This Page © 2004 Connelly Communications, LLC, PO Box 592 Hampton, NH 03843- Contributed items and logos are © and ™ their respective owners Unauthorized reproduction 22 of this page or its contents for republication in whole or in part is strictly prohibited • For permission, call (603) 926-4557 • AN-Mark 9A-EVEN- Rev 12-16-2004 PAGE 6C | ATLANTIC NEWS | DECEMBER 2, 2005 | VOL 31, NO 47 SEACOAST ENTERTAINMENT &ARTS | ATLANTICNEWS.COM . Excellence in kitchens, baths, cabinetry & renovations . Since 1980 Discover a world of kitchen and bath ideas in our showrooms at 400 Dover Point Road, Dover, New Hampshire, or visit our gallery at www.adaptationsunlimited.com, or call 603-742-9600, toll-free 866-654-BATH (2284). HOLIDAYS CHRISTMAS FAIR IN GREENLAND GREENLAND | Greenland Community 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 Congregational Church will hold its annual 12/5/05 WBZ-4 Dr. Phil News CBS The Insid- Ent. King of How I Met Two/Half Out of CSI: Miami “From News Late Show With Late Late Christmas Fair on Saturday, December 3 (CBS) (CC) News er (N) Tonight Queens Men Practice the Grave” (CC) (CC) David Letterman Show from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church’s Parish WCVB-5 News News News ABC Wld Inside Chronicle Wife Swap NFL Football Seattle Seahawks at Philadelphia Eagles. From Lin- News (:35) House, located on Post Road in Greenland. (ABC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News Edition (CC) “Pyke/Smith” ’ (CC) coln Financial Field in Philadelphia. ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) (CC) Nightline The fair features two floors of hand-craft- WCSH-6 News ’ News ’ News ’ NBC 207 Maga- Seinfeld Las Vegas “For Sail Las Vegas “Down Medium ’ (HD) (CC) News ’ The Tonight Show Late Night ’ ’ ed items for sale, as well as a light breakfast (CBS) (CC) (CC) (CC) News zine (CC) By Owner” (CC) and Dirty” (N) (CC) (CC) With Jay Leno (N) WHDH-7 News ’ News ’ News ’ NBC Access Extra (N) Las Vegas “For Sail Las Vegas “Down Medium ’ (HD) (CC) News ’ The Tonight Show Late Night and lunch menu. There is no booth space for (NBC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News H’wood ’ (CC) By Owner” (CC) and Dirty” (N) (CC) (CC) With Jay Leno (N) rent; all crafts are made by church members WUNI-27 Primer Impacto Noticias Noticiero Piel de Otoño Mu- Contra Viento y La Esposa Virgen Cristina Noticias Noticiero La Hora Derbez and local Scout troops. (UNI) Univisión Univisión jeres valientes. Marea Univisión Univisión For more information, call Heidi Duncan- WMUR-9 News News News ABC Wld Ent. Chronicle Wife Swap NFL Football Seattle Seahawks at Philadelphia Eagles. From Lin- News (:35) (ABC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News Tonight “Pyke/Smith” ’ (CC) coln Financial Field in Philadelphia. ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) (CC) Nightline son at (603) 431-4966 or e-mail heididuncan- Dragon Clifford- The NewsHour With Business NH Out- Great Performances Canadian singer Andy Andrews: The Seven Decisions ’ Nova “Treasures of BROADCAST WENH-11 son @aol.com. (PBS) Tales Red Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) Rpt. look (CC) Michael Buble performs. (N) ’ (CC) (CC) the Sunken City” ’ WLVI-56 My Wife My Wife Friends ’ Will & Every- Every- 7th Heaven ’ (CC) Related “Hello, Deli” News (CC) Sex and Will & Friends ’ Just HOLIDAY FAIR AT WEBSTER AT RYE (WB) and Kids and Kids Grace Raymond Raymond ’ (HD) the City Grace Shoot Me RYE | Webster at Rye, a nursing care and WSBK-38 That ’70s That ’70s King of King of Wheel of Jeopardy! One on All of Us Girl- Half & Dr. Phil South South Fear Factor ’ (CC) (UPN) Show ’ Show ’ Queens Queens Fortune (N) One ’ (CC) friends Half (CC) Park Park retirement community located at 795 Wash- WNRU-21 Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Shop ’Til On the Pyramid Family Sue Thomas: Early Edition “Where Doc “The Commer- It’s a Mir- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- ington Road, will host its annual Holiday (PAX) gram gram You Drop Cover ’ ’ (CC) Feud ’ F.B.Eye ’ (CC) or When” cial” ’ (CC) acle ’ gram gram gram ’ Fair on Saturday, December 3 from 9 a.m. to WFXT-25 News News Geraldo Malcolm- Seinfeld Simpsons Arrested Kitchen Nanny 911 “Mau- News (CC) Seinfeld Simpsons Drew Malcolm- 3 p.m. (FOX) (CC) (CC) at Large Mid. ’ (CC) Dev. Confid. cione Family” (N) ’ ’ (CC) Carey Mid. The fair is open to the public, and will fea- DISN Kim Proud Sister Phil So Raven So Raven Mickey’s Twice Upon Life De Naturally Sister So Raven So Raven Phil Kim ture a raffle, baked goods, handcrafted items, FAM Gilmore Girls ’ 7th Heaven ’ (CC) Jack Frost ›› Jack Frost (1998) Michael Keaton. Whose? Whose? The 700 Club (CC) Videos Videos Cyan NICK Sponge Drake Grown Phantom Oddpar Neutron Sponge Oddpar Full Hse. Fresh Pr. Rose Rose Rose Cosby Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. and