Precambrian Research, 52 ( 1991 ) 133-166 133 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam Structural history of the southwestern corner of the Kaapvaal Craton and the adjacent Namaqua realm: new observations and a reappraisal Wladyslaw Altermann~ and Ingo W. H/ilbich Department of Geology, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch 7600, Republic of South Africa (Received September 27, 1989; revised and accepted January 28, 1991 ) ABSTRACT Altermann, W. and Hiilbich, I.W., 1991. Structural history of the southwestern corner of the Kaapvaal Craton and the adjacent Namaqua realm: new observations and a reappraisal. Precambrian Res., 52:133-166. The rocks along the southwestern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton were deformed up to 7 times during the Early to Middle Proterozoic. The oldest deformation D, is recorded in the N-S-trending Uitkoms cataclasite of pre-Makganyene age ( > 2.24 Ga) on the craton, and interpreted as a bedding-parallel thrust. It is assumed to be a branch rising towards the surface from a blind sole thrust that initiated early N-S-trending F,-folds above it. D2 is represented by mainly N-S but also NE-SW and NW-SE-trending imbricates and recumbent fold zones ranging in size from small gravity slumps to large tectonic decollements in Asbesheuwel BIF and the Koegas Subgroup, and is younger than D1 or equals DI in age. These structures pre-date the Westerberg dyke-sheet intrusion. D 3 south-verging folds and thrusts are the oldest post-Matsap deformations, just less than 2.07-1.88 Ga. D4 are upright to east vergent and N-S-trending folds deforming all previous structures. D4 post-dates the Westerberg dyke-sheet and probably reactivates N-S folds above the earlier sole thrust during renewed E-W compression. Ds, producing the main NW-trending Namaqua structures, is only very feebly developed in the Kheis terrain and absent from the cratonic areas overlain by Olifantshoek and older strata, i.e. NE, E and SE of the Marydale High. Very gentle D6 E-W to ENE-WSW folds produce culminations and depressions in all NW-trending older structures. During D7 the NW-SE-trending Doornberg Lineament, an oblique left-lateral wrench, and smaller N-trending faults such as the Westerberg Fault developed. These and similar, but right-lateral faults are the last movements along the rim of the craton and occurred around 1.0 Ga. Multiple folding and thrusting with riebeckite mobilization happened prior to Namaqua events and resulted inter alia in discernable duplication and thickening of the Transvaal Supergroup along the southwestern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton and at least some 130 km into the craton interior. This complicates stratigraphic correlation as well as true thick- ness estimates of BIF units in Griqualand West, and affects the model for the environmental evolution of the Ghaap Group. A structural model of thin-skin decoupling at the base of the Transvaal Supergroup and starting in the Middle- Early Proterozoic is proposed. Introduction Kaapvaal Craton is stated to be "overlain by only slightly deformed Early Proterozoic cover The Transvaal Basin sediments in Griqua- successions" (Stowe, 1986, p. 186). Beukes land West, northern Cape Province are bor- (1983) correlated parts of the Ghaap Group dered by multiply folded orogenic realms of the (Table 1 ) from north to south across Griqua- Namaqua