October 2019 Dear Minor League Baseball Executive Team: It is my pleasure to submit our annual report in consideration for the John Henry Moss Community Service Award. We’re honored to be a three-year nominee, and we salute all MiLB teams for their commitments to community service! The Red Wings are a community-owned ballclub, and at Rochester Community Baseball, we’re proud that “Community” is our middle name. While operating since the late 1800s, we’ve been incorporated as a community asset since 1957. At that time my father, the late Morrie Silver, led the stock drive for which 8,222 area stakeholders stepped up to save – and then enhance – baseball in Rochester. Additionally, the Rochester Red Wings have a 23-member volunteer board of directors, many of whom serve on not-for-profit boards around the community, lending the team even further outreach. We believe the impact on our community should go well beyond our 70 scheduled games at Frontier Field. Through hosting, volunteering, and donating, we show our commitment to the Greater Rochester community year- round, and we enjoy the “giving back” mentality that’s been part of our core values for decades. Thank you for reviewing our efforts. We are very grateful to be considered! Sincerely, Naomi Silver President & CEO Boys and GIRLS Clubs of Rochester Celebrating $150,000 raised at the 2019 annual gala! Dwayne Mahoney, Executive Director Naomi Silver, Chair of the Board of Directors Theresa Mazzullo, CEO of Excell Partners Jennifer Johnson, former anchor and reporter for 13WHAM ALS Association UPSTATE NY CHAPTER General Manager Dan Mason and Spikes at the Annual Walk to Defeat ALS! Partnering to support team fundraising. American Cancer Society Home to the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. 2 Ed RANDALL’S Bat for t Cre barfind fodato commNY cor YOUR BASES o orre Safe at o Fodato 3 Hot Sto Lague dinner Annual Community Fundraising Event Centered on The Red Wings and In-Kind Team Auctions. Raises over $20,000 per year for Challenger Baseball World Series. Rotr ress-Rado $5,000 Annual Cash Contribution and In-Kind Donations Supporting Children’s Charities in Greater Rochester. Over $45,000 raised this year. 2019 Special Guest, Kansas City Chiefs MVP Quarterback Patrick Mahomes! In-Ga drar Club-Driven jerse and hat ato - $17,557 tota doato Best Buddies $3,511 Children of Fallen Soldiers $3,000 Catholic Schools of Rochester $2,211 22 Kill (Veteran Suicide Prevention) $1,725 YMCA of Greater Rochester $1,555 Seneca Park Zoo $948 Baseball Miracles $850 Eleanor Fuller Forever Foundation $850 Katie's Krusaders $850 Children Awaiting Parents $764 Autism Speaks $705 Alzheimer’s Assn $226 Willow Domestic Violence Center $174 4 Milo the at o or onded Veterans oundation A tl of 3,52 has been donated the Wounded eterns Fondation s r, hanks Milo's hr rk! Charit arters eritage Christian ervicesalter Hubbell mployent erices Fund. For eh ieren pler hat appers in Red ings niorm his seson he lter bell mplymen eries nd donates $500 to eriage hrisin eries 2019 se rnhise record ih dieren plers in r niorm, amssing $37,000 dnation lunteers of America “Strike Out Poverty.” egmns iizens ank nd ris Kirin Assoiates nc ill make donation to he lnteers Ameri or ever ed ings picher's srikeou his seson. rnhise record o 1,28 srikeous his er Advantae Federal Credit Union “Donation for Doubles.” Advntage ederl redi nin ill make $25 onaion to olisano Children’s Hospital fr eery Red ings double t hme 1 doles mens a dnatin 3,850. anch-A-all for tar unshine Campus. Fans prhse ennis blls lnch r hane to in prizes lloing hildren ih disiliies o atend fll essile mp $3,00 dnatin Dunkin Donuts “Runs for Foodlink." 39 unds of offee nated to hse in need. 5 roup drasin Opportties - $94,659 tota doato Volnteer rops too part in or ood and everae progras or local harities throughout the 201 season total of not or profit groups took part ith or top ie in dollars raised eing: Commnit Christian Chrh $16,012 ebster arhing and Boosters $12,311 Thomas Creek ire kating Cl ,619 elet Charities n $8,684 itor nihts o Colmbs $8,672 Other rop ndraising Partiipants Brihtstar Community, nc Cal-Mumord otary Club Chrh o piphany Eastridge arents for si Eiht orld Hope ates resterian Churh God’s Vision Ministries reece erorming rts oiety reece otar Clb Hillside ork holarship Connection rondequoit nited Churh o Christ oal rder o Moose Rochester adem of rish ane Rochester M/ Rotar Clb Ro Cit oller ery alem United Chrh o Christ outheast Colts Cheerleadin Third Presterian Churh Torette ssoiation o eria nc. U.N.I.T.E McQuaid ootall 6 Cont ENGAGEENT Sver te o leopard “I thank Naomi, the Silvers, and the entire Red Wings organization for their contributions to our community,” sid ont etive inoo Monroe ont Eetie heryl inolfo nd e enea Park Zoo onored te iver Fami nd its ochester egacy y naming teir neest member, “ilver!” The srrise nnounement s dring enec rk oo iht t the ballpr. 