Weatlier Distribution Mr ud tomorrow. High today, B. Today low bwlgbt, la Mf. High to. 14,050 morrow, M. See page 2. An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership Since 1878 BY laaued D&iiy. Monday through Friday, entered &a Second Class Master T>ArV r>MP CARRIER VOLUME 82, NO. 229 it tht Foit Offlce tt Red Bank. N. J.. under the Act ol March 3. 1S79. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1960 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE 35c PER WEEK Chamber Seeks New Cuban Seizure Big Turnout At Of U.S. Plants Seen Council Session Stern Policy Utility Firm RED BANK — The Community Teacher Chamber of Commerce is urging Postman to Collect With Castro May Be Next its members to turn out in force On Sunday, Holidays for Tuesday night's Borough Killed Council meeting. RUMSON — Starting this Is Mapped Objective In a bulletin to members, the month, letters mailed Sundays chamber says, "The mayor and or holidays will be collected WASHINGTON (AP) —In Crash HAVANA (AP) — Fidel the council at that time should and dispatched the same day. U.S. strategists were re- Castro's regime early today make a decision which undoubt- Postmaster Paul G. Peterson ported ready today to BREWSTER, N. Y. — Dr. replaced its communica- edly will be one of the most im- said the additional collections Angel Franco, 61, head of the member body at the June 20 in Rumson, Sea Bright and Lo- adopt a harder policy of Itions minister in a move portant decisions ever reached cust have received the approv- action against the Fidel apparently signaling fur- in the borough of Red Bank." al of postal authorities In Castro regime. Bank, N. J., High School, and histher harassment and possi- At issue are appointments to Washington. daughter-in-law were killed yes- bly seizure of the Cuban the Redevelopment Agency creat- They have become con- terday in a headon collision on Mail placed in the collection Electric Co., the largest remain- ed last month by an ordinance boxes prior to 3:30 p. m. will vinced that the Unitea States has passed the point of no return in Rt. 121 near this Putnam County adopted by the council. be dispatched immediately and MEMBERS OF THE CREW of the Rolling Stone V, 55-foot, 31-ton ketch, are shown ing American investment In trying to settle disputes with the community. Offered Names delivered in the metropolitan Cuba. at City Island, N. Y., yesterday, after 55-day sailing trip from Lamwdren, Germany, Cuban Premier through normal area the next morning, he said. With a marathon cabinet ses- Mayor George A. Gray had of- via England, Spain, the Madeira Island and Bermuda. Left to right are Robert means. Diplomacy and words, fered five names for the six- "The increased service," he sion still in progress after 13 Beaton, Rumson; Rodger C. Low, Englewood; Skipper Donald Stone, Essex Fells; soft or harsh, have bounced off hours. President Osvaldo Dorti- meeting, but objections to an ur- explained, "is to insure fast him with no effect. meeting, but objecting to an ur- delivery of mail deposited in Philip J. Bowers, Fair Haven, and Dr. Daniel Winters, Rumson. (AP Photo) cos announced the resignation of ban renewal program—which the Rumson post office zone." What precise action the United Communications Minister En- would be carried out by the Kates will take depends on the rique OHuski and his replace- 3 Shore Crewmen ime and circumstance. agency—caused the council to ment by Raul Curbelo Morales, delay action on the appointments. One plan under serious consid- a virtual unknown. Crack Down eration is to cut down on the Most of the objections to ur- Oltuski at a news conference U.S. sugar subsidies which Cas- two weeks ago accused the elec- ban renewal have come from 'RollingStone 'Docks inBronx, tro officials say enslave Cuba, property owners on West Front On Sale Of tric company—which comes un- and use the money to pay claims der his ministry's jurisdiction— St. of Americans whose property has In its bulletin, the chamber of sabotaging the revolution be- been seized by the Castro regime. cause it refused to carry out an said, "Your assistance and your Fireworks Ending Trip From Germany Action Slated expansion program after the Cas- presence at the council meeting MIDDLETOWN — Capt. Ray- House action was scheduled to- tro government cut its rates a ... is desperately needed . , mond T. Walling, head of the NEW YORK (AP) — The 55-deck, hoisted our flag and held Newark real estate man. Low, day on an administration-backed third. But informed sources said in numbers there is strength." detective bureau, announced yes foot ketch "Rolling Stone V" is our breaths. It turned out to be is a contractor and