a? a“; Technlclan North Carolina State University'3 Student Newspaper Since 1920 . Volume LXIV, NumberS Wednesday, September 8, 1m Raleigh, North Carolina Phone 737-2411,1412 Friday against proposed Council endorses federal grant cutbacks group proposal ”by David Snead that any qualified citizen should have Outlining his goals forState. Friday . News Editor the right to a college education. mentioned completion of the Without these grants. this is not possi- Veterinary School. increasing University of North Carolina ble for many young men and women research and scholarship activity and for Hillsborough” ‘ System President William Friday from lower income families." Friday a move to have all engineering doc student-aid spoke against proposed said. toral work done at State. by Terri Thea-nun committees looking at program cuts Tuesday in a faculty In addi ‘on to minority aid in the The doctoral work idea is based on a Hillsborough street problem. meeting in Stewart theater. UNC sys m. Friday also mentioned study done by an engineering con— Staff Writer Several members of the transporte- The cuts would effect four of the increasing minority enrollment. Last suiting firm. The concept is a long studentaid programs: Pell (basic range one requiring extensive and Editor's note — a similar article by tion subcommittee are local mer- grantl. supplemental education oppor- year. 6.9 percent of State's enrollment greater cooperation among UNC this reporter appeared in a July issue chants. although all four subcommit- tunity grant. national direct student included black students. Preliminary schools. of the Technician. Direct quotes are tees — transportation. land “00- .‘P figures for this year indicate an in- William Friday from summer interviews. pearance and neighborhood disrup loan and the work-study program. crease to 7.2 percent. “We will not hesitate to press for A proposal to renovate the Univer tions— are open to students. faculty Friday said if the proposed cuts are "We pledge 10.2 percent by 1986.? what we believe is right for the sity section of Hillsborough Street in and other citisens. approved by Congress. 16.000 UNC Friday said. “I feel it is good for the in- ‘ university." Friday said. "Free- changes in effect since the last general to a “town village.” much like Chapel Transportation subcommittee system students “will ‘ not find tegrlty of the institution." wheeling rhetoric never changed an assembly. budget cuts and staff in- Hill's Franklin Street. has been ap members estimated that it would take resources (to pay for tuition and other appropriationthat I know of. There is creases and decreases. proved by the Raleigh City Council. 10 years to transform State‘a college expenses)." Friday pledged full slippOrt to State no shortcut to excellence." The proposal was drawn up by the Hillsborough Street area into a town Several student-aid programs ac- and its new chancellor. Robert Bruce Other topics discussed at. the State's budget was accelerated by Hillsborough Street Study Commit village count for a major amount of support to Poulton. meeting were salaryincreases. budget 4.8 million, Friday said. tee. a group of local merchants. Harris has defined the qualities the many UNC system students. Some residents. University representatives group wants Hillsborough St. to bye: UNC-system schools have as much as STUDENT AID APPROPRIATIONS and other citizens. and covers qualities which he said were 87 percent of the student body receiv- 1981-82 Academic Yr. 1982-88 Academic Yr. 1983-84 Academic Yr. Hillsborough St. from the capitol to “generated by thinking about “all ing aid from these programs. Friday ‘ Present lee-ca.- Bah-Isa Present Reduction nae-us the fairgrounds. towns I remember." said. M A'” "cw h" luau ru- use new r—a- sum Frem us: new l-da The major change would switch Some of the qualities were: "pedes- The Reagan cuts call for a 40 per- rem. .. assess success same: m saunas sue III-I. sI.ass.aas Hillsborough from thoroughfare to trian-oriented. .vital. bright.eoler- cent reduction in the Pell program for (Baal: emu street status. which would lower the ful signs and landscaping...ahade. the 83-84 academic year compared to Oppaet-ltySupplementalGrantEducational ”0' H.” m- 25"- . IICJH 0 Bin. 8 speed limit. The study alsocalls for ad- awnings. cafes. canopies”. on-street the 81-82. In addition. the work-study Nausea!om Issu sss.sss mu «I. mass 0 an. 1aa.sss° ditional parking spaces on the south parking . a variety of activities." program will undergo a 28 percent Stdeet Lean ' . side and some widening of the street. The first step in the transformation reduction from the 81-82 amount. ca... Werhlfitdy sun mass seat In. assess arm as». assess “Hillsborough Street could be the is research — out how heavy Two programs. the supplemental sumlaceetive Greet rus- assess sun m. asasas a mu. a most turned-on part of Raleigh if such the traffic flow is. where the most education opportunity grant and the changes were made." E.F. Harris. troublesome placed for student incentive grant. will be route sense a.m.sss salssa use. sum amen 0.1% "MOO director of Campus Planning and Con- and traffic are and who contributes eliminated completely. according to sssasssso struction. said. the most money to Hillsborough St. Friday. 