7 Eatd Ltt Leaue, MLB ad ECH Proect Refresh Before: ome ome Dinner nua ven dating back o 29! The erican Legion o player d coache arriving from Spring Training Fans e le to h table th player nd enjo an autograph on! 8 Plate le Rochester Plate (o ursda om game lter-ego, celebrating Rochester’s iconic “Garbage Plate”), brought runners and lat ficionados together or nd annua Plate Mile rontier eld. Participants ea OUR 10o Trash ans" while unning ONE ile d the confine o Frontier eld he ace finishes on-field and e Trash n consis f lad ome e nd eat hot uce ive mus rap p he festivitie he 0th Inning ar. PENFIELD LITLE LEAGE AKEOVER Wing player oache lk-up usic player’s names announced between-innings promos, peanuts and Cracker Jack, and of course…Spikes! HL HLDHD BASEBALL LN Hol ildhood, on- denominational, -profit agen that h nriched e live of people with tellectua and developmental isabilitie for years. Individuals ble practice itting playing catch, d generally oy t u baseba with ed g players! 9 Chalenger Baebal orld Sries ad mirale field Nearly 400 earl people ith phsical and/or intellectual disabilities register to pla at rontier ield each summer thletes and other olunteers spend time ith plaers and Red ings staff Red ings Plaers and staff olunteer eekl at the Miracle ield leading up to the orld Series. Red Wing Baal ap Players and staff host a to-da training experience for area outh. 10 Ao Hotd at ronter ed Home of the gs - Puerto Rican - Monroe Communit College Spring estial More than ling 15, attendees - Chase Corporate Challenge annually - Foodlink Summer eals Program - City of Rochester - oember Proect “Clean Sweep”; 2, - ational allen irefighters Stair Climb fans earned tickets - utism Speaks alk and hot dogs this ear - Rochester Marathon, a oston - merican eart Marathon ualifier ssociation alk - Kids rucks estial - Alzheimer’s Association Walk C oord ad indvida ntat In-ae Aareness AND arecato event wth oca eda apa - rish Culture ight - Juenile rthritis wareness - Polish Culture ight - Militar ppreciation ight, pening th a, and ach nning Stretch - llerg areness ay - irst Responders Night - Stop areness - ilmot Cancer nstitute Suriors ight - Scout and amil Campout - utism areness ight - Careers in Sports Da - Rene our os ight Deaf Culture Day as Hihlighted on ESPN - Suicide areness ight ith the illa of ope - Alzheimer’s Awareness Night - Sing ith the ings Golf ournament for the Alzheimer’s Association - ndian Culture ight 11 Plar AND SA Communt pact Rochester Red ings Community Giving - $12,02 otal Donations MCC ondation $4,000 Rochester ress-Radio Charities $2,738 Eastsie ittle eage $1,580 Rotar Snshine Camp $1,029 United Wa $1,000 illa of Hope $500 Yong Womens College rep $350 RGB aor dcation Fund $250 Anthon oseloich Memorial un $200 ol Chilhood $200 Challenger iracle ield $100 Sisters of St oseph $50 American Cancer Society $25 Red ings Community Foundation - $5,09 Total Donations YMCA of reater ochester $1,000 reece ittle eage $225 et Them la Fondation $500 ilton arma ecreation $200 The airind oundation $500 Rochester ady ions $200 Rsh enrietta Athletic Assn $350 WAA irls Softall $195 Pal-Mac oth aseball $275 Gates-Chili ittle eague $150 Charlotte outh Athletic Assn $250 Seneca Waterwa Concil $150 Eastsie ittle eage $250 Aon oth aseball $125 rondequoit Athletic Assn $250 Chili aseball $125 Penfield ittle League $250 National Center for Missing ploited Children $100 n-Kind iving Annuall more than 50 non-profit and other fndraisers across reater ochester are spported in their fndraising efforts the e Wings through in-kind and experience onations. Contritions include atographe memorailia ceremonial first pitch certificates complimentar tickets, suite certificates, and more Total value iven is aroximately 50,000. 12 Player and Coach Apearances New ork State ittle eague Worl Series Golisano Children’s Hospital Mother’s Day Brunch ake eerage an Meet reet ionia aseball Camp Red Wings aseball Camp Airport ames Challenger iracle ield Rochester Clean Sweep ield of reams oodlink Smmer eals ocal Schools and Colleges ol Chilhood Baseball Camp Swing with the Wings for Alzheimer’s Association rontier ield Trae Show USSSA aseball Clinic Welcome ome inner Fan oted Player Aards 201 Team VP Wilin osario 2019 Most opular laer aner Wiel Most Ciic-Minded years in a row!) ake eed Season Seat older of the ear Terr rown 13 Te Anna . and orrie . Silver Scolarshi Since 97, The Siler Family has awarded more than $100,00 in scholarships to employees of the Rochester ed Wings ages 18-25, who are pursuing a full-time course study at an accredited - or 4- year college uniersity or ocational school ach applicant is considered on the asis of academic achievement financial need etra-curricular actiities ob performance and recommendations from superisors $5,000 dollars is awarded annually and distriuted to the recipients mployees chosen for the scholarship show eemplary work ethic solid academic achieement, and a desire to continue their education.
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