• ' / r - *■ *; t NET PRESS RUH AVERAGE DAILX CIRCULATION t6 r the month of Novemberi 1928 5,237 Member of the Andit Bnrean ot Clrcnlatione VOL. xun., NO. 65. (Classified Advertlsinx on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DEr-.fiHER 31, 1928 (FOURTEEN P40ES) PRICE THREE CENIH LOWER RATES “BIGGER N A V r THE COOLIDGES ON HOLIDAY ISLE D ONE D P BOUVIA ACCEPTS FOR ELECTRIC FOES APPEAL FROM POISON UGHT USERS TO P ^ ID E N T UQDOR XMAS GERMAN BANDITS Paragnay’s Acceptance Al­ Dorait.Says This is One to WEAR FULL DRFBS Domestic Charges to Favor Senator King Calls U. S. a ready Received So Com­ Those Who Make Liberal Hypocrite for Building Deoahiring Formnla; Wild­ Commandeer 30 Taxicabs and Bombed Meeting—One Dead, mission May Start at Use of Current— Aids Warships and Talking cat Alcohol Is Called Many Hurt. ‘' Berlin, Dec. 31— Police to­ Once to Solve Boundary Appliance Owners. Peace at the Same Time. Pure.' day scoured the underworld haunts of this city ’ for the Dispute Which Lead to members of a bandit gang who caused the death of one person Lower rates for electric current Washington, Dec. SI. — An ap­ Washington, Dec. 31— In marked and the serious wounding of Threats of War. were announced today by the Man­ peal to President Coolidge and contrast to virtually every holiday seven others in an unusual. chester Electric Company. The an­ President-Elect Hoover to summon season since the Volstead Act went street battle. nouncement is carried in a full the nations of the world here for a into effect, there were no de.cths Garbed in full-dress' and Washington, Dec. 31.— Bolivia top-hats, more than a hundred page advertisement in today’s issue new disarmament conference, along this Yuletide attributable to poison­ of the gangsters commandeer­ today accepted the terras of the con­ of The Herald. The various rates with a postponement of action on ed liquor, according to an official ed thirty taxi-cabs and then ciliation protocol submitted by tha will be fully explained in a series of the administration’s “ Big Navy” report today by Prohibition Com­ bombarded a meeting of the Maurtua committee of the Pan- advertisements to appear in The bill for one year, was made today missioner J. M. Doran. Hamburig Carpenters’ Associa­ American Conference. by Senator William H. King (D) of tion with a fusilade of shots. Herald on successive days. Lewis No report was received by the Some of the gangsters left Immediately on receipt of a cable N. Heebner, general manager of the Utah. prohibition bureau of the distribu­ the cabs and hand-to-hand from his government, Bolivian tion of wood alcohol or dther Manchester Electric Company, to­ King called the administration’s tussels followed. Many suffer­ Minister Diez De Medina called on attention to the activities of the poisoned beverages by-bootleggers. ed minor Injuries. Police riot Secretary of State Kellogg and day made the following explanation No deaths could be traced to the relative to the new domestic rates preparatory commission of the squads made many arrests. handed him the formal acceptance. League of Nations, which is nego­ beverage use of alcohol denatured The Paraguayan acceptance reach­ which are effective tomorrow: under the government’s formulas. Benefits Larger Users tiating for a new disarmament con­ ed here Saturday. Despite the ill­ ference, and to the pending ratifi­ Dr. Doran informed the treasury ness of Dr. Victor Maurtua of Peru, “ During the past few years many there were a number of deaths due electrical household labor saving cation of the Kellogg multilateral at Garfield hospital suffering from devices and conveniences have come anti-war treaty. With these peace to acute alcoholism as a result of MONARCH PASSES pneumonia, it was expected by Sec­ on the market. Customers of the moves under way. King declared the Christmas celebra,tionsw retary Kellogg that a meeting of Manchester Electric Company are the United States should postpone Removed Taste' the coalition committee would be using these devices and there Is a all increasing armament moves un­ The prohibition bureau felt that called, shortly to continue negotia­ desire for even more extended use. til the government can determine the absence of deaths this year is " A RESTFUL DAY” tions for settlement of the Bolivlan- Such use is attractive i£ the rate whether further world disarma­ plained, the bootleggers have turn­ Paraguayan boundary dispute. * ment is possible. “ Well, we got here!" .... “ So glad you could com e!” President and Mrs. Coolidge are pictured at denaturing formula for industrial for electric service is in a form that the left just after their arrival at Sapeloe Island, off the coast of Georgia, where they were to