aod. A THE COAL TRADE.?An unusual returns to the UNHAPPY COMPLICATIONS. mamr»' a brave comrade beneathI the SAD CASIALTT.?A resident of this degree STATISTICAL. ?Recent The Re- Washington JStandwcl. It was no incidental result, achieved county named George Nfiraan, who had of activity is noticeable about the Seat- Territorial Auditor place the popula- publican papers are a unit in condemn- while surrounded by all the comforts ! but recently arrived from Illinois, was tle whirves, in shipments of coal. The tion of Clarke county at 3,683, of which ing the appointment of Mr. Brown, of the siege in Windward is lighters males OFFICIAL PARK OF THT BOTON" OOtfVTY. and luxuries of life, like of drowned the creek which empties bark loading from number 1,973 are and 1,710 fe- the Dispatch, by Judge Lewis, as Clerk long- South last Con- j: (-\u25a0 ?= ! Vicksbutg. But with nil this [into Bay, Saturday after- in tbe stream and the barkentine males. The colored population stands of the Court' at Seattle. The Walla- Ocr i continued service and manifestation of , noon. It appeals from all the circum- ! stilutton (formerly Jack ScrantonV. mail 33 males and 30 females. Tbe number walla Union sarcastically remarks that U P. FISHKR, Newspaper Advertising ! self-denial, our fore-fathers, very inno- . that liave been imported, that steamer) lies at th«.Seattle of families 540; number of dwellings " Agent. Roomaan and 31 MereSanta' Exchange, stances Go's wliarL is Beriah Brown was made Clerk, doubt- > 'aliforolaStreet, San Francisco. cently, in their extreme republican sym- j tho deceased must have aKjped into She gives place to tbe ship Alaska, Capt. 740; males of foreign birth, 350; fe- less, in order to compensate him fur M. PKTTTNOIO. * CO., 37 Park Bow, New plicity, did not deem it necessary to tbe water from a boom «f While Tuttjc, who will load his vessel with males of foreign birth 195; number of his office that was destroyed by a York. San create an office as a reward for patriotic fishing, and being unable fo regain his about two thousand tons of our black married people, 1,1G3; number that Francisco mol> for the trifling offense bim ?Lnm SATIMAV lOBMNG. J1XE12,1573. devotion to duty. Tbey did elect | position, or attract the attention of his bonanza. It would at first seem as if have attended school, 970; number who of rejoicing orer the assassination of President and he served two terms, but I comrades, who were not in hailing dis- this important industry was liable to bo cannot read, 39; who cannot write 07, President Lincoln. Mr. Ed. Brown, we it is no less true that he peremptorly tance, soon sank beneath the waters. overdone, but on investigation there is number of male citizens 21 of was GRANT AND THE THIRD TERM. years presume, made Inspector because refused a third, and placed on record When his absence was noted at the no probability of it. The loss by fire age ant. upwards, 889. Tbe assessed of his illuminating the paternal man- all over the The Republican journals his protest against 6uch a course. camp in which he was employed, search of seven coal-ships, during the past value property in the country is $679,. sion on the occasion of a late Democrat- so persistently Union, which have been Another very remarkable feature of was immediately instituted, and about year, has caused a prohibitory clause 008. ic victory." We trust that all these of the Democratic denying the assertion the letter is that in which Graut assures 4 o'clock on Sunday morning his hat against English coal to be incorporated The total assessed valuation of per- minor differences will be amicably set- that Grant would be a candidate press, his nrmy ofadhereuts that the "people" was discovered floating on the water, in all American insurance policies. sonal and real estate in Yakima county tled by our Republican brethren. They for a third term, have all at once found j caunot bo restricted iu their choice of a nnd a fish pole standing in the wa- This cuts off the shipments of English for the present year is $413,167. roust remember tbat their party always themselves confronted by the great gift- j " candidate for President. Ho, for one, ter between the logs. In attempting coal to the Pacific coast and makes in- The population of Wahkiacum coun- has set a high price on recalcitrant" himself, who, not in direct taker if does not intend to be ruled out on that to haul tho pole out of the water, it creased demand for domestic conl. ty is 296, of which there are 135 males Democrats who join their fold. If they terms, at least in language which is plea. Then follows the modest decla- was discovered that something was at- Added to this, the great decrease of and 61 females. The number of dwell- continue to