SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN ^ I West Godavari Dlstirict DISTRICT ELEMEHTARY EDUCATION PLAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH 5 T > .<BHAHY & BOCyMeVTATHUi UtN V«tio«a! lastitute of Bduaatiotj^ ’jjjqning snd A^miniitMtion. 7-B, Sri Aurobindo Mar|, v.n\» l J t l h i - l l i e i 6 •OC, No-----------------------------------—— • Vlt* ^ «.—^«wwwee*M MANDALS OF WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT • Mandai Mandai ! Mandat Mandai | Mandai Mandai jCocte Name Code Name Code Name 1 JEELUGUMILLI 17 NIDADAVOLE 32 ATTILI i2 BUTTAYAGUDEM 18 TADEPALUGUDEM j 33 UNDI ;3 POLAVARAM 19 UNGUTURU 34 AKiVEEDU 14 THALLAPUDl :20 BHIMADO.E 35 KALLA ■5 GOPALAPURAM 21 PEDAVEGI 36 BHEEMAVARAM KOYYALAGUDEM 22 PEDAPADU 37 PALAKODERU |7 JANGAREDDIGUDEM 23 ELURU 138 VEERAVASARAM i8 T.NARASAPURAM 24 DENDULURU | 39 PENUMANTRA is CHiNTALAPUDI 25 NIDAMARRU | 40 PENUGONDA ho LINGAPALEM 26 GANAPAVARAM 41 ACHANTA i l l KAMAVARAPUKOTA j 27 PENTAPADU 42 PODURU |l2 DWARAKATIRUMALA 28 TANUKU 43 PALACOLE il3 NALLAJERLA 29 UNDRAJAVARAM 44 YELAMANCHILI ;14 DEVARAPALLE 30 PERAVALI 45 NARASAPURAM Il6 CHAGALLU 31 IRAGAVARAM 46 MOGALTHUR 16 KOWUR TRIBAL MANDALS IN WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT Tribal Mandals Index Chapter Contents Page Nos Executive Summary SSA - West Godavari • Plan Overview i - xi Targets on Key Performantx* Indicators of UEE xii - xiii Budget Abstract x - xviii Appraisal Comments - Act ion Taken xix - xxiii Norms & Intei-ventions under SSA xxiv - xxix I DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE DISTRICT 1 - 8 II Education Profile of the District 9-21 III Planning Process 22 - 34 IV Objective-wise Interventions 35-38 V Issues, Strategies and Activities 39 - 70 VI Quality Issues in Elementary Education 71 - 104 V II Coverage of Special Focused Groups 105 - 111 VIII Research, Evaluation, Supervision and Monitoring 112 - 114 IX Improving School Infrastructure Facilities - Civil Works 115 - 128 X Implementation Arrangements 129-140 XI Programme Initiatives - Component-wise Interventions 141 - 183 XII Proposed Budget Summary & Implementation Schedule 184-215 for the years of 2001 - 2010 XIII Annual Work Plan & Budget for 2001-02 & 216 - 234 Implementation Schedule XIV Unit Costs Particulars 235 - 247 GOAP Government of Andhra Pradesh GOI Government of India GWK Girijan Vidhya Vikas Kendra HO Honorarium ICDS Integrated Child Development Society lASE Institute of Advanced Studies in Education lED Integrated Education for the Disabled IN Innovations ITD A Integrated Tribal Development Agency JRM Joint Review Mission JRY Jawahar Rojgar Yojana LC Local Consultants MED Media MEO Mandal Education Officer MIS Management Information Centre MLL Minimum Levels of Learning MRC Mandal Resource Centre MRP Mandal Resource Person MRG Mandal Resource Group MTA Mother Teacher Association NCLP National Child Labour Project NGO Non-Govenmental Organisation OBB Operation Blackboard OP Equipment Operation & Maintenance OSE Out of School Children PEC Panchayat Education Committee PED Pedagogy & School Improvement PLM Planning and Management PMIS Project Management Information System PMT Project Management PTA Parent Teacher Association ABBREVIATIONS A.AS Access and Alternative Schoolin^^ AC Awareness Campaign APC Additional Project Coordinator AW P & B Annual Work Plan & Budget AWC Anganwadi Centre BC Backward Caste BL Books & Libraries CAP Capacity Building CMO Community Mobilization Officer CMP Community Mobilisation & Participation CO Consumables & Office Expenses cw Civil Works cw s Civil Works DEO District Educational Officer DEP Distance Education DIET District Institute of Education and Training DISE District Information System for Education DPO District Project Office DRC District Resource Centre DRG District Resource Group ECE Early Childhood Education EOS Education Guarantee Scheme EMIS Education Management and Information System EQ Equipment FAG Focus Areas / Groups FU Furniture GCDO Girl Child Development Officer GED Girls Education GER Gross Enrolment Ratio R&E Research & Evaluation RE Research Studies RWS Rural Water Supply SA Salaries SAM State Appraisal Mission SC Scheduled Caste SCERT State Council of Education Research and Training SCPR School Complex Resource Person SEC School Education Committee SEN Children with Special Educational Needs SHG Self-Help Groups SIEM AT State Institute of Educational Management and Technology SIET State Institute of Educational Tec SPD State Project Director SRG State Resource Group SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan ST Scheduled Tribes TC Teachers Centre TC Tiaining Cost including TA & DA TLE Teaching Learning Equipment TLM Teaching Learning Material TPR Teacher Pupil Ratio UPE Universal Primary Education UPS Upper Primary Schools VEC Village Education Committee VH Vehicles W Vidya Volunteers (Para Teacher) WS Workshops & Seminars SSA - WEST GODAVARI Plan Overview Broader Strategies Community involvement to develop the school as centre of village and child as centre of the school. • School os a place to protect Childs rights • Planning for Special focus against child labour • Planning simultaneously for the schooling of all the children in the age group of 5 - 14 years. • Teacher involvement and motivation. • Child tracking and focus on actual completion rates and 100% transition from primary to upper primary stage. 