builder. bill which would give the Pres- the regime felt Oltuski had not Certain also to attend the meet- terday, that all stores in the safely moored at City Island, a German banana boat, which Beaton, is an East Orange ident power to slash the Cuban been aggressive enough in his ing will be the West Front St. township have been advised that Bronx, after a 55-day trip from pulled alongside, threw us two insurance adjustor. sugar quota. application of revolutionary poli- group—Mrs. Mildred Moore, Mrs. it is against state law to sell Lamwrden, Germany. large stalks, and departed." Stone said the men, usually Other economic measures also cies. Walter A. Rullman and Lionel any type of firecrackers or fire- Stone, is vice president and desk-bound decided on the trip were under study, such as re Half Interest W. Lancaster. works. The sleek, 31-ton craft tied treasurer of Benzol Products, early this year. voking trade arrangements which Valued at 300 million dollars, Renewal Proposed up yesterday after a trip which He said the warning is part Newark Chemical manufactur- "We feel better than we have give a preference to Cuba. A the electric company is half own- An urban renewal program for of a campaign to crack down included stops at England, drawback here is that cancella- Spain, the Madeira Islands, and ing company. Bowers, 44, Is a in years," Stone said. Dr. Angel Franco ed by the American and Foreign the central buiness district was on the use of fireworks through- tion could hurt U.S. business in- Power Co. recommended early this year by out the township. Bermuda. Five members of the terests. seven-man amateur sailing crew The daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mi- Oltuski's replacement also could Urban Planning Associates, Capt. Walling said the law on Over the longer range, U.S. sported beards. chael Franco, 30, of North Salem be a preliminary to formal con- which made a $5,000 survey of fireworks also includes caps and authorities looked for possible fiscation of tho 125-million-dollar Principal Named, was driving the car, which col- the central area. sparklers. Donald Stone, 49, of Essex action by the 21-nation Organ- Cuban Telephone Co., in which Since the report was made pub- He noted that violations of this Fells, owner and skipper, said ization of American States to lided with a beer truck. the U.S. International Telephone lic, the chamber has urged sup- law are considered misdemean- the weather was perfect all the curb Castro. OAS has power to and Telegraph Co. owns 65 per ors and offenders are subject to way except for a 60-knot gale in take severe steps, such as eco- Dr. Franco, who lived at 685 port for urban renewal. A speak Legality Questioned River Rd., Fair Haven, came to of the stock. But Castro fines. the Bay of Biscay. But Stone nomic sanctions and diplomatic cent ers bureau to outline the plan Red Bank High School four (See CUBAN, Pg. 2) was established and several Capt. Walling has asked resi added: isolation. dents to notify the police if they years ago after teaching nine hundred copies of the plan were "I would think three times be- Bolger May Drop Council Post; But OAS action would require years at Gettysburg College in printed by "Operation Cross- know of any store selling these fore I did it again. From now larger degree of support than items. Pennsylvania. He was an asso- road" of the chamber. on we'll confine ourselves to week U.S. authorities figure would be ciate Professor there. He was theLabor Chiefs There have been few comments end sailing." Board Seeks Ruling On Vote forthcoming from the other Latin author of several books on edu- American countries at this time. in opposition to the "loop road" The navigator of the air-con- cation, including "El Alma de la Hail Mitchell traffic pattern proposed by Ur- HIGHLANDS — The Board of and he is named to the post, he Red Aid Factor Plan New ditioned 31-ton craft, equipped Education selected a new princi- Oracion," which gained him his ban Planning Associates. will discuss with the board the One important factor is the with an engine to backstop its pal last night, only to find out possibility~ of resigning his pos doctorate degree. Fear Apartments length to which the Communists At Dinner ketch rigging, was Philip J. after the session that the ap- on the governing body. Most of the objections from Parking Lot are willing to go to uphold their Dr. Franco came to Red Bank Bowers, 44, of 85 Grange Ave., pointment may not be legal. "If I feel there is a question of Caribbean beachhead. High School in 1956. WASHINGTON (AP) - Organ- the river front property owners Fair Haven.
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