Bringing the deep issues of marine conservation in Tobago to the surface Issue 5: Mar Tr u s t ch - Octob R e e f er 2005 A Buccoo periodic publication of the CARIBBEAN CORALS IN CRISIS aribbean coral reefs are currently experiencing the worst mass bleaching event in over Ceighteen years... according to some Tobago dive operators “the worst in living memory.” Coral bleaching is a phenomenon that happens when corals expel their microscopic symbiotic algal cells (zooxanthellae) as a result of environmental stress, such as high or low temperatures, sediment, excessive sunlight or exposure to air, freshwater or pollutants. This condition, which makes coral colonies turn brilliant white as their calcium carbonate skeletons become visible through their unpigmented tissue (“bleached”), is not always MONITORING TOBAGO’S REEFS..... 6 fatal but can result in widespread mortality if the corals remain bleached for a prolonged period. The zooxanthellae typically provide around 90% of the energy required by corals for a healthy life, the remaining 10% being obtained from mostly nocturnal filter feeding. As a result, when corals are bleached they are in a weakened state and particularly vulnerable to stressors mentioned above. A DEVELOPING SEAMOSS INDUSTRY..... 8 [CONTINUED ON PAGE 7] EDUCATION IS THE KEY.... 11 Team Highlights...... 2 New Projects...... 5 YEAH youths...... 13 Moorings Installed at Buccoo Reef......14 Reef Men and Women Trained...... 14 AND MORE... T E T he Buccoo Reef Trust team is an ever-growing A M B R group of dynamic, vibrant individuals. TPictured on the adjacent page are directors and staff of this amazing team (chronological order). Continue reading to learn more about us. GERALD MAC FARLANE, in addition to being a businessman, served in the Tobago House of Assembly as a member of the Executive Council. A founding member of BRT, he continues to serve Tobago as Director of this active NGO and brings to the BRT team the a wealth of local knowledge and experience. he Buccoo Reef Trust (BRT) is a non-profit company registered in Trinidad and Tobago. It was specifically created to assist government and communities in KAYE TROTMAN, BSc. is a founding member and Taddressing the threats facing Tobago’s marine environment and to explore Director of BRT. Ms. Trotman is an independent opportunities for the sustainable development of marine tourism, fishing and business consultant and brings to the team aquaculture in the Southern Caribbean region. tremendous administrative and organizational skills and experience. Our core strategy is to build and operate the Tobago Marine Research Centre BARRY LOVELACE, MSc., serves as Environmental (TMRC) as an internationally recognized institution of marine research and Science and Information Coordinator. Mr. Lovelace education. This centre will also serve as an information and learning centre for is qualified in Natural Resource Management schools and the community. Support for BRT’s activities has been obtained and (UWI, Cave Hill) and is involved in a range of BRT’s pledged from a number of donors, these include: activities, especially as they relate to the production of multimedia content (desktop publishing and designing, • C. L. Financial film production and website development) for the • The Inter-American Foundation dissemination of information. • The J.B. Fernandez Memorial Trust (I and II) HYACINTH ARMSTRONG, M.A., is BRT’s • The Community Development Fund Environmental Education Coordinator. Ms. Armstrong • The United Nations Environment Program is qualified in the area of Environmental Policy • The Travel Foundation (AU Washington, D.C.) and is responsible for the • PADI Aware development and implementation of BTR’s Education • The Inter-American Development Bank Program (B.E.A.C.H). • BG Trinidad and Tobago • The Tobago House of Assembly KELLY MANNETTE, MSc., is employed at the • The Global Environment Facility Buccoo Reef Trust as an Environmental Education Officer. She assists in monitoring, coordinating and executing the B.E.A.C.H. Program. She We invite you to read of our activities for the period holds an MSc. in Science for Management of covered in this newsletter. Previous issues of “Out of Tropical Environments, from the University of the the Blue” can be found online at West Indies, St. Augustine. www.buccooreeftrust.org/news.htm. FARAHNAZ SOLOMON, MPhil., joined the VISION BRT team as the Seamoss Project Coordinator in January 2005. She is responsible for the IAF A worldworld in which the marine environmentenvironment of funded Seamoss Project which aims to facilitate the tropicaltropical islands is conservedconserved for the benefit of development of a seamoss cultivation industry in futurefuture generationsgenerations while maximizing presentpresent Tobago. She holds a Masters degree in Zoology from the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine and opportunitiesopportunities for sustainable livelihoodslivelihoods thatthat has a special interest in the areas of Fish Biology and enhanceenhance the qualityquality of human