more. For more information, call Activi- KIDS TOON Yu Gi Oh Coden Lyoko Lyoko Foster Krypto Save Christmas Ami Yumi Grim Ed, Edd Cartoon Futurama Family Birdman Inuyasha ties Coordinator Kerry Robertson at (603) TVLAND AllFamily Good AllFamily AllFamily AllFamily AllFamily Little House Griffith Sanford TV Moments TV Moments Night Ct. Sanford Magenta 964-8144. ESPN Horn Interrupt SportsCenter (Live) (HD) Monday Night Countdown Figure Skating Cup of Russia. From St. Petersburg, Russia. SportsCenter (CC) AVE BREAKFAST AT T AMES ODGE ESPN2 Rodeo Holly Quite Frankly Women’s College Basketball Code Rodeo: Wrangler National Finals Rodeo H S . J L ESPNC (4:30) ››› Jim Thorpe, All American Classic Now (N) Boxing Who’s Number 1? Seats Arliss Classic Now (CC) Boxing HAMPTON | On Sunday, December 4, SPORTS FOXSN Poker Superstars Football Sports Sports Football Poker Superstars Best-Sports Sports College Basketball Football Yellow from 8-10 a.m., Saint James Masonic Lodge, NESN Outdoors Outdoors NESN Retro Nevada Passage Skiing ACC College Basketball: GW at Maryland SportsD ESPNews Paid Paid located on Tide Mill Road in Hampton, CNN The Situation Room Lou Dobbs Tonight The Situation Room Paula Zahn Now Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 (CC) Larry King Live opens its doors once again to host its month- CNNHN (4:00) Headline News Showbiz Tonight Nancy Grace Prime News Tonight Nancy Grace Showbiz Tonight Prime News Tonight CNBC Kudlow & Company Mad Money On the Money App.: Martha Mad Money The Big Idea App.: Martha Mad Money Black ly breakfast. FOXNWS The Big Story Special Report (CC) Fox Report The O’Reilly Factor Hannity & Colmes On the Record The O’Reilly Factor Special Report The public is invited to enjoy a breakfast NEWS MSNBC Hardball (CC) The Abrams Report Hardball (CC) Countdown Rita Cosby Live Scarborough Tucker Carlson Countdown of all-you-can-eat eggs, pancakes, sausage, NECN Live at Five Right Business Right CEO Curtis NewsNg News News LateNight LateNight News bacon, muffins, juice, baked beans, coffee, tea TWC Weather: Aftrn Weather: PM Edition (CC) Strm Strm Weather: Evening Edition (CC) Strm Strm Evening Edition and milk. The meal costs $6 for adults and $3 HBO What’s Eating ››› Marvin’s Room (1996) (:45) ›› Spanglish (2004) Adam Sandler. (CC) ››› In Good Company (2004) (CC) Arrest Sports for children under 12. MAX (4:35) ››› Bulworth (1998) ›› As Good as Dead (1995) ››› Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) (CC) ››› Shaun of the Dead (2004) (:45) Lessons in Love (2003) MOVIES ›› ››› The Eastern Star will be conducting a SHOW Distinguished Groundhog Day (1993) (CC) SHO Me Monster (2003) Charlize Theron. (CC) Sleeper Cell (N) Sleeper Cell (CC) Fahrenheit 9/11 bake sale at the same time and place. The FOOD Contessa Lee Minute Minute Good Unwrap Emeril’s Christmas Unwrap Unwrap The Secret Life Of... Iron Chef “Crab” Emeril’s Christmas HGTV dining room is handicapped accessible, and Clever Homes Weekend Land Curb House Cash At Dream House Designed Buy Me Rezoned Design Dbl Take Cash At Dream HOBBY TRAVEL Alaska’s Parks Alaskas Arctic Orient Express Alaska Wide Open Stranded Stranded Anthony Bourdain Alaska Wide Open Stranded Stranded all are welcome. A&E 24 ’ (CC) City Confidential Cold Case Files Serial Killer Gotti Gotti Intervention (N) Crossing Jordan ’ Serial Killer Proceeds raised at these monthly events DISC It Takes a Thief (N) Cash Cash Biker Build-Off (CC) Biker Build-Off (CC) Monster Garage (N) American Chopper American Chopper Biker Build-Off (CC) are used to support improvements to the HIST Targeted (CC) Targeted (CC) Modern Marvels Boys’ Toys (N) (CC) Boys’ Toys (CC) Battlefield Det. Battlefield Det. Boys’ Toys (CC) building and the Lodge charity work in the LEARNING TLC While You Were Out Martha (N) (CC) Medical Stories Trauma: Life Stories of ER Born Boy-Girl Trauma: Life Stories of ER community. The public breakfasts have been AMC Solaris ››› Antwone Fisher (2002) Derek Luke. (CC) ››› Field of Dreams (1989, Fantasy) (:15) ››› The Natural (1984, Drama) Robert Redford. (CC) offered for more than 10 years and raised MTV TRL (iTV) ’ (CC) Video Score ’ Direct Effect ’ Home Home Home Gauntlet Chal Miss 17 Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d thousands of dollars for worthy projects. TBS Home Im Home Im Seinfeld Seinfeld Raymond Raymond Friends Friends Friends Friends Family Family ››› Lethal Weapon (1987) Mel Gibson. Barker Hall, where these public events are TNT Charmed (CC) Charmed (CC) Law & Order Law & Order “Seer” Law & Order Wanted (N) (HD) Wanted (HD) Wanted (N) (HD) VARIETY E! Shocking Moments Gone The Soup E! News E! News 101 SNL Moments 101 SNL Moments Dr. 90210 (N) Girls Girls 101 SNL Moments held at the Lodge, is available for private USA ›› Bruce Almighty (2003) Jim Carrey.
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