Date: 10/19/2008 2008 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 1 of 29 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicap for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Spn Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Hewey Classy Lady R061108 174 +6 180 195 12 Meter Barrows Heritage N082908 6 6 12 12 Meter Gregory Valiant R021308 3 3 9 12 Meter Hanover Columbia R082908 15 15 21 12 Meter Mc Millen 111 Onawa R013108 33 -6 27 33 Advance 245 Meincke Kestrel R061908 201 -3 198 204 Aerodyne 38 D' Alessandro Alexis R040808 39 39 48 Aerodyne 38 Manchester Wazimo R050808 39 39 48 Aerodyne 43 Millet TANGO R021808 12 12 21 Akilaria Class 40 Davis Amhas N073008 -9 -9 -3 Alberg 29 Fielo Renaissance N053108 225 +3 228 240 Alberg 35 Prefontaine Helios R033108 201 -3 198 210 Alberg 37 Mintz L' Amarre R061908 162 +6 +3 +6 177 192 Albin Cumlus Cerundolo Aegir N073008 189 +6 195 207 Albin Cumulus Currier Crosswinds N061408 189 189 204 Albin Cumulus Droste Cumulus 3 R050808 189 189 204 Alden 40 Burt, Jr. Gitana N072108 171 171 177 Alden 42 S D S M Vieira Cadence N031108 120 +6 +6 132 144 Alerion 28 Royale Gambit R020608 180 U180 U189 Alerion 28-2 Swett Winderlust R040408 174 +3 177 192 Alerion 38-2 Stauffer Amazing Grace R050508 111 111 123 Alerion Express 28 Berenson Tumbler R041608 177 U177 U186 Alerion Express 28 Brown Lumen Solare R031308 177 U177 U186 Alerion Express 28 Mac Kenzie Genevieve R040308 177 u177 u186 Alerion Express 28-2 Spiecker Airtha R022308 165 U165 U171 Alerion Express 38-2 Merrill Zealot R041108 111 111 120 Alerion Express 38-2 Speck Vigor R060208 111 111 123 Allied Seawind 30 Mello Gypsy Soul R061708 246 +3 +6 255 267 Allmand 31 Duffy Three Sheets R083108 189 +9 +6 204 219 Andercraft 36 Dunfey Phoenix R070408 87 +1 88 94 Apache 37 Crawford Bacchanal R051508 156 +9 +6 171 183 Aphrodite 101 Lamb Averisera R031608 135 135 144 Aphroditei 101 Binch Killua R011808 135 -3 132 144 Archambault A-35 Paturel Ciaol N041608 69 -3 66 81 Avance 36 Schmid Whistler R051208 126 +9 135 132 B 25 ODR Bradley Frolic R043008 138 -1 137 146 Baltic 35 Fitzgerald Tonga R053008 117 +6 123 129 Date: 10/19/2008 2008 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 2 of 29 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicap for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Yacht Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Spn Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Baltic 35 T M Cavanaugh Alida R020608 117 -3 +6 120 126 Baltic 37 Rosenberg Ultra Violet R031508 114 114 129 Baltic 38 D P Nebergall Eroica N080708 96 96 111 Baltic 39 Marks Second Wind R022508 99 99 111 Baltic 42 D P Barbera Sea Paws R032708 66 -3 63 75 Baltic 43 Feldman Avalon R051808 63 63 75 Baltic 48 D P Johns Margalo N061508 45 +6 51 66 Baltic 50 Mc Sweeny Bully R040408 -12 +3 -9 3 Baltic 52 Selldorff Kinship R031308 15 +6 +12 33 45 Bavaria 38 Criser S D Evans Sea Smoke N070708 105 +6 +6 117 129 Beneteau 235 Devine Rascal R041608 195 -3 192 201 Beneteau 235 Mc Coole Mad Max R052708 195 195 204 Beneteau 310 Taylor Exocet R013008 132 132 138 Beneteau 311 Soule Saylavee R061908 177 +6 183 195 Beneteau 331 Schwartz Paisan R082909 165 +9 +6 180 192 Beneteau 331 S D Rockett Concentricity R082308 165 +6 165 177 Beneteau 345 Warren Simple Pleasures R052208 120 +6 126 138 Beneteau 36.7 Fallon Sojourn R041608 78 -6 72 87 Beneteau 36.7 Lawrence R080808 78 78 87 Beneteau 36.7 Nolan Available C062608 78 78 87 Beneteau 36.7 Paturel Aigle C051408 78 78 87 Beneteau 36.7 Peelen Quokka R031308 78 78 90 Beneteau 36.7 Sutton Helm's Deep R042608 78 78 87 Beneteau 36.7 Vita Bella Vita R033108 78 +6 84 93 Beneteau 36.7 Zimmermann Dei Gratia R051708 78 -3 +6 81 93 Beneteau 361 Farraher Diversion R072208 144 +9 +9 +6 168 171 Beneteau 361 Mason Rendezvous R011808 144 +9 +9 168 171 Beneteau 361 Scaramuzzo Made It So R042008 144 +6 150 162 Beneteau 38 Tm Meserve High Tension R041408 102 +6 108 120 Beneteau 393 Levick Trinty R062708 120 +9 +6 135 147 Beneteau 40.7 Johnston Sans-Culottes R060908 54 -3 51 60 Beneteau 411 Fermano Sailavee 111 R040608 105 +9 +6 120 135 Beneteau 413 Blank Summer Dreams R030308 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 42 Dennett Xanthippe R052208 75 +6 81 96 Beneteau 42 Uhlin Kilohana N093008 75 -6 -1 68 80 Beneteau 423 Blank Summer Magic 3 R030308 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 423 Blank Endless Summer R030308 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Date: 10/19/2008 2008 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 3 of 29 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicap for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Yacht Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Spn Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Beneteau 423 Blunden Life Of Reilly 11 C051208 102 +6 108 120 Beneteau 423 T M Dahlen Atttitude R041408 93 +9 102 105 Beneteau 43 Greven Reflection R032708 87 +9 +6 99 9 Beneteau 43 First Forbes Haraka R011808 75 +9 84 87 Beneteau 430 Saylor Oceana N061908 96 +9 +6 111 126 Beneteau 44.7 Linkas Indra R022408 33 -3 30 39 Beneteau 44.7 S D Bearsse Slide Rule R041708 39 +9 +6 54 60 Beneteau 456 Parent Beausoleil R042508 75 75 87 Beneteau 46 Abbott Encore R032508 78 +9 +6 93 96 Beneteau 463 Blank Interval R052607 93 +9 +6 108 123 Beneteau 463wk Blank Imagine R030308 93 +6 +9 +6 114 129 Beneteau 47.7 Schorle Blue Moon R012008 30 -3 27 39 Beneteau 473 Mc Craken Grand Cru R042008 72 +9 +6 +9 +6 102 105 Beneteau 49 Abrams Freeman R032508 51 +9 +3 +6 69 69 Beneteau 49 Holden Festivus N052008 51 -3 48 60 Beneteau 49 White Area N033108 51 +9 +3 +6 69 69 Beneteau First 265 Lucas Bon Ve Vent N082808 189 +6 +6 208 213 Beneteau First 36.7 Powers Agora R032508 78 78 87 Beneteau First 36.7' Newberry County Girl R050708 78 78 87 Beneteau First 38 Lucas Slick C070908 108 +9 +9 +6 132 135 Beneteau First 40.7 Mc Kenna Synergy R033108 54 54 63 Beneteau First 42 Denney Legacy Ii R041408 78 +6 84 96 Beneteau First 435 Tm C/BBruen Patriot R040408 69 69 81 Beneteau First 47.7 Sears Garbo N042008 24 24 30 Beneteau Oceanis 350 W KHandel Chodette N061908 162 +9 +6 177 192 Beneteau Oceanis 351 Evans August Moon N042608 150 +6 +9 +6 171 183 Beneteau Oceanis 351 Green Jeroboam R022708 150 +9 +6 +9 +6 180 183 Beneteau Oceanis 361 Adams Earresponsible N071008 144 +9 +6 159 162 Beneteau Oceanis 381 Mrerlt Cello N070208 138 -3 135 147 Beneteau Oceanis 400 Murphy Ballybunion R033108 111 +6 117 129 Beneteau Oceanis 461 Davis Light Dawns R050908 93 +6 +9 +6 114 126 Beneteua First 10-R Morales Yoali R081108 81 +6 87 99 Black Watch 37 Calianos Spray R051508 183 +6 189 201 Block Island 40-1 Sestini Swampfox N072208 165 +6 171 186 Bravaria 39 Parker Gilgamesh C072208 105 +3 +3 +6 117 123 Bridges Point 24 Bergmann Bridges Point 24 R011508 243 +6 U258 U258 Brionrieff 42 Cst Schoettle Intuition R032708 81 -3 78 87 Date: 10/19/2008 2008 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 4 of 29 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicap for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Yacht Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Spn Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Bristol 35.5 Clark Wayward N062808 150 +9 159 174 Bristol 35.5 Gardner Solstice R042408 150 +6 156 168 Bristol 35.5 Gray Clarion R040308 156 156 168 Bristol 35.5 Halpin Double Sunrise R050708 150 +3 +6 159 174 Bristol 35.5 Marvin Solution R040308 150 150 162 Bristol 35.5 Tetrault Facet R041608 156 +3 159 171 Bristol 35.5 C DUMPHY Valkyrie R082808 156 +3 +6 165 180 Bristol 35.5 Cb Sterns Aliza R051108 156 +9 +6 171 177 Bristol 38.8 Wilkins Barking Dog R021408 126 +6 132 144 Bristol 41.1 Jensen Cisco R013008 114 +3 +6 123 138 Bristol 41.1 Johnson Visingso R043008 120 +6 +6 132 147 Bristol 43' Patrick Blue Note N042008 117 +9 +6 132 147 Bristol 44 Pinheiro Faial R022508 72 +9 +6 87 87 Bristol 51.1 Gardner Early Light R050808 69 +6 +6 +3 84 99 Bristol Corsair 24 Johnson Kike R070708 273 276 288 Briston 35.5 K/Cb Partel Wasque Woman R060608 156 +9 +3 +6 174 180 Bruckmann 42 Seip Alexa R042808 102 U102 U114 Buzzard Bay 24 Gaff Gustin Say When N072408 207 207 219 Buzzard Bay 25 Harvey Resolute C080508 183 -3 180 189 Buzzards Bay 25 Tagiuri Eclipse R073008 183 186 195 C S 30 Blum Blue Note R033108 150 +6 156 168 C S 36 Canadian ForcesTuna N070908 123 +6 129 141 C&C 110 Jamison Emidan R031809 75 75 87 C&C 110 Jew Valkyrie R060908 75 75 87 C&C 115 Barlow Koobalibra R071008 66 -3 63 75 C&C 115 Bromley Triumph N071508
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