B ucha n a n R e c o r d . New Fall Stock PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ----- BY—---- I X -E3I- B O W E B . -----OF------ TERM S S I .0 0 PER YEAR PAYA33LS I S ADTANOB, uchanan ecord WALL PAPER. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS DISCONTINUED AT ESTlRATluS. B R ADVERTISING RATES. VOLUME BUCHANAN, BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1897. NUMBER 38. Beautiful patterns and the LESS TUAN ONE YEAR price is low. Few things One week........... ....................... $ .39 per inch One m outh.......... .................................. 90 “ Two months...................................... x 50 “ ^mYW'.Y.VYVVVVm'liVVVVVVYkWAYkY Tjje operator evidently comprehended thing, but I choked the words in his brightens up the home and Three months ................................. 2.10 “ light, which did) not have over it the the full meaning of my dispatch. In­ HUMPHREYS throat, for his arms could not stop me. MICHIGAN 3.IZLAXGE. makes it cheerful as does Six months.............. ......................* 3.40 “ dank green ooze. When I approached deed, anyone who had l’esidcd in Phila­ YEARLY CONTRACTS. * A CLEW BY WIRE My fingers were steel, and closed about N o. 1 Cures Fever. nearer, two cracks running parallel delphia at the time of the robbery, read­ a change in wall paper. Re­ One inch, §6.00 for year of 52 insertions. his windpipe with the grip of a vise. NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST TO OUP. Two inches or,over, §5.00 per inch, lor year of 2 << W o rm s . Or, An Interrupted Current. {^perpendicularly, and about- two feet ing that message, would know its mean­ No. “You scoundrel, I’ve got a double READERS. 52 insertions. « ing. member this and see our new One column, §120’foe year of 52 insertions. No. 3 Infants’ Diseases. apart, became apparent. I ran my hand charge against you, and I’ll take my pay BY HOWARD M. YOST, over the intervening space, and1 found The short term expressing good will, now,” I snarled, between my clenched No. 4 <C D iarrhea. line. jifF lO K —In Record Building .Oak Street g Copyright, i8q6,by J B. Lippincott Co. jg it smooth. A close examination re­ received in answer to my request to tectli. Important Happenings in the State Raring tc No. S N eu ralgia. vealed to me what seemed to be some rush, coming from one I had jirobably He squirmed and struggled, his hands the Past Few I)avs Reported hy Tele­ kind of a wooden door, rudely painted never seen, encouraged me greatly. clutching my wrists, in the vain en­ graph - Matter .Selected for the Rencfit oi No. 9 Cures Headache. SYNOPSIS. fluMiiPNS Directory. ts to represent the surrounding stone Then, too, knowing Mr. Perry’s en­ deavor to teal-loose frem my grasp. Our Own People. No- i o Dyspepsia. CHAPTER I—Nelson Conway, suspected CHRISTIAN CUCRCU. — Sunday services: of a Philadelphia bank robbery, reaches walls. But there was no sign of bolt, ergetic nature, I was confident that Soon one of his arms dropped to his Niles Depot. Mich., Cct. 3.—With th< tc Delayed Periods. Sidington on bis way' to tbe old Nelson Preaching at 10:80 a. m. and T;00 p .m .; JuuiorC. N o. 11 latch or hinge. If this was a door it gentleman would be up and doing im­ side, and he seemed to be nearly over­ exception of a light phinver which pre­ E . at3:iK)p. m .; Sen. 0- E . at6:00 p. m .; S.S. u homestead, gets Jake Hunsicker to drive at 12:00 m Other'services: Cottage prayer meet­ N o. 12 Lcucliorrea. him to his boyhood home and recognizes must close with a spring lock which mediately upon the receipt of my dis­ come, for I fe’ ! bis body grad ually sink­ vailed here Thursday evening for a few ZB iisriisrs, ing Tuesday evening a t":t0 ; Church prayer meet­ in Jake’s -wife Sarah, a servant IS years patch. A man o f his standing would tc before to his grandfather Nelson. was on the other side. But then how ing down. T’ e next instant there was minutes, there has been no rainfall in ing Thursday evening at 7:00: Ladies’ aid every N o. 14 Skin Diseases. KENT TO I’OST- 01 FI CIS, BUC HANAN Wednesday afternoon at 4:..0; Teachers’ meeiing CHAPTER II—A year previous Conway, was it opened ? Dapping upon the wood have no difficulty in procuring a special a cold object thrust against my tcihplc. this section since early in September. N o. 1 5 Cures Rheumatism. aying teller in a Philadelphia savings Friday evening at 7:00-. Pastor’s receiving days— produced a hollow sound. Undoubted­ train, and, allowing the time