Email Last Name First Name Title Organization Vessel(s) City State BLACK JACK, FAIR Ontari mary@tallshipsadventure.org Acton-Bond Captain Mary Bytown Brigantine, Inc. JEANNE Ottawa o lori@sailtraining.org Aguiar Ms Lori A. Director of Operations American Sail Training Association Newport RI h.h.anderson3830@att.net Anderson, Jr. Dr. Harry ASTA Commodore's Council American Sail TrainIng Association Mystic CT nicole.angotti@medaire.com Angotti Nicole MedAire Mesa AZ rbagnall@allenfg.com Bagnall Mr. Rick CIC Allen Financial Group Camden ME chel-at-sea@hotmail.com Bahm Captain Rachel Sisters Under Sail UNICORN Asbury NJ daveyusa@aol.com Bakhshi Davey ASTA Board of Directors American Sail Traiing Assocition Walpole MA claudia@sailtraining.org Bankert Ms Claudia International Tall Ships Liaison American Sail Training Association Cleveland OH nicholas.a.barrow@uscg.mil Barrow LT Nick Ninth Coast Guard District United States Coast Guard Cleveland OH tbell@imgworld.com Bell Weinberg Ms Terry Rotary Club of Cleveland Cleveland OH paul.bishop@sailtraininginternational.org Bishop Paul Race Director Sail Training International Gosport Hants Quebe dblier@vieuxportdemontreal.com Blier Daniel Director Quais du Vieux‐Port de Montréal Montréal c Mark.d.bobal@uscg.mil Bobal Mark United Stated Coast Guard New London CT LADY MARYLAND, SIGSBEE, MINNIE V, pete@livingclassrooms.org Bolster Peter Living Classrooms Foundation CONNSTELLATION Baltimore MD LADY WASHINGTON, HAWAIIAN CHIEFTAIN, Executive Director, Grays Harbor HEWITT R. JACKSON, les@historicalseaport.org Bolton Captain Les ASTA Board of Directors Historical Seaport CAPT. MATT PEASLEY Aberdeen WA hboultinghouse@mpea.com Boultinghouse Rick Sr. Director of Entertainment Navy Pier ChicagoIL j_boulware@hotmail.com Boulware Captain Jonathan Boulware Marine Services Branford CT Email Last Name First Name Title Organization Vessel(s) City State privateerlynx1812@verizon.net Buffa Cindy America's Privateer Lynx LYNX Newport Beach CA jcathcart@soundwaters.org Cathcart Captain Justin SoundWaters, Inc. SOUNDWATERS Stamford CT andy.chase@mma.edu Chase Captain Andy Maine Maritime Academy BOWDOIN Castine ME cchildress@hthworldwide.com Childress Carrie HTH Worldwide Radnor PA dchoate@conventures.com Choate Mr. David VP & COO Conventures - Sail Boston Boston MA linda@pride2.org Christenson Linda Executive Director Pride of Baltimore Inc. PRIDE OF BALTIMORE II Baltimore MD matthew.claybaugh@marimed.org Claybaugh Matthew President Marimed Foundation SSV MAKANI OLU Kaneohe HI fish4bugs@aol.com Coker Donald Chairman Piscataqua Maritime Commission Portsmouth NH LADY WASHINGTON, HAWAIIAN CHIEFTAIN, HEWITT R. JACKSON, hankc@methownet.com Cramer Hank Grays Harbor Historical Seaport CAPT. MATT PEASLEY Winthrop WA jeremy.Dann@mma.edu Dann Jeremy Maine Maritime Academy Student BOWDOIN West Haven CT Vice Chairman, ASTA Board of Quebe tdavies@classafloat.com Davies Terry Directors Class Afloat CONCORDIA St. Eustache c arniedlp@aol.com de la Porte Charles "Arnie" Rotary Club of Cleveland Cleveland OH PATHFINDER, Ontari paul.dennis@torontobrigantine.org Dennis Paul Toronto Brigantine, Inc. PLAYFAIR Toronto o ddonham@sailingshipadventures.com Donham Dexter Treasurer, ASTA Board