ION CYCLOTRON RESONANCE HEATING ON TEXTOR R. KOCH,* P. DUMORTIER, F. DURODIÉ, S. HUYGEN, A. LYSSOIVAN, A. M. MESSIAEN, P. E. VANDENPLAS, G. VAN WASSENHOVE, M. VERVIER, and R. R. WEYNANTS Laboratory for Plasma Physics, Ecole Royale Militaire - Koninklijke Militaire School Association EURATOM-Belgian State, Trilateral Euregio Cluster, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Received April 29, 2004 Accepted for Publication September 11, 2004 only at a specific major radius Rr where the angular fre- quency of the applied wave v exactly equals the local The original work done on TEXTOR on ion cyclotron cyclotron frequency resonance heating of the plasma is reviewed. After a brief ϭ R . introduction outlining the principles, the radio-frequency v vci ~ r ! (rf) system is described, with its substantial evolution This locus is a vertical line in the plasma cross sec- during time. Then, the different physics results are re- tion called the cyclotron layer. An example is shown in viewed. Ion cyclotron heating has been performed in a Fig. 1, where the axis of the machine is on the left. The large number of scenarios and under a wide range of magnetic field is higher on the left side of the cross sec- conditions. Aside from the various minority or mode- tion @called the high-field side ~HFS!# than on the right conversion scenarios, the interaction with beam ions and side @called the low-field side ~LFS!# . Two cyclotron the possibility of controlling fast-ion diffusion with rf layers are shown in Fig. 1. The vertical line on the right have been deeply investigated. Both the interaction with is the hydrogen cyclotron layer ~ f ϭfcH, where f ϭv02p the wall or edge plasma and the impact on improved core is the frequency!. That on the left is the six-time ionized confinement were studied in detail. Pioneering work was oxygen ~or O6ϩ! cyclotron layer. The wave that propa- done to demonstrate efficient heating with unshielded gates across the plasma in the ion cyclotron frequency antennas and plasma production in a tokamak by rf alone range ~ICRF! is called the fast wave ~FW! and is eva- for plasma startup assistance or wall conditioning. nescent in the low-density and vacuum region surround- ing the plasma ~where the antenna is located!. Therefore, KEYWORDS: tokamak, ion-cyclotron heating, radio-frequency the distance between the antenna and the outer cutoff, system where the FW starts propagating, is an important param- eter that has an impact on the coupling capability of the antenna, i.e., the amount of power coupled to the plasma at a given antenna voltage. Unfortunately, as it approaches the cyclotron layer, I. THE HEATING OF PLASMAS IN THE ION the FW gets more and more right-hand circularly polar- CYCLOTRON FREQUENCY RANGE ized ~a component that rotates opposite to the ions!. The ratio of the left-polarized ~EL! to the right-polarized ~ER! components is given,1–3 as the wave approaches the res- The principle of ion cyclotron resonance heating onance layer, by ~ICRH! is to launch in the plasma a wave in which the E v Ϫ v electric field is rotating at exactly the same angular fre- L Ϸ ci quency as that of the ions of the plasma, which gyrate . ER v ϩ vci around magnetic field lines at the cyclotron frequency vci ϭ Zi eB0mi. Here, Zi, Zi e, and mi are, respectively, This means that at the resonance, the electric field rotates the atomic number, electric charge, and mass of the ions in the direction opposite to the cyclotron rotation of ions, of species i, and B is the magnetic induction. As the and therefore, the wave cannot resonate with their mo- magnetic field in a tokamak varies inversely with major tion and heat them. To cope with this situation, a widely radius R, vci varies with radius, and the resonance occurs used heating scheme is minority heating. For example, if one wishes to heat deuterium plasma, one can introduce a small minority of hydrogen into the deuterium and heat *E-mail: [email protected] it at its cyclotron angular frequency v ϭ vcH ϭ 2vcD. FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY VOL. 47 FEB. 2005 97 Koch et al. ION CYCLOTRON RESONANCE HEATING ON TEXTOR of the ~ f ϭ fcH ! cyclotron layer. On the contrary, waves launched from the HFS ~rays coming from the left in Fig. 1!, rather than being reflected, will be mode con- verted when they reach the confluent zone. This means that from the originally long-wavelength electromag- netic type of waves they were as the FW, they will be transformed into short-wavelength electrostatic waves. Depending on the path of the ray, the converted wave will be either an ion Bernstein wave ~rays