'«•- Page 18 CRANFORD <ls!.j:> CHRONICLE Thursday. November 4. 1982 Garwood teachers Kenilworth PBA get 19% hike over celebrates... zone- two years... Willow vote delayed... hofne safe again... video game fee pancake day.. .page 17 hike... page 18 S UG'HOO Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 25 CENTS VOL. 90 No. 45 Published Every Thursday November 11,1982 Serving 'Cranford^ Kvnilworih and-(nirivttod Whether yOu'reeritcrtaining the boss, having the gang in for a party or feeding ! Our Stone Crab Claws are.a rare find — even for us. TheyVe the Cocktail variety, the family and friends for dinner, this is the week to treat them all to one of the from Florida, and they are sweet, lender and succule'nj. And our Bay Scallops are ; greatest^!" taste combinations. ' ' .••'*. equally hard to come by. since they are from the sweetest waters of Long Island, and .-In Brief Its name is "Surf n' Turf.' And, while strictly speaking it is usually broiled steak fresh as fresh can be. _ ....,.-' and lobster, we think you can expand the definition" and explore the possibilities of all So thijik about having an untraditiorjal "Surf V Turf" dinner. sorts of great s£_ioo_ to go along with our great steaks. Ur make a tondue with clarified butter and cook chunks of steak, along with your - •//.; ^ Oursteaks are strictly USDA Choice and trimmed to give you the best of the bargain. scallops, shrimp, lobster meat, crab meat and more. •>> Our lobsters and our crab me-at are from Maine and our mussels are from.the finest of Whatever dish you plan, you'll know.you have the freshest seafood and the best meat Maine's seafood farms. ' if you come see the people who love good food like nobody's business. And that's us. THE. The Batcher's Corner the Seafood Comer The Farmers Corner The Grocer\ Corner The Dairy Corner of fall deluge n -• USDA Choice Seedless Grupefruit Lame 36 size Breakstone 4- Fresh Florida Indian River White or Red . '. 4/»l.00 White Rose Sour Cream — pint 99' r~ in'oil Sir loir, Steak - Juicy Florida Tangerines 8/*l.00 King Sour Dressing The latest leaf fall in two decades built since 1975 to filter pollutants out of 99 Stone Crab Solid White or water came in a deluge and prompted the big- the car's exhaus.t is so hot that it can with Tenderloin Ib. $fl Red Macintosh Apples Non Butterfat ____ _pint 79' : 99 gest raking'weekend here in recent easily ignite leaves below, he said. Cocktail Claws ib. Large Crisp. J.uicv - Ib.._49< 6V.O2. Friendship Cottage Cheese . USDA ChoiceJPorterhouse or Tuna 99* memory. All Varieties _-oz. 59' Brown reported that only two minor Fresh Lon_ Island . White Rose: T Bone Steak IK >2.6<> S Excellent for Juice V Bay Scallops _ : Ib. 5.99 An estimated 45,000 to 50,000 cubic leaf fires occurred over the weekend but USDA Choice: Apple Juice. 64 oz. b.l. *I.-19 yards of leaves fell starting last Thurs- there were seven more on Monday and Fresh Maine Cultured Mussels Ib. 59* $ Chuck Steaks First Cut _ ih." *I.2*> Florida Oranges Honey —:— _ I6o/..jar l.l9 Breyers Yogurt day. Gregory Sgroi, who made the Tuesday. A Volkswagen belonging to Crah'meat X oz. *3.99 Chuck Steaks Center Cuts _ Ih. '•1.49 FlFull l of vitamiii n "C""C"" Bleach _. gallon 69' estimate, said that the late drop J.J. O'Neill of Roselle burned up at Imported Pink Shrimp ChUck R<>ast Semi-Boneless lb>1.69 100 size 10 in a bag Tall Kitchen Bags __ pkg. of 30 *1.89 represented as much as 85 percent of the Raritan and Mohican yesterday but the -cause-was-mechanicalr-notJeaves.—-— 50-_Le_ —So__~A^snrtc_-1-lav()is _ 2 Itr. htl. 79*~ toUtl-foHage-in-town; Boneless Chuck $ . Red T*omegranate Hxira Large Varieties Live Maine Lobsters. ._ Ib. 4.99 Encouraged by the good weather, for Stew or Pot Roust'_J __ Ib, *!.79 (Chinese Apples) "each 69''. Del Monte: - - - i ' Axelrod : While firemen worried about dry ; Sign says it: GHS field rakers transferred most' of'the leaves, DPW workers found it easier to (.round.Beef. Fut Content Large Mellow Western Yellow Cling Peaches Plain Yogurt' qt. 99' hockey team tr'ium phed.over deciduous deluge to windrows in local, collect and "break them down" in that not to Exceed 27'< ________ Ib. tiattlett Pears:: Ib. 59' _• Sliced or Halves ,___— 16 oz. can 59<_ * I .-.<>?.... 'The Freezer Corner Sealtest£ottage Cheese; JJ nion :and Js proceedi.n'g-ih streets, where the Department of Public- state. Plume I)e Veau Veal: Large Florida Avocados each ,69' . Green Beans Cut or Frencli ' ' state' cprnpetitionv.