Etn1961 Vol07 20

Etn1961 Vol07 20

, l. JI ·(' ~1 ' (.\ ( ~ -i~:t,: ·'1 , r- t-- i ,t}; 't. \ ·:.,__ ·, ! 'r-:,_ /. r) .•-~~ , \ -{ , ~ -~,/ , ; ~".-?~-i¼s~ :J l- (:. ; ''::.,.\'\ , :i."i ii, . { ', ;, \ ' ' ] ' ' ,,< ,'; h, ) S .. f..' ,; ·, r / ' -• ' :,' :' ';.ft\CK ,"NEWSLtttE,'I ·',1.,,·'..,:',. \ ""=·----- 1, J : i .., , ,·· also·KV\Gwnas . ··. ' ) .. i ~~\ \ i 1 r ' ~RACK-~1"Ell.Elf , ~ , ,. • /: 1•i' 1 , ' , (O!=FIClf-.lPU9l\C~i\ON ~ iRKK '~u-rsOt ii-IE ~J\.o,\l~l~c:.) ' )' 1 1, ' [ flA~\is\'le.G~ 1:RI\C\(6i'd t\Elt:> ~EW~• \'O 8ox "a90 • 'LO$ A\u, c.alWOVY1ia• am Qnd CrKdYieX . ~~\koYI,,ta\-\'oG \ I ,,Yr J j \i l 1 .· __ , __ _. , U, ( Vol. ~7,. No. 20 , , May 17, 1961 Semi-Monthly · ,6 per year l)y first class lll.,4i~ · ,':, Edited by Hal Bateman · . · Page 1?5 , / to ! \ ! .' 'i 1N AT I ON A L NB WS ·1 •• ' ', \ . McMURRY' INVITATION,~bilene, Trxas, April 29: Miller 1(McMurry) 24'10!:; ·Mc- i\ ~· 1 Murry 41.3; Lewis (McMuri;-y) 9,.~ ,, .21,2; Seitzinger (Hard~-Simmons);,164'9 :'. , >, . · . COLORAOO ,RELA>YS, Boullier, April 29: Colorado 3: 15. 2; Crumpacker ~Colo) 53 6!"; · \I Lindgren (Utah) 14.:l; q1ar ,k (C.olo) ,219'½''; Meyeys (Colo) 24'1". , · , . , 1 I, .1 MISSISSIPPI STATE 281/3ATALABA:MA 101 2/3,April29:Wood (MS) 9.8, 20,9; Moseley (A) 23. 4. : ; ,_ , . · , · ,1 1 · , . \ .·.. · . .. j · PRINCETON 55 AT HARVARD 84,April 29: £4mm1ds (P) 49. 9; Bailey (H) 187'7'~ (l-I'f). 1 • '· MINNESOTA 7~ AT IOWN STA 7'E 49, May 1: Odegarcl (M) 14.1, 23. 2~ . ~ · ' UTAH 52½ AT UTAH STATE 77½; M~y 3: Soul~er (U) 47. 7; _Lindgren (U) 14. 3, 2~. 8; , ,,·, 1 1 Passey (US) 174 2.". ·•.. · . · . .•·• .· . ' , 1' ~" D.C. AAU, College Park, Md., May 3: Lambert (Md. frosh) 9, 5w; Spiegel (Md) 9. 6riw; 11, / R. Smith (Mtl). 1:53.2; Wells (Md) 4:14.1; Johnson (Md) 14. lw, 24. O. Belitz (Md) \14\ •. 1 , OKLA. STATE 53 AT OKLAHOMA 83,May 3: Lindsay (0) 53~1'', 162':1";,Brady (0) 6 16½"; Ebert (0) 4:12. 6;, Sttong (OS) 47. 5; tie, Martin (0) and.Davi~s, (OS) .11' (correct). BAYLOR 66·, TEXAS TECH 1 36½,TEXAS CHRISTIAN 23AT SMU 45½,, May 3: Baylor 41.0, 3;14.2n; TCU 41i5n, 3:19,9n; SMU 41.9n, 3:14.0; Kemp (B)J91.4w, 20.t3w; Sm~lley (B)' 9. 5nw; 20. 9nw; McGro'skey (TCU) 9, 6nw; Bernard (fCU) 14. lw) Gwdif9rd (T'~)14. ~nw ,- 11 23, 4nw; D:tape! ;\(fT).l:50. 6; Par;r (SMU) 1:51, ln; Upton (fCU) 6'6 ; Turner (TT)23.3w; 1 11 Fry (B) 55'9£' ·'., 165'8½''; Tyner (B) 55'8£'\ 156 6½ ; Ahlberg. (SMtJ) 9:22. O; Elkins (SMU) 15'½":; Slurey ITT) 14~6". ' . 1 . , ' ' • : . / ~JJ . NORTHEAS'F 1 LOUISil~NA 59 AT EAST TEXAS STATE 77, May 4: Rogers (NB) 5~'11¼''; ,v ,, EastTexa~ 41.4; Schaefe:r; (ET) 9.4w, 21.9; West (ET) 9,5nw; Pep,nel ·(NE) 14 13¾11. · , , /\ , McMURRY 85~ .ARLINGTON ST.f\'rE 35 A'f HARDIN.:-S1MfyiONS145, "~1ay 4: · Miller , (r-,icM~rry) 9. 