Jazzing it up Film brings double reunion Professor pursues Anytown movie about music passion anytown H.S. 9 11 Volume 17, Issue 3 www.ValenciaVoice.com Sept. 26, 2012 Ryan preaches to choir West Campus rallies voters for November By Nick Lawro [email protected] The second annual Constitution Day occurred this Tuesday as students showed up in large numbers to prepare themselves for this November’s election. George P. Bush, son of former Florida governor Jeb Bush, delivered a speech on the impor- tance of voting for young adults. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the student services build- ing patio served as a beacon for voter reg- Inocencio Ortega / Valencia Voice istration and awareness. Valencia College opens new campus in the Lake Nona community which will focus on science. The mission of this event was to in- Inocencio Ortega / Valencia Voice form students of the importance of vot- Paul Ryan at a townhall meeting at the University of Central Florida on Saturday, Sept. 22. ing, not only for the presidential candi- dates, but our state representatives as Campus meets healthcare — See “Romney plan in display” on Page 2. well. Miniature American flags along with red, white and blue cupcakes paint- Lake Nona officially opens its doors to community ed a patriotic picture of political interest Films give peace a chance and pride. By Natasha Tetley a meet-and-greet between college and Rainy weather didn’t prevent students [email protected] city officials. Festival shows movies which are meant to instill a yearning and faculty alike from taking part in the Upon arrival, a smiling assem- within the hearts of students to change event. When asked about the significance Valencia students will finally have blage of student leaders clad in bright can make a difference the way we view justice in the world. of youth voting, Jaryll Bridges, a second the chance to get to know Nona. red Valencia polo shirts and glittering “In my view, peace is a justice,” said year Valencia student said “I feel young The college’s inaugural Lake Nona bronze name badges, greeted attend- By Shannon Scheidell Purna Singh Baraily, chairperson to the adults are our future, therefore when we campus celebrated the opening of its ees. Leading those leaders was SGA [email protected] Human Rights Film Center in Kath- vote, we are voting for our future.” flagship building this Thursday eve- President, and proud Lake Nona stu- mandu, Nepal and guest speaker for — See “Constitution” on Page 5. ning with a ribbon cutting ceremony dent, Paola Santos. Three films were shown last week — See “Peace Day” on Page 3. preceded by a series of speeches and — See “Lake Nona” on Page 5. www.valenciavoice.com NEWS Sept. 26, 2012 2 Romney plan in display HuNGEr HAs A Ryan brings campaign speech to a crowd primarily comprised of seniors and students. message to Central Fla. The large group in attendance gave FAVorItE an overwhelming positive reception to By James Tutten Congressman Ryan throughout his en- HuNGEr [email protected] tire speech with no noticeable outburst bANd, of heckling during his time on stage. Republican vice presidential candi- Ryan used this event to focus on eco- HAs A date Paul Ryan held a town hall rally at nomic issues that he feels reflect on the too. the University of Central Florida on Satur- declining path the country is taking and FAV1 IN 6 AMEorrIcANs ItE day, Sept. 22, in support of Mitt Romney he referred to a statement that Americans Inocencio Ortega / Valencia Voice struGGlEs WItH HuNGEr. and in defense of the issues facing the Re- are not better off than they were four years A crowd of Romney/Ryan supporters applaud as Paul Ryan took the stage Saturday, Sept. 22. publican party 45 days before the national ago when President Obama took office. bANd, presidential election on Tuesday, Nov. 6. Cuts to NASA in recent years and how debt the most predictable crisis we face The day before this rally in Orlando, “We can’t afford four more years of this has adversely affected the local econ- in this country with a president that Ryan was booed at an AARP conven- the last four years,” said Ryan, in his omy in Central Florida was the first point doesn’t have any clear solutions to solve. tion in New Orleans when he attacked too. that Ryan made, addressing the loss of This sentiment was reflected by mem- the president’s policies located within America’s role as the leader in space explo- bers of the audience even before Ryan Obamacare. The crowd at UCF vigor- 1 IN 6 AMErIcANs ration and mentioning our new reliance on took the stage. ously cheered when he mentioned simi- struGGlEs