The UCSD Guardia l lniver.., ity of California, San Dicgo / Volume 17. :"umhcr I:~ I l hur..,da\. Nu\,cm!>l'r' 4. J 9H2 --- ---, World peace movements Election Hiroshima Soviet voices quelled Results Califorll ia Offi(e,~ holocaust is B ~ PAl IL MA(~ N ELI A ( ~ ~cnatl comi1zg out In contrast to the 101en<.,e On June 1, 1!)~2. an Is ro\\ n(l) 1:> 1 • d 'bale 10 thl.., countn O\er the InciL'pendt'nt Ill/)\ l'llll'nl "for \\'11 on n<) . 112 B ~ !\IARY JO !\1 cCONAJl A Y consequences of nu(:lear war. e"tabhshll1g t rusl bl'! \\ l'en I he r;{)ITOR'S l\·OTE. The and an e\ en more \' igurous l', and t he 1'., W \\ CIS jll/>(/II('SI' fli/IIIIUclear 11101'(" dispute 10 \\ esl Gl'rman~ ' 1)\'l'1 launched b\ II ~(I\ iel /l/cill is 1I1I1l/lte/y dl).krcJlI.lrvm t he deployment of l'.' nudt'ar' II1t elll'ct ual". At an infolmal B .tdlr\ (D· . 1 ils (II/f II I 1'1'/>([rls d'l'lI~JII'rc, tipped m i"sele, on European press conferenCl' I he) urged I >t'u knwp3n (R) ,. III () 1//(III/~s 10 Ihl presl'l1rc oj soil. a "ilel1ce ha.., fallen ml'r the !:->0\1l'l gm('fnml'l1t 10 "hlbakusha" - IIII' slIn'il'ors t he II1Clpl(~nt peace m()\ement Illdude t he general publ1t 111 Lieutcnant (;0\ (' rnor' of Ih(' alomic bombs Ihlll !£>IIIIJ! on the ot her ..,Ide of the please turn to page () Hiroshima aJld .\'aKasak/' Afla milit ary equat IOn. according to :\lcCClrth\ (J) •. , .. ,. years oj limidilv aJld el'eJl reports from Ea<"(ern Bloc 1I ,IIel (H s/I(/1//(', mallv SlIrt'il'OYS not<' arc cou ntnes. Attornc\' Gencnll rO lllillK oui oj Iltc "alomic During t he past six mont hs r/osel"'ojoillihe KrOll'inKlil//i· \ 'all de Kamp (/») •• :1 Ix)th the Soviet and East · 'I,'hol on ' HI..... 1! b II udellI' /l/ol'emelll, re/>orls PA' , (;erman gO\ ernments have ediloy M([I)' jo A/c CIJJI ([1111 v, atlempt<.>d to extinguish tho"e Superinl endant of If ho 11lI/'e/cd 10 japaJl 0/1 (/ Krall I \oices and .... ~ mbols calling for Puhlic I n~1 ruel ion frolll IIII' /liros/lill1l1 111/(/'1/(/ peace and disarmament. They "iolla/ LIIIIII/(// FiJIIlldallOil ha \'(' sough t to replace them Il ol1lg ..... ,..... .• ) I \\' 1\ h go\'ernment·spon"ored RI'e'.. ~ U IImO:HIMA, JAPAN - orgnizalions assl'rtll1g Ihat Kazuko Kojima, a "h\. pretly peace i" only obI ainable housl'\\ Ifl', IS one of t Ill' rea· through I he military dcfen .... l' Propositions ..,em.., the japanese antiweCl' of ... ucialism. i.e .. I he S()\ leI J - '('hool Bond", pon.., mo\ ement 1<" dlfferenl l 'nlOn and East Cerman\ from II counlerparts 111 the ,'e\'{'ral of t he more r'ecenl Ye ;)O.:l {Tnlted , tates and Eurolx', dlu"t rallOns of t hi'" crar kdc)\\ n • TO ••••• ,... I~J She \\a. born hen' 111 a arc the demise In the SO\ I('t 2--C()lInt~ cro\\ ded bom b shelt er \\ here l TnlOn of a "mall "peace group" Jail Bond .... her mol her was "till hidll1g sl:ekll1g (halogul' Ix·t \\ ('en I hl' IWI! cia\''' after Ihe first atomiC l'nited !:->tale.'> and the ,()\Iel ) l'!> •• '" • • " •• ) ~ explosi()I1. A midwife v.ho { l1ion and in Ea , t (;prman\, • '0 .. ,.. .. J.i i hapPl'lll'd to I ' 111 thl' "helter t hl' ... lIencing (If 111(' LuI h('rat) . 1-BlI~ Tnhol' La nd Iwlpl'(l \\'It h t hl' dehvl'n. tl1l'n Church and ils ()pcn "upport died of rudlallon pOl .... onll1g. for di"amament ) l' ........... " ,~ q Like m(\n\ female sun I \ or .... (,f .'0 ..... 171 Irradiate'd J1 lro"hllna. she gn'\\ U\H\ II h no ex peet at iOI1 of ~)-Il' I hook Loan .. t'\ er marrYlOg and ha\lng her O\\.n lamll\. But before her Yt' ...... , .... :~~).O mot her died of cancer recent 1\ . • '0 .. ".. .... (' 1 () a marriage \\ a" arranged bet \\een KOJima and "a kll1d , man," much older than I her"elf, and a healt hy baby ~ ~ I Yl' ...... ,....... 1 L I \\ as born. /~".f,~--:\\\\" :\0 ...... :>;:i ~J • Because of thaI bal)\, "he ~ '111\ .,... Frl'l'zl' sa~ s, Kojima 110\\ L'ori" lciers 12-An11" her"elf part of the japane"e Yl'~ .... ,' . i~.) gra..,s·root s m()\ellwnt agall1"t :\!' Ii 1 nuclear weapon". " I \\as a l\\'a\s reluctant to get 1 :~-\\ all'r l on .... l·'·\ . 111\ ol\'ed Ix'fore," sill' >';<1\''''. balanCing the II1fant on lier .