TheTheThe magazine magazinemagazine for forfor the thethe Kew KewKew parishes parishesparishes of ofof St StSt Luke’s Luke’sLuke’s and andand the thethe Barn BarnBarn THETHETHE LINKLINKLINK ISSUEISSUEISSUE 59 59 59 Vicar:Vicar:Vicar: Rev. Rev. Rev. Peter Peter Peter Hart Hart Hart Parish Parish Parish Office: Office: Office: 8332 8332 8332 1324 1324 1324 JuneJuneJune 2018 2018 2018 InsideInsideInside thisthis this issue:issue: issue: BarnBarnBarn PatronalPatronal Patronal FestivalFestival Festival EditorialEditorialEditorial 22 2 ServicesServicesServices and and and Contacts Contacts Contacts LetterLetterLetter from from from the the the Vicar Vicar Vicar 33 3 WW1WW1WW1 Roll Roll Roll of of of Honour Honour Honour 44 4 Profile:Profile:Profile: Anna Anna Anna Khan, Khan, Khan, 55 5 CEOCEOCEO of of of Welcare Welcare Welcare AvenueAvenueAvenue Club Club Club 77 7 KewKewKew for for for You You You 99 9 AreaAreaArea Dean’s Dean’s Dean’s duties duties duties 101010 BarnBarnBarn Fund Fund Fund-raising-raising-raising DiaryDiaryDiary of of of Events Events Events 111111 SummerSummerSummer Fair Fair Fair BarnBarnBarn Churchwardens Churchwardens Churchwardens 131313 PensfordPensfordPensford Field Field Field VicarsVicarsVicars present present present and and and past: past: past: Peter Peter Peter Hart Hart Hart and and and Nick Nick Nick Darby Darby Darby after after after the the the service service service TheTheThe service, service, service, on on on 29th 29th 29th April, April, April, was was was also also also wellwell well attended attended attended by by by members members members of of of the the the Q2Q2Q2 Players Players Players 151515 St.St.St. Luke’s Luke’s Luke’s congregation. congregation. congregation. The The The occasion occasion occasion gave gave gave us us us a a achance chance chance to to to welcome welcome welcome our our our former former former RiverbankRiverbankRiverbank Trust Trust Trust Vicar,Vicar,Vicar, Nick Nick Nick Darby, Darby, Darby, who who who talked talked talked interestingly interestingly interestingly and and and amusingly amusingly amusingly about about about his his his experiencesexperiencesexperiences as as as Dean Dean Dean of of of Gaborone Gaborone Gaborone Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral in in in Botswana. Botswana. Botswana. He He He spoke spoke spoke of of of the the the livelylivelylively faith faith faith of of of the the the Africans Africans Africans in in in a a aplace place place where where where going going going to to to Church Church Church is is isthe the the norm. norm. norm. The The The AnglicanAnglicanAnglican Church Church Church may may may not not not be be be the the the largest largest largest in in in Botswana Botswana Botswana but but but it it itis is iscertainly certainly certainly VisitVisitVisit ourour our websites:websites: websites: flourishingflourishingflourishing amongst amongst amongst all all all ages. ages. ages. www.stlukeskew.org.ukwww.stlukeskew.org.ukwww.stlukeskew.org.uk SaintSaintSaint Anne's,Anne's, Anne's, KewGreen, KewGreen, KewGreen, Sunday Sunday Sunday Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Summer Summer Summer Concert Concert Concert Series Series Series 2018 2018 2018 www.barnchurchkew.ukwww.barnchurchkew.ukwww.barnchurchkew.uk You You You are are are cordially cordially cordially invited invited invited to to to regular regular regular concerts, concerts, concerts, held held held every every every Sunday Sunday Sunday at at at 3.30 3.30 3.30 pm. pm. pm. The The The nextnextnext one, one, one, on on on 17th 17th 17th June, June, June, will will will be be be given given given by by by Harmoniemusik Harmoniemusik Harmoniemusik , , playing,playing playing modern modern modern classics classics classics for for for pianopianopiano and and and wind wind wind instruments. instruments. instruments. Visit Visit Visit http://saintanne http://saintanne http://saintanne--kew.org.ukkew.org.uk-kew.org.uk for for for further further further details. details. details. FromFromFrom another another another (American)(American) (American) Parish Parish Parish magazine: magazine: magazine: TheTheThe pastor pastor pastor would would would appreciate appreciate appreciate it it itif if ifthe the the ladies ladies ladies of of of the the the Congregation Congregation Congregation would would would lend lend lend him him him theirtheirtheir electric electric electric girdles girdles girdles for for for the the the pancake pancake pancake breakfast breakfast breakfast next next next Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. PAGEPAGE 22 THE LINK ISSUEISSUE 59 59 Hello from The Link team As usual, a varied number of articles on all sorts of topics. The re-opening of the Temperate House in Kew Gardens; the series of articles on the local casualties in WW1 which is drawing to a close, for which many thanks to John Elstone; and an interesting insight into the work of Welcare, to mention but three. Link 60 will be published on 16th September 2018. All copy to the editor by email — including photographs — by 12th August