life.life. Fisheries Management. ZAKIYA DANIEL, MSc., became part of the BRT in BRT: Recipients of the MISSION World Association of October 2005. Her background includes a BSc. in Non-Governmental Computer Science and Management from the University TheThe BuccooBuccoo ReefReef TrustTrust worksworks in the CaribbeanCaribbean Organizations Environment Award of the West Indies, St. Augustine and she has recently to develop capacity in the areas of tropicalopical 2004 completed her Masters in Environmental Monitoring, marine sciences through research, educationucation Modelling and Management at King’s College, London. Ms. Daniel has been employed as part of the and participatoryparticipatory conservationconservation thatthat will Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Unit enable CaribbeanCaribbean people toto sustainablysustainably that is currently being developed at the manage their coastalcoastal and marine resources.resources. BRT. Out of the Blue 2 T E A M B R T RICHARD LANGTON, PhD, a founding member, is also one of the BRT’s Directors. He brings to the team a wealth of international experience, a list too long to iterate here. Dr. Langton had served 10 years as Director of the Department of Fisheries, Maine, USA and is currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Maine, USA. OWEN DAY, PhD, got his bachelors degree in MAC FARLANE Biochemistry from Oxford University (1988), then a erald Masters (1991) and PhD (1997) in Marine Biology from LANGTON the University of Wales, Bangor. He is a “pragmatic ichard environmentalist”, with a strong belief in the role of G international cooperation and public-private partnerships in assisting developing countries in managing their biological resources. As a founding member and TROTMAN R Director of the BRT, based in Tobago since 2001, his aye main focus has been in international fund-raising and DAY in developing the research and conservation programs K wen of the BRT. ROLAND ‘SAGA’ GUILLAND, a former Public Health O Inspector, a dedicated fisherman and a true community man. Mr. Guilland brings to the team a wealth of local knowledge and is always willing to assist in any area LOVELACE of work. He is currently an assistant to the Seamoss arry GUILLARD Project and the boat operator. oland ʻSaga’ GWENDOLYN COLLETTE functions as the Trust’s B housekeeper with responsibility for the provision of R janitorial services for the BRT’s office and house. Gwendolyn has been very effective in providing the ARMSTRONG warm Tobago hospitality to all our guests who stay at the BRT house. yacinth COLLETTE wendolyn JOSEPH ‘SHELL’ BENJAMIN is a Project Assistant attached to the IAF funded Seamoss Project. Mr. H Benjamin’s working experience enables him to provide G field work support on this project and other related BRT activities. MANNETTE DEBORAH BAIRD joined the BRT team in October 2005 elly as Administrative Assistant of the BRT. She manages BENJAMIN the day to day operations of the BRT office and ensures oseph ʻShell’ that the needs of our visitors and the general public are K met in true BRT style. J Not pictured are two directors residing in Trinidad: LAWRENCE DUPREY, Chairman of CL Financial SOLOMON Ltd. and RUSSELL MARTINEAU, SC an experienced arahnaz senior counsel and former Attorney General of Trinidad BAIRD &Tobago. eborah F D SLOGAN DANIEL Protecting our sea of life akiya must be our way of life! Z www.buccooreeftrust.org Out of the Blue 3 T E A M B R T N T S Mr. Mac E W P R O J E C Hyacinth & Kaye ‘Shell’ & Barry T A t s e a USA B R way.way. I amam prettypretty suresure itit waswas thethe team that plays together, high point of the day for us all. he Buccoo Reef Trust in Trinidad and works well together. It Tobago has a sister organization in the was with this belief that WeWe aarrivedrrived atat CharlottevilleCharlotteville aroundaround United States: the Buccoo Reef Trust USA A T on Friday 02 September 2005 the 11:3011:30 a.m.a.m. andand settledsettled atat Lover’sLover’s BayBay (BRT USA). The US company has been incorporated as a non-profit company in the directors and staff of the BRT - a wonderfulwonderful place.place. ActivitiesActivities forfor State of Maine and, as of May 2005, has also team decided to have a day of thethe ddayay includedincluded cookingcooking fishfish (which(which Kelly been recognized by the US Internal Revenue total recreational interaction. Mr. wewe boughtbought fromfrom fishermen)fishermen) andand Service as a tax exempt, 501 (c) 3 Corporation. Mac’ (Gerald), Owen, Rich, ‘Saga’ potatoespotatoes uusingsing stonestone fire.fire. WeWe thenthen This status allows individuals and corporations (Roland), ‘Shell’ (Joseph), Kaye, playedplayed cricketcricket onon thethe sand.sand. ThisThis in the USA to make tax deductible contributions Hyacinth, Kelly, Farahnaz and game generated much laughter as to the Buccoo Reef Trust USA in support of its myself (Barry) boarded BRT’s new everyone had their chance batting charitable activities. research vessel, Reef Angel II, at at the crease.
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