Burma / Myanmar Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Bibliographical description AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A.B.F.M.S. AA The Foundation of Agricultural Development and American Baptist Foreign Mission Society Education Wild orchids in Myanmar : last paradise of wild orchids A.D.B. Tanaka, Yoshitaka Asian Development Bank < Manila > AAF A.F.P.F.L. United States / Army Air Forces Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League Aalto , Pentti A.F.R.A.S.E Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan lanuages Association Française pour le Recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est Aanval in Birma / Josep Toutain, ed. – Hilversum: Noo- itgedacht, [19-?]. 64 p. – (Garry ; 26) Ā´´ Gy ū´´ < Pyaw Sa > NL: KITLV(M 1998 A 4873) The tradition of Akha tribe and the history of Akha Baptist in Myanmar … [/ ā´´ Gy ū´´ (Pyaw Sa)]. − [Burma : ākh ā Aaron, J. S. Nhac` khran`´´ Kharac`y ān` A phvai´ khyup`], 2004. 5, 91 Rangoon Baptist Pulpit : the king's favourite ; a sermon de- p., illus. , bibliogr. p. 90-91. − Added title and text in Bur- livered on Sunday morning, the 28th September 1884 in the mese English Baptist Church, Rangoon / by J. S. Aaron. 2nd ed. − Subject(s): Akha : Social life and customs ; Religion Madras: Albinion Pr., 1885. 8 p. Burma : Social life and customs - Akha ; Religion - Akha ; GB: OUL(REG Angus 30.a.34(t)) Baptists - History US: CU(DS528.2.K37 A21 2004) Aarons , Edward Sidney <1916-1975> Assignment, Burma girl : an original gold medal novel / by A.I.D. Edward S. Aarons. – Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publ., United States / Agency for International Development 1961. 175 p. – (Gold medal books ; s1091) (Fawcett world library) – A Fawcett gold medal book A.I.D. economic data book US: CU(Kroch PS3501.A11 A913) United States / Agency for International Development / HU(Widener KDB 92) Division of Statistics and Reports NIU(SEA PS3501.A79 A761961) A.I.D. economic data book UCSD(Central m6 Spec Coll) YU(LSF-Request Ir Aa75 A8) A.I.R. Lower Burma The All India reporter : Lower Burma section Assignment, Burma girl / by Edward S. Aarons. – London : F. Muller, 1962. 171 p. – (Gold medal books) A.I.R. Rangoon US: NIU(SEA PS3501 .A1131962) The All India reporter : Rangoon section UC(SRLF Spec.Col. PS3501 A113) A.I.R. Upper Burma ditto. – London : Jenkins, 1966. 176 p. The All India reporter : Upper Burma section GB: BL(Nov.9258) OUL(BOD Nuneham 25616 e.8049) A Ja The Wise Man : Akha reader … − Rangoon : C.L.S., IRL:TCD(F445) 1962. 2 v., illus. SG: RUBC(823.91 AAR) Subject(s): Kaw language : Readers US: NIU(SEA PL4001.K352 A152 1962 ditto. – Coronet, 1967. 175 p. GB: BL(H.67/32)* A.R.P. series Burma / Air Raid Precautions Department Der Mann im Bambuskäfig : Spionageroman aus dem Ame- A.R.P. series rikanischen / Edward S. Aarons. [Dt. Übers.: Rolf Schmitz.] – Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Verlag Lübbe, 1973. 158 S. – A.St.L.B . (Bastei-Taschenbücher : Bastei-Spionage-Taschenbuch ; 11) Sources of food-supply – Transl. of: Burma girl. − ISBN 3-404-00161-3 Ref.: DB A thousand and one night / [transl.] by Thakin Ba Thoung. – Rangoon : Sabe, 1975. 652 p., illus. Opdracht: Birma / Edward S. Aarons ; vert. [uit het Engels] GB: SOAS(GPC839/348.403)* door Henk van Slangenburg. − Assen [etc.] : Born, [1974]. 