Promotion de la (Decentralized Technical Service) Femme pour un développement intégré TFP Technical-Financial Partner homme-femme (National Policy of the Women’s Empowerment) UHC Urbanism and Housing Code PNSE Programme National de Soutien à UNDP United Nations Development Programme l’Emploi (National Support Program for UNESCO United Nations Organisation for the Employment) Education, Science and Culture PSUP Participatory Slum Upgrading Program UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population PPBVLAC Projet Protection Bassins Versants Lac Activities Alaotra (Lac Alaotra Watershed Protec- UNICEF United Nation Children’s Fund tion Project ) VAT Value Added Tax PPP Public-Private Partnership WASH Water Sanitation Hygiene PREE Programme d’Engagement Environne- mental (Environmental Committment Y-PEER Youth Peer Educators Program) ZAC Zone d’Aménagement Concerté PSNA Politique et Stratégie Nationale de l’Assai- (Concerted Managament Area) nissement (National Policy and Strategy ZPPAUP Zone de Protection des Patrimoines Plan for Sanitation) Architecturaux Urbains et Paysagers PSNDU Politique et Stratégie Nationale de (Protection Zone for Architectural and Développement Urbain (National Policy Landscape Heritage) and Strategy for the Urban Development) PSSA Programme Spécial pour
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