MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18.1980 iKanrlieatrr En^nfns l|»raUt p a W*tkis^ ^ Avdtnga Dally Nat Praaa Run Tha Manehaatar Choral Sodatjr Manehaatar IjOdya o f Maaona Paraonnel o f the nutcmotlvo Dauyhtan of Liberty No. 17, Sahlor Oirl Scout A o o p One will Ter tha Maalh of Aeyaat. 1555 TaMaht, riaalay aad a wUl hava a rahaaraal at tha Saeond will axamplify tha Maatar Maaon concama in Manriiaatar win moat L> O. Ik 1., will hold a rayular meat tonight at saven o’clock at About Town Ooncncational church tomorrow dayraa at a apecial communication thia evaniny at tha Brltlah Ameri­ maatlny at Orange haU tomorrow tha Center Oonyreyational church. fsoidar; law aaar 45. WaBaa to bo held at Maaonle Temple to­ can Club, 75 Maple atraat. A Mia. MaOte eC M Wfalofw aronlnf at T:S0, undOr tha dlractlon night at eight o'clock. A social 9,653 ycaarally fair aad aori; W5h Tmrr morrow ovenlny. Lodye will open apaakar from Oanaral Motora will hour. In charge o f the September aUaat, o taubar 1* tba Nathan of tha ohurch ortanlat, Waitan Maabor at lha Aadit 65. Wood. Kra. William Statnar hdpaa at 5:00 p.m. for a part of tha bo praaant, moviaa will ba ahown committee, will foUow tha busi­ Baraaa at Obeatothao ■ala adMOl, waa UataA amonc for a fun turnout of tha mambara, wMlc, and after a racaaa, will re­ and a aocial hour with rafraah- ness maatmg. U9NBLT PBOFLB Manehe$tor— A City of Village Charm i' thaaa who oomplatad thalr woric and tha aodaty will walcoma naw convene at 7:30 p.m. to complete menta wlU follow. Edward and tearard a tha paat aummar Wo do aoC eore how oM you alncara, rofaidlaaa of church affili­ tha axempllficatlon. A aocial hour Victor Della Para head tha eom- Robert Balls, son of Mr. and ara. Meet now friawda. iris •t TaadMra Ocrilaga, ation. Sha may ha raachad by tal. will follow. mlttaa of arranyamanta. - Mrs. Robert Brils o f 149 Oakland MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Now Britain. Mia. ft e r haa U n ^ t the GET AOqUAINTEO CLUB. (Claarifled Advartlalay oa Faya 15) y-STOT. Mxa. Howard R, Paraon street, haa entered tha University No ddaora. tier tafoemation many yaaia In tha adioola of The Council of BHdara win meat of Connecticut for his freshman and Mra. Arthur P. Saymour ara Raylatratlona hra atUl opan for caS Mrs. Banwo. 55 Ohutoii in ehaiTia of publicity. thia evaniny at alyht o'clock at tha year la the eoUaga o f arU and Street, BartfOri. TaL 7-5553 Second Conyreyatlonal church. At tha Home Nurainy eouraa In tha science. tha aama hour the axacutlvo board cara of tha aick to ba ylvan by the Tha Wariilnston Parant-Taach- of tha Women'a Laayua, of which Manchester Chapter o f tha Ameri­ ar Aaaoclation will poatpona ita Mra. Sherwood Bowara ia praaident, can Rad Crosa bayinnlny on Mon­ Alarm Clocks maatlny from tomorrow avanlny to will meet at tha paraonaya, 105 day, Saptambar 35, at 7:30 p.m. at Tuaaday, Saptambar M, at which Henry atraat. tha home nurainy haadquartara at KlKtrkOT Wtad tima tha claaarooma will ba opan the rear of tha Hoapital Aimax SAFE TRIPS Hold Seoul from 7:15 to 7:55, affording an on Hartford road. For information Reds Fight Desperately Edward Bartley o f 140 Eldiidya Arthur Drug Stores opportunity for tha paranta to ba- atreet waa recently honorad with call Mrs. Howard Boyd, telephone AO FsOjr Gasnuitcsd coma acqualntad with tha taachara a farewell party yiven by hia 6510. of their childran. A lactura will mother, Mra. Aynea Bartley. Hia for toddlers follow in tha aaaembly hall by Mra. frlenda and relativea preaantad The auditions for tha kiddlaa High Housing Cost Adinits Crime Raymond T. Bchallar of Parker him with a puraa of money. A revue which ia beiny sponsored by When your child trovrit on Koll-tten-ilu China Trained East Hartford Youth atrMt, who ia praaident of the yraduate of Mancheater Hiyh St. Bridyet'a Comaratona club, Hits Headquarters Allies Mass 40,000 Manehaatar P.T.A. Council. achool in the clasa of 1950, ha left which were to ba held tomorrow boby ihoM, V% ISce a magic carpot of comforL laat Wedneiday for Camp Pickett, niyht at 6:30 in tha basement of Indo - Chinese • Hatboro, Pa., Sept. 15.