Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-01-17

Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-01-17

— — . — T .. Jr- — ; C y s J . F h - I.. : ^. r - , . THE LOUISVILLE DAILY .101 ENAL LOUISVILLE, KENTr-UK\, 3 IONDAY .lAM’ARY IT 1859 VOLLME XXIX. NUMBER 4 ti ^ ^ '* <" . •. JOURNAL, MiSl Et.LANEOUS. FOR SALE RENT. ^ ---^ ^ i'‘' «>k»>inancks, * OR i LonsVILLE SAUyArAlULLA. .1 - l>»j9, junt pulitulled, tliit th* WU.L1AMS’ ^ ^ ':rr.'“r.'o; iik )s.s.i, n ^ kn edyjc bud. l»y iha la-t report i*f ••^'1 1868, ai per relDraa, ia A^ILI-.I-A-3S.<IS’ appoara tbe Audiur 4«,fti7AV7 ac^^. I a v ^ rnK^tTM’K * ••oRMi. J. UALI^ JO^E8 rOTTO\ POK SALE. B. F. oki»iv aMUF »ppr»ut I 134,201. v.luea .: 1 A.tboririBff an mMiiiouJ fub*=.ipd.'0 of T«* Huo- O-EISTEBAI. iAL'.2Krr.^:is.r.X"!S^^ lliin AURKd t»f Laud Id Um cuuatte 9i M J « „ cbi^t. a4U««. i»D>bi. iloaro«. jDckjijD, v»lu«of rt»l »cd jerronal ea*»t* in the C .mm..a- tl.l.Sia.fSfi; howr,, 238,203, v.lusd »t #11, oe;l,24;; Itilur* 4;-.j b». !•' !»««• rt KVI'41113 drad aixl Iweoljr ihMMDd by Ue I. -l%U, »»d tbuid«li4i. Arkau««. 1t»«M Imud* w*rt Daon^ th« OZ Houlth 111 i|f54M,770 ataeatintcat cattle, Z,Z^,4b3, valued at uf Louiaville in tbo Ca^lal of the L luiavi |« . tbe of tax ii ^1,- #l3,tf69,£87i average S^b mrUeatMiccCU’O# br ttM h»te KrftDfdi liurglA, of Nat^s. Ml ^ I Mnsuratiee Water Cempanv. MhihwpVi. aad embraco •oo»v of tKt chuic^t Wad* of the V<4,816 2.'>, the whole popu'atian 2,311,786, acd the »»!»* '.f land per acre, #1 .VI; anK’Uolof uaercutn- 9tato, of th«n laipr •rvA. tk» tUloft Ba^isMdioaabW. (Mew ovar Vfaru maof Sec 1. A Downa, .S.<iHk <(iAw w.;, C1.S,.V<'9. l»rod public d.'m,un aobject a 'jrdaiHtJ tkr Ctmrrui CmMcH cflk* ^ 4 (mI vMl br sold OB lyiojuabb* taraii. to TaRpaa A numter of tixahlet For Pbiladrlpbia to entry at g»oer»I latd ^ stiwwt, hatwaa. laporwof BrmadAM, wiam fK , I tj I I ' 9 a»l Kilb Iv I r \J /A (J W It . I .’ b^Uji £oawSe, Ay To«t the .Waeor <if aeld oir nb StreeU, Woaklf.^ oa>f #1 H>‘iiMtf . Hoicaa at LouloviU*. I I L# Ly POTASSIUM. , Cct'o Paioaa—do Aae^awoa.— or to cm kr IODIDEU C OF i , „ *.n . 101 now in,i _ a. i" ^ 1 bird at , tcCveo« and Giwo nreeu. ialdlB OKU UANOtxJC. *» ;»e.i.« A* aod io IL* 423 Ifice, 1^ TEX'KjfSKK »'P '. '7^ “ dla Noar tl»e ar« 1‘oot Lou^^. Kf H181118 PIPR»:3*ARATIOX lUS GKEAT POPUJ.AKITY "TJ> 12bf l'« iLt Jl!, Lt head. syidiUlt c Diitorder*, /n^awimafioa 0/ lAo Afdnevii. and lo Ul ealut cf real ac*l per«rnkl estate lZ^(ceDt3 on (100, or 1 8 of^ ore pdreent. oame <f U*e city i»f T Id tboIbocereofc Ubroiik Son* l>et. !