closer to the equatorial plane in Fig. 1!, propagating backward to the HFS, or an ion cyclotron wave ~top and bottom rays to the left of the confluence layer in Fig. 1! that will tend to continue propagating toward the f ϭ fcH cyclotron layer. Most of the energy of these short-wavelength modes will be damped on electrons by Landau damping. A heating scenario where most of the waves are converted to short- wavelength modes is called a mode-conversion scenario and, in TEXTOR, corresponds to dominant electron heat- ing. The mode-conversion process has been analyzed in detail by Perkins.5 Fig. 1. Cross section of TEXTOR showing the liner, the posi- tion of the antenna’s central conductors ~also called “straps”!, the outer cutoff of the fast wave ~circular II. THE TEXTOR ION CYCLOTRON HEATING SYSTEM dashed line!, the confluent layer between the resonance ~left dashed line!and cut-off ~right dashed line!, and wave rays ~solid lines!.4 The TEXTOR ion cyclotron frequency heating sys- tem was put into operation in 1984. It consists of two independent power lines, initially designed6,7 to generate and launch in the machine 1.5 MW of radio-frequency As the polarization is determined by the majority ~rf! power each, during 3 s in the frequency range 25 to species ~D!, 29 MHz. Each power 1ine included a l04 stainless steel half-turn antenna of the shielded strip-line type ~Fig. 2! Ϫ Ϫ EL v vcD 2vcD vcD 1 placed along the machine’s liner. The central conductor Ϸ ϭ ϭ . E v ϩ v 2v ϩ v 3 could be replaced by a twice-narrower conductor. Each R cD cD cD antenna is coupled to the pressurized transmission line There is now a substantial fraction of the electric field rotating with the good polarization. Another possibility is to heat at harmonics. For ex- ample, one can heat a pure D plasma at the second har- monic v ϭ 2vcD with the same polarization as above, or at the third harmonic v ϭ 3vcD with EL 3vcD Ϫ vcD 1 Ϸ ϭ . ER 3vcD ϩ vcD 2 When working with a mixture of gases, for example, majority D with some amount of H @a mixture denoted D-~H!# , the FW usually does not propagate throughout the plasma, except for a very small concentration of the minority. Instead, the plasma cross section is separated into two propagating zones by the confluence layer ~Fig. 1!. On the LFS of this layer ~right dashed line in Fig. 1!, the wave is evanescent, which means that waves Fig. 2. Perspective view of the first ICRH antennas: 1 ϭ cen- launched from its right will be reflected by this layer and tral conductor, 2 ϭ electrostatic screen, 3 ϭ guard lim- bounce inside a kind of immaterial cavity, delimited by iter, 4 ϭ support flange, 5 ϭ coaxial line, 6 ϭ line and the confluence layer cutoff and the outer cutoff, and will antenna support, 7 ϭ short-circuit, and 8 ϭ TEXTOR transfer resonantly their energy to ions at each crossing liner. 98 FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY VOL. 47 FEB. 2005 Koch et al. ION CYCLOTRON RESONANCE HEATING ON TEXTOR by means of an interface including a vacuum coaxial III. EARLY EXPERIMENTS AND MODE-CONVERSION line; a ceramic feedthrough; and a fixed stub, which per- PHYSICS forms a first impedance matching. At the beginning of 1987, a new phase in the TEX- The first antenna system installed on TEXTOR is TOR program was initiated with the installation of the shown in Fig. 2. It consisted of two half-turn antennas, Advanced Limiter Test II ~ALT-II! pumped toroidal belt one at the top half of the poloidal cross section and the limiter followed in the spring of 1988 by the installation other at the bottom. The central conductor that carries the of neutral beam heating at a level of 2.6 MW. The ICRH rf current is visible on the cutaway. The current flows in system was also upgraded in 1987–1988. The modifica- the poloidal direction and has approximately a quarter- tion of the ICRH system involved three steps: wavelength ~l04! cosine shape with the maximum at the short circuit ~HFS! and the zero in the vicinity of the 1. In 1987 four new movable antennas replaced the feeding point ~connection to the coaxial feeder!. A Far- two previously installed ones. Contrary to the previous aday shield ~FS! that polarizes the electric field in the antennas that were launching power predominantly from direction perpendicular to the total magnetic field pro- the HFS ~Sec. III!, the new antennas launch power from tects the strap. In the antenna cross section, the main rf the LFS, leading to substantially different physics sce- magnetic field component is toroidal. The Poynting vec- narios ~Sec. IV and subsequent sections!.
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