192 p. − (Sam Durell : Born Detective ; 195) − Vert. van: A thousand miles up the Irrawaddy : Burmah proper Assignment... Burma girl. – ISBN: 90-283-0373-1 Barker , C. Arundel NL: KB(FC 1974/103 Depotexp.) A 1 Burma Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Operazione Birmania / Edward S. Aarons − Milano: A. Abbott , George Frederick Mondadori, 1962. 151 p. − ( Segretissimo) Through India with the Prince [i.e. the Prince of Wales, I: MI-Bibl. comunale Palazzo Sormani 1905-06.] – London : Arnold, 1906. XII, 311 p., map, fron- tis., [31] l. of plates. Sam Durell : operazione Birmania : missione liocorno / di Note: The author has accompanied Their Royal Highnesses, Edward S. Aarons ; trad. di Rossana De Michele. − Milano: the Prince and Princess of Wales on their Indian tour A. Mondadori, 1977. 206 p. − ( I capolavori di segretissi- [1905-06] as special correspondent of the Calcutta States- mo) – Transl. of: Assignment Burma girl. man. - Publisher I: MO-Biblioteca comunale - Pavullo nel Frignano Subject(s): Burma : Visits of state ; Description and travel. GB: BL(010058.h.16 ; 010055.bbb.45) Sam Durell i Burma / Edward S. Aarons ; oversatt av G. BL-APAC(V 2864) SOAS(EB90.57/692.973) Hoff. − Oslo: Romanforl., 1962. 153 s. − (Krone-bøkene ; US: UC(SRLF DS413 .A132t) UCB UCLA UCR 73) UCSD(SSH DS413 .A16) N: NBO(NA/A o 1880 (h.)) Abbott , Gerry Abbey , Vere Walford Back to Mandalay : an inside view of Burma / Gerry Abbott. Christian endeavour four square / by Vere Walford Abbey ; 1st publ. – Bromley, Kent: Impact Books, 1990. 221 p., [8] transl. into Sgaw-Karen by Thara Po Kyi and rev. by Thara p. of plates, col. illus., bibliogr. p. [219]-221. – (Travellers’ Po Myat ... – [1936]. 46 p. tales) – ISBN 3-404-00161-3 0-245-60135-X GB: BL(11103 a 107(3))* Herbert 301 Note: When the author assumed a two year lecturing posi- Abbey , Walter Bulmer Tate <b. 1872> tion in English language at a college in Mandalay in 1986, Manual of the Maru language : including a vocabulary of little did he realize that he was to witness the lead-up to over 1000 words / by W. B. T. Abbey. – Rangoon : Ameri- one the most brutal political crackdowns in recent south- can Baptist Mission Pr., 1899. 59 p. east Asian history. His highly personal account of life in Subject(s): Maru language Burma, the growth of unrest, the onset of massive pro- F: BNF(8° X.12149) democracy rallies, and their ultimate failure after violent GB: BL(12908 bbb 11)* CUL(839:34.d.95.3) military suppression in 1988 is persented in heart- BL-APAC(T 6926) wrenching clarity. An appendix provides a translation of OUL(BOD Nuneham Indo-Chin. e.25) Mandalay students’ records of the Sagiang Massacre’ in SOAS(GPE Maru 415/215.134)* August, 1988. US: CU(Annex PL4001.M35 A12 ; Kroch Film 11052 Subject(s): Abbott , Gerry - Journeys reel 1186 no.10) HU ICN Mandalay : Description and travel NNUT(Burke MRL Outline Rl Ab19) NYPL Burma : Politics and government <1962-1988> ; History OCl YU(LSF-Request Fxd M362 Ab19) <1948-> ; Description and travel - Mandalay; Civilization ; Social life and customs Abbott, Charles E. AU:ANU(Menzies DS527.7.A23 1990) Abbott’s arithmetic D: B-SBB(1 A 146327 Potsdamer Str.) Abbott , Elisha Litchfield HD-SAI(325 soz 92/421+a)* PA-UB(55/RR 51950 A131) Abbott , Elisha Litchfield. <1809-1854> F: BIULO(GEN.IV.8578) [Arithmetic] GB: BL(YK.1993.a.5132) BL-DSS(95/11236) Abbott's arithmetic ... − Tavoy: Karen Mission Press, 1852. CUL(9000.d.7222) LSE(BLPES DS530.4 A13) 35 p. – Added title and text in Karen OUL(IND Burma 4 d 58) Subject(s): Burma : Arithmetic - Study and teaching SOAS(GB909/600816* ; 600817) US: Andover Newton Theol School IRL:TCD(PB-108-257) NL: KITLV(M ss 204 N) ditto . ... 