CA SS C TY CHIONIC[.E ..................................... ~ r ~,~ ~?~.) o DECOINIONDAY DEFORDCOIVIMEEENENT H/ RI ONY OF IIOV. ELKLANDLOSES NON-SMOKINGPAYS DRY HI]HT WILL Rev. E. J. Warren Will Deliver Ad- Marlette Doctor Saves Considerable EXERCISESMAY 31 dress to Graduates. AND LEGISLATURE Coin in Tabooing, Smoking Habit. BEOIN BY JULY The commencement exercises of the ] "Dr. W. T. Atkinson and daughter, PETITIONS FOR AMENDMENT BOY SCOUTS ARE IN CHARGE OF Deford high school will be given at SENATOR CORLISS PREPARES LEVI MUNTZ LAID TO REST Vern, left Tuesday morning on their PROGRAM. the M. E. church in that village on STATEMENT. : SUNDAY. two-months' trip to the West,,' says BEING PROPOSED. Friday, June 4. Rear. E. J. Warren of the Marlette Leader. "We believe our Care will give the address on the sub- readers would be interested in learn- Rev. J.W. Hamblin Will Give joeL, "The Fine Art of Living." Other Finds Governor and Legislature in Came to Elkland Township in Early ing the secret of getting fine trips like State-wide Prohibition Measure to Be Address at the Presby- numbers on the program are: Perfect Accord on 96 Per Sixties and Resided on Same this. Dr. Atkinsoa lays it all to saving Submitted at November, the money which he might have spent terian Church. Grand March . Cent of Legislation. Farm Since. 1916, Electiom Invocation . Rev. Hufton for smoking. Starting at the age of 17 Vocal Solo . Mrs. Hufton he !aid aside $1,!5 each week, figuring Salutatory Evad'ne Marie Milton Elkland township bst one her that a moderate smoker would burn up According to the present plans of Decoration Day services will be Guitar Solo Ruby Nesbitt Terry Corliss of Mayville, state of held at Cass City on Monday, May 31. Declamation . Ciark Silverthorn senator of' the 21st district, had the pioneers Thursday, May 2~0, when Levi 15 cents each week day and 25 cents the Anti-Saloon League, the campaign The village president appointed the Music . Ladies' Quartette following statement read and spread Muntz passed away at his home, 2½ on Sunday in cigars. The money was to make Michigan a dry state will Boy Scoats to have charge of the day. Class History and Prophecy, upon the Journal of the Senate on miles north of Cass City. Mr. put out at 5 per cent and compounded start before July 1. Persis Belle I~oberts Muntz suffered two paralytic strokes semi-annually. The good doctor is The petition for a, constitutional The Scouts selected as a committee, Vocal Solo" Mrs. Hufton Tuesday, the day of final adjourn- Nelson Higgins, Arthur Hicks, Earle Valedictory, ';Quest of the Un- ment: six days before and his family real- many years past 17 now and this amendment to prohibit the manufac- Buchanan, Frank Mixter and Roy known" D011ie Mac Ross "The Legislature passed 336 bills, ized then that hi~ recovery was hard- money saved consistently every year ture and sale of liquor in Michigan is Striffier, who with the local troop Pantomine "The Holy City." of which the Governor approved 321, ly possible. since has brought him his fine resi- about ready to be referred to-the sec. Guitar Solo Ruby Nesbitt making the Governor and the Legisla- Funeral services were held Sunday dence property, paid $500 on building reLary of state. Thousands of copies committee and Assistant Scout Mas- Presentation of ]Jiplomas ter, W. R. Kaiser, have planned the Benediction Rev: Hufton ture in perfect accord on 96 per cent at the Evangelical church, Rev. D. J. a new church, paid a goodly sum each will be sent to all parts of the state, service. of the work of the Legislature. The Feather, the pastor, officiating. The year to benevolent causes, given him and the work of securing' signatures The troop will assemble at the hall Legislature sustained the Governor building was well filled, many friends la trip abroad, pays for this trip and will begin in about three weeks. at 12:30, local time, and march to the in eight of the vetoes, leaving the dif- and neighbors coming to pa~r their I will give him a fine trip every two The number of signatures required Presbyterian church. The G. A. R. ference between the Legislature and last respects to the memory of ~anlyears and there will still be left a to initiate the amendment is 44,048, veterans will meet in the vicinity of the Executive applying" to only seven honored citizen, l nest egg of $500. Yes, the above was but tLe league does not intend to be the post office and march to the bills, or one-fortyeighth, a trifle over Levi Muntz was born in Reichen- tall