THE REPORT mEMOCRATIC OF THE NATIONAL RULES CONVENTION COMMITTEE 1992 TO THE Standing Commiffee on Rules OFFICERS CO-CHAIRS Supervisor Gloria Molina Califomia James Ruvolo Ohio VICE CHAIRS State Representative Dorothy Bradley Montono Senator John B. Breaux Louisiana Mayor Jan Laverty Jones Nevada Representative Patsy Mink Hawaii Justin Ostro Califomio Mayor Norman Rice Washington Representative Louis Stokes Ohio Representative Esteban E. Torres California Commissioner Sarah Vogel North Dakota Standing Commiffee on Rules Preface STAFF Executive Director On June 29, 1992, the Standing Committee on Rules for the 1992 Democratic Richard Q . Boylan National Convention met in Washington, D.C. and adopted the recommer:,do­ tions contained in this report. These recommendations, including the General Administrator Permanent Officers and the Procedural Rules of the Convention are presented John M. Ost for consideration by the Democratic Convention. Staff Counsel Over the post two decades, the Democratic Porty has sought to assure that its Mike Homby rules guarantee on open and inclusive process. The result is unprecedented diversity in a united Porty. In that unity we will find the strength and resolve Meeting/Logistics Planner we need to elect Democrats - and to win back the White House. Andrew M. Morin Issues presented in ths report should be considered with one primary thought in mind: Does it help our Porty win elections? The values and ideals that have General Counsel brought us together as Democrats demand that we toke back the leadership of Jonathan Sallet this country. We ore confident that this ultimate goal will drive the Convention in its deliberations. Legal Associates Gory Nunes While the Rules Committee tokes pride in the diversity of our Porty, it also Kathleen Wallman seeks to focus our strengths on achieving electoral success. Toward that end, the person who deserves our special appreciation is Chairman Ronald H. Parliamentarian Brown, who tells us that our rules should not be used to defeat one another, Hugh Connon but to win elections so that Democrats con work together to realize the best for America. Assistant to Co-Choir Molino We have enjoyed being a port of this extraordinary effort and it is our Deborah Taylor privilege to present this report for adoption by the Democratic Notional Convention. Assistant to Co-Choir Ruvolo Jomes M. Carey Staff Assistants /J~rL. ~ - Annie Brown Gloria Molino Mork Sullivan r 1_. Carole Deon Co-Choir Volunteers/Interns Angela Gantt Anne-Marie Taylor L ..._ ~ Don Parsons / - Jomes .Ruvolo · Co-Choir ii iii Contents PART I • Permanent Officers of the 1992 Democratic National Convention Standing Committee on Rules • Officers Chair Governor Ann Richards Standing Committee on Rules • Stoff II Honorary Chair Preface •• •••••• ••• ••••• ••• ••••• •• ••• ••• 111 Speaker Tom Foley PART I Co-Chairs Permanent Officers of the 1992 Democratic Notional Convention ......... ... ..... 1 Senator Barbaro Mikulski Representative Patricio Schroeder PART II Agenda of the 1992 Democratic National Convention ... ............. Mayor Maynord Jackson Representative Edward Roybal PART Ill Procedural Rules of the 1992 Democratic National Convention ............. ....... 2 Secretary Kathleen M. Vick PART IV Resolutions ...... .. ... .. .. ................ 11 PARTY PART II • Agenda of the Minority Reports ..... ... .. .... .. .. ... .... ..... .. 12 1992 Democratic National Convention Standing Committee on Rules •Members ............ ............ ......... 17 Acknowledgments ·· ··· ··· ·········· ······· ···· ··20 Monday, July 13, 1992 Opening Ceremonies Credentials Committee Report Rules Committee Report Tuesday, July 1 4, 1 992 Platform Committee Report Wednesday, July 1 5, 1 992 Nominating and Seconding Speeches for Presidential Candidates Roll Call Vote for the Presidential Nominee On June 29, 1992, the Standing Committee on Ru les met in Washington, D.C. Pursuant to the Ca// for the 1992 Democratic National Convention, the "Rules Comm ittee shall issue a Thursday, July 16, 1992 report to the Democratic National Convention recommending the Permanent Rul es of the Nominating and Seconding Speeches for Vice Presidential Candidates Convention, the Convention agenda, the permanent officers of the Democratic National Roll Call Vote for the Vice Presidential Nominee Convention, amendments to the Charter of the Democratic Party of the United States, a nd resolutions provid ing for the consideration of any other matter ... .