ECRWSS Milfoil treatment for the Suncook: See page A6. PRESORT STD U.S. Postage PAID The Baysider Postal Customer The Baysider THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2008 COVERING ALTON, BARNSTEAD, & NEW DURHAM - THEBAYSIDER.COM FREE Renovation is the choice BY BRENDAN BERUBE ther details will be released Staff Writer to the public as soon as the ALTON — At the end of full board has had an oppor- a turbulent meeting on May tunity to review and re- 14 that saw the resignation spond to the committee’s of one of its members, the recommendation. school board’s Buildings Former committee mem- and Grounds Committee an- ber Bob Varney opened last nounced its recommenda- week’s meeting by question- tion for solving the space ing the board’s decision to crunch at the Alton Central use a selective bidding School. process for upcoming re- Following an extensive pairs to the middle school discussion in non-public roof. session, the committee vot- Explaining that he had ed to recommend that the advised a local contractor to school board pursue, with review the plans for the mid- due diligence, a plan to ren- dle school wing and submit ovate the existing elemen- a bid, Varney said he was tary school, and construct outraged to hear that the an addition. contractor had been turned ■ Chairwoman Marilyn MATTHEW FASSETT - COURTESY Dame explained that fur- SEE RENOVATE PAGE A16 Beach time Bill DeLong, Ruth Arsenault, Paul Richardson and Bernie Arsenault (l to r) pour the footings for the benches and the shade areas at the park on Lake Winnipesaukee in Alton Bay. Celebrate Memorial Day Alton: Annual Memorial Day parade begins at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 26, in Monument Square; Work set to begin on Stockbridge Corner Road participants are asked to convene no later than 9:30 a.m. BY BRENDAN BERUBE begin the first stage of an ex- Roberts said, adding that if According to Roberts, the Staff Writer tensive reconstruction proj- landowners want the wood, entire project should be com- Barnstead: Ceremonies, including a marching ALTON — Following a ect on Stockbridge Corner the tree service contracted plete within two months. band, will begin at the bandstand in Center Barn- brief public hearing Mon- Road next week. for the job has agreed to chop stead at 1 p.m. on Monday, May 26. day night, the board of se- Roberts explained that the trees down to log length, Education funding update lectmen gave Road Agent crews will start by cleaning and place them wherever the Selectman Pat Fuller, Al- Ken Roberts the go-ahead to up rocks and re-building property owners would like. ton’s representative to the stonewalls along a 1.2-mile The final phase of the Coalition Communities, re- stretch of the road, from the project, he explained, will in- ported to the board that Sen- B’stead Elementary falls short of AYP intersection of Coffin Brook volve grinding up the exist- ate Bill 539 (the education Road and Hamwoods Road ing hot top, and re-paving the costing bill) recently passed BY BRENDAN BERUBE tors and staff at Barnstead “we know we have work to back to the dirt section. road with a one-year binding in both the Senate and the Staff Writer Elementary will be required do.” The second phase of the course. House, and is now awaiting BARNSTEAD — The re- to develop a plan for improv- Barnstead Elementary al- project, he said, will involve The final, finishing course the Governor’s signature. sults from the last round of ing students’ reading scores so failed to make AYP in replacing a series of culverts will be put down next year,he Although Gov. John New England Common As- that must be submitted to the Math this year, after making along the road to improve added. Lynch has been “silent” with sessment Program (NECAP) DOE no later than July. it last year. Rice explained, drainage, then cleaning up With no input from the regard to his thoughts on the tests administered to Barn- The problem, he said, is however, that the Math re- debris and re-shaping the public, the selectmen voted bill, Fuller felt that there stead Elementary School that the next round of tests sults came as no surprise, embankments. to award the tree removal would be enough support in students in October were not will be coming up in October, and that it may take another Seven trees along the road contract to Urban Tree Ser- both legislative bodies to what administrators had leaving the staff with little year or two to see the effects have been designated for re- vice, which submitted a bid hoped to see. time to implement the new of the new Everyday Math moval as part of the project, of $1,500. SEE ALTON PAGE A17 Principal Tim Rice an- plan. program. nounced