paid for out of smoking money and content with the minimum number. It church, while the school children and !:< ATfD TO FAI S 2 per cen~ of the whole number bach, Germany, July 26, 1835 He tshows that little things are not to be hopes to secure i00,000 or 150,000 the public will gather at the latter passed. came to America in 1851 and located despised. It should set young men to the higher the number, the better, as place. Promptly at one o'clock the "The Senate passed 150 bills which at Buffalo, N.Y. In 1854 he was thinking. Start now." evidencing" the disposition of the following program will be given. LOCAL FAIR OFFICERS ASK went to the Governor. One of these united in marriage with Miss Mary state toward prohibition. In October, the active campaign to Selection Quartette SHARE. was thebi!l exempting the Judicature Schilp. To this union were born six win votes will begin, and it will con- Address Rev. J. W. Hamblin Act from enrollmen~ printing because children, two of whom preceded the tinue for 13 months. The signed peti- Chorus 12 Camp Fire Girls it was thought to be physically im- father in death. Mr. Muntz came to RAT BOUNTYLAW tions will be filed in December, so that Solo Miss Anna Finkbeiner Michigan Agricultural Fair Com- possible to enroll the bill in the time Michigan in the spring of 1862 and given. But it being found that the soon thereafter he and his family lo- there will be about a six-months' cam- After the service, the G. A. R. and mission Has Power to Appor- bill could be enrolled, everybody cated on the farm where he has since paign for signatures. their wives will follow the line of tion Appropriation. ,, SOONTAILS EFFECT wanted the exempting bill to die; so resided. As an early settler he endured The petition wilt demand that Mich- march to Elkland cemetery in auto- the veto of that bill need not be count- the hardships incident to pioneer life. igan be dry on and agter May 1, 1918. mobiles provided for that purpose. ed as a difference between the Gover- He bore adversity bravely and en- THE PAY IS FIVE CENTS If the eonstitutional amendment is The music will be furnished by the President C. J. Striffier and Secre- nor and the Senate. Leaving this out joyed prosperity quietly. adopted at the election of November, Cass City Cornet band and the Boy tary H. L. Hunt of the local fair so- PER HEAD. of the question 149 Senate Acts were He united with the local Evangeli- 1916, the liquor manufacturers and Scout Martial band. The line Of ciety have made application to the presented to the Governor for approv- cal church as a charter member and seIlers will thus have a year and six march will be arranged in the follow- Michigan Agricultural Fair Commis- al and he approved 144 of them, or for many years was ~n official of the Law Provides that Clerk Cannot months in which to close u'p their af- ing order: Troop I, Cass City Boy sion for a portion of the $50,000 ap- nearly 97 per cent. society. fairs. Scouts of America, Camp Fire Girls, propriation which the state legisla- Draw Order For Less Than "Of the five vetoes of Senate bills Besides his aged companion, he In addition to this program, the An- school children, G. A. R. in automo- ture has made for the promotion of Five Heads at a Time° the Senate sustained the Governor in leaves three sons, Win. Muntz of Vi- ti-Saloon league is planni~_~ a "dry" bileg. At the cemetery the graves of agriculture vnd industry in the state by the payment of premiums to ex- two of them, thus leaving a difference gerville, Alberta, Lewis P. Muntz of campaign in 17 counties, in the spring soldiers will be decorated and J. W. of 1916. There is some discucsion as hibitors at the various laird: between them as to only three of 149 San Jose, Cal., and Andrew Muntz of The new rat bounty law which pro- Fenn will give a short address. W. to the advisability of such action in The commission is to be composed Senate bills, or less than one-forty- Elktand township; one daughter, Mrs. vides that five cents per head will be R. Kaiser will act as marshal of the view of the state-wide campaign, but of six members to be appointed by ninth of the completed work of the Henry Blades of Elkland, 15 grandchil- paid from the public treasury for ev- day. Local citizens are requested to the leaders believe that they can put the governor and made up as follows: Senate as to Senate bills. dren and three great grandchildren. ery rat killed should be a source of decorate their homes.
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