WItH HuNGEr. Russia to send astronauts into space. “Running up the national debt is the lar statements about the repeal of Obam- A majority of the rest of his opening number one issue facing this nation, we acare at Saturday’s rally. speech was solely focused on the eco- are adding $10 million per minute in un- This issue is sure to play an ever nomic issue facing our nation, primarily funded liabilities and around four and a present role in all the upcoming debates dealing with the skyrocketing national half billion dollars every day,” said Wil- scheduled to take place throughout the toGEtHEr debt and reliance on foreign countries liam Breazeal, an Iraq war veteran and month of October. WE’rE like China to borrow money to meet our colonel in the U.S. Army reserves. “Every point he made was right on financial obligations. As part of the town hall aspect of this the money; first and foremost was what In a move he is well known for on Capi- event Ryan soon took questions from the he said about Obamacare, that’s going to Hunger is closer than you think. r each out tol Hill, Ryan used examples of graphs and audience, addressing with confidence on destroy my Medicare as well as everyone to your local food bank for ways to do your part. Visit FeedingAmerica.org today. pie charts to show the rate of borrowing and every issue, stating numerous figures and else if we don’t get it stopped,” said audi- spending over the last 80 years and how the examples to further defend his positions. ence member and retiree Pat Annunchani. toGEtHEr current path we are on is unsustainable. Several times the issue of retirement One thing that remains certain is with WE’rE This is a crisis which mirrors the debt benefits and Medicare reform were ad- around 40 days left until the upcoming Inocencio Ortega / Valencia Voice crisis seen in Europe and is one that can dressed by Ryan who stuck to his state- election, both parties will stress the polit- Paul Ryan speaks at a townhall meeting be prevented if acted upon now, accord- ments in the recent past that Obamacare ical arguments they feel best reflect their Hunger is closer than you think. r each out on Saturday at UCF about the Romney plan. ing to Ryan. He is calling our national presents the greatest threat to Medicare. ideology in a presidential race. to your local food bank for ways to do your part. Visit FeedingAmerica.org today. www.valenciavoice.com NEWS Sept. 26, 2012 3 of her soul throughout the film. Peace day “Does anyone hear my pain? Why does a Khaati Suun (pure gold) need to — Continued from Page 1. be purified?” Kopila sings. the Thursday, Sept. 20, afternoon show- Along with a Latin American stud- ing of “Khaati Suun.” ies professor, Allen hosted a short trivia “Without justice, it’s impossible to game for the audience to have a chance get peace in the world,” said Baraily. at winning Peace Day T-shirts. Valencia’s Peace and Justice Initiative An answer to one such question ex- partnered with the Global Film Festival plained that the peace sign was first used to bring awareness to the plight of two in 1958, during the campaign for nuclear women who have worked their entire disarmament in the United States. lives to attend school -- who are being During the Q-and-A after the film, ridiculed, to this day, for it -- in Nepal. one student asked whether the Nepalese This is the story of “Khaati Suun,” or government were making strides to help “Pure Gold.” these women, to which Baraily hesitated “Our two characters are struggling to to reply. get their education,” said Baraily. “They After a moment he said, “The Nepal- are treated as untouchables, so I think ese government is unstable. They want it’s a problem for justice, too.” to help, but there is no result.” Rachel Allen, coordinator of the Ini- “We are planning to support them tiative, suggested that there were at least in the future, for now we’ve only paid g Photo credit a few students in the room who could re- the filmmakers,” said Baraily. “But we East campus made its mark on peace day by making their own peace sign on Thursday, Sept. 20, along with hosting a showing of “Opening our eyes.” late to the stories of Nabina and Kopila. want to raise some money for these No one spoke up. women too.” my heart, especially girls in the lower Nabina’s parents worked for people Jason Wendel, who came with film- caste system who feel they need an ed- in the upper caste, but they never sent maker Shawn Small, said he and Small ucation -- not even to get a better job,” Documentary opens eyes her to school as a child, so she didn’t go.
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