1. What are the items planned for? A) Access Improving access by way of opening of 210 New Primary Schools. Improvement of access remote, rural and tribal habitations by way of opening of 145 Alternative Schools and 71 Girijana Vidya Vikasa Kendras (GVVKs). Enhancing access to Upper Primary Education by way of upgradotion of 6 48 existing Primary Schools to Upper Primary Schools. Access facilitation for the Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) by making provision for Integrated Education in selected existing primary and UP schools. B) Enrolment Community mobilization and Awareness Campaigns for sensitizing the community and parents on child labour and their education. Habitation-wise progrannme for child tracking - Nome-wise lists of children in the age group of 0 - 14 alongwith in-schoci, out-of school children and Nature of work in which the Out of School children ore involved in. 100% enrolment of 5 -1 4 years children by 2003 - 93% by 2001, 96% by 2002, 100% by 2003 Habitation-wise programme for child tracking and conduct of residential and non-residential bridge courses for the mainstreaming of Out of School children. Convergence with other schemes for the mainstreaming of Out of School children viz., NCLP, Back to school programme etc. Opening of 45 Residential Bridge Course Camps, 1027 Non-Residential Bridge Course Camps and 85 Back to School programmes. Cj Retention 100% retention of 5-1 4 years children by 2007 - 93% by 2001, 94%n by 2002, 96% by 2003, 97% by 2004, 98% by 2005, 99% by 2006, 100% by 2003. Close and continuous monitoring by community. Close and continuous monitoring by the department. Discouraging repetitions and efforts for regular transition and actual completion rates. Regular attendance monitoring in all the primary, upper primary and high schools through MRPs. Regular follow-up of mainstreamed child labour and providing additional support. D) Quality Activities for teacher involvement and motivation - Support to Teachers forums - Teachers networks, exhibitions and other professional exchange programmes. Development of strong State and District Resource Groups in pedagogy and orientations to teachers viz., existing, newly recruited, untrained teachers. Regular on job support to the teachers of primary and upper primary schools through MRCs and MRGs/ DRGs. Professional exchange through conduct of TC meetings on monthly basis. Appointment of required No. of Teachers, maintenance of proper TP Ratio to 1:40 Providing Teacher Training, capacity building of to MEO, MRPs, DRG and H.Ms and Teachers. Establishment of 54 MRCs and 292 Teacher Centres and 1 District Resource Centre. TLM grants to all 2639 Primary Schools, 914 U P Schools, 9535 Primary Teachers, 4535 Upper Primary Teachers and 292 Teacher Centres . Review of Curriculum and Textbooks and preparation of Group specific curriculum i.e. Tribal, Child labour, lED. Developing and dissemination of pupil interactive material. Developing Pupil Assessment Procedures to reflect the pedagogical renewal. Development of subject-wise item banks to make pupil assessment procedures more relevant and practicable. Conduct of pupil achievement study from time to time to assess the status of pupil achievement both primary and upper primary. Special programmes for improvement of Language, Maths, and Science especially 1 ^ generation literates. Provision for library books and Children literature in primary and upper primary schools. Provision for required TLM as one time grant to UP Schools. Special focus on implementation of non-scholastic areas in primary and upper primary schools (SUPW, Art Education, Physical Education, Moral Education) and capacity building of teachers and Field Functionaries. 2. What are the other aspects covered in the plan? A) Physical / Infrastructural facilities Construction of 210 New School Buildings Construction of 4 22 Building to Building less schools Construction of 4 01 6 Additional Class Rooms Construction of 54 MRPs and 1 DRC Repairs to 1246 school buildings. Provision of 4 3 7 7 Toilets Electricity connections to 1672 Schools Providing Drinking W ater facilities to 1452 Schools Maintenance and contingency grants to AV Equipment - 315 4 Schools. B) Teachers Appointment of 4 2 0 Teachers to Primary Schools Appointment of 71 Teachers to GV'VK Schools
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