Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look INDEX Comparing Springdale & Rogers ................................................................................................ 2 Execuve Summary ................................................................................................................... 3 SITE OVERVIEW Regional Map ............................................................................................................................. 5 Springdale Prime Si es & Overlay Dis ric .................................................................................. 6 Springdale Prime Si es (Nor h) .................................................................................................. 7 Springdale Prime Si es (Sou h) .................................................................................................. 8 Rogers Si e Aerial Map............................................................................................................... 9 Radii Map , 30.minu e Drive ................................................................................................. 10 Radii Map , 60.minu e Drive ................................................................................................. 11 MARKET ANALYSIS Comparing /igh 0ncome /ouseholds ...................................................................................... 12 Comparing 1o al Spending2 En er ainmen 3Recreaon .......................................................... 13 Comparing 1o al Spending2 4ull Service Res auran s .............................................................. 15 Comparing Adul s Consuming Alcohol a 6ars3Res auran s ................................................... 15 Comparing Corpora e 0nven ory .............................................................................................. 16 1he 7niversi y Revenue 0mpac ............................................................................................... 17 1ra8c Coun Comparison ........................................................................................................ 18 INCENTIVES 9ocal 0ncenves ........................................................................................................................ 19 A 4inal :ord ............................................................................................................................ 20 AECOM Research Appendix ..................................................................................................... 21 1 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look COMPARING SPRINGDALE & ROGERS Source: Page 36 AECOM Research Appendix 2 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A larger, more affluent market, preferred facility orientaon, and a more pro? able business model for 1opgolf can be found in Springdale, Arkansas. 1ha As he key akeaway from research conduc ed by he mulnaonal consulng ?rm AECOM as i rela es o 1opgolfAs ongoing plans o build i s ?rs facili y in Arkansas. As his ProCec 6ook will de ail, Springdale and he consumer marke ha lies wi hin i s 30 and 60.minu e radii provides grea er oppor unies for 1opgolf o pro? han a a proposed locaon in Rogers, Arkansas. 1hree key fac ors suppor his con enon2 • Market Analysis: SpringdaleAs cen ral locaon gives i an overwhelming advan age in proximi y o more high.income homes, more consumer spending comparable o he 1opgolf experience and easier access o he 7niversi y of Arkansas campus. • Facility Direc)on 2 Only in Springdale can 1opgolf posion i s facili y in any compass direcon i chooses. :i h more po enal developmen si es encompassing more acreage, Springdale oDers 1opgolf i s ?rs choice of facili y orien aon and he abili y o miga e los win er sales due o a nor h orien aon. • Local Incen)ves 2 Springdale has bo h he abili y and willingness o use local incenves ha will bene? 1opgolf in millions of dollars. 1his is above and beyond he Arkansas 1ourism Developmen Ac incenves ha Springdale can oDer. MARKET ANAL SIS 7sing a 30 and 60.minu e drive me radii, AECOM compared SpringdaleAs si es wi h he proposed Rogers si e. 1he resul s speak for hemselves. 1here is a higher inven ory of high income households wi hin SpringdaleAs wo drive radii , an indicaon of an increased po enal arge marke . Springdale has 800 more high income families han Rogers a he 30.minu e range and 2,500 more high income homes a an hourAs range. 1his meshes wi h he fac ha more people live closer o he Springdale si es , as many as 35,000 wi hin an hourAs drive , han o he proposed Rogers si e. :i h he same markeng and pene raon levels, a Springdale locaon will draw 10,000. 15,000 more pa rons per year han Rogers. A E55 per person, ha eFua es o be ween E588,700 and E650,125 more incremen al revenue annually. 