spend a few* The committee will meet this .af­ Appeals to President. alcohol put into effect last year has ternoon. makes, such use economical. It of the holidays as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Co ffin, shown at the right. The chief executive and the “ I appeal to President Coolidge removed the oil taste. CoDunlsslpn of Nine. has been found that the use of elec­ First Lady took one of the White House pets with them when they.left the chilly atmosphere of Washing­ Did Not Rest Well During and to President-Elect Hoover to As a result, treasury officials ex­ The protocol ■would provide a tric service may be increased many ton for their brief vacation in the sunny south. fold in both small and large homes withhold action on the cruiser bill plained, the booeleggers have turn­ commission of nine to fix the re­ and the Domestic Rate, Schedules until next December,” said King. ed almost exclusively to illicitly dis­ Night— Five Doctors Still sponsibility for the border clashes that are offered are equally applica­ “ In the meantime, they can initiate tilled alcohol for the base of their between Bolivian and Paraguayan ble to both large and small homes. a move for a new disarmament liquors. Some of this alcohol is ad­ troops which beganiDec. 5. at the FOUR LIVES LOST mittedly bad and .officials said that At Bedside. “ The new schedule for full Do­ conference either independent of or LIFE CAN BE EXTENDED Bolivian Fort Van Gua/dia In the mestic Use which is offered with in co-operation with the prepara­ “ no good will come of drinking it.” Paraguayan Chaco. Bolivia and energy at 3 and 3c per K. W.’ Hour tory commission of the League of On the other hand some of the wild­ P'araguay each would appoint two together with its appropriate fixed Nations. AS BANDITS WAR cat alcohol is virtually as pure as London, Dec. 3l — Official an­ members and the Pan,-American “ If these efforts for disarma­ that manufactured legitimately. charge is Intended for customers FURTHER SAYS SCIENTIST nouncement was made at Bucking­ Conference would elect five neu­ who make liberal use of the service ment fail and there is a disposition New Court RuUng trals. Six months would be provW- Doran’s report also contained ham palabe at 3 o ’clock this after- and whose homes are completely on the part of other nations to td for the investigation, with an strengthen their armaments, then 1 comment on. the recent decision of a hoon that King George was “ having electrified. HIP FLASKS ARE O. K. Gods additional six months If required, Bate Removed would not oppose a cruiser hill.” Roar in Chicago— Two Philadelphia, federal judge holding a restful day.” a buyer of liquor guilty of violation and the commission would confine “ The schedule for Partial Domes­ Hypocritical Position. Dr. Fisk Declares Man Can FOR TONIGHT IN CHICAGO itself to settlement of the immedi­ tic Use with an epea charge of 9c King asserted the United States of the law where'transportation was is put in a “ hypocritical” position Men Killed in Crowded Involved. RESTLESS NIGHT ' ate cause of the controversy be­ per 100 sq. ft. and 4c per K. W. Chicago, Dec. 31.— Tonight tween the two countries. Hour has heretofore been available by sponsoring a pact to outlaw war Lengthen Span 10 or 15 However, t^e federal government London, Doe. 31 r— The King while at the same time, expanding and just for tonight, a man’s cannot with its-present force; at­ spent a restless night,, it was of­ The boundary -dispute of fifty only for customers who used cer­ DanceHali. years standing, involving fhe tain specific apparatus, such as Its fighting navy. Years hy Simple Method; hip p6cket is his castle as far as tempt to prosecute everybody who ficially stated at Buckingham palace rajiges, refrigerators etc. Under-the “ For the United States to ratify Prohibition' Administrator 'E. C. buys liquor, even should the higher at noon. - Cbaco, will be left to a joint com­ the Kellogg-Briand^ pact— which is Yellowley is concerned. federal courts hold that the PUila- The official medical bulletin, mission which has been intermit­ new rates all restrictions as to Chicago, Dec. 31.— Gangland, specific types of apparatus being re­ intended to outlaw war— and then His Views. If a man outers u, cabaret to­ delph'ia interpretation of tb.e la-w is which was Issued at 12:30, follows: tently trying to s^Oe" thS’'que&fion quired to obtain the ratei are re­ to enter a naval race with Great night wiiii a bulging nip pocket, police and bandit guns, roaring in correct. The vast majority of the “The King passed a somewhat under the auspices of the Argentine moved. Britain is to lay oiir nation open to Mr.
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