The Wei^Mr'. Average Daily Circulation Foreeast of D. M. W* For tta Month at May, lt41 Fair and wnn FrMay; modemte ' 6 ^ 7 6 ^ t<^ghL freak nt ttaien ^ Membor of the Aodlt Bnrean of OIrcalatlaBa Manchester'—A City of TUUige Charm /F O U R T E EN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEIfH MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY. JUNE 26, 1941 (OInasUed AdvertMng On Pnge 18) ^ VOL. LX„ NO. 228 i&ermans Smash Through Red Defenses; Massed^oviet Units Dah Nazi Advance Genuau Guuuers Guard Russiau Street Successes of Creat Roosfevelt Urges Dimensions Shown; Defense Housing Fund Be Doubled Reds Reform Froni Proposes Cougress Au- High Command Com^ Little Eaten Panzer Units Halted in thonEe Speudiug Addi- New England munique Adheres to] Lithuania; Troops tioual $300,000,000 In Morning Policy of Reserve bi Holding Tight at Other Solans Urge For Purpose; Suggests Points Along Line; Developing MiHtai^ Speedy Cousideratiou Health Risk Operations; No Przemysl Recaptured Oil Delivery lu View of Urgeucy. Given on East Front; In Counter - Attack; Neglecting Breakfast Of Report Whole Washington, June 26.—{IP) Restrictions Put in Demand^Fodcral Offi- fers Chance o f Fall- Front’ Now Shatlered£l —^Pfesident Roosevelt pro- Effect in Moscow. cials Assure Section posed ^ a y that^ Congress ing Below Amount Of Sufficient Supply; Bafletinl atithpiize spending of an ad- Of Food Necesstay. Moscow, June 26.—(ff)— ditioM $300,000,000 on de- Masses of Soviet troops, Would Refuse Japs. Berlin, June 26.— Germany’s powerful Luff fense housing. This would Durham, N. H., June 26—(ff)— thrown into the line after waffe has directed heavy at double the amount approved Neglecting breakfast offers a risk German Panzer units had Wsshlngton, June 2fi.—(flT—^Two tacks daring the last two daj last October. In a special mes- of falling below tbe amount of broken through in the drive New England Democrats demand- against Leningrad. se< sage to the legislators, Mr. food a person ought to have imder on Vilna in Lithuania, re- ed today that Federal offlclaU as- city of Seyiet Rossia and Roosevelt suggested early present nutritional knowledge. formed the front and checked aura Naw-England of a aufficlent oil supply. __ , ter_________ of her___________ war indnstry. .. D1 consideration of his . recom- Mlsa Mary Spalding, supervisor the Nazi advance, Russian mendation “in view of the ur- Sited German news agency, of nutrition tor the Massachu- military dispatches declared demanded that toe export omtroi gency of this matter. setts Department of Public today. They reported Soviet Office stop oil shipments tOLJapan.l BMP tonignu "Data have been jlrezented to Health, Boston, told The American .troops holding tight also at and require American tankers me," he aaid, “which Indicate the Association for the Advancement which have been placed under ^ e Berlin. June 26.-^y,., A German light gun and crew guaixl a street during action which resulted, accortog to toe New other points along the 1,000- -HM*ibllity that the government of Science today of a study to caption, In Naal capture of an unnamed Russian town. (Picture by radio from Berlin to registry 7of small neutral repub- German troops have smashe^ should be prepared to imdertake thla effect among 8,571 high school mile front and said Przemysl, Uca to avoid toe control of toe the conztructlon of at leant 125,- students of both sexes. York). on the border of German-oc- MariUme CommUalon” to ca r^ through Soviet Russia's bo^^ 000 additional defense ^chomes be- All lived in MasMchuaetts and cupied Poland, was recaptured shipments toe east coast. der defenses in numerous' tween now and July 1, 1042. were scattered in 80 cities and Assertingjueeruxia he knewmiv .. there were, itlcs snd uow “succcsses Win BuUd 75,000 Houses towns. ' They ate poor break- in a Russian counter-attack. reasons toe State ®«P*rtment 1 d i m e n s i o n s s t e fasts, which Miss Spalding said > Sals of vodka, wine snd other ^ted to continue oU 'Tt i* thought best, however, to British Report Slinks prohibited In limit the additional program to was a surprise, since formerly it British Destroy Nine d»“rt nhig to Show themsem* igM l)i^yed .that lunches were Moscow ta s Mrie* of severe if there la a season for advocating German high command 8800,000,000 at thla tlmc^ Ume rulings. avlUsn* were to- will permit the dohitfuctlon of ap- the day's poorest meals at school Gains Despite a policy of supplying materiato to today. 