of Directors Sailing Ship Adventures Wellesley MA rdorfman@southstreetseaport.org Dorfman Captain Richard South Street Seaport Museum PIONEER New York NY BLACK JACK, FAIR Ontari sam.drinnan@gmail.com Drennan Sam Bytown Brigantines, Inc. JEANNE Ottawa o APPLEDORE IV, appledore4@gmail.com Dykema Kevin ASTA Board of Directors BaySail APPLEDORE V Bay City MI Email Last Name First Name Title Organization Vessel(s) City State jewing@discoveryworld.org Ewing Joe Discovery World Inc. DENIS SULLIVAN Milwaukee WI gfifield@allenagency.com Fifield Gil CIC Allen Agency Camden ME kipfiles@gwi.net Files Captain Kip Victory Chimes VICTORY CHIMES Rockland ME mflanagan@southstseaport.org LETTIE G. HOWARD, Flanagan Margaret Director of Marine Education South Street Seaport Museum PIONEER New York NY columfnd@gmail.com Friauf Captain Kyle Columbus Foundation NINA, PINTA Road Town clevrotary@aol.com Ghent-Skrzynski Ms Beverly Rotary Club of Cleveland Cleveland OH Ontari bgibson@glu.org Gibson Brent Communications Director Great Lakes United Ottawa o EXY JOHNSON, IRVING JOHNSON, SWIFT OF topsail@sbcglobal.net Gladson Captain Jim ASTA Board of Directors Los Angeles Maritime Institute IPSWICH San Pedro CA darlene@sailtraining.org Godin Darlene Office Manager/Bookkeeper American Sail Training Association Newport RI rgregg@gregglaw.net Gregg Charles "Reb" Attorney Houston TX caphighlandersea@achesonventures.comHale Captain Benjamin Acheson Ventures HIGHLANDER SEA Port Huron MI lisa.haley@medaire.com Haley Lisa MedAire Tempe AZ luke.b.harden@uscg.mil Harden Luke United States Coast Guard Washington DC mharding@cohencpa.com Harding Mike Rotary Club of Cleveland Cleveland OH Deborah_hayes@stgeorges.edu Hayes Captain Deborah ASTA Board of Directors St. Georges School GERONIMO Newport RI PA Historical and Museum wheerssen@state.pa.us Heerssen Captain Wesley Commission US Brig NIAGARA Erie PA British Colum Tim_Henderson@Alumni.Uvic.CA Henderson Tim and wife Marion Mitchell Victoria Tall ShipsSociety Victoria bia steven.hertz@worldnet.att.net Hertz Captain Steven FSMMA South Orleans MA Email Last Name First Name Title Organization Vessel(s) City State Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, sam@clearwater.org Heyman Captain Samantha Inc. CLEARWATER Beacon NY gshaw@visitduluth.com Hoffman Rob Visit Duluth Duluth MN columfnd@gmail.com Hopkins Captain Joe Columbus Foundation NINA and PINTA Road Town lrjob@comcast.net Job Larry Vice Chairman Piscataqua Maritime Commission Hampton Falls NH garyjobson@cs.com Jobson Gary Jobson Sailing, Inc. Newport RI jorge.martinez@uscg.mil Jones Captain Eric United States Coast Guard USCGC EAGLE New London CT jbkabak@hotmail.com Kabak Dr. Jennifer D.O. Kent County Hospital Providence RI jkabak@aol.com Kabak Captain Jonathan Sea Education Association CORWITH CRAMER Woods Hole MA scott@tide-mark.com Kaiser Scott Tide-mark Windsor CT ASTA Crew Membership steelkilt@hotmail.com Kellick Captain Michael Representative Simi Valley CA kleinkr@mindspring.com Klein Dr. Kelly Maimonides Medical Center BrooklynNY henry.knott@mma.edu Knott Henry Maine Maritime Academy BOWDOIN Castine ME thadkoza@yahoo.com Koza Thad Tall Ship Photography Newport RI EXY JOHNSON, IRVING JOHNSON, SWIFT