E1012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 2, 2004 contributions to our Nation. The American man or woman—from the fighter pilots and fire enabled his men to occupy defensible Lung Association was founded in 1904 for the gunners to the mechanics, quartermasters, terrain in front of the enemy trench line. By purpose of eliminating tuberculosis. As they and the cooks—each and every one is a hero. this time, his element had been reduced to himself and one rifleman. Using one remain- neared that goal in the middle of the century, f ing radio and company mortars, the platoon they also turned their attention to research, FALLEN HEROES leader and Sergeant Anglim devised a plan to education, and advocacy against other lung suppress enemy mortars directly to their ailments, including lung disease and asthma, SPEECH OF front. While under constant enemy fire, Ser- and their environmental triggers. Each year, geant Anglim was able to provide directions more than 360,000 Americans die of lung dis- HON. BART STUPAK for the adjustment of company mortars, ease. Responsible for one in every seven OF MICHIGAN forcing the enemy to displace twice. While directing fire on their third location, he was deaths, lung disease is the third highest cause IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES killed instantly by enemy small arms fire. of death in America. While the death rates for Thursday, May 20, 2004 His heroic actions enabled other units to ma- diseases such as heart disease and cancer neuver to engage the enemy and block their are beginning to decrease, the lung disease Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Speaker, as we return from observing Memorial Day in our districts, escape. Sergeant Anghm’s exemplary cour- death rate is climbing. The American Lung As- age was in keeping with the finest traditions sociation is needed now more than ever, and I rise to pay a tribute to a man who made the of military service and reflects great credit I am confident that they will continue to fight ultimate sacrifice for his country during the upon himself, his unit, and the United States to end asthma and other respiratory ailments. Vietnam War. This weekend, I had the honor Army. I would like to thank their excellent staff and of presenting Staff Sergeant Adrian J. Mr. Speaker, I also want to mention Ser- countless volunteers who work around the Anglim’s family with the two Bronze Stars he geant Anglim’s family. After his tragic death, clock to bring attention to these diseases and earned during his service in the United States Sergeant Anglim’s wife Marilyn raised their educate our communities. I am honored to Army, but never received until last year. His three children on her own, which is no small have worked with this association during the story serves as a shining example of coura- feat. Today, their twins Van and Ann are 46. past ten years in Congress, and I would like geous service to his country. Van is an employee of the Defense Depart- to once again congratulate the American Lung Adrian Anglim was born on January 9th, ment working on missile systems. Ann is Association on 100 years of advocacy. 1934 in Ironwood, Michigan. After attending working as the facilities manager for the Ann St. Ambrose High School in Ironwood and f Arbor Public Schools in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Northern Michigan University in Marquette, he Their son Paul is 42 and a Lieutenant with the FALLEN HEROES joined the Michigan National Guard. He was Wyoming, Michigan Police Department. serving as a Junior ROTC instructor for Bes- As Adrian Anglim’s children grew up and SPEECH OF semer High School when he was called up to tried to learn more about the father they never HON. DAN BURTON active duty and assigned to Fort Riley, Kansas really knew, they talked to James Holland, where he joined the First Infantry Division. OF INDIANA who was their father’s platoon leader in Viet- Staff Sergeant Anglim arrived in Vietnam in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nam. They were able to learn what had hap- April 1966 and served with distinction as a pened to their father from someone who was Thursday, May 20, 2004 member of the First Infantry. His courage and there, and who benefited from his heroism. Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I rise leadership in combat earned him two bronze When Mr. Holland realized that Sergeant today to offer some reflections on this past stars which, thanks to the efforts of his platoon Anglim’s family had never received the addi- Memorial Day. Every year, we as a Nation leader, his family has finally received. tional medals that he had earned, he took take time at the end of May to remember To illustrate the debt that our country owes steps to see that those recommendations those men and women who have given the ul- Adrian Anglim, I would like to read two pas- reached the Army and that Sergeant Anglim timate sacrifice—their lives—to protect and de- sages from the citations for his bronze stars. was finally recognized for his bravery in battle. fend our great country. The first describes then Staff Sergeant I had the honor of presenting those medals to For many, Memorial Day Weekend has be- Anglim’s performance throughout his combat Marilyn Anglim and her children in a ceremony come the traditional start of the summer sea- service. It reads: at the American Legion Post #71 in Glad- son. Parades and celebrations are held across For meritorious achievement in connec- stone, Michigan this past weekend. the country, and many families take their first tion with ground operations against a hostile Mr. Speaker, Adrian Anglim served his trip of summer to the beach, or hold a big force in the Republic of Vietnam during the country bravely and deserves our deepest backyard barbeque, or go swimming at the period 28 April 1966 to 25 August 1966. gratitude for his service and his ultimate sac- Through his untiring efforts and professional newly reopened community pool. In Indianap- rifice. I ask that the House join me in honoring ability, Staff Sergeant Anglim consistently this fallen American soldier. olis, we spend the holiday weekend hosting obtained outstanding results. He was quick this country’s greatest auto race—the Indy to grasp the implications of new problems f 500—where we revel in the thrill of speed and with which he was faced as a result of the FALLEN HEROES marvel at the latest advancements in auto- ever changing situations inherent in a motive design and engine development. The counterinsurgency operation and to find SPEECH OF Indy Car fans and the Indy Car family of rac- ways and means to solve those problems. The ers have shown themselves to be among the energetic application of his extensive knowl- HON. WILLIAM M. THOMAS edge has materially contributed to the ef- OF CALIFORNIA most patriotic of Americans, and I’m proud to forts of the United States Mission to the Re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES celebrate Memorial Day weekend with such a public of Vietnam to assist that country in tremendous group of people year after year. ridding itself of the communist threat to its Thursday, May 20, 2004 Yet, I fear that in the rush to enjoy the fruits freedom. Staff Sergeant Anglim’s initiative, Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of summer, we all too often forget that we are zeal, sound judgment, and devotion to duty remember the brave men and women who only able to hold these celebrations, and enjoy have been in the highest tradition of the lives have been lost in the War on Terror. I the freedom to travel where we want when we United States Army. am privileged to represent several military in- want, because of generations of men and The second citation accompanied Sergeant stallations, including Edwards Air Force Base, women who put their lives on the line to pro- Anglim’s Bronze Star with a ‘‘V’’ device, signi- China Lake Naval Air Warfare Center, Weap- tect and preserve our freedoms. fying valor. This medal was awarded for ons Division, Camp San Luis Obispo and As our young men and women risk their Anglim’s heroism the day that he gave his life Camp Roberts. Thousands of active duty mili- lives in a global War on Terror, and continue for his country. It reads: tary, Reservists, National and California to fight for peace and stability for those who For heroism on 25 August 1966 in the Re- Guardsmen and women and civilian defense spent years living under tyranny and oppres- public of Vietnam while participating in an contractors serve our country at these installa- sion in Afghanistan and Iraq, I would hope that operation in Binh Duong Province when tions every day. Four young men from the each of us will pause to remember the true called to assist a Long Range Reconnais- 22nd Congressional District of California, that sance Patrol heavily engaged with the Viet meaning of Memorial Day, then give thanks, Cong Phu Loi Battalion. As his company ap- I represent, have given the ultimate sacrifice and perhaps pray, for those who have willingly proached the enemy camp it encountered in- for their country, and I would like to honor put themselves in harm’s way to keep us free. tense enemy fire. At great personal risk, he them today. Each one—from the most decorated General moved among the platoon to establish a de- Army Private First Class Michelangelo Mora and Admiral to the lowest ranking enlisted fensive position.
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