3rd ed. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1879. – SG: ISEAS(DS527.7 A12) NRL(951.91 ABB) Added title and text in Karen. – Transl. selection from: The US: CU(Kroch DS527.7 .A12) Mount Vernon arithmetic / by Jacob and Charles E. Abbott. HU(Widener Harv.Depos. DS530.9.M3 A23 1990x) LC US: CU(Annex QA103.A13 1879 & UCLA(YRL) & DS530.4 .A26 1990 NhD MnU(TC Wilson Ames DS527.7 .A23x 1990) NIU(SEA) & Catechism. 1st ed. – 1843. – Text in Sgau-Karen UCB(Main) & WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS530.9.M3 A336 US: ICN(X337.01) 1990 NNC(Butler DS527.7 .A226 1990g) NYPL(Humanities-Genrl R JFD 91-2582) Life of Paul the apostle / by E. L. Abbott ... – Rangoon : OAU(Alden SE Asia DS527.7 .A22 1990x) American Baptist Mission Pr., 1920. 36 p., map. – Added ti- YU(SML DS527.7 A33 1990) tle and text in Sgau Karen GB: BL(11103 a 31(3))* ditto. 2nd ed. – Bangkok: Orchid Pr., 2003. 203 p., 18 illus., 2 maps., bibliogr. − ISBN 974-524-042-7 Notes on the acts of the apostles in Sgau Karen ... Ref.: Orchid Pr. Bible, N.T. : Acts < K a r e n : Sgau > The folk-tales of Burma : an introduction / Gerry Abbott and Notes on the epistle to the Hebrews in Karen Khin Thant Han. – Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2000. X, 392 p., Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Hebrews <K a r e n : Sgau> illus., index, bibliogr. p. 357-365. – (Handbuch der Orienta- A 2 Bibliographical description A listik : 3. Abt. Südostasien = Handbook of oriental studies : Subject(s): Burma : Historic sites - Guidebooks ; Guide- Southeast Asia, ISSN 0169-9571 ; 11) books - Historic sites - Guidebooks ; History ; Civilization ISBN 90-04-11812-8 ; Description and travel Note: This handbook is the first in-depth overview of the fascinat- AU:NLA(YY959.1 A133) ing world of Burmese folk-tales. Part one provides a wide- F: BIULO(GEN.III.64570 ranging and multi-disciplinary survey of folk-tale studies, to- GB: BL-APAC(ORW.2002.a.73) gether with a broad functional classification of Burma's tales. SOAS(GB959.1/790.405)* Part two presents, mostly for the first time in a European lan- guage, the categorized actual tales themselves. With commentar- HK:HKU(959.1 A12) ies on plots and cross-cultural motifs - past and present. With in- NL: KITLV(M 1998 A 5249) dex, substantial bibliography, and suggestions for further re- SG: ISEAS(DS527.4 A13) NLB search. - Book jacket TH: CU(DS527.6 A131T) Subject(s): Burma : Tales - History - Sources ; Tales - Clas- US: CU(Kroch) & HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & sification ; Minorities Folklore - History - Sources ; Mi- MiU(Hatcher) & MnU(TC Wilson Ames x) & norities - Social life and customs OAU(Alden SE Asia x) & UCSD(SSH) : DS528.5.A25 AU:NLA(Main RR S 959 HAN Bd.11) 1998 IU(Undergrad Stacks 959.1 Ab26t) CH: BEStUB(Hist XLIII 2277 : 3:11) NIU(SEA DS528.5 .T738) BSUB(Bi V 1219:11) YU(SML DS528.5 A35 1998) D: B-SBB(OLS Ea 1600-3,11 Potsdamer Str.) FR-UB(LS: Or 1/3-11) HD-UB(88 A 1884 3:11) ditto .
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