necessary and an ominous click sounded in mv Tbe drouth is without precedent, and Tuesday and Priday afternoon, 2 to 4. tt M alaria. Sank, was invited to the home of Florence to obtain the officers of the law, in two ____ E .R . Black,JPas tor, U S . Detroit St. N o. 16 Morley to a party. Knowing this would ly there was some kind of apartment ears. Anyone who has had the muzzle not in twenty-five years has it been &*> < c not allow him to return to bank as early behind it. or three hours I could expect Mr, JUTED BRETHREN CHURCH-Rev. J.F. No. 20 Whooping Cough next morning as usual he arranges with of a pistol meaning business thrust extended and damaging. Early in Sep­ U Bartmess, Pastor. Sahbath services: Sab- cc Horace Jackson—a fellow employe—to be What was it used for, and where did Perry’s arrival. into his face will understand my sensa­ No. 27 K id n ey Dlsoas.'.'-. tember corn was dritd up and the pros­ oath School 12 K)0 m.; Preaching 10 :80 a.m.; Young on hand when the clockwork should release it lead to? Was there a passage way I could not repress a smile as I pie- tion. (Hi People's Meeting 6:00 p. m.; Preaching 7:00 p. m. <c Urinary Disease* combination of vault. Returning to bank pects of an excellent ertu were de­ u Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading Thursday even­ No. 30 next morning Conway discovers the cash behind the door leading to the walled- tured to myself the president of the I instantly let go my hold and fell stroyed. In the country districts ev­ 11 ing 7:00. Everybody invited to all tnese services. cc reserve of $400,000 missing. up cellar under my bedroom? This- Safety Security company riding, not back a few steps. So sudden had been No. 77 Colds and C.r!p. CHAPTER III—Conway is accused of erything is dry and dusty and wheat ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCII-Rev. E. W. Sold by Druggists, rr sit* yrey theft, but Mr. Morley, a trustee, proves an was probable, as the door was in the in the ebaeh, bn! on the engine to which the change in Skinner from the de­ that was sowed has been plowed up Shepard, Pastor. Preaehingatl0:30A. M.and7:80 alibi for him, without however removing wall nearest the main building. fensive to the aggressive that for a again. Char~E3 of Extran3 Cruolty c.t receipt of price. 23c., or 3 f..r il. the general suspicion. P. at. Sunday school at la M. Y. P. prayer To add to the discomforts large meetingThnrsday evening. Cottage-prayer meet­ D ll. HrMPIIKSXS’ IJOMEOIUTH?.’ IV—xerry expresses li.s eoa- Some one had gone through the door moment-1 forget about my pistol. When Fort Sheridan, swamps, which abound in Berrien coun­ ing Tuesday evening. Covenant meeting Satur­ op D iseases M a il e d P uee. lidenee in Conway, but says o.,„ .uiiV be on the night of my arrival, and, startled 1 did think of it and got through day before the first Sunday of each month, with must hoid hnn la clouM. uaereup.,., Co:.- ty, caught fire about ten days ago and commnnioa the first Sunday, of the month. Humphreys’ Med. Co.. I l l W illiam C way resigns his position. Mr. Morley also by the pistol shot at my reflection, had fumbling in my pocket, the rascal had MAY RS.'-iL’LT Hi COURT-MARTIAL. Strangers always welcome. believes in Conway s innocence, but be­ allowed it to slam. fled around the side of the house, have since been blazing fiercely. Farm­ cause of public distrust exacts a promise Standing before the place and reason­ ers whose homes have been in danger e t h o d is t ; c h u e c h , Rev. w. w. divine. that friendly relations between Conway whither I followed. He succeeded in from these fires have fought the flames anil Florence Morley be discontinued until The War Department at Washington Or­ Pastor. Sabbath services: Preaching 10:30 J^HROW Y0U&JRUSSAWAY ing’thus to myself, I noticed n small eluding me, however. Even had I dis­ night and day. By plowing trenches a.mM . and 7:00 p m ; Sahbath School 12:00 m .; Conway proves his innocence. ders a.i I l-piiry int > the Ilu irim l Cise Junior League 8:30 p. m .; Epworth League, 0:00 CHAPTER V—Florence shortly after this hole between two stones at about the covered him, I would not have fired. It they checked the flames until they could p .m .: Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:00 p. writes to assure Conn-ay* of her continued height of my chest. Besting one hand Was not my purpose to raise a disturb­ remove their household goods.
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