-PbQto_at;| -Works_started—tackling it by_.rake, Breast witir Pocket ____Z_Z7lb~ Crisp-Crunchy King's Ruby-Red ""Regular or NoSair_rr6(izTcan_/89r Saturday's game by Jon vacuum and cartage-Monday morning.- The DPW has for purposes of leaf cleanup divided the township into six Rump Bone-In Seedless Grapes • Ib. 99' Temp Tee Whipped Delano. Linda Kunst of the Engineering 5-7 Ib. sizes _________ Minute Maid Del Monte sections to be handled by one crew each. Ib. *2.39 Ocean Spray Regular or Department reported Monday that Shoulder Chops Blade Cut Ib. *2.59 They deposit the collections at the Orange Juice Fresh Cranberries. 12 oz. bag 79' Tomato No Salt Cream Cheese 8 99* "everybody's raked out," a reference to centei^wBere, broken up for composting the citizenry's weekend labors. Boneless Stew ' Ib *2.99 Regular or with Extra Large . A tribute purposes, theHownship total is expected Fresh Whole Pork Loin X oz. can New Kraft Individual 12 oz. Hawaiian Papaya _ each*l.29 Sauce 4/89* J Some three dozen rakers called the to drop to about 9,000 cubic yards. More Pulp Wrapped Velveeta Slices Ib. 2.19 Custom-Cut to Your Speeifiuarinns— . The Township Committee passed department early in the week to request College Inn a resolution recognizing Farris 8-12 Ib. sizes Ib. H.79 Minute Maid Casino Natural Cheese immediate pickup. Sgroi said the DPW That works out to about one crushed Fresh Crisp California Chicken Broth 13.75 oz. can 3/*l Swackhamer, who died last week, 1 Grapefruit Juice _ I2O/..79* Monterey Jack with — is giving first priority to arterial roads cubic yard per- household. A cubic yard Fresh. Perdue Cornish Hens _ Ib. 99' Hawaiian Punch Red _ 46 oz. can 69' for his "countless contributions to is a yard high, a yard wide and a yard Seneca Apple Juice I6oz. *1.1.9 Iceberg Pepper. Caraway. and that it will take two or more weeks" "Frozen Beef Liver Ocean Spray Paper Bottle 3 pk: S the community." It said that deep. Birds Eye Vegetables or Muenster 1_ 8 oz. 1.39 Swackhamer, who once served on for crews to cover all streets in the first Peeled and Devdned ________ Ib. 69*' LettUCe Lame head 69* All Flavors' 25.5 oz. pkg. 99' comprehensive townwide sweep. H§ an- Dorman Natural Jhe governing body, was "one of Normally the DPW makes two com- Hormel. Boneless Cure 81 in Cheese Sauce Broccoli or ticipates that the large one-time defolia- -Imported-frotn Belgium:—_——: —-Nabisco-W heats worth— Cranford's most beloved, unselfishly plete passes through all six sections. —Cau I iflTTttw— -• ~~Tn7y~q<K~ $ tion and raking^will result in most leaves Fresh Tender Endive Ib. *1.99 Crackers 11 oz; pk'iz". 1.09 Promise Margarine giving and devoted citizens." Ed Sgroi said the deluge will result in one Swift Premium: • *•• . »• Swanson Chicken Dinners Robinson called him "a good and being collected in that sweep. Some Fresh Green Beans ' Ib. 59' Keebler Made with full pass and a "cleanup sweep" in early All Meat or Beef Franks _lb-*1.49 White Portions or gentle man." Sandy Weeks said she leaves were picked up earlier. December. After making an inspection S 1 All Green Fresh California . • Cinnamon Crisp . 14 oz. pkg. *1.19 Smoked Sliced Bacon _Jb. L99 • Dark Meat ._,, 11 /, oz. *i.l9 Sunflower Oil Ib. qtrs. $9< was happy to have.served on the yesterday with Bob Maiberger, DPW Broccoli Large Bunch 89' Thomas' English Muffins Fleischmanns Soft Margarine library board with him. Doug Nord- Another two dozen residents who. Brown & Serve Sausage Cohen's Kosher didn't want to wait for curbside pickup superintendent, he said "some people S Twin Pack _____ 24 oz. *1.69 strom said "we'll miss him." Dick All Varieties 8 oz. Cocktail Franks ' . 5 oz. 1.79 Fresh Brussel Sprouts. 10oz. cup69' Sweet or Salt. two 8 oz. tubs *1.19 were upset when they took their leaves always rake after we've gone by. We're pkg. *1.29 Salway said "he left his mark on the asking people to rake them out. There's Golden Blintzes Cheese. Blueberry. Fresh Green: Cabbage. Ib. 19' Solo Liquid to the Conservation Center Sunday and Chicken toy^n," §eyera). other comments on a better chance they'll be picked up," he \. .^"•••.-.•.'•.-•WlHj S Detergent : 64 oz. btl. *3.49 f oiind it closed. The center is open only Cordon Bleu 12 oz.pksz. 2.59 or Potato .__, 15 oz. M.39 Sweet, Tenifer California Swackhamer appear on the editorial said. Sunlight Dishwash . 12 oz. btl. 69* weekdays from 10 to 4, excepting Jeno's Cheese Pizza C_rrots^___ 3 one bound bags 89* frage.
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