~.l 3 lap. "bul \\ hen I had I hi" Imb\ 6 1 -; . I \\. ,\'- \\ illing to talk." Becau<.,e "Iw IS a lIi/J(/klls/w I ·1-Hl'dj",1 rit,t in~ Com. KOJima and ot her su n 1\ or" hold a unique place at the ll ' ~ .. , ... ,.. 1 ) :{ heart of the j apanese 'I I I ,III II lj'l I :\0 :i I i ., " , \ ~ m()\emenl. On lv recenth. 'f " .. I 1 ;)-(,lIn Control he)\\ l'\l'r. ha\ l' tht., Itib(lk/(.'ilt~/. most of \\ hom ha\ l' IX'en l l''' . 37.2 l'\ l1ll'd." "') ret i ri ng or l'n .. as ha '\;ll. 1_ hegu n t () .... pea k ou t. I pl(''' .... (' turn to p a J.l c ::; , , II UEO employee cen or Chilean right peak r. Page 2 Warren College in earch of a new provo t. Pag 5 UCSD Ba eball Team bound for th Orient. Pa 7 2 The UCSD Guardian Thursday, November 4, 1982 Thursday, Nove mber 4, 1982 The UCS D Guardia n 3 The UCSIt Guardian Oliphant Are \Ve a nation w-hich is easily bored? By ROG,ER SIMON exploration wou ld be Carl's A few hour later. we were putting of your house in order when we left the road. Los Angeles Times yndicale fat her's Buick and not a on the road. before you ca n just pack up I was navigating that day­ Opinion schooner. The word gave us a That would be impossible and leave. my lap was heaped high with T hey say we need electronic maps and guideoooks - and I games and video recorder and sense of drllma and mission . now, even unthinkable. I But back then, there was We got out the maps and reali ze. Now there are on ly us and the road. read aloud to Carl over the Walkman stereos to entertain engine's roar that single map Unsigned ediloriaiJ represen l lite opinions o/Ihe edilona/ boa rd a/ lite UCSD us wherever we go. That is plotted our course. We figured respon ibilitie to meet and And the best part of it. Guardia,.. TIte edi/()ri41 board is composed o/Scoll Young, Lisa Lopin. Tom Rankin we could do it for $20 plus gas. arrangements to make and the really, was what happened please turn to page 4 and Caly Tillkk. All ollter a rlides i~ Ihis seclion are solely I~e op!nioH.o/ lite wriler because, they say, we are a and do nolnecessarily represeHI tlte vleu'S o/the UCSD Guard,all. Itsed/tortal board. nation that is easi ly bored. ..---------------_________________________________1 its adverlisers or lite Regents 0/ tlte UHiversify 0/ Cali/ornia. l a~~ a1 {a~kot~epa l i ~gtcheen\~~ The true value of college wisdom Election results: Wisconsin on my way to a • • • ~~'f~~t~~~:?:7hd~~: The simple story of Art andthe Derivati~e change color. b y MA RK P. DIAMOND do?" he asked. and retrieved my '1' .1. 59 able to carryon a 'ift.ort peSSIOllsm runs .>Z. ,I The trees wi ll change next The coll ege experience "Well, I am a student at the Programable Calculator and con\'ersation. I asked h'im year just like they changed last encompa se much more than University of California at an started punching in numbers. "What would yOU like me to year. And. ha lmost everyone. hasd getting a dIp' loma. I n a ddItlOn" DI·ego." " You can't do it in your .s, ay'. Ho'"" about s'ometh l'ng the rampage seen It appen agam an to our own en lightenment, the "Oh really. There seems to head?" he questioned. using 'dormir'. I just learned again. Yet some come out to knowledge weimbibeat schoo l be a lot of students around "No," I sai~ meekly. "but I howtoconjugatedormirinthe The election results are in, unfortunately. T he see it anyway. enables us to in turn teach these days," Art replied. can do the antldenvatlve m my preterite tense." It reminded me of that day unsophi ticated people this "Yep. That's right. We head. rOl example... " "Well ... how about: 'The boy overwhelmingly negative results on all of the when Carl and [ were sitting sought.after wi ·dom. It is ur.iversity students are the . To my surp.rise, Art was not was good'." Art replied. propositions requiring change, such as 15, 14, 13 and on t he porch of the old gray f . h basis of modern societ y. With Impre.scd WIth the obVIOUS "EI chl'co estuve ... no. h h h d h truly grati yi ng to raise t e _ that'~'" 11 indicate a distinct social direction. We are ouse t at a some ow consciousness of these our education we solve the usefulness of my knowledge. not it , el chicoera ..
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