during the school Board Vice Chair Keith Asking Rice to prepare a board’s May 13 meeting that Couch asked for more infor- more detailed report on this Barnstead Elementary mation on exactly what the year’s NECAP scores for the Walking for a cure: failed to make Adequate case was this year. board’s next meeting, Couch Yearly Progress (AYP) in Did students perform bet- said one thing he hadn’t seen Fifth grader has Relay for Life hopes Reading for the second con- ter than last year, but fail to in previous years, and want- secutive year, meaning that meet the bar set by the state? ed to see this time, was what BY BRENDAN BERUBE The Nick) in Wolfeboro. after splintering off from her the school has now been des- he asked. administrators and staff did Staff Writer While she enjoyed the ex- aunt’s Relay team in Effing- ignated by the state Depart- Rice replied that students differently this year to pre- BARNSTEAD — Last perience, the energetic fifth ham, which had too many ment of Education (DOE) as did, in fact, perform better, pare for the exam, and what year, Alli Jeanson-Leavitt grader from Center Barn- members) is to prevent other a school in need of improve- but that the state set the bar they plan to do next year. watched from the sidelines stead wanted to do more than young people her age from ment (SINI). much higher than last year. Following a discussion as her mother took part in cheer on the cancer patients, experiencing the pain of los- While the school met state Although more schools about current enrollment fig- the American Cancer Soci- fighters and survivors from ing a loved one. expectations as a whole, Rice across the state failed to ures later on in the meeting, ety’s Relay for Life at the across the state who con- “I wanted to feel like I was explained, the scores from make AYP this year, com- Nicholas J. Pernokas Recre- verged on The Nick to raise able to do something about students in the Economical- pared to last year, he added, SEE BARNSTEAD PAGE A15 ation Park (known locally as funds for research. She want- it,” she said. ly Disadvantaged and Edu- ed to be a part of the event, “There’s not a lot of peo- cationally Disabled sub- and experience the Relay ple left in the world who can groups left the school just from the inside. say they haven’t been affect- short of AYP. This year, Alli (short for ed by cancer,” said Janet, Under the SINI designa- Alexandra) is the one calling whose first encounter with tion, Rice said, administra- the shots, acting as co-cap- the disease came during her tain and chief fundraiser for senior year in high school, “Walkers with Hearts,” the when she lost her favorite INDEX Relay team that she and teacher. ▼ mother Janet are hoping to “I thought nothing could Volume 4 • Number 21 form, and fund, with help hit harder than that until my 28 Pages in 2 Sections from the local community. dad died,” she said, adding The battle against cancer that she considered him not Business......................A11, B5 is a personal one for Alli, who only her father, but her best Churches.............................A9 lost her grandfather to the friend, as well. disease just a few days after Recruited into last year’s Classifieds ...................B6 - B9 her seventh birthday,and re- Relay for Life event in mem- Editorial Page......................A4 cently lost an uncle. ory of her father and her Alli and her grandfather teacher by her sister,a breast John Harrigan ...................B10 “had a very special bond,” cancer survivor, Janet said Letters.................................A4 Janet said, explaining that she arrived at The Nick not her father was the one by her knowing what to expect, but Obituaries ...........................A9 side in the delivery room the was “blown away” by the Public Notices.....................A6 night Alli was born, and that show of camaraderie among COURTESY ■ School Lunch Menus ........A10 he remained a stabilizing the participants, and by the The Bartels go to Washington force in the young girl’s life Luminaria Walk that capped Sports ..........................B1 - B4 The Bartels family of Barnstead poses with Senator and Mrs. Judd Gregg and Senator John Sununu. On until the day he passed on. off the first night of the ©2008, Salmon Press, LLC. April 23, Senator Gregg hosted a constituent reception in his Washington, D.C. office. The Bartels met According to Alli, the goal event. Call us at (603) 569-3126 with Senator and Mrs. Gregg and Senator Sununu and then toured the United States Capitol led by of “Walkers with Hearts” email: [email protected] members of Senator Gregg’s staff.
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