2B WWW.FREEP.COM THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 2017Detroit Free Press - 08/03/2017 Copy Reduced to 86% from original to fit letter page Page : B002 BUSINESS w Headlines Peacock Room to open 2nd Detroit location AUTOS Ferrari considers opular Detroit women’s a utility vehicle clothing retailer the PPeacock Room is to open a second store in Fisher Ferrari’s chief exec- Building this fall. utive told investors About three times bigger Wednesday that the luxu- than the existing Peacock GEORGEA KOVANIS ry sports car maker will Room — which measures ON STYLE look at building a cross- about 1,100 square feet and is over utility vehicle, but in the Park Shelton in Mid- promised any model it town — the new Fisher Build- ber, she plans to open Yama. produces would be ing store will serve as the Located in the Fisher Build- unique and not compro- retailer’s flagship location. ing, it will specialize in wom- mise the brand’s exclu- In addition to more of the en’s clothing with a modern sivity. vintage-inspired dresses edge. CEO Sergio Mar- (think Hollywood glamour “There’s a backlash against chionne has in the past from the 1920s-1950s) and fun the big box experience,” said colorfully disavowed accessories for which the Lutz, who counts incredible Ferrari entering the Peacock Room has become personal service as some- utility vehicle segment. known, the flagship store also thing that differentiates her During the 90-minute will have a mini bridal bou- stores from chains and also investor call, analysts, tique for nontraditional from online shopping. one after the other, cau- brides looking for a bit of At the same time, Detroit GEORGEA KOVANIS/DETROIT FREE PRESS tioned Marchionne about nostalgia. remains underserved by re- Peacock feathers at the Peacock tarnishing the Ferrari The flagship store is ex- tailers; despite revitalization, Room in the Park Shelton. name. pected to open in October. there still aren’t a lot of Marchionne tried to The Wednesday afternoon places around to buy a dress assuage them. announcement of the new or a T-shirt that doesn’t have “The answer is, it store by owner Rachel Lutz is the word DETROIT blinged probably will happen, in important for three reasons: out across the chest. Ferrari style,” he told ■ Lutz’s Peacock Room — ■ It’s a signal that more de- analysts. “Ferrari has which carries an incredible velopment may be creeping been known historically array of sizes, from 00 to 26 north from Downtown and to be able to redefine and — is a favorite with women Midtown to the New Center define segments of the not just in Detroit but neighborhood. auto space. “ throughout the metro area. So Apartment developments The utility vehicle this is good news for shop- are under construction in segment “is too big and pers. New Center. The Fisher and it’s too inviting,” the CEO ■ It comes at a time when Albert Kahn buildings are said. many big box and national being renovated. The Detroit retailers — think Sears, Ma- Pistons practice facility is set Updated software cy’s, J Crew, Payless — are to be built. Lutz is making a for German diesels struggling. smart move, getting her busi- German automakers Lutz opened the Peacock ness in place as the neigh- committed Wednesday to Room in 2011. In 2014, she borhood starts to become fitting more than 5 mil- opened Frida, a women’s more popular. lion diesel cars in the clothing store that specializes Can’t wait to see what hap- country with updated in bohemian-style apparel and pens next. software to reduce accessories; it is in the Park To find out more about the GEORGEA KOVANIS/DETROIT FREE PRESS harmful emissions and to Shelton, near the Detroit Peacock Room: facebook GEORGEA KOVANIS/DETROIT FREE PRESS The Peacok Room’s flagship store finance incentives for Institute of Arts. In Septem- .com/peacockroom Rachel Lutz, owner of the Peacock Room, is opening a new store. will open in the Fisher Building. drivers to trade in older models, the transport minister said. RESEARCH: Wednesday’s diesel QUICKEN: summit brought together Interns mixing work and play leading ministers and state governors with FROM PAGE 1B Automatic car bosses from Volkswagen, ume and the largest employer Porsche, Audi, Mer- in downtown Detroit, prides it- braking tested cedes, BMW, Opel and self on deviating from the tra- Ford. ditional corporate workplace. FROM PAGE 1B It came amid worries The company aims for a Sil- tems, or eventually autono- about possible bans on icon Valley atmosphere, with mous vehicles, would tend to driving older diesel cars office spaces featuring nap brake harder than a human in some cities and wider pods, free slushies, arcade- driver, causing a more dra- questions over whether style basketball games, odd art matic effect on unprepared diesel as a technology installations and TVs showing passengers. even has a future. “SpongeBob SquarePants” re- Reed said