3w, 25 14½''1 Seitzinger , (H-S) 166 15". , . · ,;,,1 1', . · _ , TEXAS COLLEGE CHAMPiIONSHIE$, Denton, Texas, 1~ay, 4: Abilene Ghristian 14f, 6,, '':i 1, /\ 1 1 1 11 0 1 3:~5. 4; (NT) 4: 12. 2, 9:L.J:3.'2;Mc Kennon (ACC) 47. 9;, Holcomb (Howard P~yne) 171 1 ; '· ' ' ·, 1 . Clanton (NCC) 9. 6w, 21. 3tw; Kell,er (Ho\va~ Payne) 24'4"w; Qulver (ACC) 14;'4 '; C9oley · , i 1 i l: ' (ACC) 24. s. • . ~ · ~I , · t,, · TEXAS A&M'42j, .RICE . 28 AT TEXAS 06½, May 4:1 Texas 40~ 9; Hbllfo .gshead (R)' ( 47. 7; Alspaugh (T) 9. 5-W, 20.;4t1:w;Cw111ingham (T) 1~. 8w; ,,22. ~w; Charlton (R) 14. Onw; /' \ . 1 l' Smith (T) 217'5"; AlliSQ1' (T) 54 8½'\ . · · ' . , · ; ; . 1. ,, : . SCIAC CHAM~I~NSHIPS, Los Angeles ,, May 5: Lewis (Oxy) 55'9¼'~., '165'11!" '; yerdon :/ 1 .·1 1 (Redlands) 55 '1f ; . Wilidhson (Redlands) 236'r; Hans (Oxy) 47. 51; Smith (Oxy)19. 7, 21. o; , Sanders (Whittier) '172'9½"(McGratti (0xy) 165 15½·11;Cerveny (o5'yfl:5l : l;JVIopn (Oxy) l:51.5n; '1 Dornan (Oxy) 1:52.2; Haas 21.0n; Occid.enta'.l 3:13. 7. ..• . : INTER_MQUNTA·lN ;AAU, L?gan, Ut~h,)•/i~y 6: Knac1<st~t (ldabo St) 24'3¼"; DeHa~t I r (BY{)) 47',9; Lmqgren (Utah) 14.1, 23,4; DeveI'fiUX (BYU) 2~4'1"; Thatcher (BYU), 224'7"; ) 1 Cowart (BYU) 6 6'/; Passey (Utah ,St) 172'7''; Ri~e (Uta~,St) 9:Hk~i DeWiq: (Idaho St) 14i'• . , ,._ 1. .VENNSTATE 65 1/3, OHIO STATE 46 AT MICHIGAN S'17ATE 49 ~/3, May 6: Moor '- 1 ' ·,. r hea.,d ~S) 4:14.1; Young (t-,1S)~:H. ln, 9:21. On; Br.?~n (PS)9. ?• ·21. 9nt; ford (MS) 21~_9ti '\ ~' -Norman_ (PS) 9:13. 8; Schmalenb~rger ,(OS) 158'~9½'.'• , .· . ··.•·· . i 1 ~\ , . ~LLINOIS 58 AT BUROIJ? 74,May 6: Mills ,<P>49. 3, 21. o; Taylor (I) 9. 8, 24'!u; ,\J r · ~eC rone . (I) ,6 '6t.,i Brown (I) 54 '7¼''.. Johnson (P) 14 6''. .·• ' ' . I , ., . '1 , I' · ,,,\ , 1 . - ·\ 1, i'.1 (' ,_;\' ). '. ' ·I, . 11! . 4\ . ' . ·, J J i i ' 1 ' • 1-i 1-- .·- .,i. ,. , .. • J. L, .t · r • ,--. · Page 156 . _ , . May 17, 1961 1 , ARIZONA STATE.48 2/3A'F ARIZONA 82 1/3, May 6:.Burke (A) 56', 181 ; Alexander {A) 6 16"; Johnstone (A) 181 '; Lindroos (AS) 166 15''; Jeisy (AS) 14 'lO¼";IGlover (A) 14 '7"; Hud­ son (A) 4;.08. 5; Schreiner '(AS) 47. 9; Dunn (A) 9. '7, 21. 2 (half turn); Lucky (A) 14~ 2; Mal · ' Spence (AS) 1:'53.1; Arizona State 3:13.4; 'Mallery (A) 23. 6 (half tt1rn). WASHINGTON 36 AT OREGON 95, May 6: Burleson (0) 4:08. O; Forman (0) 4:09. 7n; Lars 'on (0) 4:11.8n; B.uchanan ('N) 57'3", 151'4"; Steen (0) 54'10", 148'2½"; Angell(#) 54'2f'; Jerome {0) 9, 6, 22.1; Cook (P) 9. 6n, 22. ln; Tarr (0) 14. 1; Oplemann (0) 1:52. 2; Stubblefield ,(Q) 167' 2 "; Cramer fN) 14'10"; Oregog. 3:17.2. (San Romani, EE:AA, ran 9:03, 9 in tfie two ~mile as a non-scoring competitor) - ·.. 