Official Primary Nominating Ballot for the Republican Party Multnomah County, OR - May 18, 2010 Instructions To Voter Use A Pencil or Pen (Blue or Black Ink) State Nonpartisan State Judiciary Official Primary Nominating BallotToOfficial for ensure the your PrimaryRepublican vote counts, Nominating completely Party fill Ballotin the for the Republican Party Multnomah County, OR - May 1218, 2010ovalMultnomah R to the County, left of the OR response - May of 18, your 2010 Governor Judge of the Supreme Court choice. Vote For One Position 4 Vote For One Instructions To Voter To write in aInstructions name, write the To name Voter on the solid Use A Pencil or Pen line and fillUse in the A oval Pencil R toor the Pen left of the (Blue or Black Ink) write-in line.(Blue or BlackState Ink) BillNonpartisan SizemoreState State Judiciary RivesNonpartisan Kistler State Judiciary Incumbent To ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the To ensure your voteAttention counts, completely fill in the Remember to inspect your ballot for John Lim 12 oval R to the left of the response of12 your oval R to the left of theState response Treasurer of your JudgeState of the Treasurer Court of Appeals Write-inJudge of the Court of Appeals choice. choice.mistakes. If you make (2a Yearmistake Term) or (2 PositionYear Term) 7 Position 7 damage your ballot, callVote your For County One Darren KarrVoteVote For For One One Judge of Votethe CourtFor One of Appeals To write in a name, write the name on the solid ToElections write in a Office name, towrite ask the for name a replacement on the solid Position 3 line and fill in the oval R to the left of the lineballot. and fill in the oval R to the left of the Vote For One write-in line. write-in line. Chris Telfer ChrisClarkRobert TelferColvin Wollheim Robert Wollheim Incumbent Incumbent Attention AttentionNational Remember to inspect your ballot for Remember to inspect your ballot for William Ames Curtright Darleen Ortega mistakes. If you make a mistake or mistakes. If Write-inyou make a mistake or Write-inWrite-in Write-inIncumbent damage your ballot, call your County damage your ballot,United call Statesyour County Senator Chris Dudley State Senator, 19th District StateJudge Senator, of the 19thCircuit District Court Write-inJudge of the Circuit Court Elections Office to ask for a replacement Elections Office to askVote forVote aFor Forreplacement One One 4th District,Vote For PositionOne 15 4th District, Position 15 ballot. ballot. Bob ForthanVote For One Judge of Votethe CourtFor One of Appeals Position 7 Vote For One National TomMary Stutzman KremerNational MaryAllenAlicia Kremer Alley A Fuchs Alicia A Fuchs Incumbent Incumbent United States Senator RobinSteveUnited S Griffith Parker States Senator SteveRex O Griffith Watkins Robert Wollheim Vote For One Vote For One Write-in Write-inIncumbent Loren Later Write-inJudge of the Circuit Court Write-inJudge of the Circuit Court Write-in Write-in4th District, Position 20 4th District, Position 20 Vote For One Vote For One Tom Stutzman TomG Shane StutzmanState Dinkel Representative StateState Representative Treasurer Judge of the Circuit Court 38th District 38th(2 Year District Term) 4th District, Position 15 Official Primary NominatingVote For One Ballot for the RepublicanVoteVote Party ForFor OneOne Vote For One Robin S Parker 40 MultnomahRobinJim County, Huffman S Parker OR - May 18, 2010 Eric J Bloch Eric J Bloch Incumbent Incumbent Loren Later 41 LorenWalterRob GardierLater H Woodland RobChris Gardier Telfer Alicia A Fuchs Instructions To Voter Write-in Write-inIncumbent Use A Pencil or Pen Keith Waldron State Nonpartisan State Judiciary G Shane Dinkel (BlueG Shane or BlackDinkel Ink) Write-inJudge of the Circuit Court Write-inJudge of the Circuit Court Write-in Write-in4th District, Position 25 4th District, Position 25 To ensure your vote counts,Nonpartisan completely State fill in the NonpartisanVote For OneState Vote For One 40 Jim Huffman 40 Jim Huffman State Representative Judge of the Circuit Court 12 oval R to theWrite-in left of the response of your 27thGovernor District Judge4th District,of the Supreme Position Court 20 choice. VoteVote For For One One VotePosition For One 4 41 Walter H Woodland 4144 WalterRepresentativeSuperintendent H Woodland in Congressof Public KathleenSuperintendent M Dailey of Public Kathleen MVote Dailey For One To write in a name, write the1stInstruction name District on the solid IncumbentInstruction Incumbent line and fill in the oval VoteVote to Forthe For Oneleft One of the Vote For One Keith Waldron Keith WaldronR Dan Lucas Eric J Bloch write-in line. BillWrite-in Sizemore RivesWrite-inIncumbent Kistler Incumbent Attention Official Primary Nominating46 Ballot for the RepublicanDouglas Fitzgerald Party Keller Nonpartisan County