3 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look EXECUTIVE SUMMAR 0n spending and consumpon habi s, hose living wi hin 30 and 60.minu es of Springdale spend millions of dollars more on recreaon, en er ainmen and full.service res auran s. SpringdaleAs advan age ex ends o alcohol consumpon , where housands more adul s closer o Springdale exhibi a higher propensi y o pa roniGe bars and res auran s similar o hose oDered a golf and en er ainmen venues. SpringdaleAs drive radii also encompasses bo h :almar vendors and he housands of o her ?rms who service maCor employers loca ed in :ashing on Coun y like 1yson 4oods and he 7niversi y of Arkansas. SpringdaleAs Nor hwes Arkansas Na urals minor league baseball eam provides fur her anecdo al evidence of he regionAs corpora e vendorsA decade.long willingness o suppor a spor s en er ainmen venue so cen rally loca ed. And, SpringdaleAs closer proximi y o he 27,500 s uden s of he 7niversi y of Arkansas proCec s as much as a E310,000 annual revenue advan age for 1opgolf and i s aHracon o he 18.25 age group. FACILIT DIRECTION Pick a direcon on he compass. :ha ever facili y orien aon 1opgolf chooses, SpringdaleAs si es can accommoda e i . 7nlike he nor h.facing proposed Rogers si e, Springdale oDers a mul ude of highly visible and accessible si es ha give 1opgolf he facili y orien aon opons i prefers. 4rom November 2017 hrough 4ebruary 2018, Nor hwes Arkansas experienced a mon h of dayme empera ures in he 50As or below wi h nor h wind. Eliminang a mon h of less. han. desirable wind chill in pa ronsA faces is ano her Springdale bene? ha addresses 1opgolfAs boHom line. LOCAL INCENTIVES Springdale s ands ready o explore how we can help ge your business. As addressed in he cover leHer by Mayor Doug Sprouse, he Ci y of Springdale has he wherewi hal o provide local incenves wor h millions o 1opgolfAs boHom line. As his ProCec 6ook will clearly show, i is in he bes in eres s of 1opgolf o reconsider i s Nor hwes Arkansas plans and ake advan age of all Springdale has o oDer. 5 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look SITE OVERVIEW + REGIONAL MAP Springdale is more centrally located wit.in Nort.west Arkansas and its sites are closer to: - More Hig. Income 0omes $ Popula)on - More Entertainment $ Recrea)on Spending - More Full-Service Restaurant Spending - More Alco.ol Consump)on - More Corporate vendors - More University students Scale 2 mi 5 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look SITE OVERVIEW + SPRINGDALE PRIME SITES $ OVERLA DISTRICT Prime Poten)al Sites 3red do4ed outline5: :e have designa ed properes wi h 0n ers a e 59 visibili y as Prime Poten)al Sites . Al hough no formal conversaon has been held wi h hese landowners abou po enal developmen , Springdale is ready o engage wi h hem, knowing hese owners have an in eres in 1opgolf developmen discussions. 6 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look SITE OVERVIEW + SPRINGDALE PRIME SITES 3Nort.5 SpringdaleAs nor hern Prime Poten)al Sites are loca ed immedia ely sou h of 7.S. 512 and nor h of Arkansas ChildrenAs Nor hwes , all comparable o he proposed Rogers si e from an 0.59 visibili y and accessibili y perspecve. Mul)ple Topgolf direc)onal orienta)ons are available on mul)ple sites. Al hough no formal conversaon has been held wi h hese landowners abou po enal developmen , Springdale is ready o engage wi h hem, knowing hese owners have an in eres in 1opgolf developmen discussions. 7 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look SITE OVERVIEW + SPRINGDALE PRIME SITES 3Sout.5 SpringdaleAs sou hern Prime Poten)al Sites, also wi h comparable 0n ers a e 59 visibili y and accessibili y o he proposed Rogers si e, are loca ed nor h of Exi 70, sou h of Arkansas ChildrenAs Nor hwes and eas of Arves 6allpark. Mul)ple Topgolf direc)onal orienta)ons are available on mul)ple sites. Al hough no formal conversaon has been held wi h hese landowners abou po enal developmen , Springdale is ready o engage wi h hem, knowing hese owners have an in eres in 1opgolf developmen discussions. 8 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look SITE OVERVIEW + ROGERS SITE AERIAL MAP 1he proposed Rogers si e has comparable 0n ers a e 59 visibili y and accessibili y o SpringdaleAs Prime Po enal Si es. W.en compared to Springdale9s sites, t.e Rogers site is limited in several ways: • Small, 11.acre si e • Single nor h.facing layou • Reduced win er play due o his orical nor h wind chill • 31,000 fewer vehicle ra8c coun 9 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look RADII MAP + 30-MINUTE DRIVE Wit. 800 more 0ig. Income 0ouse.olds wi hin a 30.minu e drive of SpringdaleAs si es han wi hin a half.hour of he proposed Rogers si e, here is a grea er po enal arge marke in Springdale. No e ha SpringdaleAs 30.minu e radius includes all maCor 6en on Coun y cies. ROGERS 30-MINUTE DRIVE TIME SPRINGDALE 30-MINUTE DRIVE TIME 10 Springdale, Arkansas: A Second Look
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