H1640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 6, 2006 the folks at the Department of Energy ligence so we can end the abusive intel- CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 889, were saying, a lot of them questioned ligence, restore our credibility around COAST GUARD AND MARITIME these conclusions that were being the world, because that credibility is TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 2006 jumped to with respect to the presence essential to the national security of Mr. LOBIONDO (during the Special of weapons of mass destruction. They this country. Order of Mr. SCHIFF) submitted the fol- questioned both those agencies, the I thank the gentleman from Cali- lowing conference report and state- fact that these aluminum tubes were fornia for his leadership on this issue, ment on the bill (H.R. 889) to authorize somehow evidence of an Iranian nu- and I hope we will continue to have appropriations for the Coast Guard for clear program. They said they did not this conversation that I think is so im- fiscal year 2006, to make technical cor- believe that. And yet in its selective portant to our country rections to various laws administered use of intelligence, the administration Mr. SCHIFF. I thank the gentleman by the Coast Guard, and for other pur- ignored those. They relegated those for his leadership and his eloquence poses: opinions to mere footnotes and essen- and the tremendous job that he also CONFERENCE REPORT (H.R. 889) tially put forward the other informa- does as we serve together on the Judi- The committee of conference on the dis- tion. ciary Committee. agreeing votes of the two Houses on the And you mentioned today a very dis- I am now pleased to yield to JAY INS- amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. turbing revelation has come to light 889), to authorize appropriations for the LEE from the great State of Wash- with respect to the selective use of in- Coast Guard for fiscal year 2006, to make telligence. And I just want to quote ington, who has been a pioneer in the technical corrections to various laws admin- from the Los Angeles Times. This is in area of energy independence. istered by the Coast Guard, and for other many other papers. It turns out, ac- Mr. INSLEE. Thank you. And I have purposes, having met, after full and free con- cording to the information put forward a simple message. We Democrats want ference, have agreed to recommend and do by Patrick Fitzgerald, the special pros- to strike a preemptive blow against our recommend to their respective Houses as fol- enemies in the Middle East. And the lows: ecutor, ‘‘President Bush personally au- That the House recede from its disagree- thorized leaking long classified infor- single, most effective preemptive blow ment to the amendment of the Senate and mation to a reporter in the summer of we have is to starve them from re- agree to the same with an amendment as fol- 2003 to buttress administration claims, sources with which to attack us. We lows: now discredited, that Saddam Hussein know where the money came from to In lieu of the matter proposed to be in- was attempting to acquire weapons of finance the attack on September 11. It serted by the Senate amendment, insert the mass destruction for Iraq.’’ came from our addiction to oil that following: Before the war, they selectively must stop. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. leaked information in a way that mis- And we now have a President who This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Coast Guard informed the American public; and said he wants to break our addiction to and Maritime Transportation Act of 2006’’. then when they were essentially oil, and we welcome his language about SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. caught doing that, they further selec- this. But we cannot run our cars on The table of contents for this Act is as follows: tively leaked information to try to rhetoric. We cannot run a national en- Sec. 1. Short title. hide that fact when revelations were ergy independence program on rhet- Sec. 2. Table of contents. brought to light. oric. We need real policies. And we are TITLE I—AUTHORIZATION This has very serious consequences offering them. We have offered to the Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations. for our security because our credibility country the New Apollo Energy Act, Sec. 102. Authorized levels of military strength around the world depends on people H.R. 2828. That is H.R. 2828. If folks and training. whom we go to believing that the infor- want to look at it, they are welcome to Sec. 103. Supplemental authorization of appro- priations. mation that we have is true and that it see the most comprehensive plan that is solid. When Adlai Stevenson was at Sec. 104. Web-based risk management data sys- will really deliver a situation