latest, please. Editor: Charlie Grace: 8876 8853 [email protected] Barn news: Anna Pannett: [email protected] St. Luke’s news: Louise Frankiss: 8274 9703 Advertising: Hilary Sims: [email protected] Profiles: Harriet Grace: [email protected] ServicesServices and Contacts Vicar: Rev. Peter Hart BARN CONTACTS ST. LUKE’S CONTACTS The Vicarage Church Warden Church Wardens 70 Marksbury Avenue Andrew Rankin Jayne Armstrong [email protected] Kew TW9 4JF [email protected] Irene Stephens [email protected] 8392 1425 Treasurers Deputy Church Warden [email protected] [email protected] Nigel and Susan Barton 8878 8184 Frankie Pinner [email protected] Licenced Lay Ministers: Organist [email protected] Treasurer/Planned Giving Co-ordinator Richard Austen [email protected] Alban Clarke 8878 2856 Judi Braddock [email protected] Michael Tonkin [email protected] Choir Conductor Mike Oxborrow 8876 2085 PCC Secretary Parish Office Administrators Parish Office Administrators Planned Giving Co-ordinator Liz Tippett 8940 7485 Guinevere Duff and Irene Stephens Alison Rankin Director of Music St Luke’s, The Avenue, Kew TW9 2AJ [email protected] Mary Noyes [email protected] Flower Rota Junior Church 8332 1324 Flower Rota Junior Church Ann Jeffries 8876 1746 Lynne Huby [email protected] Junior Church [email protected] ST LUKE’S contact: [email protected] Alison Samwell Church and Hall Bookings [email protected] www.stlukeskew.org www.stlukeskew.org Richard Wright 8878 2716 Flower Rota Sunday Services: Youth Group Irene Stephens 8940 9614 8am Holy Communion Judi Braddock [email protected] Coffee Rota 11am Parish Communion (Junior Church 11am Parish Communion (Junior Church Brownies and Guides Jayne Armstrong [email protected] and Crèche in term-time) www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for- Brownie Leader 11am Parish Communion with Junior parents/register-your-daughter Mary Noyes 8255 6924 Church participation: first Sunday in the Vineyard Lunches Traidcraft month — All-age Worship. Clare Vollum 07708 064935 Sue Murray 8940 0565 PCC Representative on Queen’s School Every Thursday Vineyard Lunches Governing Body Alison Kemp 07711 747857 10am Holy Communion Luci Mitchell-Fry PCC Representative on Queen’s School [email protected] Governing Body THE BARN Governing Body Safeguarding Officers: Laura Coughtrie 8876 3202 www.barnchurchkew.uk Children: Andrew Rankin Safeguarding Officers [email protected] Sunday Services: [email protected] Children: Vanessa Dand 9.30am Parish Communion (Junior Vulnerable adults: Claire Vollum [email protected] Church and Crèche in term-time) 07708 064935 Vulnerable adults: 9.30am Parish Communion with Junior Alice Coddington Church participation: first Sunday in the [email protected] month — All-age Worship. Churches Together in Kew journeying together in faith... www.kewchurches.org.uk ISSUEISSUEISSUE 5959 THETHE LINKLINK PAGE PAGE 3 3 LETTER FROM THE VICAR The emergency winter night shelter project, run across the borough by faith groups and other concerned volunteers, has come to an end. Warm weather has returned, and the threat to life and limb of extreme cold has receded. It is time to take stock. 67 men and 24 women took advantage of the offer over the 84 days for which the shelters ran. All were homeless. The shelters offered 20 sleeping spaces: the average occupancy over the 84 days of the project was 16. The average length of stay for the guests was 15 days, which is testimony to the effective work of thethe GlassGlass DoorDoor andand SPEAR key workers who operated in the Vineyard Centre during the day, supporting guests into accommodation, jobs and reforming family connections. Across the borough, other partnerships were formed to support the work. Volunteers came from all over thethe boroughborough toto dodo a night shift. Local businesses responded with food and other items. Some local schoolsschools got involved too, preparing puddings for the guests and taking an interest in the outcome of the project. This is more than the milk of human kindness. This is a work of God, transforming lives, bearing one another’s burdens, showing practical love to the marginalised and the vulnerable. Glass Door,* the homelessness charity we partnered in this project, are encouraging us to do it again, only this time from the beginning of November 2018 through to the beginning of April 2019, with space forfor 3030 oror eveneven 3535 guestsguests eacheach night. This is a major challenge, both in terms of space, of time, and of cost. Having done it once, and having made such a big difference, I believe that we should do it again. We did not have a night shelter here in Kew, but the churches raised funds for Glass Door, supported them in prayer and donated woolly socks and hats for the guests. This is an opportunity for everyone to get involved, and to offer support for those on the edge of our society.society. Our life in Kew, in the main, is very comfortable: the least we can do is provide some sort of comfort to those who do not regularly have a roof over their head.
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