'memuwhflwmmdemm Harris is a member of the businesses. “This country started a pledge with Immualdeha. Hillsborough Street Study Transpor Thus the subcommittees will spend the Johnson administration. We said Idaafiuteemfluealdelers. tation Subcommittee. one of four sub the next nine months phoning. con— suiting with the public and preparing a detailed rev-dirt for the City Council. “If you say 'downtown Raleigh'to Lean’dership prevails, cadet appears on local TV show Mayor Smedes York.” transporta- tion subcommittee mom said about the revitalisation of the downtown by El..- slum “It looked like fun. It was a “Each day there was different train- through several stations and had to in army helicopters. learned about area. “his eyes will light up. and he'll sis” Writer challenge." he said. ing. There were squad drills(there are perform various feats. first aid. and studied nuclear been!"If we can get that kind of reac- The cadets went throngh 10 peopleinasquad. foursqnadsina She had to work—out on the biological chemical warfare (Le. were Street. in 10 “ ladder. the low crawl. the sent through the gas chamber) and”wwwllhaamiageauidelaa film WWWa“£3:-We.linmWW«am acrosatheditchonhrope. hall week training camp for ROTC “impressed" the people at’ “PM drillaand aqnadtactica. Amongthein- to walk a balance beam and had to learned about land navigation.” students held every summer in Ft. Magazine” who “spent more time with divudual drills were the low crawl. the climb over eight-foot walls. among Bragg. according to Karen Barlow. an Karen than with any other story." high crawl. and the application and other things. The obstacle course is (SeeW segment'page 10 (SeelRenovation.page two) ROTC student who will be featured on timed. We also had to do the 40-foot the television show "PM Magazine." rope drop. the slide for life (from rope). Wednesday. September 8. , repelling off the the 35foot tower. During the daily exercises. “Cadets ‘I knew I had to go on, so I pushed * then a 50-foot tower and the building Inside run the daily activities and when crossing." you're not in a leadership role you myself when I felt tired— physically Barlow said that at training camp. — National recreation trails created in - Riotrcwcwc‘d.Pegc9. should cooperate with the leader cadets used the weapons necessary to Carolina mountains. Page 2. because one day you'll have your and emotionally drained ’ familiarize themselves with the - AlookatmckcndmIIslc.Pegclo. chance to be a leader and you’ll want — Karen Barlow modern battlefield. Cadets handled — Crier/Classifieds. Page 3. everyone to cooperate with you." weapons from “machine guns to .455; Wolfpeck comcbxk excites Barlow said. This give and take not on- ¢ then learned to fire a tank. drive army - Line up please. Page 4. crowd. Page 11. ly enables cadets to improve their The annual training camp runs very usage of camouflage. Among the personnel carriers. were air-mobilized ,‘ Avery quicts hecklcrs. Page 12. .leadership talents. but also enables smoothly. The first few days are fa; things we learned in squads were the POPS from a different point of them to become good followers. procedural matters. During these position of the members in the bat- ’ - Get serious. Page 13. days. cadets obtain "uniforms and tlefield and how to move in the squad. 9 view. Page 5. The six wegks of training camp are equipment and are assigned to a pla- Then we put these drills together. In — Topten movies for Summer reveal- ROTC student appears on PM marked by rigorous activity. toon. We had to get a physical. take the end. we. went out on FLX for one Sign-up days ed. Page 8. Magazine. Page 14. : “You were always doing something. care of paperwork. and make sure all night.” she said. When I was tired or felt like giving up. details are worked out. You were FLX is a mission in which cadets or felt like i couldn't go on. I knew I assigned to a company. (There are were given an assignment. then air weather had to go on. so I pushed myself when roughly 40 people in a company). The mobilised. then flown out on I felt tired - physically and emo companies were A through 0. helicopters on patrol where they were extended for Today —Partly cloudy skies May —Psrtly cloudy with a tionally drained." Barlow said. “My company did a lot of physical forced to use the skills and knowledge prevail with a high in the low slight chance of showers in- Barlow's comments on the rigors of training like calisthenics and running they had accumulated to complete the 285 and an overnight low near creasing es the day goes on.
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