, ,' • )N:i··I· '.•'-• C :. .JJ; -"~ I·•••· 1·:~,· .J, ,.s;:·:.:,·,,. " - ,. ' I <, C ~ I• l , • 0 ,-. •• I CALIFORNIA STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION Clea 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2010 P (916) 263-2195 F (916) 263-2195 www.dca.ca.gov/csac fi,Jf: !I! l'Ai lo,<• ,i; i, ·.ik.:,UM, ,. r; I,.,;, Members of the Commission John Fnerson, Chairperson Action may be taken on any item listed on Eugene Hernandez, Vice~Chairperson the agenda except public comment. VanBuren Lemons, MD Agenda items may be taken out of order Christopher Giza, MD Dean Grafilo COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE rd December 3 , 2012 Location: Junipero Serra State Building Carmel Room 320 West Fourth Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 CALIFORNIA STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION c::ica 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2010 1 Sacramento, California 95815 • P (916) 263-2195 F (916) 263-2195 www.dca.ca.gov/csac Members of the Commission John Frierson, Chairperson Action may be taken on any Item listed on Eugene Hernandez, Vice-Chairperson the agenda except public comment. VanBuren Lemons, MD Agenda Items may be taken out of order Christopher Giza, MD Dean Grafilo COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA rd December 3 , 2012 9:00a.m.- Conclusion of Business Location: Junipero Serra State Building Carmel Room 320 West Fourth Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 • OPEN SESSION 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call 2. Chairman's Opening Remarks 3. Approval of October 8, 2012 Meeting Mihutes 4. Executive Officer's Report a. Budget Update b. Status of Pending Regulations c. Boxers Pension Fund/Neurological Examination Account Update d. Staffing Update e. Past Audit Recommendations Progress Report f. Update on Current Audits in Progress g. Update on Strategic Plan Items and Progress 5. Discussion and possible action regarding Sunset Review Report 6. Discussion and possible action regarding Association of Boxing Commissions Mixed Martial Arts Database 7. Discussion and possible action regarding the Unified Rules of Professional Mixed Martial • Arts l of2 8. Discussion and possible action regarding the Unified Rules of Amateur Mixed Martial Arts • 9. Discussion and possible action regarding the Unified Rules of Muay Thai Kickboxing 10. CA Boxing Officials Association (CBOA) and CSAC Work in Progress 11. Petitions for Change of Decision (Title 4 Cal. Code Regs. § 368) John Molina, Jr. v. Antonio DeMarco 12. Applications for Licensure - Appearance Before Commission (Business and Professions Code § 18662) H&E Entertainment Group LLC Promoters License Application 13. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda (The Commission may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this public comment section, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting pursuant to Government Code §§ 11125, 11125.l(a)) 14. Future Agenda Items and Meeting Dates ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Andy Foster at (916) 263-2195 or email [email protected] or sending a written • request to Andy Foster at the California State Athletic Commission, 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2010, Sacramento, CA 95815. Providing your request at least five (5) days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation. Requests for further information should be directed to Andy Foster at the same address and telephone number. Meetings of the California State Athletic Commission are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. The audience will be given appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue presented . • 2 of2 l'TATIO CF CAl...,PCIRN1A CALIFORNIA STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2010 P (916) 263-2195 F (916) 263-2195 www.dca.ca.gov/csac Members of the Commission • John Frierson, Chairperson Action may be taken on any item listed on Eugene Hernandez, Vice-Chairperson the agenda except public comment. VanBuren Lemons, MD Agenda items may be taken out of order Christopher Giza, MD Dean Grafilo CALIFORNIA STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Monday October 8, 2012 Ronald Reagan State Building Auditorium 300 South Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 Commissioners Present Chairman John Frierson Vice-Chairman Eugene Hernandez VanBuren Lemons, MD Christopher Giza, MD Dean Grafilo Staff Present Kathi Burns, Interim Executive Officer • Che Guevara, Chief Athletic Inspector Michael Santiago, Senior Staff Counsel, DCA Agenda Item 1 - Call to Order/ Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance The meeting was called to order at 9: 00 a. m. and a quorum was presented. Agenda Item 2 Chairman's Opening Remarks (None) Agenda Item 3 Approval of the August 81 2012 Meeting Minutes Ms. Burns noted the date of the Meeting Minutes was incorrect, and