27792 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 20 October 22, 2007 In addition to this act of bravery, the foster care system. But 2 caring long and dedicated career that began, Sergeant Herrera has always dedicated foster parents helped to transform him: at age 53, what could be called a second his life to the preservation of freedom. Jon and Kathy Miller, of Killingworth, career in 1971, when he joined the Bu- In 1986, Sergeant Herrera joined the who took Jason into their home and reau of Land Management as a sea- Army Reserve and served as a crane op- became a new mother and father to sonal surveyor. In 1976, Jim became a erator. A decade later he proudly him. ‘‘We just decided to go and ask if fire prevention patrolman, and, at age joined the full time force. he could become part of our family,’’ 67, became the Mount Harrison sea- In addition to the two tours he served Kathy Miller recalled. It wasn’t long sonal lookout in the Sawtooth Na- in Iraq, he was also deployed to Bosnia, before Jason was succeeding in school, tional Forest Minidoka Ranger Dis- South Korea, and Honduras. In each as- serving on the student council, and trict. Over the past 22 years, Jim has signment he excelled and was accord- competing in three sports. In his obit- provided a fire prevention message to ingly promoted to such vital assign- uary, the Hartford Courant called it ‘‘a no fewer than 35,000 national forest ments as a squad leader and a drill in- life redeemed.’’ visitors. structor. Sergeant Lantieri went on to earn a As a lifelong rancher and 36-year vet- Recently, Sergeant Herrera’s life was business degree, but, like so many en- eran of Government service in the sec- blessed by the birth of his grand- ergetic young men before him, signed ond half of his life, Jim has captured daughter Kylie. The sergeant has left up with the Army for a chance at trav- the secret to staying young—that of behind his wife Traci, as well as two el and adventure. By all accounts, he knowing you are never too old to start daughters and two sons. One of Ser- had his wish, from Alaska to Europe to something new. Jim’s life is a wonder- geant Herrera’s sons, Matt, remembers Iraq with a transportation unit in the ful example of the fact that success his dad always spent as much time 25th Infantry Division. Still, with all comes as the result of hard work. Ida- with the family as he could. those who choose to serve in this time hoans who visited the Sawtooths were I will pray for Sergeant Herrera’s of war, Sergeant Lantieri knew that both safer and better educated about family and remember their sacrifice of wearing his country’s uniform meant our rugged and beautiful natural re- their husband, father, and grandfather. risking his life. A video posted on his sources as a result of Jim’s dedication SPECIALIST JASON N. MARCHAND Web page shows how he confronted and efforts. I wish Jim and his family Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I also rise danger with a sardonic sense of humor: well on his retirement, and I thank today to pay tribute to one of Utah’s Below footage of an explosion in the him for his service to our Nation and fallen soldiers. SPC Jason N. Marchand desert, his caption reads, ‘‘Just an- to Idaho.∑ was a member of the 2nd Cavalry Regi- other day at the office.’’ f ment and at the time of his death was In a war zone, death can come in any FORT UNION NATIONAL deployed as part of a 2-week field tour daily routine. Its constant presence MONUMENT north of Baghdad. means that in war there is no routine Specialist Marchand’s told his family and that is just another sacrifice sol- ∑ Mr. DOMENICI. Madam President, I that he joined the Army to protect his diers make for our sake. Last week, a would like to honor and give special at- family and friends. Before his deploy- transportation accident crushed Jason tention to New Mexico’s Fort Union ment to Iraq, Specialist Marchand between 2 vehicles. He was 25. National Monument in Mora County. spent the previous year and a half in The 2 strangers he came to call Mom Located in the Mora Valley between Germany, which his mother said he and Dad have a last record of his the Santa Fe and Sangre de Cristo loved. voice—a call from Iraq on their answer- mountains, Fort Union established in Specialist Marchand was born on ing machine. The message is still 1851, dates back to New Mexico’s terri- April 8, 1981, in Salt Lake City, UT, to there, and I imagine it always will be. torial days, protecting the area’s in- his parents Debbie Parsons and Wil- They also have the military photos habitants and trade routes. liam Marchand, M.D. Specialist that show Jason in his uniform and This year Fort Union has initiated a Marchand had a special relationship beret, with a firm, unsmiling face. ‘‘I new effort called ‘‘The New Mexico with his family. His mother stated hardly recognize that person,’’ said Volunteers Living History Program.’’ they were open enough to share any- Kathy Miller. ‘‘That’s just a little Volunteers in this program will depict thing with one another. piece of Jason. It’s not the whole pic- the Hispanic soldiers of the 1st New Specialist Marchand leaves behind a ture of who he is.’’ Mexico Volunteers, who were enlisted wife and a 6-year-old daughter, Savan- She remembers his class-clowning, and stationed at Fort Union during the nah. At the funeral of Specialist his toughness on the soccer field, and Civil War. One of the current volun- Marchand, Savannah said that she his mischieviousness playing with her teers is a direct descendent of the 1st wanted to release some balloons for her grandchildren—qualities that aren’t in New Mexico Volunteers. With some father. She wanted them to fly up to the picture. training and drilling, Fort Union hopes heaven to be with him there. The tragedy is that Sergeant to begin presenting living history pro- Specialist Marchand is a fine exam- Lantieri has lost his whole life; the grams depicting the 1st New Mexico ple of an honorable U.S. soldier. I am class clown and the grown foster son Volunteers in early spring next year at grateful for brave individuals like Spe- are dead along with the soldier. We can Fort Union as well as other local cialist Marchand who give their life to only answer that tragedy with grief venues. Fort Union has also reinstated create a brighter future for their fam- and with gratitude, pledging to remem- nighttime candlelight tours, and also ily, friends, and Nation. ber his rich life in its entirety.∑ hopes to provide a public venue for (At the request of Mr. REID, the fol- night sky viewing while partnering f lowing statement was ordered to be with local colleges and universities to printed in the RECORD.) ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS interpret the skies, and be used as a SERGEANT JASON LANTIERI classroom venue complementing ∑ Mr. DODD. Madam President. I rise science curriculums. to fulfill again my most painful obliga- RETIREMENT OF JAMES A. (JIM) I am proud of the work being done at tion as Senator: To mark the life of an- SHERIDAN Fort Union to reach out to the commu- other young Connecticut man who died ∑ Mr. CRAPO. Madam President, an nity and provide a glimpse of our his- in our country’s service. SGT Jason Idahoan with the distinction, among toric past. The upcoming activities at Lantieri was killed this month in Iraq. other things, of being the oldest fire Fort Union remind us of our rich his- Sergeant Lantieri’s life was, up to lookout in the Nation at age 89 retired tory in New Mexico, and I commend the last moment, a story of moving from that important post and from the the staff at the Fort for their efforts success. At the age of 11, he was a trou- Federal Government in September. and their hard work to further inte- bled child from a broken home, lost in James A. ‘‘Jim’’ Sheridan concluded a grate the unique history of the Fort VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:14 Aug 05, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\S22OC7.000 S22OC7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD October 22, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 20 27793 into the surrounding area and expand country. I had never come across this kind of in Burma in response to the Govern- their role as a resource for local stu- closely compacted community. I was fleeing ment of Burma’s large-scale repression dents and residents. I look forward to huge, giant-scaled cities without a real cohe- of the democratic opposition in that the advancement of this program in sive sense of place and connection. It turned country. On July 28, 2003, those sanc- out I was a country guy. the months to come.∑ tions were expanded by steps taken in Not surprisingly, Mr. Koren is a cap- f Executive Order 13310, which contained tain of the Brookfield, VT, Volunteer prohibitions implementing sections 3 HONORING EDWARD KOREN Fire Department. and 4 of the Burmese Freedom and De- ∑ Mr. SANDERS. Madam President, He is well deserving of the honor of mocracy Act of 2003 (Public Law 108–61) today I acknowledge a Vermont artist receiving the Governor’s Award for Ex- and supplemented that Act with addi- who is widely recognized and widely cellence in the Arts.∑ tional restrictions.
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