^ald (102,976 663, Luux.'tviiie two tbou^d t»u IX>UISVILLK. KY. fotiowin* lett. r. tr im \lr. R..ther aD.I Mr ~ " and other Kwuale l)«.-m.Hi. KeiJ tbe : bandreU eh^iwi LettOwirboa,rlu», chterowi. a.aea-ment of tax #434,735 94. population 4IK 762, r o? ore buiidred dcllire eacb of tbe THE ERENCH IMPEKKL PINCH. ^ * I i r. X , jl <^S a July^10, ‘ be prupMiuon, eaid KODS iBv. to bare ct>oie ^ A ACKK4 of tfood Load botveoa Loa tTlUc aod Pott. i t ^ r’ from Jrf- capital Flock m tbe L «UviRt Water Cmpeoje # If laad and Duail»ar of Uxablrs lu4 335. I!rr,_L»^,r»r7W end —a UavyBaa wwiRd bo i»ref«mid. tronbled for over two v^p wi-h Tetter. I . ..tvlM to Irr ,our fer'kUi.n.. -,.,. I>Ati<*, thatmim,, Tbal, la |br L d^Mukit l>a. R. WiLLiaat Dtar Sir Havina hc-n tbeiUD Uuitiduutiio StatesOoBvea muiasbould attait •* p«y tbe eaiwe, tbd Mevor »id . ^ lu F. cbLb , T"*’’ r lb# f Jle*L.« rnA**oa.»»-n «uvDiit Apidi C C. OKLEN A C«>., and will lor it, 1 tliiok it IL. l> .t r. me.l, 1 b*»^ twer known, aad OMlioubd dvru^ of sarMpwrllle end li.di.le Pota~a. «f i eue at 4 seR ui.il«r ibe liireciion tie »nt 43!# dtf No. U all atrt^. Cuba for detit, has ciHcd attention a# p»nka eev-f^! *# L#td i- i eeiwe r Utm 1*4"?? M bariud fOldd Dif of Tcitor ebrii every w«brr rem-dy bad laiWd. K4*!‘l*eclloU>, M. RiJTlIr.R. to the feet tbat .« A> «. h' .. «„ ri* Idence for Sale. , or Stolon t acn otfi-riac for sale, oo enowally favorabte Ma B. F. pnTa. t**rai«, a lirick R«D44«oca. BiuaUnt ua Ftftb itnvt cure him. a 19*1* UitweeD tjreeu aad M*aiiiut. Tk« boiea* cuolaioi llv*ract i.e» aewarr, Ik ba« *^.—**, A d».«. r»eer4 will be iwd f.a her rrruTerr , , .. V“^ eu>ri.e aod a baspnirDt. IoIxuof *?"*** y;* »7 TIm tbruufli **l . II ill III WAl.kKlI UKNEIIUTT. iT I For «ale 1 nma.. D.»r(b«u.ut th^c^iiarvfrnoliiidvDFifibgtr«‘etaiid 'enterfllret't. il)«re •• au ifoD trtMW la front, ctairru. * {a::.SL-T^»uo.-....:!t Z i e «inokr house, die. Tbe lie. aBr B^fSdb... t % Iht.fwtr mmmtLrn Hm\ k----"*, . -’--v MUTrAL UFF rf*»I.R\N* F C- MrY.eddMw y.*e^ Id Ido oMi Iid.mx aauatbi . .^ ee vvAttt^tl _ - — .Ddi r roporlf il ili»r,{er“. an<l iiuarwHiiitere-*l to uebe ui«usui«0a p'Vai i4h,r .She h .6 e,ood weather and , p at tbe BaJt U Ce-b Capital dseee^ouw * '* ' •o Ihrarwe.** ^ *'^*' * * I n laH U bee. or ktre for the next rear, a NFX4I.O H. STOKES l*itouKrsdor TU8 B.im:*! , W. r Ff.gd ix Tk.Nxa'^das. Ameno*ArMrtOa lo iliellie cav light wi .J> the who iliu,. Kxiwpiiui. ainoun’ain m cuy uf Nee Ywr*inr^. a*»nuv«| ^raruii^afe la the Pendfs, :iae4«e« eai4. Mr liiMi ar hwa. per UMia «I4 ai' I Ma> u4 bw VI IKF.. lre«a».tlir aud ooB>i«irai W do (Sacc*wsor to K. A W. U. Slokea), *• ritl|fe about miJnay letwean ^ ®*GuUa tplii has <'Ctnrr#d iu the ® secure ir.e pavmeot of the erar»viaar». ebci nabtr erowaly. yoe aaaa». ev boM’«r aad tardea « nr ier ia coeatr tbrey fuiP^froa: D.TTleM County Farm for Sal*. Ib.aoluli a* <l ite I biptisc Church princ'ptt ^ 4l» » . In*, 4o Sbiiuaiaafveeb.