where we tem. the United Nations in the Cuban Mis- send less money to Middle Eastern TITLE II—COAST GUARD sile Crisis and he said the Soviets were sheiks and more money to middle- putting missiles into Cuba and had the Sec. 201. Extension of Coast Guard vessel an- American farmers. That is a policy chorage and movement authority. information to support it, our credi- that we will embrace, and we will be Sec. 202. International training and technical bility as a Nation was enhanced. As a more secure than we are today. assistance. result of the failures and abuse of intel- I thank you for letting me have my Sec. 203. Officer promotion. ligence, our credibility around the few words today. Sec. 204. Coast Guard band director. world has been degraded. It makes it Sec. 205. Authority for one-step turnkey design- much harder to persuade others about Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I want to build contracting. the seriousness of the threats in Iran thank my colleagues this evening for Sec. 206. Reserve recall authority. all their comments and their leader- Sec. 207. Reserve officer distribution. and North Korea. Sec. 208. Expansion of use of auxiliary equip- Now, the 9/11 Commission made a ship. Over the next several weeks, we will be unveiling in greater detail each ment to support Coast Guard mis- number of recommendations as to how sions. we could deal with this particular of the pillars of security: how we in- Sec. 209. Coast Guard history fellowships. issue; and one of the recommendations tend, as Democrats, to rebuild the 21st- Sec. 210. Icebreakers. they made was to bolster intelligence century military; how we intend to Sec. 211. Operation as a service in the Navy. oversight reform. Let us hold people take the war on terror to Osama bin Sec. 212. Limitation on moving assets to St. accountable for their decisions. Let us Laden and al Qaeda; how we intend to Elizabeth’s Hospital. Sec. 213. Cooperative agreements. not reward failure because we will get beef up our homeland security and re- pair a lot of the broken pieces of our Sec. 214. Biodiesel feasibility study. more failure. Let us not reward and ig- Sec. 215. Boating safety director. nore mistakes; we will get more mis- homeland security policy that make us Sec. 216. Hangar at Coast Guard Air Station takes. But when it comes to intel- continue to be vulnerable; how we will Barbers Point. ligence oversight reform, what grade make Iraq in 2006 a year of transition Sec. 217. Promotion of Coast Guard officers. did they give to the Republican Con- to full Iraqi sovereignty; and how, as Sec. 218. Redesignation of Coast Guard law spe- gress and the administration? A ‘‘D.’’ A Mr. INSLEE points out, we can achieve cialists as judge advocates. ‘‘D.’’ energy independence, something vital TITLE III—SHIPPING AND NAVIGATION We have said, we Democrats, as part to the present and this Nation’s future. Sec. 301. Treatment of ferries as passenger ves- of our proposal, we are going to I want to thank my colleagues for sels. strengthen the oversight process. We their leadership, DAVID SCOTT for all Sec. 302. Great Lakes pilotage annual rate- making. are going to hold people accountable, his great work, CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, JAY Sec. 303. Certification of vessel nationality in and we are going to implement all of INSLEE, all of the other speakers to- drug smuggling cases. the recommendations of the 9/11 Com- night. We look forward to continuing Sec. 304. LNG tankers. mission, including the recommenda- this dialogue with the American peo- Sec. 305. Use of maritime safety and security tion to improve the oversight of intel- ple. teams. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Apr 07, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6343 E:\CR\FM\K06AP7.180 H06APPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with HOUSE April 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1641 Sec. 306. Enhanced civil penalties for violations TITLE VII—HURRICANE RESPONSE (6) For environmental compliance and restora- of provisions enacted by the Coast Sec. 701. Homeowners assistance for Coast tion at Coast Guard facilities (other than parts Guard and Maritime Transpor- Guard personnel affected by Hurricanes and equipment associated with operation and tation Act of 2004. Katrina or Rita. maintenance), $12,000,000, to remain available until expended. Sec. 307. Training of cadets at United States Sec. 702. Temporary authorization to extend (7) For the Coast Guard Reserve program, in- Merchant Marine Academy. the duration of licenses, certificates of registry, and merchant mariners’ docu- cluding personnel and training costs, equip- Sec. 308. Reports from mortgagees of vessels. ments. ment, and services, $119,000,000. Sec. 309. Determination of the Secretary.
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