rotul nbmll TO5ATB to tlie eoapony ot April, to wt tlw filARKIIT tatnetooMtiMiAp^l ® k » f a i l s t t f t m . •oven bnadred uiwl fifty loud itixlQr «ercir"Vi I Md A*- two Vtlirec ( k Alton W« an CteILKY aUata tm OfU^Jm f. IjurilMI HM IrHOOt fOa tea fri ^o«t^ I Judgwieii orer entlii Nothing but Ik* alaaOara shrill Waara T o x a a k a ^ har Arum reeeiviug her; whteh Tlwn|nln iMItL. KTOWK, "w b d m k b d a t JU N K «. 1*6». ueoriy oho JaMtcaat They iiropoop t<» ptedge tl share of thaao IndMattioua awtndm w v& rit r o * CONOKBM. rOUBTH DiaTHItT. able citiaena. I phMce tw* paMwafiKof motel were in- I hw orlveo, ,yillOM A*lI. HTRIBIdNO, WkttNtt^ A.miMMKC. muswraf*oH tualmuiac tiAf i I h r i 'h ^ aaa|»hit bV BKXUt ■an of the North, are working■kina thawthSr al tha Ptem th» till. ■■ieaiiiM eHt' r-----*— ' lb tlw ftwih, tn fitipinia ^ ■at haperitiaMa. Wa ara tlieoi tho oImivo mmo- auw twn wihl tha^’ pTnSwRI * rv jtcA ttr BoTthi mnt' «P «w i day; Mi Mondu* Uoged dn^inm^r «i»ditip!i«d jgiga Loc uuwilliag to. work UwitMl * r J 3 w the aamplriiai agitha «w L ..t » 4Mr Itar^doea Jiai aUr PpMMh, Waan t'.lan uAm I, oad pet ww legri dtp, to poah the work wllh aM pao- af>'. gd r granta an lhaarim oonpottedluoliUo.lhot w ( alM* diapatch. Thay did ant atala Pk «M M « A ro. Ke.i.na) — tlakO tha~ Im " ®S^HIIi^EGE5E5EtBKX32 ~ WalM ont Uwt Mr. cwpleted, bot mW they wowld em­ gladly take wroriibiMr > : W O P * ' af HOMS fcCIhaal Hmekenridgw, wfco wo* one of the ploy aA tto JwBda that could be oat lahda of the Nov ami a Northern paper aaya that Iw- t S S C w iS ^ af naxm ouauittio* oppotBtod to vioit Uto nurod- Thedoaatteo they now ia«s wwtWMo LawHaaa \ a j ! of tho aallvo papntetkui. •A* f«K aT<Mttl|tYi dooat, and oowUlirwitll apllrooil ■»<>»» ask Air, would bo lu'Uau of a f othr t of a tbaol^ one> nnri Twta auiaba in khrir aC.JA)ll wgtewn in reTotUKBrflwnv*"^^uwiriroe- mAde by so , orinereoMtnriafh------ . - ^ tdearii ahteotthohaitMIliy. la tWrlriwmh^ ivnanhmt tion of • rood to tlii* city, b*d ««• ly o f o«r lUlaeaa wouid Iw oan- whloh, the *•!» twieiri »¥«1 VM,. oxoeoted to i«|ipct oelletl, ami tartheraioie, uothiag _____ _____ whriMi n gtete EAtll w l l W f . '' •CM. Ml wtti whoUy riter tho wayteW t h e if c ^ d f Mro .Btoripit^tt iA MMrtMt urnwg ti^ , Hk " - —' .V a|srki» ad tna water nitetnomJBr doubUnl if 0 qnonini woSpriSvc ontn the work U oompleted to T he Bridah Iriands with «a anu wwrv alaa#o yVs *e ’Ta.ir^t »d4fififiio* aCn nwtal naiei»t * a Is mW Wi • / h i. ^ e ity . r of U M ifi sqasre mlho HtMi ore* vovereA Haaothn y * ty g te | w lt e ttetoMu tx It, MiiitntT * awo. teka af Mr. Bfookewridgo outed tbot Mr. Oar cooiwittee uot having wntho- half tim hteo <M Thxaa coatelas a teasr • popatadwi o f Y7,Bua,ritA iiii% 'er