'LCE. STJ.TE 30 J~T OREGON STATE 91; IDAHO 23 AT OREGON STA TE 107 1 May 6: Story (OS) 4:12. 8; Monroe (OS) 47. 8; Hoffman (OS) 1:53.3; \Vilson ('NS) .14'5!"; Horn (05) l'O. On, 24 14½"; Carolan (I) 53 14". ·, NEVADA 107 AT CALIF. AGGIES 24, May 6: Cole (N) 217'8"; Baxter (CA) 57'5". .. CAMP PENDLETON, CALIF., May 6: James (Striders) 9. 6, 21. 2; Humphreys (Stri- ders) 52 '½",171 ';. S_tuart (Striders) 240'11"; To:i:-k (CP) 14'6"; Wiley (S-trdiers) 24'3£''. QUANTICO MARINES 66 AT MANHATTAN 83, May 6: Uelses (Q) 15J3j". SOtJTHERN CALIFORNIA 811/3 AT UCLA 49 2/3, May 6: Long (SC) 63'8", 157'9½"; 1 11 1 Branson (C) 59'2½"; Wade (SC)' 53 8 , 168 ; Jackson (SC) 25'3"w; Hayes (SC) 24'10"w; Johnson (C) 24'6½\'w, T7:I:.Onw, 23. 511; yang(C) 237!7", 14'6'', 1,1.3nw; Sbordone (SC) 233'7"; Cawley ($C) 47.1, 22,8; .Hogan (SC) '47,.2n; Bates (SC) 9,6w, 21,411w; Avant (SC} 6'8½"; Pierce (SC) · 13. 9w, 23, Onw; Munn (SC) 21, -3w; Brewer (SC) 14'9"; Hein (SC) 14'6"; Putnam (C) 172'7½"; use 3:19. 5. · -~ , CCAA CHAMPIONSHIPS, Santa Barbara, Calif., May 6: Pagani (Cal Poly, SLO) 56'6½"; Rodr~guez (Cal Poly, SLO) 1:52. 6; tie, Howard (Long Beach St) and Jones (Cal Poly, SLO) 6'7'\ .' · ·. ' , MIAMI (OHIO) 43ATWESTERN MICHIGAN 84,May 6: LaSpina (M) 54'5¾''; Ponc((\VM) 4:14.0; Oliphant (WM) 6 17½"; Ashmore (WM) 9:16.8, . ·. NEBRASKA 73 AT COLORADO 57, May 6: Heath (C) 47. 8; Wellman (N) 54'7¼"; Roots (N) 240'11"; Clark (C) 222'4r1, 1 11 SYRACUSE 77 AT BOSTON U. 63, May 6: Thomas (BU) 1'1.9, 6 8 , 48'¼", ST, JOSEPH'S 38, GEORGETOWN 13 AT VILLANOVA 12.3, May 6: Budd (V) 9. 3 (ties world record), 20. 2; Dante (V) 1:54, 9; <1:13.2; Coffil (V) 1,1, 0, 1 ) STANFORD 62 AT CALIFORNIA 69,May 6: Covingto~ (C) 4:14.8; Gaylord (C) 4:14. 9n, , 9:15.1; Maggard (C) 57'1¾"; Weill (S) 172'3½"; Bdl (S) 168'½"; Northway (C,) ,9;•16.0n; Linn (C) · 9:18,5n. ; , SAN JO$E STATE ALL-COMERS, Sunnyvale, Calif., May 5: 400H,McCullough (SJS) 53.5 ,. Mile,Tabori (YV) 4:11,3; Abington (YV) 4:11.6; Lane (Sac. St) 4:12~5. 440,Thoma - 1 <,' ,ssen (YV) 46, 8; Ramos (SJS) 47. 2 • ..!:!1_Wyatt (YV) 6 '7¾' '; Zubrinsky (SJS) 6 'ff'. 100, Johnson , (SJS) 9. 3 (ties world record); White (YV) 9, 6. 120HH, Ball (USAF) 14. 2. 880, Beatty (YV) 1:52. 4; Sie};)ert (YV) 1:52. 5, SP, Silvester (YV) 68 1 6"; Winters (YV) 57'3". PV, Gear (SJS) 14'6". JT, Studney (SJS) 244;4"; Bocl<s f{V) 228'9"; Byram (SFS)' 223'. 220,Ramos 20. 9; Thom­ r assen 21.2. 2 Mile, Clark (SJS) 9:13.5; 'Shettler (YV) 9:17,6. HTt J0ngewaard (YV) 183'3"; , Burke (SJS) 173 18". 220LH, White 23: 1, OT, Silvester 171'6½''-,.- , _ 1 FLORIDA AA U, Gainesville, May 6: Fowlkes (Atlanta Striders) 9.

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