www.golakes.co.uk Hawkshead responsibility for any changes, errors or omissions, or any inconvenience arising therefrom. arising inconvenience any or omissions, or errors changes, any for responsibility to press, neither Cumbria Tourism nor South Lakes Tourism Action Group can accept any accept can Group Action Tourism Lakes South nor Tourism Cumbria neither press, to Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels, All and Michael St of Church Parish Cover image: image: Cover Whilst every effort was made to ensure that the information was correct at the time of going going of time the at correct was information the that ensure to made was effort every Whilst Printed by Printed Designed by Designed Shanleys, Levens Shanleys, Digital Cypher Published by Published South Lakes Tourism Action Group and Cumbria Tourism Cumbria and Group Action Tourism Lakes South and generally getting away from the crowds. the from away getting generally and and forest tracks in this area make it ideal for walking, cycling and riding, and cycling walking, for ideal it make area this in tracks forest and side of Windermere. The abundance of public rights of way, quiet lanes quiet way, of rights public of abundance The Windermere. of side Cumbria Tourism Cumbria are nearby, whilst a short ferry crossing connects with Bowness on the far the on Bowness with connects crossing ferry short a whilst nearby, are supported by supported Tarn Hows. Tarn Park Coniston and Ambleside and Coniston of splendours scenic the or Grizedale Forest Grizedale Water, with easy access to the outdoor activities of of activities outdoor the to access easy with Water, Hawkshead lies halfway between the lakes of Windermere and Coniston and Windermere of lakes the between halfway lies Hawkshead and illustrated several of her famous books. famous her of several illustrated and www.golakes.co.uk availability or book accommodation on on accommodation book or availability Near Sawrey. Near Sawrey Far Here, at Hill Top Farm, Beatrix Potter wrote Potter Beatrix Farm, Top Hill at Here, and www.hawkshead-village.com Alternatively you can check can you Alternatively at found be can information Other noted for its trout fishery. At the lake’s southern end lie the twin villages of villages twin the lie end southern lake’s the At fishery. trout its for noted www.southlakeland.gov.uk/tourism See website for opening times. times. opening for website See overlooked by the wooded slopes of Grizedale and Claife Heights, is Heights, Claife and Grizedale of slopes wooded the by overlooked Tel: 015394 32582 or 32729 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Email: 32729 or 32582 015394 Tel: Tourist Information Centre, Market Cross, Ambleside, LA22 9BS 9BS LA22 Ambleside, Cross, Market Centre, Information Tourist Esthwaite Water, Esthwaite fringed by lush meadows and meadows lush by fringed of lake tranquil The www.forestry.gov.uk/northwestengland Grizedale Visitor Centre, Tel: 01229 860010 Email: [email protected] Email: 860010 01229 Tel: Centre, Visitor Grizedale interesting chapel, cemetery and outdoor baptismal. outdoor and cemetery chapel, interesting please call or visit: or call please Hawkshead Hill, Hawkshead with its with of community Baptist the is west the To For advice on local events, where to eat, where to stay and what to do in Hawkshead and Grizedale, and Hawkshead in do to what and stay to where eat, to where events, local on advice For Meeting House dating from 1688 (still in use) and its own burial ground. burial own its and use) in (still 1688 from dating House Meeting Bikes who have a hire point at Ambleside Youth Hostel. Youth Ambleside at point hire a have who Bikes Colthouse has a has of hamlet Quaker the Hawkshead, of east miles few A www.ghyllside.co.uk www.biketreks.net at Ambleside, or through Budgie through or Ambleside, at Cycles Ghyllside or at Windermere Canoe & Kayak, near Bowness. Mountain bikes can also be hired through Biketreks through hired be also can bikes Mountain Bowness. near Kayak, & Canoe Windermere at the entrance door. entrance the Bike hire for half or full days. For a one-way cycling trip, hire a bike from Grizedale and drop it off off it drop and Grizedale from bike a hire trip, cycling one-way a For days. full or half for hire Bike Tel: 01229 860369 www.grizedalemountainbikes.co.uk 860369 01229 Tel: shroud certificates shroud – a copy of one dated 1696 is on display near display on is 1696 dated one of copy a – these Grizedale Mountain Bikes Ltd, Grizedale Visitor Centre, Hawkshead, LA22 0QJ LA22 Hawkshead, Centre, Visitor Grizedale Ltd, Bikes Mountain Grizedale in woollen shrouds for burial. Hawkshead church holds nearly 200 of 200 nearly holds church Hawkshead burial. for shrouds woollen in Bike Hire Bike Parliament passed a law which decreed that all