Shipping Australia Limited Annual Review 2017 More than 100 years of ports and logistics experience > Line Haul & Freight > Automotive Logistics & Management PCC/RORO > Bulk Transport & Storage > Project Cargo > General Stevedoring > Forestry & Livestock Logistics > Warehousing & Distribution > Port Management > Global Forwarding > Oil & Gas Services linxcc.com.au 1300 487 837 contents 2 Company overview 54 North Queensland 56 Townsville 4 From the minister south australia 5 saL members 58 Flinders Ports 6 Chairman’s report victoria 7 board oF direCtors 57 Melbourne 8 Ceo’s report western australia 10 saL struCture 60 Fremantle 11 poLiCy CounCiL internationaL orGanisations 62 CLIA Australasia and Asia 12 Liner serviCes 63 FONASBA state Committee reports 64 International Chamber of Shipping 14 New South Wales maritime Law and insuranCe 16 Queensland 66 General Average in ofshore construction projects: 18 South Australia salient lessons 18 Victoria Maurice Thompson 19 Western Australia 68 Reform of the Marine Insurance Act 1909 20 younG shippinG austraLia Stuart Hetherington saL votinG member updates 70 Maritime arbitration – its place in the global economy 22 Austral Asia Line Peter Mcqueen 24 Asiaworld Shipping Services 26 Hapag-Lloyd Australia 74 Australia’s proposed insolvency reforms: what impact 28 Inchape Shipping Services they may have on Australia’s shipping and trade 30 Maersk Line Oceania industries 32 Wilhelmsen Ships Services Stephen Thompson and Ranjani Sundar CommonweaLth aGenCies 76 Competition law and liner shipping 34 Department of Immigration and Border Protection Nathan Cecil and Rebecca Niumeitolu 36 Department of Agriculture and Water Resources 77 Damages for unjustifed arrest of ships 38 Department of Infrastructure and Regional Jesper Martens Development 78 Recent changes to the business equivalent of the state transport and LoGistiCs rules concerning bullying at school - the new s46 of 40 New South Wales 41 Queensland the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Robert Wilson and Tom Morrison ports 42 Ports Australia 79 Container lines strive to improve cargo integrity Marcus John new south wales 44 Port Authority of New South Wales eduCation and traininG 46 Port Botany / Port Kembla 80 Australian Maritime College 48 Newcastle maritime saFety Queensland 84 Australian Maritime Safety Authority 50 Brisbane 86 Australian Transport Safety Bureau 52 Far North Queensland naviGation 88 Australian Hydrographic Service 90 Brisbane Marine Pilots the oFFiCiaL JournaL oF shipping australia Ltd 92 OMC International Level 1, 101 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 PO Box Q388 Sydney NSW 1230 towaGe p: 02 9266 9900 96 Engage Marine and Westug w: www.shippingaustralia.com.au twitter: @shippingaus 97 Svitzer Australia pubLiCations Commitee Chairman: Ross McAlpine Container manaGement vice chairman: Frank Needs 98 1-Stop Connections executive editor: Rod Nairn executive assistant: Sharyn Flood 100 Chalmers Industries Graphic designer: Sarah Abrahams 101 Royal Wolf Holdings Ltd e: [email protected] stevedorinG & LoGistiCs advertising Co-ordinator: For advertising contact Steve Moxey 104 DP World Australasia p: 0400 473 200 e: [email protected] 106 Hutchison Ports Australia PO Box 43 Woonona NSW 2517 107 LINX Cargo Care Group Shipping Australia Magazine is published for Shipping Australia Ltd by Ontime Publications Ontime Pubications. Shipping Australia Limited Annual Review 2017 1 our vision The frst choice for membership of a national shipping industry body; trusted by Government and industry bodies providing quality advice, promoting the interests of the shipping industry and creating enduring value for our members. our mission To promote and advance the interests of members in shipping policy for a sustainable maritime industry. our values Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Teamwork overview Shipping Australia Limited is a peak shipowner association with 28 member lines and shipping agents and with 48 corporate associate members which generally provide services to the maritime industry in Australia. Our member Lines are involved with over 80 per cent of Australia’s international container trade and car trade, as well as over 70 per cent of our break bulk and bulk trade. A number of our members are also actively engaged in the provision of coastal cargo services to Australian consignors and consignees. Our members include cruise ship and towage operators. A major focus of SAL is to promote efcient and efective maritime trade for Australia, whilst advancing the interests of ship owners and shipping agents. SAL also provides secretariat services to the many liner companies and agencies that are members of conferences, discussion agreements, consortia and joint services that have their agreements registered under Part X of the Australian Competition and Consumer Act, 2012. These agreements specifcally seek to facilitate and encourage growth of Australia’s international liner shipping trades. we know shipping! Disclaimer: Readers are advised that Shipping Australia Limited and the Publisher cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of statements made in advertising and editorial, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Opinions expressed throughout the publication are the contributors own and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of Shipping Australia Limited or the Publisher. While every reasonable effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, the Publisher takes no responsibility for those relying on the information. The Authors, Publisher and Shipping Australia Limited disclaim all responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by readers or third parties in connection with the information contained in this publication. Nothing in this publication should be construed as personal or professional advice and should be read as general information only. Warranty and Indemnity: ADVERTISERS and/or advertising agencies upon and by lodging material with the Publisher, Ontime Publications for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material indemnify Shipping Australia, the Publisher, its servants and agents, against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of the foregoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles, unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular, that nothing therein is capable of being misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of Part V of the Competition and Consumer Act, 2010 (Cth). 2 Shipping Australia Limited Annual Review 2017 1–3 May 2018, Gold Coast, Queensland Registration for NAV18 is now open AMSA invites you to join 150+ industry colleagues to explore how modern technology is impacting aids to navigation, shipboard navigation systems and people working in the industry. The three-day event explores the future of navigation as emerging technologies gain momentum across the maritime sector. nav18.com Shipping Australia Limited Annual Review 2017 3 NAV18 Advertisement.indd 1 3/11/2017 10:45:22 AM from the minister shipping regulation reform critical to australia’s future By the Hon DARREN CHESTER MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport For Australia to fourish, our national freight and I have also been working with the transport and supply chain must be efcient and productive. It is logistics sector, State and Territory governments and critical to our international and domestic trade that our local communities to develop a National Freight and existing regulatory environment for coastal shipping is Chain Strategy which will better meet the demands of reformed, giving us the scope to have more domestic our national economy. The strategy is being crafted freight moved by ship. To achieve this, the Australian through an Inquiry into National Freight and Supply Government is committed to working together with Chain Priorities which will frame our understanding of industry to foster a strong and safe maritime industry. what challenges lie ahead and how we can best take advantage of the opportunities presented. The amount Improving the way Australia plans, develops and of engagement from stakeholders is very pleasing, as manages transport infrastructure to meet long-term is the widespread support for the development of a domestic challenges is an important part of the Coalition national strategy that acknowledges the importance of Government’s agenda. Our transport and infrastructure improving the links between our road and rail freight, and needs are growing, with our domestic freight task our major ports. The second stage of the consultation expected to grow by 80 per cent between 2010 and process is progressing through talks with selected 2030. stakeholders, with the fnal inquiry report due in March Australia’s freight infrastructure—roads, rail, intermodal 2018. terminals and ports—and our coastal shipping sector, I look forward to continuing to work with all stakeholders must be prepared to meet this forecast growth, and have to establish a National Freight and Supply Strategy; and their right regulations in place to allow it to respond to to grow a strong and viable coastal trading industry. changing market
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