Eagleville Times Also serving Arrington, College Grove, Rockvale, Triune & Unionville Volume 6, Issue 21 - 50 cents November 1 - 15, 2008 Eagleville, Tennessee Eagleville Volunteer Fire Dept. Girl Scouts Travel To Savannah Serving Our Community BY CHRIS WOOD Have you ever wondered just what is happening when you hear the sirens from a fi re truck go by your home at 3:00 in the morning? Or have you thought about making your home a safer place to raise your family but just don’t know where to fi nd the answers? Well, we have the solution to answer those questions for you! Every issue of The Eagleville Times will now have a section called The FireWatch. This section is going to be dedicated to keeping you informed of events that our Firefi ghters are being called to handle. This section will also be providing you with information that will help you make your home, vehicles, schools, and work environ- ments a safer place. We hope the information we provide is benefi cial to your family. We also hope this gives you an insiders look at who we are, what we are doing, and why we risk our life’s to save yours. I want to kickoff The FireWatch by providing you with some fi re statistics. In review- ing these statistics, Eagleville you will notice that we are all at risk City Council Meeting of being involved See page 3 in a fi re in our life- time. Fire does not care about who you are! A fi re can af- VOTE November 4th fect anyone at any Front row (L-R): Emma, Anna, Destiny, Mary Tod, Katlyn. 2nd row: Zoe, Katie, Hope, Samantha. 3rd row: Leaders Linda and Kelly. point. Please make Eagleville Community Center sure if you are in Members of Girl Scout Troop 209 (Rockvale and The scouts learned about Juliet’s childhood and one of these higher Eagleville) spent part of fall break learning about the adult life. They also learned about Juliet’s important risk categories that founder of Girl Scouts, Juliet Gordon Low. friendship with Lord Baden Powell (Boy Scouting) while in England. It was this friendship that encour- you begin to take Traveling to Savannah Georgia, the girls and leaders, Safe steps to safeguard Ms. Linda and Ms. Kelly, spent Tuesday at the His- Continue on page 15..............SAVANNAH your family from torical Juliet Low House on Halloween the tragedy a fi re can one of the beautiful Squares PRSRT STD. bring. The fi rst step in Historic Savannah. The Tips U.S. POSTAGE is to make certain house, Juliet’s childhood PAID home serves as the national Page 24 Continue on page 6.. EAGLEVILLE, TN headquarters for Girl Scouts THE FIRE WATCH of America. 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Franklin Location Cool Springs Location 4210 Franklin Commons Court 1735 Mallory Lane Off Highway 96 behind Across from Cool Springs Darrell Waltrip Galleria Mall 615-794-8195 615-376-8120 November 1-15, 2008 EAGLEVILLE TIMES Page 3 City Of Eagleville Council Meeting October 23, 2008 The Council of the City of Eagleville met for those in wheel chairs; painting symbols Thursday evening October 23, 2008. The on the pavement for the handicap parking meeting opened with an invocation by Da- places. The inspectors are very pleased vid Martin and Councilman Smitty led the with the work done at the park and the at- Pledge of Allegiance to the fl ag. All Coun- tention given to the completion of identi- cil members were present including Coun- fi ed tasks. The request is ready to be sent 104 North Main Street cil persons David Rigsby, Harold Vincion, for the fi nal grant money reimbursement, Terry Zumbro, Matthew Smitty, Vice May- expecting to be approximately $44,000. Eagleville, TN 37060 or Ronnie Hill, and Mayor Nolan Barham. Once the reimbursement has been received City Recorder Colleen Adams, City At- $35,000 will be reinstated back into the city torney Adam Dodd, and Fire Chief David general fund that was used for the walking (615)274-6868 Martin were also present. Following the trail. Mr. Smitty expressed his apprecia- call to order of the Council, it immediately tion to Ronnie Hill for all his commitment recessed to convene the Public Hearing to establishing a City Park. ~ Prescriptions ~ for rezoning 940 N. Main Street. No one The attorney for the City updated the was present who wished to be heard and Council on the criminal case against for- ~ Gifts ~ the meeting was adjourned. The Council mer city employee, Michelle Bennett. The ~ Immunizations ~ meeting was called back to order. court has been postponed until December Citizen input: Sam Tune spoke about 18. The City has given notice to the In- his contact with the Rutherford County surance Company the intent to fi le a claim Chamber of Commerce and their desire to to cover the lost funds. The Policy has a Flu Shots participate with the Eagleville After Hours $1,000 deductible. In addition, the City gatherings. This event will highlight the received a bill for $7,000 from the State Available City of Eagleville, promot- of Tennessee Comptrol- ing its businesses and po- the City received ler for investigation costs. Wayne Carpenter, D.Ph. Now tential. Mr. Tune indicated a bill for $7,000 from City Attorney Adam Dodd Benita Carpenter, D.Ph. he and his wife, Mary, will the State of Tennessee is contacting the State to host the Chamber of Com- Comptroller for clarify the charges. If the merce Business After Hours charges remain Mr. Dodd event for the City of Eag- investigation costs. recommended the charges leville at their home on No- be submitted for restitution Eagleville Times vember 13th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. This as well. will be a large event and could number 200 The Council then discussed the issue of Next Issue: In newsstands November 12, 2008 to 250 people. Mr. Tune plans to contact Surplus Equipment Disposal Policy, Or- Deadline: Friday, November 7, 2008 the various businesses in Eagleville so that dinance 08-04 after a 2nd reading. The they can be represented and participate. He policy will be fi ne tuned and revisited at a [email protected] - (615) 274-2749 requested a list of businesses from Ms. Ad- subsequent meeting. ams. He also wants citizens of Eagleville to attend and be represented. Mr. Tune also Ms. Adams reported to the Council the indicated support from the Council is much acquisition of a new copier by a lease Plan To Attend Your appreciated. There will be some expens- agreement with R.J. Young. The contract Eagleville City Council es related to this event. Doyle and Chris is all inclusive with supplies and mainte- Wood with Eagle Roost are catering the nance and costs less than what the state and Planning Commission Meetings contract pays. event and donations to offset costs are ap- City Council Meetings are scheduled the 4th Thursday of each month preciated. Mr. John Edward Turner echoed David Martin gave the Volunteer Fire at 7:00 pm at City Hall. The next meeting is scheduled Mr. Tune’s excitement about the event. He Department report. The Department has for November 20th. encouraged the City of Eagleville and the approximately $17,000 in its account a sig- area businesses and citizens to support this nifi cant increase when compared with this Planning Commission Meetings are scheduled the 1st Monday event saying “I think it would be a very time last year. The ambulance is undergo- of each month at 6:30 pm at City Hall. The next meeting is good time for people of Murfreesboro to ing repairs and it is expected to cost ap- scheduled for November 6th. come to see what Eagleville and we have proximately $2,000 to fi x. In addition, the here.” larger fi re engine is also undergoing repairs trained and have the equipment and ability The Dollar General Store continues to to extricate people from vehicles or other progress and the attorney for the City has Park update: The Fall Festival was con- on its water gauge.
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