* The following Report Acceptance Speech by the Vice Presidential Nominee was approved by the Committee and is hereby submitted to the Convention for its Acceptance Speech by the Presidential Nominee consideration. Adjournment iv PART Ill • Procedural Rules of the presentation and disposition of minority reports without losing the 1992 Democratic National Convention right to the floor. (b) The Temporary Chair shall arrange for the orderly presenta­ tion of amendments and of minority reports offered at the direction of the committee. Twenty (20) minutes shall be allowed for the A. Temporary Chair presentation of each committee amendment or minority report ( l ) The Chairman of the Democratic National Committee shall call the unless a longer period for any committee amendment or minority Convention to order and shall preside until the Permanent Chair of the report is provided in special orders of business agreed to by the 1 Convention shall be chosen in accordance with these rules. Convention. Time shall be allotted equally to proponents and opponents of each committee amendment or minority report. The (2) The Chairman of the Democratic National Committee shall appoint questions shall be put on each committee amendment or minority a Temporary Secretary and such other temporary officers as may be report immediately following its presentation without intervening required to assist in the conduct of the business of the Convention. These motion. officers shall be composed equally of men and women. (c) Upon conclusion of the consideration and disposition of committee amendments and minority reports, the Temporary Chair a. Temporary Roll shall put the question on the adoption of the report of the Creden­ (1) The Secretary of the Democratic National Committee shall deter­ tials Committee with amendments previously adopted, if any, mine a Temporary Roll of delegates to the Convention which shall consist without intervening motion. A favorable majority vote of the only of those persons certified as delegates pursuant to the Call, unless a Convention delegates eligible to vote shall constitute adoption of credentials contest shall have arisen with respect to any such person(s), the report. in which case the Secretary shall include on the Temporary Roll the (d) In the event that the committee's report shall not be adopted name of the credentials contestant recommended for inclusion by the when the question is put, the committee shall immediately recon­ Credentials Committee in its report. vene to reconsider its report and shall present a new report to the (2) Persons whose names are included on the Temporary Roll of Convention as soon as possible. delegates shall be permitted to vote on all matters before the Convention (2) Report of Rules Committee. The Temporary Chair may then until after the adoption of the report of the Credentials Committee; provided that no person shall be permitted to vote on his or her creden­ recognize the Co-Chairs of the Rules Committee to present the committee's report for the Rules of the Convention and minority reports, tials contest. if any, in the same manner as that provided for the presentation of the Report of the Credentials Committee. However, the Temporary Chair C. Order of Business may, in the interest of conducting an orderly proceeding, opt to place The order of business for the Democratic National Convention shall be before the Convention the election of the Permanent Choir, the Co­ as provided in these rules and in any special order of business adopted Chairs and the Secretary, prior to the presentation of the Rules under Section D of these rules. The Chair of the Convention may, at Committee report. appropriate times, interrupt the order of business provided for in these (3) Convention Chair. The Convention shall proceed to elect the rules for introductions, announcements, addresses, presentations, Permanent Convention Chair in the following manner: resolutions of tribute and appreciation, or remarks appropriate to the business of the Convention. (a) Per Article Seven, Section 3(A) of the Bylaws of the Demo­ cratic Party of the United States, the Permanent Chair of the 1992 ( 1) Report of the Committee on Credentials. The Report of the Democratic National Convention shall be a female. Credentials Committee shall be acted upon before the consideration of other business. (b) The Co-Choirs of the Rules Committee shall be recognized to offer a nomination for Convention Chair as recommended by the (a) The Temporary Chair shall recognize the Co-Chairs of the Committee on Rules. Nominations from the floor shall then be Credentials Committee for thirty (30) minutes to present the received. committee's report unless a longer period of time shall be provided in a special order of business agreed upon by the Convention. The (c) When there are no further nominations or upon adoption of Co-Chairs of the committee may present committee amendments, a motion to close nominations, the Temporary Choir of the Con­ yield part of his or her time to others and may yield for the
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