the research Transport Minister runs. could be used to help design Alexander Dobrindt said The paid internships offer features that automatically the automakers will fit benefits like health insurance, adjust seat belts or send out a about 5.3 million diesel dental care, housing assis- warning sound before the cars with new software, tance and 401(k) retirement brakes are applied or before starting “in the coming savingsCopyright plans (c)2017 that aren’t Detroit tradi-Free Press, Edition 08/03/2017 the vehicle maneuvers to months.” tionallyAugust offered 9, 2017 3:36to pminterns. (GMT +4:00) avoid aPowered crash. by TECNAVIA The VDA auto indus- Quicken would not say how The research project and try group said that ap- much the interns earn. a separate project at the uni- plies to most diesel cars Quicken also hosts a profes- versity’s Michigan Center of types made since sional development month for for Integrative Research in 2009. the interns and free work- Critical Care were an- It said the aim is to shops on skills such as comput- nounced Wednesday as bene- reduce nitrogen oxide er coding and tips for buying a ficiaries of a partnership emissions by 25%-30%, house. with Toyota’s Collaborative and the overall figure On Fridays, the interns can Safety Research Center in includes 2.5 million vehi- choose to volunteer with the lo- Ann Arbor. cles already being refit- cal organization Summer in The Toyota center is ted by Volkswagen. the City, which engages De- RODNEY COLEMAN-ROBINSON/SPECIAL TO THE FREE PRESS spending $35 million to fund The automakers also troit youths in summer camp- Quicken Loans intern Travon Stearns, 19, a sophomore at the University of Michigan, works on owner Dan work at eight North Ameri- agreed to come up with like activities. Gilbert's executive team at the company’s One Campus Martius building in downtown Detroit. can research institutions, in- self-financed incentives Not surprising, the intern- cluding the University of to encourage drivers to ship application process is Quickenloanscareers.com. Stearns was a member of a PowerPoint presentations and Iowa — National Advanced get older vehicles off the highly competitive. Recruiters say that every per- discussion panel in Eastern endless slushies will come to Driving Simulator, Massa- road faster, Dobrindt Quicken says it received son who submits an applica- Market on community devel- an end in mid-August for the chusetts Institute of Technol- said. more than 28,000 applications tion gets a response. opment some months back interns who made Detroit their ogy Age Lab and University for the 1,300 total spots at its “A lot of businesses say we when he first met Gilbert, who home this summer. of California, San Diego, fo- DRUGS Detroit, Cleveland and Scotts- are crazy for doing that,” said was seated in the front row of But Hayya Yousafzai, 26, a cused “on the impact of ad- No verdict yet in dale, Ariz., offices. LaNeisha Gunn, who is Quick- the audience. human resources intern, plans vanced technology on broad- Shkreli fraud trial That means only about 5% en’s team leader of intern ex- “It came time for questions, to continue working for Quick- er road safety trends and the Jurors have complet- of those who apply actually get perience. “We believe there’s and Gilbert took the micro- en into the fall. Yousafzai was interaction between humans ed a third day of deliber- the summer jobs, lower than much more to a person than a phone, introduced himself and born in Geneva, Switzerland, and machines.” ations at the federal Harvard University’s accep- résumé.” asked if I had an internship and graduated from the Uni- U-M’s Center for Integra- securities fraud trial of tance rate. Weinberg and other interns this summer. That’s where it versity of Kent in England. tive Research in Critical former pharmaceutical The number of intern posi- said they are doing real work, all started,” Stearns said. “I’ve lived in seven or eight Care is studying develop- company CEO Martin tions has been growing each in some cases collaborating Stearns has since imple- countries, and I’ve never seen ment of an in-vehicle emer- Shkreli. year with the addition of new with senior staffers in their of- mented a water bottle refilling anything like Detroit in my gency medical condition de- They got the case businesses to Gilbert’s family fice and developing their own program to make his floor eco- life,” she said. “It already feels tection system. Monday in New York. of companies in Detroit. Appli- ideas and projects. friendlier and planned a food like home.” This is a new round of After deliberating cation season begins each Au- “I’ve never felt like just an bank volunteer event for his Yousafzai will never forget funding from the Toyota re- Wednesday they went gust, and interviews for the intern here,” Weinberg said, team at Quicken.
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