Tripartite Formulation of Waḥdat Al-Wuǧūd and Its Relation to Divine Manifestation and Beauty in the Rubāʿiyyāt Attributed to Awḥad Al-Dīn Kirmānī

Tripartite Formulation of Waḥdat Al-Wuǧūd and Its Relation to Divine Manifestation and Beauty in the Rubāʿiyyāt Attributed to Awḥad Al-Dīn Kirmānī

Unity, Form, and Meaning: Tripartite Formulation of waḥdat al-wuǧūd and its relation to Divine Manifestation and Beauty in the rubāʿiyyāt attributed to Awḥad al-Dīn Kirmānī by Rafael Attila Tağıyev M.A. Hons in Philosophy and Politics, June 2018, University of Edinburgh A Thesis submitted to The Faculty of The Columbian College of Arts and Sciences of The George Washington University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts January 8, 2021 Thesis directed by Seyyed H. Nasr Professor of Islamic Studies © Copyright 2021 by Rafael Attila Tağıyev All rights reserved ii Table of Contents Note on Transliteration, Dates, Names, and Referencing iv–v Abbreviations vi–vii Chapter 1: Introduction 1–4 Chapter 2: Ṣūfī Bodies: Historiographic Setting of Kirmānī 5–20 Chapter 3: Theological, Philosophical, and Gnostic Setting of Kirmānī 20–25 Chapter 4: Unity, Form, and Meaning: Tripartite formulation of waḥdat al-wuǧūd in Kirmānī’s Quatrains 26–38 Chapter 5: Divine Manifestation in the Context of Beauty in Kirmānī’s Quatrains 38–40 Chapter 6: Conclusion 41–42 Appendix I: Referenced Manuscript Folios 43–46 Bibliography 47–48 iii Note on Transliteration, Dates, Names, and Referencing For transliteration of Arabic and Persian the guidelines set by the International Journal of Middle East Studies will be followed except for j as ǧ, ch as č, kh as ḫ, dh as ẕ, zh as ž, sh for š, gh for ġ, and s̱ , ż, and w will be used for all languages. The silent h at the end of Persian words will be rendered with -a, such as ḫāna; and the silent w in Persian will be transliterated as in ḫwāǧa, or Ḫwārazmšāh. For Ottoman Turkish, a synthesis of the Modern Turkish orthography and the above-mentioned guideline will be used such as Ḫocazāde. As for iżāfa constructions in Classical Persian, they will be rendered as -e after consonants and -ye after vowels; and -i/-ı and -yi/-yı in Middle Turkic and Ottoman Turkish. Dates are given for the most part according to Hiǧrī calendar (al-taqwīm al- hiǧrī/Anno Hegirae) abbreviated as h., Solar Hiǧrī calendar (taqwīm-e hiǧrī-ye šamsī) abbreviated as Sh., or Rūmī calendar (taḳvīm-i rūmī) abbreviated as Rh., and their corresponding date in the Gregorian calendar (Common Era or Anno Domini) in that order and separated by a stroke. Throughout the study, ibn and bint are abbreviated as b. and bt., while certain individuals will often be referred through their unabbreviated patronymics (nasab) such as Ibn Kammūna. Lastly, transliteration proceeds due consideration of the primary language of any text in which difference in language between the text and the title is overcome by the preference for the text itself, especially in terms of the Ottoman historiographic tradition in which texts often carry an Arabic title but the work itself is in Ottoman Turkish, such as Nevʿīzāde Aṭāʾī (d. 1045 h./1635), Ḥadāʾiḳ el-ḥaḳāʾiḳ. Referencing style majorly follows the Chicago Manual of Style Online (16th ed.), except in few cases in which a combination of sections in the referencing manual or novel additions are introduced in order to not only cite often elusive character of published iv monographs in the Middle East but also formulating a framework that meticulously describes the details of primary and secondary writings. Usually book series titles will be omitted unless they are deemed to be necessary to clarify and to provide the readers further information on the nature of some limited or out-of-print monographs. Additionally, referencing editions and reprints of the primary and secondary works will be comprehensive to a certain extent but will leave out further detailing once renditions exceed five. While listing editions and reprints, only renditions that directly acknowledge continuation in relation to the original work will be considered as subsequent editions; hence, considering the rest as reprints. Often page numbering in later reprints – done by publishing companies in the Middle East – does not correspond to the original work in hand. As such, further specification of varied