Mobile Belt (Vajner, 1974a) and the land West regardless of possible structural Kheis Tectonic Province (Stowe, 1986). complications. This correlation is based mainly Nevertheless, the southwestern margin of the on borehole data gathered between Koegas (Westerberg) and Kuruman (Whitebank) *Present address: Goethering 27a, D-5804 Stein, FRG. (Fig. 1 ). However, recent work along the 0301-9268/91/$03.50 © 1991 -- Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. U, TABLE 1: STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN FOR THE SOUTH-WESTERN KAAPVAAL CRATON AND SURROUNDING PROVINCES. 10RMATION and AGE (Ma) in Possible correlates in Kakamas SEOUEN( E GROUI' SUBGItOt;P Upington Terranc (U), Kheis HTIIOI.OGY, and possible thrust ot (KA), and Upington (U) q'errunes, Subprovince( K1 I) and Kaapvaa[ decollement hm izons - I) in Kaapvaal Craton (K) Pos,sibl¢ DEFORMATION EI'ISODE Cralon (K) thrust horizons I) WILGE- Leerkranz (U) arid Zonderhuis Schist, quarlzite, phyllilc, Jannelscpan (KA) (c. 1350 Ma on [35 + D6 and late Namaqua I.I. wrench NI IOUI" (KH), (1330 ± 100, Button and conglomerate, jaspilile, calc-alkaline amphibolitc) faulting = D 7 along Doornberg lineament. IIRIF Burger, 1983) pillow ba,sahs < 1,35 up to 1,0 Ga. Groblclshoop (KI I) 0780 Ma SACS, 1980) - probably Phyllite, micaceous quilrlzite, Korannaland `sequence, Toeslaa n nletamorphic age, (Stowc, pelSOf/U[ chlorite schist and anlphibolile Formation (KA)? comnlunication) D 4 Brittle thru,sts. Post dating Westerberg dyke-sheet, post al"Z Velwater (Bt ulsand) (KI I) Mainly white quartzite Uitdraai? (Kaaien) + Sultanoord ÷ Associated with N-S trending and O VOIOP Glen lyon "]. Matsap G,I) Coarse, brown gray pebbly I)agbreek (U) (1800-2 led Ma detrital Ewergent folds. <2,07 to 1,88 Ga Ellie,s Rus (KI 1) quartzite zircons, Barton & Burger, 1983) Fuller J Z D 3 First post Mat,sap deformation, S to SE verging thrusts and folds late Kheis- llartley (KIt) (1881 --+57, Andesite Kotunna? = 2,2 - 2,0 Ga only in north west "3 Arnls/rong, 1987) Lucknow (KI 1) Quartzite of study area. © Mupedi (KI1) Shale (140- 2eDm) I) U NCONFORMIT't (.3 vOel. Mooidraai (K) Dolomite, chert, jaspilite, lava ~ WATER I Iotazel (K) A,S above, with B1F .~ Ongeluk (K) (2239 + 90/ 92, Armstrong, 1987) Andesitic lavas and ruff Low ANGLE U NCONFORMI I Y Makganyene Diamictite REGIONAL Ill(ill ANGLE UNCONFORMITY~ Nelani ] Jaspilites, flagstones, quartzite, D 2 Fold-thrust zones in BIF. Pro Matsap, Rooinekke I dolomite, BIF, pro- We,sterberg dyke-sheet (amphibolitised Naragas (K) Mudstone, amphibolitc, age unknown), syn- to post- Asbesheuwels Kwakwas quartzite, juspilite, Subgroup. Equivalent to DI? Dorodale conglomerate, crocidolite Pannetjie Griquatown and Kurumun: 2432 D I = Uitkomsthmst, prc-Makganyenr, ASBES ±31 zilcous from tuff in AIIochemical BIF ÷ croc-I) post-Koegas > >2,24 Ga (Ongcluk), EII3.JWH S Kuruman (qrendall et al 199(/) Orthochemical BIF + croc -11 <2432 of Kutuman BIF Gamohaan Z< Kogelbcen Alternating stromatolitic Naute Shale F. (+100m) only in Kippan and cherty limestones and south-western (K) 11 Papkuil Leterally grading south-wcstwm ds (K) dolomites. Thin `shale, mudslouc Klipfontcin 1 Icuwcl and proto-BIF intercalations into shallow water, carbonates wh h Fairfield towards top. (±800m) - D intercalated ironstones Beukcs ~. Rcivilo (1983) (K) < Momeville l.okamonna ~ 2557±49 oil Intercalated shales and S(IIMIDIS Boompktas ~(K) cztlhonatcs carbonates. -D (l d e Shales, siltst, quartzites, DR[[ Vryburg J m pzcss) lava(100m) -I) U NCONFI')R M IT'I -5 Zeckoebaatl (K) 2135 + 74/ 71, Parts of Ventcrsdotp SupcJgloup Pb/l~b-nletamorphic; 2745 .!628 Andesitic lavas, tuffitcs, (K). 