42 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 2, Idaho-Fred T. Dubois and Henry Heitfeld. RECESS. fllinois-Shelby M. Cnllom and William E. Mason. · Mr. FORAKER (at 12 o'clock and 20 minutes p.m.). Mr. Indiana-Albert J. Beveridge and Charles Warren Fairbanks. President, pending a report from the other Honse of the appoint­ Iowa-William B. Allison and Jonathan P. Dolliver. ment of a committee to notify the President in conjunction with Kansas-:roseph R~ Bnrtml and Willimn A. Harris. fthe committee of the'Semttethat-<Jo:ngress is in session -and r-eady Kentucky-;roseph C. S. Blackburn 1mn William J. Deboe. · itorecei:veany,communication he may be pleased to make, I move Louisiana-MUIJ>hy J. Foster and Samuel Douglas McEnery~ that the Senate take a recess for thh'ty .minutes. Maine-William P. Frye ana "Eugene Rale. The motion was agreed to; and at the expiration of 'the recess Maryland-Louis E. McComas and George L. Wellington. (at 1 o'clock and 50 minutes p.m.) the Senate reassembled. Massachusetts-George F. Hoar and Henry Cabot Lodge. Mr. ALLISON. Mr. President, as there is yet no message from Michigan-Jnlins C. Burrows and James McMillan. the "Honse of 'Representatives notifying the Senate of the organi­ Minnesota-Moses E. Clapp and Knute Nelson. zation of that body and the appointment of a committee to wait Mississippi-Anselm J. ¥cLanrin and H. D. Money. upon the ..EJ.·e.sident, I move that a further recess be taken until 2 Missouri-Francis M. Cockre11 and George G. "Vest. oc1ock. · Montana-William A. Clark and Paris Gibson. The motion was agreed te~ and at the -expiration of the recess Nebraska-Charles H. Dietrich and Joseph H. Millard. (at 2 o'clock p.m.) the Senate reassembled. Nevada-William M. Stewart. New Hampshire-Henry E. Burnham and Jacob H. .Gallinger. DEATH OF SENATOR JAMES H. KYLE. New Jersey-John Kean. Mr. GAMBLE. Mr. President, it is my sad duty to formally New York-Thomas C. Platt. announce to the Senate the death of my former colleague, the North Carolina-Jeter C. Pritchard and Furnifold. McL . .Sim- . Hon. JAMES R. Km, who departed this life at his home in Aber- mons. -deen S. Dak., t()n the 1st of July last, after a very brief illness . .N01·th Dakota-Henry C. HansbroughandPorterJ. McCumber. This, perhaps, is not the time to speak of his character and of Ohio-Joseph B. Foraker and Marcus A. Hanna. his services to his State and the nation. On some future occa- Oregon-J"o'hn 'H. "Mitcnen ana Joseph Simon. sion we shall ask that the 01 cfurary business 'Of -the -senate be sus- PennsyZvani~BoiesP:enrose.and..Matthe-w S. Quay. pended in order that appropriate tribute may be paid to his Rhodeislandr--Nelaon WJ Aldrich and George P. Wetmore. memory. In the meantime 1 offer the following resolutions, and South Oarolina-JohnL.:McLanrinandBenjamin R. Tillman. ask for their immediate consideration. South Dakota-Robert J. Gamble and A. B. Kittredge. The PRESIDBNT pro tempore. The Secretary will read the Tennessee-William B . .Bate and Edward W. Carma-ck. resohrtions submitted by"th'6 Senator from South Dakota. Te::vas-Joseph W."Bailey and-charles A. tCnlber£on. The Secretary read th-eresolutioiLS, as follows: 'Utah-Thomas Kearns.· . 'Resowed, That the Senate has llea.rd With pr<Sfonnd sarrow of the death u! Vermont-William P. 'Dillin.gham and "Redfield Prootor. the Hon. J.llms H. KYLE, late a Senator from the State of South Dakota. Virginia-Thomas '8. Martin. Resolved, That the Seoret&ry.communicate a. copy of these .resolutions to ITTT ,.,..,.+ Ad.:~: .. ~ G ' ·m te an~~ Tu the House.of Representatives. ·nas-hi''11"on- u.uruu • .r·os rcan J~rge mer. Resolved, That;asa.fnrther.marJr'Of-respecltothememoryo'ftbedeceased, West Virginia-=Stephen B. Elkins and Nathan B. Scott. the·Senatedo-:new.adjour.n. Wisconsin-.'Tose.P"h V. Quarles"'&nd .'fohn .C. Spooner. The resolutions were considered by unanimous consent and WyO'ming-Clarence D. ()lar'k1md Franeis E. Warren. unanimously agreed to; and (at '2 o'clock and 4 minutes p.m.) .NOTIFIC..A.TION TO :THE .HOUSE. the 'Senate .adja:nmed .nn.til to-morrow, Tuesday, .December 3, Mr. CULLOM submitted the following resolution; which w.as 1901, at 12 o'c1ock m. considered by unanimous consent,and.agreed to: Resolved, 'rhatthe Secret&Ty inform the House of .Re:J?resento.tives .tha.t a quorum of the Senate is assemoled, and -that the Senate lS ready to proceed tobusiness. WOTIF!cA.nON-m THEmmENT. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. HALE submitted the followingTesolution; whlcb was con- MONDAY, Dece-mber 2, 1901. 