OF topsail@sbcglobal.net Kraus Captain John Los Angeles Maritime Institute IPSWICH San Pedro CA Tkrihwan@Discoveryworld.org Krihwan Captain Tiffany Discovery World Inc. DENIS SULLIVAN Milwaukee WI R & W Traditional Rigging & Ontari mainstay@csolve.net Laco Gordon Outfitting Midland o EXY JOHNSON, IRVING JOHNSON, SWIFT OF elarew@msn.com Larew Emilie Los Angeles Maritime Institute IPSWICH Woodland Hills CA APPLEDORE IV, dpleanza@hotmail.com Leanza David BaySail APPLEDORE V Bay City MI Email Last Name First Name Title Organization Vessel(s) City State American Sail Training Association, pattilock@aol.com Lock Patricia TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE® Director Great Lakes Marketing Group ChicagoIL info@schooneralliance.com Lohse Greg Yorktown Sailing Charters ALLIANCE Yorktown VA info@schooneralliance.com Lohse Laura Yorktown Sailing Charters ALLIANCE Yorktown VA 'panacean1105@yahoo.com' Lunt Sally Director Liberty Classroom LIBERTY CLIPPER CambridgeMA 1schooner@att.net Maggio Captain Joe ASTA Advisory Council Heritage Schooner Cruises WILLIAM H. ALBURY Miami FL mfmaples@gmail.com Maples Matthew Matt Maples Photography Bartlett IL kmarshaleck@hthworldwide.com Marshaleck Katherine HTH Worldwide Radnor PA jorge.martinez@uscg.mil Martinez LCDR Jorge United States Coast Guard USCGC EAGLE New London CT Baylake Bank Tall Ship® Festival kris.mattes@pmiwi.com Mattes Kris PMI Entertainment Group 2010 Green Bay WI gmckeever@allenagency.com McKeever Gene CIC Allen Agency Camden ME BRILLIANT, JOSEPH shannon.mckenzie@mysticseaport.org McKenzie Shannon Mystic Seaport CONRAD Mystic CT dmcmullen@sultanaprojects.org McMullen Drew Executive Director Sultana Projects Inc. SULTANA Chestertown MD BLACK JACK, FAIR Ontari jason@tallshipsadventure.org McNaught Captain Jason Bytown Brigantines, Inc. JEANNE Ottawa o LETTIE G. HOWARD, dmeagher@southstseaport.org Meagher Captain Denise South Street Seaport Museum PIONEER New York NY smills@discoveryworld.org Mills Stacey Discovery World Inc. DENIS SULLIVAN Milwaukee WI British Colum Tim_Henderson@Alumni.Uvic.CA Mitchell Marion Victoria Tall ShipsSociety Victoria bia jmoran@hal-pc.org Moran John Historic Ships and Boats Houston TX Windward Isles Sailing Ship castle@tallships.ca Moreland Captain Dan Company PICTON CASTLE Lunenburg NS Email Last Name First Name Title Organization Vessel(s) City State jack.morton@bermudasloop.org Morton Captain Jack and wife Bridget Bermuda Sloop Foundation SPIRIT OF BERMUDA soncie.lyles@metcor.com Muldoon Jim Brendan's Sailing DONNYBROOK USA 66 Washington DC Ken@callofthesea.org Neal Captain Ken Call of the Sea SEAWARD Sausalito CA nicholas.a.barrow@uscg.mil Neffenger VADM Peter Commander, Ninth Coast Guard Distri United States Coast Guard Cleveland OH WESWARD, HARVEY GAMAGE, SPIRIT OF pneill@oceanclassroom.org Neill Peter Executive Director Ocean Classroom Foundation MASSACHUSETTS Boothbay Harbor ME British Colum northbear@shaw.ca Newcomb Barringer Victoria Tall Ships Society Victoria bia dhniebuhr@gmail.com Niebuhr David ASTA Board of Directors Waterman's Museum Yorktown VA Quebe simon@ecomaris.org Paquin Simon EcoMaris FRYA Montreal c Ocean Classroom
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