^aaaece duet |4»idev1lit'—.one or ta^ D«d| fy^»a ebudrva aot obx^Ud UST I DiU svU Diy I'arm, oa tbe Ohio river, d XIBi/IIBOIFtTEB. -A.3ST3D IDE-A.11.E!R In*.|N». d*4* • nmmHbo» do, dw.do. IIde di i«. Addnea,Addiisw, laBo4iai«dy.iBBs4ic!#dy, forb addMlaua* o|waio. oWf-baif MebovopncM niUr* bHo» ( »««ii boro, coatainlfd# 4*ft amw, Bir.*] -tr with a coiar«>rte kdacTUdf, fotsl stabliaf, H***' Adwrdseewwis aabbAed et iwlervaU_«l (er 4r«t i wut.bousea, dtc. id acref t-laar**' and SADDl.KRY IIAIIDWA all & kcreta two yeardea* iod, oader p**od ieuce. AdoTr? COACH Prait as4 UrsaiaestMl Treex, Uses, .toM.S POPE. UldH‘slaMishrd haddifry II arphoiisp, *?^ eurUdAvtf Uweasbnni kf. 7* ~ ~“ Shrubs. Lf. ^7{i^i i *i a i~ i r~‘r :^IXTH, •be'iCM* aad 435 M.\IN STRKKT, BETWEEN FIFTH AND lliTe* Wist mild linabiaT sdsMruiWfBDWla. ^ NOW Is *ke Koeer Ucor for traDsol»atif*e Send NO. ' r dieleT ‘t er you* ordere »arl» . lastmesd t . dll ordert mi M lesw mIw . leiel JUd m 1 am TIILdA.ed«vi*8TORKHOU3F,tfB MuUt Hreet. m | ^^4 luier edurtiaiie. as4 puWasbed bt Uht i-ear l-e* tbr abuvr artld«e Irom U»r oAuel reliable Nl KBk- Bf... b*-ta<<eD FI Ui aud SUib »in»«U, occupied by div eocapa- dvetebaoHmU *nr ebarteabftr iwwtialkiwi. kir^ ia tba virxaity at uaiwir iirieea— varraau4 |piit ucau* Piatt A Bro a» a bhoa Waitebsusa. Pus. eacb like, ban ddw. w«adw aad ecbar sebhr miKian aad inm to aaam aad labol. B|llk*vni<*n fiveu JaDuar> i, U ^ 1* hip with lh« antic, wbvr— (Ut.il. anee J. H«)M»URANT APi>^ to W. H. 8TOKR8. oi .-aiU ,u.c* . aesre. ubItaarWaad ^ Marrisessaad 4M*br tmbHibed a> edt dtf hixtb mrert. bKwevu Male aod karkvC dS dtf 4U Maau street. Al l PION SCALES. KMCKER’-.ix.iiKX M»-v IVsCR.k'KE C<»MPAMir erne l ioo<»a sai a»ad< rtissmeet*. m H ^ BUSINESS C.VRDS. .'S, 1* \%illi..a Uwai, N.w Va.X. (.aa* \.av.toi a>.(4 * >oi>tiu a»w,v«*. ^ removai. iJI . c. C. OBri N W ILLl A. rWX'XF- * " r bwee «oovod to »• wud t«. to avMe^luw-.ttoMewalr MWWa« vw oiKveuaw u wr i \\ 111 oo F'otttib, between Greco aud SIIOBti. I ,, _ l;or».'. iro«4mi.t boitdiaa-. IKwUi w le ol Jdeia K BOOTS AM) VOWOTK , W4f.ir alout arivtv, Is tor aele on easy *crtus, or wUl XPAV TIf)USF.. M AUCTION ^ i-^^i A —I W.A-.A I betveeu vrati» aad FirhCli. tbe PalU I It* H.JtH waa-ieeeaBHiDww i ^**< be leased f.>r a term of yeont. Posamuvu will b« SA^MUCId li.

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