'The commt proximately 75.000 houwMi to flU ages. More Nazi Fighters structed to’ keep off toe street* those countries who are at war iMued atrain from “ tho^ the most urgent present needs. Hairy Chief Oaone between midnight snd 4 s. m. snd with our potonUal AUle# and »t Si*®'. " The cause of the poor break- toester*. resUuranU and other toe same time providing thoee iFSiehrer^s headquarters, Of the original 8800,000,000 au- Stiff Defense public plscea must close at 10:45 thorized for defense bousing, the fasts as a rule was burry. Boys potential efiemie* with toe mean* hered to the high CC Fliers Return to North- of carrying on toe war, we have' rhitif executive said appropriation* had to carry papers or do farm Nazis Admit **' toll thk Utousnlsn front, where [policy of reserve on develc ti,ii been made to It* full extent work, girls had stayed up late and Forces in Syria Advance ern France for An- toe Nasls a n attempting one of a right to know too reason." and pracUtaUy all the money aUo- preferred to spend time in putting their main puahes, toe advance Oonld Remedy “ Beal ProMemr* (Oonttnned On Page Ten) tf ' cated to projects. on the lipstick. West of Damascus; other Shattering Raid waa held by messing Urge num- Tbe “real problem” of getting The president'’ emphasized that This study showed that only Loss of One bers of new troope In toe Ger- (Oonttnned On Pags Ten) without housing tor workers, In- half of these students reached Captured Positions To Reinforce Mastery.* msns’ path. Red Army leaders dustrie* producing ship* and their optimal food intake. said. ^fianee-and other defense materials Being Consolidated. Ocean Raider r..,JFaU to Follow Tnnlu London, Jupe 26.—(IP)— Flashes! cannot function to full capacity. Relclii^ehr Infantry failed com- Cairo, Egypt, June 26.—<JPh-> Britain’s R.A.F. reported the Russian Fliers (Lnte Bnllettns el the (ff) W ire)’ Effect Not Folly Felt iletety ta efforts to foUow, their 47-Day Strike destruction of nine more Ger- Announce Return of Ad through temporary gap* cut ' He admitted the difficulty of British force* in Syria have made predicting housing need* accurate- "substantial gains” west of Da- man fighter planes over the by toe Panser ahock ----- vehicles,"Ue* they Japnn May M a ta War mirail Schecr------------ from IBMerted. They did not dUcloeedKeep Up Raids ly and said the effect of the de- mascus” In toe face of increased channel and northern France Bomek June 3S—te V — -—^ fense program had not yet regis- Comes to End Netting 152,- the fate of toe tanka that had Gtao Daod of the ItaUan Na? resistance,” toe British command today when it returned there Cruise j broken through other ^ to *ay tered fully on the housing market. said today that Japan might In some instances, Mr, Roosevelt reported today. ; ‘or another shattering raid to 000 Tonis o f Shipping, they had been "cut off.” Against Finns In the Axle war on Enette, < said. Increased sub-contracting At Shipyards Positions captured yesterday in reinforce its mastery of the ® I The press published account* o f pylng aU bl SakhaUn Island a fl^. t.* along. _* ttaA.a bankaa. — ...*.... of ma river and curtailment of some type* df toe region of Merdjayoun, south- daylight skies in that area. Berlin, June 26.—(F)—The Ger- tbe Soviet hnw at Fetroi production for civilian use will re- ern Sinta, are being consolidated, in toe Ukraine where, it said, pea- Inflict Death and De- OM Kftnichfttlui to provost duce to some extent the need for ThrTO British fighters were man high command acknowledged sants joined 40 fronUer guards to AFL Machinists Vote to toe dally communique said, while Uaited States tfom ooenpy^ new housing. But In many case* missing. An authorized Brit- today toe Io«a of on* of lU surface hold off attacking Germans for struction Over Wide bertan bases ia a British land guns and guns of tie two houra until regular troop# ar- erection of new plant* or expan- Brltieh fleet off the coast are co- iish source declared that losses raider* ta an Indian Ocean battle sion of existing ones, the president Return to Work Mon- xivddn Are. of Country Today operating In supporting toe Brit- in the air battle on the west- with a BrlUah cruiser, but an- German .efforts to pierce toe Mid. will take place in area* not day; CIO Workers to nounced the return of toe pocket affect^ by these factors. ish M ve toward Beirut. ern front from June 15 to 26, Russian defenses ta toe Brody and —Turku Hit Heavily, sla •taiay lorce" Japan to -I “Enemy” Baida Damancas • ~ battleship Admiral Scheer m m a Lwow sectors ta toe center of toe MwiM her daieneivs pceMeqa Reconsider Positions. inclusive, were 161 German raiding cruise in tta Atlantic wlilch Tta R. A. F. reported that "en- battle front also "were encounter Helsinki, Finland, June 3«.—(67 ward the west and north.’' emy aircraft" raided Damascus planes against 66 British. netted 153,000 ton* of shipping.
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