pages will only occur when the author deems it to be necessary based on the usage of these reprints in other relevant academic studies. Majorly, academic monographs published in Arabic and Persian provide author’s name in native languages as well as in English or French (in original or in some form of transliteration). The preference in this study for indicating what form will vary from instance to instance. v Abbreviations AAn = Nāṣir al-Dīn Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad b. Bībī (d. after 684 h./1285), al-Awāmir al- ʿAlāʾiyya fī l-umūr al-ʿAlāʾiyya, in El-Evāmirü’l-ʿAlāʾiyye, vol. 1, II. Kılıç Arslan’ın Vefâtından I. ʿAlāʾü’d-din Keyḳubād’ın Cülûsuna Kadar, ed. Necati Lugal and Adnan Sadık Erzi (Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1957). AAž = Ibn Bībī, al-Awāmir al-ʿAlāʾiyya fī l-umūr al-ʿAlāʾiyya, ed. Žāla Mutaḥiddīn (Tihrān: Pižūhišgāh-e ʿUlūm-e Insānī wa Muṭālaʿāt-e Farhangī, 1390 Sh./2011). AS = Ahmet Yaşar Ocak, Ali Uzar Peker, and Kenan Bilici, eds., Anadolu Selçukluları ve Beylikler Dönemi Uygarlığı, 2 vols. (Ankara: T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, 2006). BK = Buhara’dan Konya’ya İrfan Mirası ve XIII. YY. Medeniyet Merkezi Konya, ed. Dilaver Gürer, Murat Şimşek, Sami Bayrakçı, and Yusuf Büyükyılmaz, 2 vols. (Konya: Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları, 2018–19). DẔT = Abī ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad b. al-Dabīs̱ ī (558–637 h./1163–1239), Ẕayl tārīḫ al- Madīnat al-salām, ed. Baššar ʿAwwād Maʿrūf, 5 vols. (Bayrūt: Dār al-Ġarb al-Islāmī, 1427 h./2006). IA = A. C. S. Peacock, Bruno de Nicola, and Sara Nur Yıldız, eds., Islam and Christianity in Medieval Anatolia (Surrey, England and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015). LRA = Lloyd Ridgeon, Awḥad al-Dīn Kirmānī and the Controversy of the Sufi gaze (Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2018). MAb = Anonymous, Manāqib-e Awḥād al-Dīn Ḥāmid b. Abī l-Faḫr Kirmānī: az muʾallafāt-e nīma-ye duwwum-e qarn-e haftum, ed. Badīʿ al-Zamān Furūzānfar (Tihrān: Intišārāt-e Bungāh-e Tarǧuma wa Našr-e Kitāb, 1347 Sh./1969). MAm = Anonymous, Şeyh Evhadü’d-din Hâmid el-Kirmânî ve Menâkıb-Nâmesi, trans. Mikâil Bayram (Konya: Kardelen Yayınları, 2005); reprint in (Konya: Nüve Kültür Merkezi, 2008). MAk = Kamāl al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Razzāq b. al-Fūwaṭī (642–723 h./1244–1323), Maǧmaʿ al- ādāb fī muʿǧam al-alqāb, ed. Muḥammad Kāẓim, 6 vols. (Tihrān: Muʿassasat al-Ṭabāʿa wa-l-Našr, Wizārat al-S̱ aqāfa wa-l-Iršād al-Islāmī, 1415 h./1995). MF = Faṣīḥ al-Dīn Aḥmad Ḫwāfī (777–845 h./1375–1441), Muǧmul-e Faṣīḥī, ed. Sayyid Muḥsin Nāǧī Naṣr Ābādī, 3 vols. (Tihrān: Intišārāt-e Asāṭīr, 1386 Sh./2007–8). MN = ʿAlī Şīr Nevāʾī (d. 906 h./1501), Mecālis el-nefāʾis’ Persian translations, one of them belonging to Faḫrī-ye Harawī under the title Laṭāʾīf-nāma (ca. 928 h./1522) and the other to Ḥakīmšāh Muḥammad b. Mubārak al-Qazwīnī (d. 966 h./1559), in Taẕkira-ye Maǧālis al-nafāʾis, ed. ʿAlī Aṣġar Ḥikmat (Tihrān: Kitābfurūšī-ye Manūčihrī, 1363 Sh./1984–85). NU = Nūr al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥman Ǧāmī (817–98 h./1414–1492), Nafaḥāt al-uns min ḥażarāt al-quds, ed. Maḥmūd ʿĀbidī, 6th ed. (1st ed. = Tihrān: Muʿassasa-ye Iṭṭilāʿāt, 1370 Sh./1991; Tihrān: Intišārāt-e Suḫan, 1363 Sh./2015). NM = ʿAlī Şīr Nevāʾī, Nesāʾim el-maḥabbe min şemāʾim el-fütüvve, ed. Kemal Eraslan, 2nd ed. (1979; Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu, 1996) [transliterated edition of Nafaḥāt’s Çağatāy translation]. vi NUt = Lāmiʿī Çelebī’s (d. 938 h./1532) Ottoman translation of Ǧāmī’s Nafaḥāt, ed. Süleyman Uludağ, 2nd ed. (1980; İstanbul: Marifet Yayınları, 1993). RSm = Firūdūn b. Aḥmad Sipahsālār (d. ca. 712 h./1312), Risāla-ye Sipahsālār dar manāqib-e Ḥażrat Ḫudāwandagār, ed. Muḥammad Afšīn Wafāʾī (Tihrān: Intišārāt-e Suḫan, 1385 Sh./2006). RSa = Firūdūn Sipahsālār, Risāla-ye dar manāqib-e Ḥażrat Ḫudāwandagār, ed. Muḥammad ʿAlī Muwaḥḥid and Ṣamad Muwaḥḥid, 2nd ed. (1391 Sh./2012; Tihrān: Kārnāma, 1395 Sh./2016). OA = Ahmet Yaşar Ocak, Ortaçağlar Anadolu’sunda İslam’ın Ayak İzleri: Selçuklu Dönemi (Makaleler-Araştırmalar), 4th ed. (1st ed. = 2011; İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2016). 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