tW~li(MBlnmM'l«| fon' rity te make propoaitluaa only to Alter wn tfiap* te tho m hM I* sril, jam **ort«te aok hrmW from Oohrerioo to indianola, ^oou roooivo thoai—were oaly able te oay A nuan, 'll in anki, kBkh an an ^ ■on wont hi tho hktkJteyMtkMy C.lt MttHMTrkghg. ufMitXanNln Milt w i i i tke f f i t I M >»<*«■; to both Mr. Morgan and Mr. IMoe, average, aboot Mn Aiaii In nn honet and a mmutow wIH deatrsf te liate \fkar having wadkmfi law riaya laa 00 welt M MbetA tfii Hm Ifno that thrir propuaaU would ba aub- |M khay arrived te a ran ' rnsm. 14A wonas or vteM]iUlart in a ikay. tSe ********** tCtt HhMMTT * MKV. twtOB ImliaootB oml onr cHp, ' mttted te the Anaoriatioa they re- they afihiod twonly daNaia te ■te- Wk ar o view to findioK oat tlio dlqtaritioii ■Mod. Both these gentliw an ------ la he I imhaited «a •% i•hka,VhaoKpo •ol hsteua Wm* h«9. pM Koieioi mdkw mh kg u»e>»tei of tbo poo|fio» oml la oriiot mrtenti ezpreaaeil tliemaelTe* ilealroaa te The Mai lanathivoanaaent tegard* !|^saetteih C^te. htWHTr k tete tUcx wott oWe ood willing to o o ^ oonrcspoiMl with o w orgaaiaation, Tha. f^^unaitinianar of Agricnitnre in m lm p o rt*^ woftw'bJoU fo of knit tfte With tha ittinpg y n i M l enM vatM : ‘h— -iran wvybMv MH-li tNbI tatenirt to.Waotero Texot ly OB tbia auhtsa*. A th r o i^ iweparatioa of thk adl JKj> HIMilW t »»». a flU l’ ITntll tAe rotor* of eitliisr Mr. Joino* No4 that a iltep has at but I iaivuairod, aalbr |ihitelw| own nr •• piki2M*8Sekt^«d CMrite. or r<donel Bweet, Mr. Biwckenridgo any other hoed erapk n*fWdn-1 » nw ansew h n i mtUMf w d I taken, la the right diaoetiah, wo wayl^ r, M M did not thiok it odoiaoMo to MilMUt oercU ko|to that our dtiieaa will be'dx fieet apalt In good aolk Mi hi » written report; bot gave a dear, Utad* a »» te ar*. It te aonvem' not | ie ^ t thdr iatereot in VO a jyaco ovw) half ill coudiM ami oatlallKtwy Terbol re­ matter te Hag. I^et um ueVer rows saMvioal Air ih* pamav Ite A B smAV i i lihw. port, of what bml p a i ^ botweoo elop, niitfl the whistle of the Iron Icnm hi gtehrring the haanik 1 ^ ,jL numtxi i«'«araNeata». the eommltter and tlie caidtalioU horoa aalutea unr «m « aa he nwkoa oanns m seed win ) ^ t aa a wHh wlteii « M toterrimra. Hoakiag the beans in M water his firaf a|>|iaanuice la our mMhpt tees idaadng will IlfW D f tba^ rharW Morgan waa Mr. Ilegenar amtla a v-eay later- Bat one ar two aibstenaaate Ywmn ate tea ‘ in NowOlteilK'M i'. B . ^ t there eating atetomentof the amount paid M t to grow, thoiy^ halt a bwa. Uk Mgate a* teew kteax awl hwl a « ^atforview with hia^ the fw the trnwapoTtattaa af hdght BMUo augatbe lUa* la aMkhd iMIw •*' ftuin the coaat, t e which we will eat wanai. Tha med wparffcHolroi M lM fO a p r o . that oTlheeamn refer tn a