—<F) The D. A. R. will hold an out- Va. with the 4Srd Dlviaion. the church, will be held tomorrow No MoiM in bock, on iniido or outride. —Oeorye Waihinyton would Confesses to Three iny Ihuraday at the aummer home night at the same tima but at the have to dly pretty deep to buy of Mra. Raymond H. Burnham at Friendship Circle of the Salva­ Knights of Columbus home on Main Planty of comfort, and plenty of protection, too. one of his old headquarters Black Point. Hoateaaea will be tion Army will hold ita weekly street. Tha Ladies of Columl^tu are Seize Outpost these days. For Whirlwind Drive Mra. Louia L. Hohenthal, Mra. meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Cit­ having a potluck supper in the The 140-aere "HeadquarUrs Dowp’State Breaks Walla W. Pitkin and Mra. R. H. adel. Hoatesaea for the evening church basement, hence it will Im Farm”—used by tha Continen­ Burnham. Anyone deairiny trana- will be Mra. FMith MaxweU and necessary to have tha auditions at Red«Led Vietminh Gmer* tal Army commander during J777—was sold last Saturday Westport, Sept. 19—(F|— State«,fled by Cornelius Conley, owner of portation ia requeated to call 4587. Mra. Major Jonea. the K of C home. rillas Capture French V ^ or 397.700. police here today a^oim ced the 1 ‘ ^ M l n r i u b b through the truck On Battered Capital S Manried Border Fort solving of three major breaks In , |.*gigtr*tl6n numbers, the local of- After Fierce Struggle the Norwalk-Bridgeport area fol- ficers learned the youth, had been lowing the confession of Charles arrested Friday In Enfield on a Murines Race to Span Harriman Gills E. Jubb, 31. of 12 James street, charge of carrying a gun in an au­ Salyon, Indochina, Sept. 19—(F) tomobile without a permit. When P a r o lv t l Elaat Hartford.' MarslialF Will Han. River Before Red NotJ-io intnxiuce ytw -|o Mjmkrfol N(ir Kttp >-A French Army communique Enfield police had found he was mrmrrf SAUCEPAN GOOD « n HtAlTHV Jubb is now being held on other said today Communiit-Ied Viet- Taft Dangerous wanted in East Hartford on two' Reinforcements Reach Dial 5135 charges by Eket Hartford police other charges, he was given a Answer Stooge SPECIAL! minh troops newly armed In CSilns under $3,000 bond. Charged with three-month suspended sentence Seoul in Strength; En­ PYREX FLAMEWAREI taking a motor vehicle without ware usad for the Srst time In st- At AFL Meeting and turned over to the police of emy Quits Southeast­ TODAY! G<>t-acquainti'cJ tsekiny the outpost town of Dong permission and with fraudulent that city. ieaue of checks, his case there was Charge Today Kha on the Chinese frontier. ! Laat night. Policeman Stanley ern Front; R O K pr 111 ■ yesterday continued to Monday, Sobolewakl of the local barracks MORIARTY The Army announced that the I Spokesman for Admin­ town fell today to the yuerrlllas Find Loot la Track questioned Jubb In the Bm I Hart­ Army Enters Pohang thsM sooespons p r ^ 30 days only CXHOIISESSON ford jail. They said he readily con­ Saltoiistall Sure He Can , 50ucw|#»'" after a bitter three-day Oyht, but | istration Says Nation According to State police here, BROTHERS T tV Jubb waa linked with the breaks fessed the break at the Norwalk Under “ Big Mo” Guns W E GIVE G R E eT T ^ S T A M P ? that the exact identity of all of the gas station and two other breaks Free Himself of Label attackers was not yet known. Can’ t Afford to Give in this area when New' Rochelle, N. Y., police found part of the loot in this area. Affixcil by Senators Tokyo, Sept. 19.—(fl>- o l h s r "Dony Khe was attacki^ Sept. Senator Any Power in a truck which he bad left in a A warrant for hie arrest Fred Goodell. Jr„ 22-yeor-old Pat- 16 fiX dawn by Vietminb units not parking lot In that clty.'>The loot, these charges was filed with the rrson, N. J., factory worker, told McCjirlby anil Malone Allied liberation forcei rush­ completely Identified, but certainly taken from a gas station on Route East Hartford police awaiting the police he killed hia slx-montha-old ed up riv*r-cro88ing squip* axeaediny four battalions in Houston, Sept. 19—(F) — A top for 30 day*’ 1, Norwalk, Sept. 12, was tdenti- out come of his cMe there. daughter, Nancy, because she Washington. Sept. 19—(F)— ment today to jump the Han strenyth and supported by artillery administration spokesman told the cried too much and got on his and heavy mortara," the French American Federation of Labor to­ nerves. Goodell had told police Gen. George C. Marshall gets a water barrier at Seoul before b a c k communique aaid. day ” we can no longer afford” to the child was kidnapped, setting chance today to answer some Re­ Red defenses can be rallied. SUIlpJfirN ATefllAll AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Leatherneck Off era Alibi Tha inability to obtain complete have Senator Robert Taft (R., Churchill Tries off a 18-sUte alarm.
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