2371 ÷ ]02/-106 (ArmstJong, Mild folding and/or tilling? l,~b/Sr (ArmMrong, 1987) conglomerates and qualtzhc~ 1987) NON CONI()RMII'I z Marydule Gioup. Intruded by Z Archean I)raghocndc[ gnmile Metabasitcs quartzites, thin BII' I)cfot reed twice in AichucLitl times. (2900 Ma Burger & Cocrtzc, 1973) (2990, Sm/Nd, Cornell et ul, 19SI~; behare and dut ing Z and Skalkscput granite (26eD Ma Ilarton et ah, 1986). Stcenkoppic inlrusion of 2,6 Ga g~ unite Burger & Coerlzc, 1973) and granite Sm/Nd model age 3100 (Corncll ct al, 1986) = basclnctll h, Steenkoppic gt anite west ol -r Doornberg lineanlcnt Marydatc Group (2600 Ma Bmgcr & l'mgieter. >: 1979), (K) t'-' STRUCTURAL HISTORY OF THE SOUTHWESTERN CORNER OF THE KAAPVAAL CRATON 13 5 southwestern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton found as far as Koupoort and Griquatown, up between Prieska and Boegoeberg Dam (Fig. 1 ) to 130 km across the craton boundary. Present reveals a strong multiple tectonic imprint on stratigraphic correlations, especially within the Transvaal cover rocks including possible blind Asbesheuwels Subgroup (Table 1 ), are there- thrusts, stacked thrust-sheets and recumbent fore questioned. folds. Some of these structures have now been Detailed structural descriptions are pre- LOCALITIES GEOLOGY BOED Bcogoeberg Dam VOLOP COP Copperton LU + GA Ltn~ow + GmC,A~ MP M.~,m~l DAN Danielskuil VW VOELWA~ GRK Griquatown CA ON ONOF~UK& MAKOANYENE KAT Kathu KO KOEGAS KOE Koegas GR+KU GRIOUATOWN& KURUMAN KOU Koupoort CA CAMPBELLRAND MAR Marydale CA + S CAMPBELLRAND and POS Postmasburg SCHMIDTSDRIF ZEEKOEBAART PRI Prieska MARYDALE PRP Prieskapoort BASEMENTG RANITE ~OI Rooinekke Boundary of Kaapvaal SIS Sishen Craton UPI Upington Prominent fold traces USB Uitspanberg OX~Xr* oo*~ \ KHEIs "t 01 ,f- a \ 29°S -,to~ i \ 29°S ~o'*z % CA ~°° R I ~AU_LT NOMENCLATURE: 18" Bf Brakfontein Bk Brakbos Bu Brulsand Do Doornberg Es Eselberg Gk - Griquatown Wb - Westerberg Fig. 1. Location of the study area (between Koupoort, Prieskapoort and Boegoeberg Dam) along the southwestern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton and of the structural model of Fig. 24. Geology after Vajner (1974), Stowe ( 1986 ), Beukes and Smit (1987), modified, and after our own observations. 136 W ALTERMANN AND l.W. H)~LBICH sented elsewhere (Altermann and Hiilbich, radiometric dating of the associated volcanic 1990). Here we use the essence of that infor- rocks. In the Transvaal the Ghaap Group is mation and present it together with new data underlain by the Ventersdorp Supergroup. to discuss these in the light of the objectives of Judging from stratigraphic relationships, the this paper. This is, to compare the deforma- Ventersdorp appears equivalent to Vajner's tional and erosional episodes found in the (1974a) Zeekoebaart Formation in the south- cover rocks of the craton and correlate them western part of the Kaapvaal Craton. How- with published information of the surrounding ever, the Ventersdorp Supergroup dates at 2.7 Kheis, Gordonia and Bushmanland sub-prov- Ga (Armstrong et al., 1986 ), while Armstrong inces.
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