corpses must be wrapped be must corpses all that decreed which law a passed Parliament www.cyclingcumbria.co.uk go to to go the woollen industry was in decline. To help the local wool trade, wool local the help To decline. in was industry woollen the (free of charge but subject to space availability). For more information on cycling in Cumbria generally, Cumbria in cycling on information more For availability). space to subject but charge of (free a quarter of the Abbey’s entire income. By the mid-17th century, however, century, mid-17th the By income. entire Abbey’s the of quarter a Bicycles can be taken on the Windermere steamers and launches and on the Mountain Goat service Goat Mountain the on and launches and steamers Windermere the on taken be can Bicycles of cloth. The trade in woollen goods was highly profitable, providing over providing profitable, highly was goods woollen in trade The cloth. of local Tourist Information Centres. Information Tourist local experienced mountain bikers. Leaflets and maps can be found at the Forest Visitor Centre and at and Centre Visitor Forest the at found be can maps and Leaflets bikers. mountain experienced and despatch it for spinning and weaving, and sell on the woven pieces woven the on sell and weaving, and spinning for it despatch and routes and forest tracks to ride along. There are five waymarked cycle routes including one for one including routes cycle waymarked five are There along. ride to tracks forest and routes of the Abbey’s estate. Here the monks would receive tithes, collect wool collect tithes, receive would monks the Here estate. Abbey’s the of Grizedale Forest is one of the mountain-biking meccas, with a huge number of designated cycling designated of number huge a with meccas, mountain-biking the of one is Forest Grizedale Hawkshead Hall Hall Hawkshead was the administrative centre for this northern outpost northern this for centre administrative the was By Cycle By www.traveline.org.uk or or hardwearing garments for the working classes. classes. working the for garments hardwearing 0871 200 22 33 22 200 0871 For more information on all bus, rail and ferry timetables and fares, contact Traveline on on Traveline contact fares, and timetables ferry and rail bus, all on information more For The cloths were taken to Kendal to be finished and turned into turned and finished be to Kendal to taken were cloths The main intercity route between Scotland and the south of England. England. of south the and Scotland between route intercity main approximately every hour to Oxenholme The Lake District station (2 miles/3 km) SE of Kendal) on the the on Kendal) of SE km) miles/3 (2 station District Lake The Oxenholme to hour every approximately Tenter Hill Tenter (SD 338 997). 338 (SD as such names place local in echoed activity an The nearest railway station is at Windermere (6 miles/9.5 km away via the ferry), with trains departing trains with ferry), the via away km miles/9.5 (6 Windermere at is station railway nearest The was washed and hung on tenterframes to be stretched back into shape – shape into back stretched be to tenterframes on hung and washed was By Train By District. Local weavers would produce cloth from the spun wool, which wool, spun the from cloth produce would weavers Local District. www.windermere-lakecruises.co.uk service during Winter). Winter). during service grey fleece, well suited to the cooler and wetter climate of the Lake the of climate wetter and cooler the to suited well fleece, grey prices and provide an enjoyable way of arriving at your chosen destination. Daily sailings (reduced sailings Daily destination. chosen your at arriving of way enjoyable an provide and prices Herdwick, a sturdy sheep with a coarse a with sheep sturdy a the was breed dominant The Aquarium (Lakeside), and the Lakeside & Haverthwaite Railway give savings on the full admission/cruise full the on savings give Railway Haverthwaite & Lakeside the and (Lakeside), Aquarium Lakeside. Combined cruise and admission tickets to Lake District Visitor Centre, Brockhole, Lakes Brockhole, Centre, Visitor District Lake to tickets admission and cruise Combined Lakeside. monastic grange monastic run by the monks of Furness Abbey as a sheep ‘walk’. sheep a as Abbey Furness of monks the by run Jump on board one of the Windermere steamers or launches to visit Wray Castle, Brockhole or Brockhole Castle, Wray visit to launches or steamers Windermere the of one board on Jump By the 12th century, Hawkshead and most of the surrounding land was a was land surrounding the of most and Hawkshead century, 12th the By By Boat By and Tarn Hows page). Hows Tarn and for sheep and cattle. and sheep for www.nationaltrust.org.uk (Coniston from downloaded be can Timetable Sundays.
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