1890. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENATE. 1229 SENATE. Mr. HARRIS. The Senator from Alabama being absent, I simply made the suggestion. WEDNESDAY, February 12, 1890. Mr. SHERMAN. I made the statement that this is the first clause of the resolution of the Senator from Alabama, and as the Republic of Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. Brazil has been recognized it was deemed to be proper to send thiS .. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. with the recognition, so that it would be presented at· the same time to the Government of the Republic of Brazil. PETITION'S AND :MEMORIALS. The VICE-PRESIDENT. Is there any objection to the request Mr. MANDERSON. I present the petition of the Real Estate Ex­ made by the Senator from Ohio? change of the city of Lincoln, Nebr., setting forth the facts and giving l\Ir. INGALLS. What is the request? the statistical information upon which they base a prayer for legislation The VICE-PRESIDENT. The request is for the present considera­ which will cause the erection of a new public building at that place. As tion of Senate joint resolution 54. this is a matter of some importance so far as the statistics are concerned, Mr. HARRIS. I have no objection to considering the que-stion, bt1.t I move that the petition be printed, not in the RECORD, but as a docu­ I see that the Senator from Ohio on the 5th of February reported ba,ck ment, and referred to the f',ommittee on Public Buildings and Grounds. the joint resolution of the Senator from Alabama, as it was introduced. The motion was agreed to. quite a month a~o. Mr. SHERMAN presented a petition of Maj. Jonathan Cass Post, Mr. SHERMAN.. The Senator is mistaken. Where does he find No. 415, department of Ohio, Grand Army of the Republic, praying that? for the passage of the per diem pension bill ; which was referred to the l\fr. HARRIS. I find it as Order of Business 344 on the Calendar, Committee on Pensions. reported by the Senator from Ohio. Mr. PASCO presented a resolution adopted by the Chamber of Com­ Mr. SHERMAN. The RECORD will show that that is a mistake in the merce of Pensacola, Fla., favoring an appropriation of $40,000 for Calendar. The RECORD will show that the joint resolution introduced dredging the bar of Pensacola Harbor, as recommended by the engineer by the Senator from Alabama was not referred. It was kept open fo~ in charge of the district; which was referred to the Committee on Com­ debate. The joint resolution that is here near the foot of the Calendar merce. is the very measure I have now called up. Mr. ALLISON presented the petition of John Reed and other letter­ l\Ir. HARRIS. Let me see the joint resolution which is Order of carriers of Des Moines, Iowa, praying for the passage of House bill No. Business 344. 3863, fixing the maximum pay of letter-carriers at $1!200 a year and Mr. SHERMAN. This is No. 344, but that entry on the Calenda; providing for substitute letter-carriers at $200 a year; which was re­ bas no reference at all to the joint resolution introduced by the Sena~ ferred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. tor from Alabama. Mr. ALLE}f presented the petition of the Board of Trade of the city 1'Ir. HARRIS. On looking at the joint resolution I correct the ~; of Vancouver, Wash., praying for the grant of a liberal subsidy of not take into which I fell. It is not the joint resolution of the Senator from less than $400,000 per annum in the interest of American commerce Alabama. for carrying mails on steam-ships between Port Townsend, in the State Mr. SHERMAN. That is true. That is on the table and we conld of Washington, and the ports of China and Japan; which was referrPd not report it. to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. The VICE-PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the present consid"!'"' Mr. COCKRELL. I present a petition of the Gentry County Farm­ eration of the joint resolution indicated by the Senator from Obie~ ers' and Laborers' Union, of Missouri, adopted at Albany, Mo., Janu­ There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the WhetE!'I ary 23, 1890, demanding the extinguisbment of the public debt of the proceeded to consider the joint resolution (S. R. 54) congratulating th ~ United States by operating the mints to their fullest capacity in coin­ people of the United States of Brazil on their adoption of a republl ing gold and silver and tendering the same, without discrimination, to form of government; which was read, as follows: the creditors of the nation according to contract, and praying that the Resolved, etc., That the United States of America. congratulate the p~QJ)I~ QI Secretary of the United States Treasury be authorized to make loans to Brazil on their just and peaceful assumption of the powers, duties, and l'efill&1ll1 sibilities of self-government, based upon the free consent of the governeU,WJ,IJ the farmers of the United States, outofanymoney in the Treasurynot in their recent adoption of a republican form of government. otherwise appropriated, at 2 per cent. per annum, and secure the pay­ 1 ment of the same by mortgage on their lands. The joint resolution was reported to the Senate without amendmellf(. I move that this petition be referred to the Committee on Finance. ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, and was read the third~ The motion was agreed to. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is, Shall the joint resQJ.:q~~ Mr. COCKRELL. I present resolutions of Menke Post, No. 166, tion pass? department of Missouri, Grand Army of the Republic, favoring the Mr. INGALLS. On that question I ask for the yeas and nays, passage of a bill placing the enrolled Missouri mill tia on the same foot­ The yeas and nays were ordered, and the Secretary called the r~oll ing under the pension laws as other volunteer soldiers where they co­ :Mr. SPOONER. lam paired generally with the Senator from · --:) operated under the orders of United States officers. I move the refer­ sissippi [Mr. WALTHALL]. As I was not in the Senate when the ~O ,• · ence of the resolutions to the Committee on Pensions, and hope that call began, I do not know whether there are any negative votes. they will report favorably upon the subject-matter. The VICE-PRESIDENT. There are none. The motion was agreed to. Mr. SPOONER. Then I will vote. I vote "yea." Mr. MITCHELL (after having voted in the affirmative). When my RECOGNITIO~ OF THE UNITED ST.A.TES OF BRAZIL. name was called it escaped me for the moment that I was paired wi~~ Mr. SHERMAN. I am directed by the Committee on Foreign Re­ the Senator from Virginia [Mr. DANIEL]. lations to ask for the immediate consideration of the joint resolution Mr. RANSOM and others. Vote. (.S. R. 54) congratulating the people of the United States of Brazil on Mr. MITCSELL. If his friends on the other side think it proper their adoption of a republican form of government. I will vote ''yea." If not, I will withdraw my vote. I wish to say that the Senate having confirmed an envoy extraordi­ Mr. SHERMAN. Everybody is voting "yea." nary to the Republic of Brazil it is thought that it ought to be accom­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. It is a unanimous vote. panied with this joint resolution in pursuance of precedeniJ. The joint Mr. MITCHELL. Then I shall let my vote stand. resolution is the first clause of the joint resolution introduced by the The result was announced-yeas 45, nay O; as follows: Senator from Alabama [Mr. MORGAN], and that is all that it is thought YEAS-45. is necessary on the occasion. Allen, Evarts. l\Icl\Iillan, Stewart, .Allison, Farwell, l\.icPherson, Stockbridge, Mr. HARRIS. Was the resolution of the Senator from Alabama a Barbour, Faulkner, :1\Ianderson, Teller, joint or a Senate resolution? Berry, Frye, Mitchell, Turpie, Mr. SHERMAN. It was ajointresolution. Blackburn, Gibsen, Morrill, Vance, Call, Hale, Pasco, Vest, Mr. HARRIS. I suggest to the Senator from Ohio that that resolu­ Chandler, Hampton, Pierce, Wilson of Iowa, tion be called up and amended, if the committee chooses to amend it. Colquitt, Harris, Platt, Wilson of Md. It has been pending here for several weeks. Dawes, Higgins, Ransom, Wolcott. Dixon, Hoar, Sawyer, Mr. SHERMAN. The trouble was, as the-Senator will see, thatthat Dolph, Ingalls, Sherman, resolution has not been committed to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ Eustis, Jones of Arkansas, Spooner, tions, and we could not do what he desires exeept by reporting the ABSENT-37. resolution; but we have presented this resolution, embodying the first Aldrich, Coke, Hiscock, Quay, clause of the joint resolution introduced by the Senator from Alabama. Bate, Cullom, Jones of Nevada, Reagan, Beck, Daniel, Kenna, Squire, Mr. HARRIS. His resolution ha.snot been referred? Blair, Davis, Moody, Stanford, The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution is on the Calendar. Blodgett, Edmunds, Morgan, Voorhees, Mr. SHERMAN. It never was referred. It is on the Calendar. I Brown, George, Paddock, Walthall, Butler, Gorman, Payne, "'\Vashburn. take it there will be no objection to the joint resolution I now call up, Cameron, Gray, Pettigrew, because it was unanimously agreed upon by the committee. Casey, Hawley, Plumb, The VICE-PRESIDENT. Is there objection tothe request made by Cockrell, Hearst, Pugh, the Senator from Ohio? So the joint resolution was passed.
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