should be changed from June 4, 2012 to August 8, 2012. It was (M)Hernandez / (S)Lemons / (C) to approve the minutes as corrected. VOTE: Unanimous. Agenda Item 4 - Approval of the 2013-2015 Strategic Plan Ms. Burns reported that the current Strategic Plan reflects all changes suggested in the Commission's June 4, 2012 meeting, and all that is left is to approve the plan. Dr. Giza noted that the implementation for the BreEZe database will be December 3, 2013, while the implementation for the medical database is one day later, on January 1, 2014. He asked whether the medical database was • going to be worked on concurrently or separately and whether a gap in the implementation was 1 of6 necessary. Ms. Burns replied that it was her understanding that BreEZe and the medical database were not related, and that the proximity of implementation dates was a coincidence. It was (M)Giza / (S)Hernandez / (C) to approve the Strategic Plan as written. Agenda Item 5 Executive Officer's Report • a. Budget Update Ms. Burns pointed to expenditure documents in the packets that reflected actual account activity for the months of July and August in the meeting materials. Some activity such as travel and pay were not reflected in these documents due to the standard delay. She noted that payout for athletic inspectors is usually one month behind. Also, the documents SQqwa total operating budget of $1,139,000 but in actuality the Commission is trying to operate within a budget of $1,125,000 as part of a two-year solvency program that the Commission implerJiented,.,,_-,,y,.,•,•,,,,,,,: a couple of months back in order to achieve savings and establish a healthy fund. Ms. Burris!also n~ted that the surplus percent does not accurately reflect true surplus due to the delay in s9meiaccourtt:activity such as travel and payout. Revenue for September is about $100,000, and reventre for October is.iprojected to be about $120,000 due to events that the Commission heldcorwill hold in those months. The Commission has also been working to resolve issµes with thE! amounts th.itathletic inspectors are compensated at events. Recently the DepartmenFofConstrmer Affairs (DCA)t,upon the Commission's request, asked CalHR v,lhether or not athletici;ommissioners were paid appropriately and CalHR prepared a legal opinion whichiallows the Comrti1ssion to stop paying athletic inspectors currently employed by the State of Californic1 tim~<a1pd-a-halfovertime pay even though they work full time for the state and perform athletic insp'eqtion!l 1fn:adpition to their primary job. Also, the Commission does not needto. reimburse inspectors fodtf:leJime theytr.avel to and from their homes to • the event. Instead, inspectorscal'i\be paid regular time(.c>rtf~;event, bdt not for their travel time. The one exception is for leapjnspectors VVQO perform''duti~s-at home'i,i'1;preparation for the event and then travel to the event from their home. Ti:te,y can be Pi=/idior their travel time. Inspectors were notified of this via a memo on October'77,2012 e){plaining this\'policy and it took effect the same day. Dr. Lemons inquired whether,,tlilerE! was a'pr<oject~J1lisaviogs from 1this policy, and Ms. Burns is working with the budget offic:eto·getthe;prqjectedmurnbers .. f\h\; z::-, , :- '.·.';;, The opinionCalso authorized.\the Comrn[s,sion to move to flat-rate compensation as an alternative to hourly comp'ens,,;1tion. Mr. Grafit6ffnquiredw,hether any grievance had been received regarding this and Ms. Burns r~plied that therel~adn't beeri:any. Preliminary estimates show that the Commission may be able to hlre·c1pother inspei;tor from the salary savings. The baseline number of inspectors per game is now four. Ms.IBurns also noted that the amount allocated for inspectors is already very low, and so any savings achieyed thr()!iJllh inspector pay reduction should be put back towards maintaining a baseline number of inspectors,iiiorder to ensure proper regulation and safety at events. The Commission submitted a Tl~~ative budget change proposal this year which will reduce the budget authority for the Commission from $1,939,000 to $1,125,000 and this was a necessity based on the insolvency issue faced. This reduction will ensure that the Commission does not face future insolvency threats. Dr. Giza inquired whether the reduction would appear on the next meeting synopsis. Ms. Burns replied that it would not because the budget numbers are based on the Governor's Budget allocation. However, the goal of $1,250,000 could be noted on subsequent documents, but the lower allocation number will not appear until the next budget year. b. Status of Regulations Ms. Burns directed the Commission to the regulation table in the packet and noted that the hand wrap • and asthma medication regulations still have not moved forward due to staff reductions. However, 2 of 6 DCA has offered staff assistants to help with moving them forward.
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