draw upon our party for understood, proclaims himself readily ration : "Itmay happen in the future tached to the end of it, when the body fire-wood in the Sacramento valley is ings is set down ut 41 ami numbor of brains, they musn't grumble at the " in of his friends," just as the hands history of the country that to change of the unfortunate man was raised to making a market for coal in all the Cal- families at 32. The assessed valuation price they have to pay. all and calculating politicians shrewd the executive because he has been eight the surface, one cold, lifeless hand fornia towns which are readily accessi- of property amounts to $172,761. do when they have set their heart upon years in office willprove unfortunate, if ble by railway or navigation. PRINTERS' PICNIC. ?The picnic held grasping the fisbing-vod in the last Coal at The population of Whatcom county " any particular offico. It is not claimed It be by the craft" of Portland, near Van- not disastrous." would difficult grip of death. Deceased was 24 years fifteen dollars per ton is cheaper fuel is 1,169, of which number 690 are white that Democrats are closer observers couver, last Saturday, was a grand af- to find any man of common sense to of ago. His remains were interred on than oak at six, hence the great increase males, 344 white females; 72 colored than other people or that they have fair, about twelve hundred people agree with this proposition. When it Sunday afternoon, with appropriate re- in the demand is no special cause of males and 63 colored females. The par- been in possession of facts not possessed of the ticipating in the exercises and festiv- happens that the fate Govern- ligious services conducted by Rev. D. wonder. nnd Wellington number of dwellings is 367; number of by everybody who Las noted tlie drift of ities of the ment must be pinned to the coat-tail of N. Utter. coals are better for steam and gas pur- families 366. day. Among other prizes public affairs. They have based their \u25a0 - \u25a0 an}- one man, it has indeed lost all the poses than our own, but the awarded was an order for photographs BODY EXHUMED.?The Astorian of supply The assessment roll of Kitsap county conclusion, however, upon a pretty elements which gave it vitality. It is the to the hoinliest mau, which Mr. W. E. " from those mines is so limited that con- foots up a total valuation, personul and thorough knowledge of Grant's innate sth inst says: Lieut. J. L. Knapp, Cook, formerly of this place, succeeded the pride of the people that we have sumers are obliged to fall back on real property, $450,363. cast of character. They have known of Fort Stevens, has been in town the in many men who combine the necessnry Washington Territory. The Monte "getting away" with. The picnic him to be venal and mercenary in all past week, superintending the disin- held the " qualifications of statesmanship to fill Diablo mines produce coal fit only for PORT LCDLOW. The ship-yard at was at Harney place," one his calculations, and consequently had terment and removal of the body of of the most delightful resorts, for the office of Chief Executive. Soon as steam, and are daily becoming more this place shows great The such but to estimate the cash value of the tho sub-chief of the Stikine Indians, on the a party begins to manifest a disposition expensive to work, on account of water. two pretty little schooner on the stocks parties, Coast. office of President and compare it with Fernandesta, who committed suicide in to recognize the doctrine advanced by Hence the day is not far off when we there, nre nearly ready for launching. a: the higher salaries paid military officers, his state-room on the steamer Gusirie 13f The Memphis Appeal say "If the President, it is high time for the may see our Pnget Sound coal control- The Ludlow schooners are in great fa- of to arrive at a solution of tho simple ISA before entering this port from tbo result the next Presidential elec- 1 people to pause and reflect. These ax- fair ing the market. vor with coasting captains who sail out tion the problem. The Republicans bave feared Sitka, Sunday evening, January 3d. He depends upon the prudence of ioms should be impressed upon the of San Francisco, thus assuring us of South, the victory is already won, for the issue and put it off as long as possi- mind '' The offices, was en route to Portland, under or- Loss or WHEAT.?The Oroville of every citizen: (Cal.) ready sale for all the vessels that can our people are a unit in proclaiming ble, but like Banquo's ghost, it will not under ders from the chief of this military de- Mercury of June 4th gives the follow- our form of government were be built there.
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