fhton iaanr. iae brihg aolMag legal Immm to take «lfi«,000of the capital ftwaaeat hiaaanlag o f tao •toek of a ^ t o a d frqao Indianola TlUi yelluw fevwr haa appeared at with a roMoater ai I tha idaat ha- to fian AnVmlo, pOT^ng It Tampieo, Vera Ciwa, aad Key Waal. giwo te the M d nnd MMih immediakaly, and fOrthar oOme The coaap tewaa of Tesae ahoald ■kMI* the groaaA im wltli com, is impnrtaat, h teanao | to take fi‘JOO,OW of the bnodo make remly for ila advent. BexH ooM ^, at;iar, t y t is, he wUI aiteka hy eatolna umwoaMarta a f the fu n iA | 4 ^ W randy atonay. PABAteBAPlin. onr Tho harv wm hajM wm bm d that Hit ImmAibA IImnumkI dullftiB oC ihofirMtetha 'Angwi te ciatioa parnad a reaolatioa pledging lusnathrtaiiag atork kave bean anh- thia amakry, whan the pwte h * ^ scribed for a cnttou mill at Cohua the county, w* fimas Bo aiembera to tui* hrowa, and M shnhM ntehe baa, tin., and 71 otbcra. we leai*, Aaan, N te •* te* htewan teem* had the |M>war, to aubacribe hflOd, delay ed tin tha hnaka span and the an in pioeeni o f ereotioa at Savaa- are axpiUrd. Thaonkiteapikiis OW te-aho rspitel otork, af the fiipt aak awl other poiato la tha State ipagytint teteHiNid teOtha amaafhetaiw of aotten a p ig ffO our dl|, Mr. MOfya#! wooleo goods. One fhekory at totetel gfidl,MB«fua gwte has a tspltel of »«W,00a, liMt year tnra«l out aanriy six iia^a at |Mr, would prcAiabiy ramble a tear wllHaai yaida of dalh. Tho aa to raise thelm lf mjUioB of dol he kept dry, aa te Ai>N 'tmn. tel rm A i* Ariaoua O-ottou Phetory, eataMisbed their valar, larw mnrtaal aasoou as the in rialborne Tariah, IioataUna,rinre peitaal. The price varis* aWmey woaW he nsinlred, giving the the war, Is now paying a sat |Wofit ably, aeearding to tho tainaokteisn! ^ . of l!t per eont. uor anaam. Thia in- i«m|iaay thraa qaariordof a millksi a wf iirmiuctiaa, and akaa bwol^team! mm «gwte cuweiareaUatdoa a eapital of fiiMi,- proxUilty te market and atha* earn-1 teshWamuA wnh cn^teh with wWeh te onm- nott, ami with a part ot tha woehi L- ' i**w*te«sntei Bienca, uparation* With thia a. aecT esuoamllw Hsa yaf te work. New BMunt of money H would Is* an easy Orlenns la aooH to have a aottoM arill .tkevtenn matter to oonstrart the road irom with ten thonund sidmlles. Imliaaoia to thta .place. 11 would MAHToh Marhia, aditor and pro -1 Ctetia atanling on tha 1 lUrowlk liukgka rand is nwning onler, al- p r^ er of the is having a | ia boin^eairiad ate kaa l t a ? » r a c i twivate telegraph wire ronstrwctetl. >—■Jtanmf » -v-snya — ________ mbai, tf aot quite, totfnero, and the fWm his office la l*ark Row te his 1 this iwedatary cnMIa wan han paariiPMa onaapdn^whted-thoa eaptetewr no rcsideiiceNice in FiAh Avenue.
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