R ank & File MAY-JUNE 2008 VOLUME XXXI, NO. 3 $3.00 Julian Landaw SCCF High School Champion 48th Annual Pacific Southwest Open July 4-6, 2008 $8,000 Prize Fund! (based on 240 players, 50% of each prize guaranteed) at the LAX Hilton 5711 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90045 Open Sic Rounds — Swiss System 3-day schedule 40/2, SD/1; 2-day schedule rounds 1-3 G/60 1st: $1400 Entry Fees: $69 by 7-3, $79 door 2nd-5th: $700-$400-$300-$200 On-line entry: www.westernchess.com U2200: $600-$300-$150 SCCF membership required of rated state residents ($18, jr. $10) U2000: $600-$300-$150 Registration: 9-10 a.m. 7-4, 2-day 8:30-9:30 a.m. 7-5. Rounds: 3-day: 10:30-5 Fri-Sat, 10-4:30 Sun. 2-day: 10-12:15-2:30 Amateur Sat., then merges. (Under 1800/unr) Entries: SCCF, c/o John Hillery, 835 N. Wilton Place #1, Los Angeles, $600-$300-$150 CA 90038 U1600: $500-$250-$150 HR: $109 (310) 410-4000, mention chess. Parking $8/day. U1400: $400-$250 More details, advance entry lists: www.westernchess.com U1200: $150 Unrated: $150 (Unrated may win Unrated prize only in this section) July 5 July 6 PSW SCHOLASTICS. 5-SS, SD/45. LAX Hilton, 5711 W Century PSW HEXES. 3-SS, G/90. LAX Hilton, 5711 W Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045. Open to gr. 12-below. In two sec- Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045. Six- tions: Open: Trophies to top 5, top 3 U1200, top 2 Unrated. player sections by rating. EF: $20 if received Grade 6/below U1000: Trophies to top 5, top 3 U700, top 2 Un- by 7-3, $25 door. $$ 40-20-10 each section. rated. Reg.: 8:30-9:15. Rds.: 9:30-11-1:00-2:30-4. EF: $16 if re- Reg.: 9:30-10:15 a.m. Rds.: 10:30-1:30-4:30. ceived by 7-3, $20 door. Inf: John Hillery, admin@westernchess. Ent: SCCF, c/o John Hillery, 835 N. Wilton com. On-line ent: www.westernchess.com. Ent: SCCF, c/o John Pl. #1, Los Angeles CA 90038, online at www. Hillery, 835 N. Wilton Pl. #1, Los Angeles CA 90038. westernchess.com. 2 RANK & FILE MAY-JUNE 2008 AroundAround thethe NationNation Amateur Team pionship by the USCF Scholastic The 2008 Scholar-Chessplayer Council. These scholarships are giv- Award Recipients are: Playoff en to high school juniors and seniors Sarkis Agaian, NY who excel in academics, chess, and Jonathan Cox, AZ The four regional winners com- leadership. This year all five win- Benjamin Marmont, AZ peted on line for the title of 2008 U.S. ners will receive equal $1500 schol- Michael Sobin, NJ Amateur Team Champions on the In- arships. These annual awards are Adam Weser, NY ternet April 12. The South winners, given by the U.S. Chess Trust, the To apply for the Scholar-Chess- “Foreclosure Doctors” (master Bru- National Scholastic Chess Founda- player Award, you must be a cur- ci Lopez and experts Jeffrey Haskel, tion, and the U.S. Chess Federation rent U.S. Chess Federation member Javier Gonzalez and Gilberto Luna), and are intended to encourage high and submit five copies of a com- won the playoff. “The Foreclosure school students who promote a posi- pleted application form, high school Doctors” got fast starts in both of tive image of chess. Congratulations transcript showing all courses and their matches, winning the first two to the winners and a special thank grades, a letter of recommendation games against Eastern team 1. d4 you to all of the students who ap- from a teacher, a letter of recom- in the semifinals and against West- plied. mendation from a chess coach, an ern champs “We Have Cox” in the finals. Top board Bruci Lopez, who was the highest rated player in the event, and third chair Javier Gonza- CONTENTS lez went a combined 4-0, and Jeffrey CONTENTSONTENTS Haskel and Gilberto Luno navigated AROUND THE NATION . 3 toward a trio of draws to clinch each 21ST ANNUAL U.S. AMATEUR TEAM match. – USCF news release AROUNDAROUND THETHE NATIONNATION ........... .........................................................3 WEST . 5 6THTH ANNUALANNUAL WESTERNWESTERN PACIFICPACIFIC OPEOPEN .......5 SCCF Election WSSUSANUESTERNSAN PPOLGARO LCGLASSAR VISITSV ICSIHAMPIONSHIPSTS THETHE SOUTHLANDSOUTHL. A. .N . D. 10 The SCCF will be electing six ACTICS ...................................... ....................................................................... members to its Board of Direc- TBYBY AL PENAENA 7 tors at the Southern California TTACTICS A byCT ITimCS Hanks . 12 Open in September. If you are in- terested in serving, call or e-mail H EREBYBY TIMIM & H ANKSATNKHERES .................................. .......................................................................8 SCCF Elections Committee chair- CCLUBLUB DDIRECTORYIRECTORY ............................................................... ..................111 1 man Randy Hough (626-282-7412, Club news, local tournaments, [email protected]) by June HEREHscholasticERE & THERETH EeventsRE . 15 15. The SCCF is your organization ClubClub news,news, locallocal tournaments,tournaments, – help us to make it better! STATE CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIERS . 19 sscholcholaasticstic eeventsvents andand moremore .............................................................................1 2 GAMES FROM RECENT EVENTS . 21 2008 Scholar- LATELATE NEWS:NEWS: KAMSKY-TOPALOVKAMSKY-TOPALOV ......................... ..................2 1 THE LIGHTER SIDE . 24 Chessplayer Awards SSTATETATE CHAMPIONSHIPCHAMPIONSHIP QUUALIFIERSALIFIERS .................2 1 UPCOMING EVENTS . 26 The Scholar-Chessplayer Out- UUPCOMINGPCOMING EVENEVENTTSS ...............................................................................2 2 standing Achievement Awards for CHESS QUIZ. 24 2008 were announced in April at the CCHESSHESS QQUIZUIZ ................................................ .......................................................2 4 2008 National High School Cham- 3 RANKANK & FILEILE MAYAY-J-JUNEUNE 2002008 essay of no more than 500 words 5. Byes and other unplayed describing the positive influence games earn no JGP points. Southern California Chess that chess has had on your life, and 6. In determining whether an Federation a recent photograph. The deadline opponent is rated 100 points above President for the next award, the 2009 Schol- a player, current ratings will be Elliot Landaw Vice President Ron Rezendes ar-Chessplayer Award, is March 1, used. Note: On rare occasions, JGP 2009. – USCF news release Secretary Chuck Ensey point standings may change due to Treasurer John Hillery re-rates. Executive Board 7. To earn points, a player must Randy Hough Junior Grand Prix have a pre-event rating based on at Mike Nagaran The USCF recently introduced least four games. Additionally, if in Rick Aeria a new “Junior Grand Prix (JGP).” considering an individual game, the Jim Bullock Players born after 12/31/87 will be opponent has no rating or a rating Mick Bighamian eligible for both the regular Grand based on fewer than four games, Jerry Yee Essam Mohamed Prix and the Junior Grand Prix. the opponent’s post event rating Takashi Iwamoto The JGP will have a special focus will be used, providing it is based intended to promote the type of play on at least four games. Otherwise, Rank & File most beneficial to the development no points can be earned from that Editor John Hillery of young talent, as follows: game. 835 N. Wilton Pl. # 1. The new grand prix awards 8. Conditions concerning JGP Los Angeles CA 90038 JGP points only for scoring against tournaments are subject to review [email protected] players rated at least 100 points and adjustment by the USCF Ex- above you: 10 JGP points for each ecutive Director. Designation of Publisher David Argall win and 5 JGP points for each draw. tournaments as JGP events which Contributing Editors In sectioned events, you may need require play at Game/60 or faster Jack Peters to play higher than your minimum in most rounds is discouraged and Tim Hanks section to have a shot at points. may be disallowed. Al Pena 2. JGP points are available only 9. For state awards, in the case Contributors in events with time controls slower of a player who changes states dur- Chuck Ensey than Game/60. ing the year, USCF reserves the Randy Hough Chris Roberts Other JGP Rules: right to assign the player to an ap- Cyrus Lakdawala 1. JGP events must be at least propriate state based on their tour- Jerry Yee four rounds and USCF rated. nament record. 2. Other than entry fees and 10. Standings will be updated Subscriptions/Address Changes USCF dues, no charges over $25 bimonthly in Chess Life and more Randy Hough, Membership Secretary are permitted. frequently at the USCF web page. P.O. Box 205 3. The tournament must have Top prize includes free entry, Monterey Park CA 9754 a TLA with sufficient detail to de- $1,000 of expense money to the (626) 282-742 termine eligibility in the “Tourna- 2009 U.S. Open, and a plaque. Priz- [email protected] ment Life” section of Chess Life. es will also be awarded to the top Rank & File — ISSN 8750-964 USPS Games from matches are ineligible. 20 and top individual in each state. 738-230, published bimonthly by the The tournament must have a 2008 – USCF news release Southern California Chess Federation, 300 completion date and be submitted Ballista, La Puente CA 9744. Periodical for rating by February 1, 2009. Photos: Cover, p. 5: John Hillery. P. postage paid at Industry, CA. POST- 4. If differing time controls are 7: Al Pena. P. 14: San Diego Chess MASTER: Send changes of address to offered, the slowest must be slower Club. SCCF, PO Box 205, Monterey Park CA than Game/60, and no round may 9754. Subscriptions: $8 adult, $0 junior. be faster than Game/30. Copyright © SCCF 2008. One-time only publication rights have been obtained from signed contributors. All other rights are Advertising Rates: Full page $80, half page hereby assigned to the authors. The opinions $45, 1/4 page $25, 1/8 page $15, back cover (3/4 SCCF Online page) $80.
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