'Bidered by unanim:ollS conBent, .and agreed -to-: ResoZ"Veil, That'S -committee "'COnsisting of two Senators be appointed, to . This-day., in compliance with :the provisioiLS of the Qom;titntian, -Joln.sueb committee '&S may be appointed by-the House of Representatives the members-elect of the House of Representatives of the Fifty­ Ito wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quo- -seventh .Congr-ess assembled in their Hall .and were called to order ' rum of each House is assembled, andtha.t Congress is ready to receive any by Mr. .ALExANDER McDOWELL, the Clerk of the last Honse. communication hema.y be ~leased to make. R '17~,~ N C D D Ch , · f •1... ~ t H Ordered,-Tbat'theeoinmlttee be:appointedhythePresident,proi;empore. The ev. :I:l.J!il."i.ll.Y . OUD.&~, . ., ap.1.amo 'lllle~as ouse, -nn.. PRESIDE'IIo:rm tem inted th mitt Mr -offered the following prayer: .1.ue .1., :L pro · por-e -appo as e com ee · Eternal and everlivine- God our Father, through whose infinite ll.ALE and Mr. 'MORGAN. · .... wisdom, power, and goodness our Republic has been brought HOUR OF liEETING. through all the vicissitudes uf the past in triumph, we bless Thee .ML ALLISON submitted tlle following resolution; which was fo1· its phenomenal growth, its linparalleled prosperity, its infln- ,coiLSidered by unanimous consent, and .agreed to: · enoe -at home and abroad, and for the bright hopes and -promises Resolve~: Tha.t the h<mr .of ·daily :meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock me- for its future. Fire the heart of each citizen throughout our land ti<Iia.n.Jlllru-otherwise ordered. with earnestness and zeal for its -we1fure and for the great prin- .oRDER 'OF BUSINESS. ciples upon wlrich it is founded, and help us to distinguish clearly Mr. McLAURIN of South Carolina. 1 ask unanimous consent between liberty and license, order -and cllaos, government and fur the immediat-e -consideration Df the resolution which .I !Send to anarchy, ''for righteousness ·exalteth a .I¥~otion, but sin is a re­ :the desk proach to any people.'' Let Thy blessing descend in full meas- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from ·South Car~ nre-npon the members ·of the Congress now convened, :and guide olina asks that the .resolution submitted by him shall be received them in their strenuous endeavors to mmct just and equitable at this time. If there is no .objection it will be received. He asks 1aws 'and provide for the maintenance uf our Government. Up­ for the present conSideration of the resOlution. .It will he read to hold and sustain the Speaker of this Honse mbiB arduous duties, the 'Senate for ts infonnation. and 0 God, .o0nr Heavenly Fatner, be gracionsiy near the Eresi- The SecretaTy proceeded to read .the resolution, and read -as fo1- dent of these UEited States, protect him from v.iolent death, and lows: support himin.his endeavors to minister efficiently and ably the 'Joint resOlution a11owing the importation free of J>ayment of duty, customs affairs of state. Protect his .advisers and keep them ever in touch fees,orcbargesof articles.fromforeigncountri~1Uld'thetra.nsfer'Offoreign with him.~ that 'they .may 11ssist~d strengthen him in all good .exln"hlts.' from the Pa.n-Ameri~ Exposition at :Buffalo, for :tJte l!~ df purposes. We meet in faith and hope and confidence, hut .not a.texhibition Charleston, at the S. 0. South Carolina. Interstate and West India.n.liiXpoSl.tion without ""oorrow and regret that several who would have been Raolved by the Senate, etc., 'That all articles whlch shall be imported from with us to-aay have been removed by death to ihat larger life. .foreign countries-- Comfort, we beseech Thee, the stricken families with the hope Mr. HOAR. Mr. President, I think it iB the nniversaLetiquette and blessed IJr.omises of immortality. It is with the deepest .sor­ not to enter upon any business until the President .has been in- row and pathos .that we recall the untimely death of our lamented formed that the two Houses are in -session and his communication . President_, but we thank Thee for the great character that stamped ha-s been received. I hope the Senator from South Caralina will, itself upon t'hose who knew .him, and for his example living and under the usual practice, allow the resolution to lie over. I shall for his sublime faith and trust in the hour of death. Be with object to anyTesolution of-the kind being received. the invalid widow in her loneliness and sorrow, sustain her in the The PRESIDENT pro tempoi:e. Does the Senator .from South remaining years of her life, and bring her .finally in triumph to Carolina withdraw the .resolution.J ' him and to Thee. Mr. McLAURIN of South Carolina. Yes, sir; for the present In the name and spirit of tbe Lora Christ ourSaviour,·we pray.
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