Nonpartisan County 43 Multnomah County, OR - May 18,43 2010 Remember toSusan inspect Castillo your ballot for JohnSusanWrite-in Lim Castillo Write-in Write-in Write-in Write-in Official Primary Nominating Ballot mistakes.for the Republican If you make a mistakeParty or Nonpartisan State Multnomah County,Representative OR - May in Congress18, 2010 damage yourJohnRonRepresentative ballot, KuzmanichMaurer call your Countyin Congress RonChair Maurer of the Board of County ChairJudge of ofthe the Board Circuit of CountyCourt Instructions To Voter Darren Karr Judge4th of District, the Court Position of Appeals 25 5th District Elections Office to ask5th for Districta replacement Commissioners CommissionersPosition 3 Use A PencilVote or For Pen One ballot. Vote For One Four Year Term FourVote Year For TermOne (Blue or Black Ink) Stephan AndrewState Brodhead NonpartisanSuperintendent State ofJudiciary Public Vote For One Official Multnomah InstructionsCounty 2010 ToPrimary Voter Election Sample Ballot Write-in ClarkWrite-in ColvinInstructionVote For One Vote For One To ensureUse your voteA Pencil counts, completelyor Pen fill in the Vote For One (BlueScott or Bruun Black Ink) ScottRobNonpartisan Cornilles BruunNationalState State Judiciary WesNonpartisanNonpartisan Soderback StateState JudiciaryJudiciary WesKathleen Soderback M Dailey OFFICIAL PRIMARY12 NOMINATINGoval R to the left ofBALLOT the response FOR of your THE REPUBLICANState PARTY Treasurer WilliamJudge of Ames the Court Curtright of Appeals DarleenIncumbent Ortega Incumbent MULTNOMAHTochoice. ensure COUNTY, your vote counts, OREGON completely fill • inMAY the 18, 2010 (2 Year Term) Position 7 Fred Thompson 51 FredJudge Thompson ofVote the For Supreme One Court SusanJeffJudge Cogen Castillo ofVote the ForSupreme One Court Jeff Cogen 12 oval R to the left of the response of your Write-inUnitedGovernor States Senator ChrisJudge Dudley of the Supreme Court Write-in OfficialOfficialONLY PrimaryPrimary THE CAPTION NominatingNominating AND BallotBallot QUESTIONTo forforwrite the thein a name,RepublicanRepublicanWILL write APPEAR the name PartyParty ONon the YOUR solid OFFICIAL BALLOT ANDPosition ONLY 5 Position 5 Write-in MultnomahMultnomah County,County, OROR -- MayMay 18,18, 20102010choice. Vote For One Position 4 THE APPROPRIATE MEASURES FORlineOfficial and EACH fill in Primary the PRECINCT oval Nominating to the WILL left of APPEARthe Ballot for ON the THAT Republican PRECINCT’SVote Party For OneBALLOT Vote For One Nonpartisan County 48 R 48 RonMike Maurer DargerVote For One Mike Darger write-inMultnomah line. Write-in County, OR - May 18, 2010 ChrisWrite-in Telfer RobertBob Forthan Wollheim Judge of the Court of Appeals To write in a name, write the name on the solid Incumbent Position 7 InstructionsInstructions ToTo VoterVoter Attention line and fill in the oval R to Statethe left of the Jack L LandauState Jack L Landau Chair of Votethe BoardFor One of County UseUse AA PencilPencil oror PenPen write-inRemember line.Instructions to inspect your To Voterballot for BillTom Sizemore Stutzman RivesAllenWrite-inWrite-in AlleyKistler Write-in Commissioners Write-in IncumbentWrite-in (Blue(Blue oror BlackBlack Ink)Ink) mistakes.Use If you A AttentionPencilmake a mistakeorStateState Pen or NonpartisanNonpartisan StateState JudiciaryJudiciary Nonpartisan State Judiciary Four Year Term 51 damage your ballot, call yourGovernor County51 RobinAllan S J ParkerArlowGovernor RexAllan O J Watkins ArlowCounty Auditor Robert WollheimCountyVote For Auditor One ToTo ensureensure youryour votevote counts,counts, completelycompletely fillfill inin thethe Remember(Blue to inspect or Black your ballot Ink) for JohnState Lim Senator,State 22nd District NonpartisanJudge of the State Circuit Judiciary Court mistakes.Elections Office If you tomake ask foraVote mistake a replacementFor One or (2Vote Year For Term) One Write-in Four Year Term IncumbentFour Year Term 1212 ovalovalOfficial R toto thePrimarythe leftleft ofof thethe Nominating responseresponse ofof youryour Ballot for the RepublicanStateGovernor PartyTreasurer JudgeJudge ofof thethe CourtSupreme of Appeals Court 4th District,Vote PositionFor One 15 Vote For One MultnomahR County, OR - May 18, 2010Toballot. ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the Vote For One Judge of the Supreme Court Wes Soderback choice.choice. damage your ballot, callVote(2 your Year For County Term) One Loren Later Position 7 Vote For One 12 oval to the left of the response of your DarrenWrite-in KarrStatePosition Treasurer 4 Write-inJudge of the Court of Appeals ElectionsR Office to ask forVote a Forreplacement One Vote For One Write-in Position 5 Write-in choice. (2Vote Year For Term) One PositionVote For One 73 ballot.Official
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