"English Historian Models, Jewelry WiH Be Lecturer "What Does Democracy Demand Stolen From Libe wof , Us?" will be discussed by Miss Helen Cam, Harvard University professor, at the Gabrielson Lecture, Thieves Break and Enter ; 2/iay 15th. ' ' Miss Cam, distinguished authori- ty; on English constitutional history, Loot Returned Monday «a,ine to Haryard College in. Septem- as- the .first woman ap- ber, 1948, : Parts of the architect 's model of when vandals broke into Miller Li- full professor on the Har- pointed .& the Golby campus and merchandise brary. " of Arts and Sciences. vard faculty , from the Colby Bookstore, valued .The replicas of the chapel , the who received her M. A. Miss Cam, at over S100 was stolen Friday night library, and Roberts Union were from the University of London, and taken from the campus model, ex- ¦Cambridge University, came to hibited on the second floor of the Harvard and Radcliffe College . in library. This model, originally val- •conjunction with the $250,000 Ze- Rollins Resigns ued at §3,000, is now worth nearly jntirray endowment. This endow- §6,000, estimated Vice President A. ment , established a Radcliffe profes- P&WPost Galen Eustis. sorship open to women scholars. The Bookstore reported the loss . -According to the terms of the With the production of Antigone of four Colby rings and a pair of Harvard-Radcliffe agreement, Miss scheduled for Thursday and Friday cuff links. ¦Cram, in addition to her teaching Colby 's AFROTC Unit executes a smart turn in drill , pr acticing for nights of this week, Professor Cecil The stolen goods were found Mon- responsibility, which includes Modi- its fir st parade , Arme d Forces Day, May 18. Also marching in the A. Rollins will resign his position day at the Waterville Post Office, oval English History and Seminar par ade will be the Colby Band , and other units. as head of dramatic enterprises at and have all been returned. in Medieval Constitutional History, . Photo by Farrington Colby to devote his time exclusive- The thefts were the act of some takes special interest in the stu- ly to his position as Associate Pro- individual or individuals inside the -dents at Radcliffe. fessor of English. Professor Rollins college, the authorities feel. They . Among tho scholarly affiliations in made this announcement at the do not , however, attribute it to a -which Miss Cram has been active, May meeting of Powder and Wig hazing stunt by any fraternity, feel- ¦are the Senate at- the University of Cadets, Band In held Sunday evening and brought ing that no fraternity would go to London ; British National Commit- with it immediate speculation as to the extremes of ordering an actual •fcoe of the International Congress of tho appointment of a successor to criminal act. Historical Sciences ; and the Royal fill this position. No announce- Tho three buildings were removed Historical Society. Sho has pub- Waterville Parade ment has been forthcoming from from the model of .the high glass lished articles pertinent to tho liuor- tho administration on this matter sides which are uncovered at the tio's and communities of Medieval and in the interim the organization top. England , as well as articles on Eng- Dr. Bixler Has Colby's Air Force Beservo Offi- will function from within the exec- The window in the bookstore was lish constitutional . history and de- cers Training Corps will make its utive council and will choose a fac- broken so that the door was un- velopment, first public appearance - . on Sunday, ulty adviser at a later date. locked from the inside. Kxit was Heavy Schedule May 13, when - it will join in" ' the At the meeting, plans for next made through a window over the Waterville observance of Armed year were discussed and at this booths . Delegates Attend An imposing list of speaking en- Forces Day. time indications are that Colby will Police have been culled in to trace gagements bus been planned by The parade will bo the major at- view a total of six productions in tho guilty persons, and though to Band Festival President J. Seelye, Bixler -for tho traction on tho schedule of events 1952 and '53. Such presentations date have been unsuccessful, aro near futuro. Unlike the students, to take place during tho May 11-1 8 as 'Mister Roberts " and '-.Stiilag still working on the case. the president of a college finds his 17 arc but two of the proposed Eight Colby delegates played in period designated ns Armed Forces work extending throughout the prngrnins. A new policy of exchang- tho reorganized Now England Inter- Wool; by Mayor Richard J. Dubord . summer. ing plays with other Maine Colleges collegiate Band which hold its fi rst Oilier events will include speakers Contest Honors ' has boon talked over and aec-opl- mooting , ut tho University of Con- Ono of the most interesting of and armed forces movies at several these addresses was given on May club and organization meetings and ed. This now venture will mean necticut at Storrs, Saturday and that Colby audiences will have a Top High School Sunday, May 3-and 4, ' The band , 6 at Proctor Academy, Andover, N. high schools, window displays in H, Dr. Bixler gave tho first lec- Watorvillo stores and special events chance to witness a major pro- 76 in number, was made up of sel- duction from Bowdoin or tho Uni- Newspapers ected musicians from olovon Now ture of a scries to bo presented each to bo announced later. versity of Maine, while P. & . W. England colleges. The guost con- year in memory of a Proctor alum- 1). The Colby Band will " load the will travel to thoso colleges ' with the ECHO-Lovojoy ductor was Walter Boolor from Ith- nus, Ralph Owings, who gradu- Results of ROTO Cadets in the? local observa- ono of our plays. high school news- aca Collego N; Y, ated from, thoro five years, ago this Contest for Maine , tion , which is scheduled to begin at Student production will be the announced by Tho program of the week end's spring as a member of tho class of papers havo been the Post Office Square at 2 P. M. highlight of tho year's programs. It Prudence Belcher mid Fabin Bow- oVonts included four full rehearsals, 1947. In April 1951 ho was killed in The local National Guard Unit, vet- is anticipated thnt at least two of contest editors. First place and' was climaxed by well attend- Korea . Owings has : received a man , a oi-ans ' organizations and other the big productions will bo handled VIKING CHIRR of ed concert Sunday afternoon. A va- posthumous citation from the edi- wont to the marching units will be accompanied by student directors. Subscription , edited by Gret a ried program was presented in- Caribou High , tors of Who 's Who In. America for by high school bands and the Amer- publicity from the Waterville mer- lace plaques were cluding: Perry. Second p the groat part ho played as a stu- ica n Legion Band. chants will be solicited and through Station EM-IS of Ed- Oh'oralo "Sleepers Wake" Johann awarded to this medium much of tho printing in Auburn , PO- Sebastian Bach dent in oslablishing an honor sys- Students, faculty and other visi- ward Little High costs covered . While oii tho sub- TATO CHIPS of Van Buron. Boys' Novelties, "Circus Time" Philip tem at the academy. Last June tors at the Hill will be able to see ject of subscriptions , at tho stu- High and THE TALISMAN of Lang liis parents established a trust fund the Cadet Corps -, parade rehearsal , dent activities fair next fall sub- Maine Centra l Institute in Pitts- "Sleigh Ride" Loroy Anderson next Monday at 2 :30 P. M. at Proctor, tlio income of which is scription I idiots will bo sold for all field. Third place, certificates wont "Marches, "On the Mall" to bo iisod for an annual lecture on P. ifc W. shows for tho coming year to tho SPOTLIGHT of Wiscassot '13. F. Goldman and these will bo good at nil tho High the TAThKK of Mnttivnaw- •"Washington Post" J. P. Sousa Honesty as a memorial to their son, , dramatic productions for the yoal*. oook Academy in Linc' ii , ANDIES Popular, "Deep Purple" President Bixler will open this so- BULLETIN of Livermoro .Falls "Deep Purplo" ,was arranged for i-ios of memorial lectures with a Breckenri d ge On High ORASCOPIO of Bangor High, tho band by Mr, Boolor, , spoor-h entitled "Honesty , " TMPEK TALK of Skowhegnii High , Mr, Boolor is recognized as ono of Hall of Fame This iti-i-uy of speaking engage- and THE BROADCAST of Steph- tho outstanding mon in tho hand Citizens Board . ments includes not only lootiuos of ens High in Rumford . Ifiold , and his Itliaea College Con- this typo, but also baccalaureate ad- Honors Gilman Thirty-throo high schools entered cert Band ranks with tho finest in dresses, commencement speeches, the contest. Thoir onirics woro tho , nation. Ho is well known for Professor Brocket!ridge of the talks before different groups of bus- % Mr. Diehard Oilman of the Phil- covorngo, mako-up nnd presentation. liis arrangements . for hand ins well ' Colby Economics Department has osophy nnd Religion Department Judges included nu associate edi- as, other material for training pur- inessmen, and many others, • Tho been appointed to a citizens commit- horo has boon elected to (ho Boston tor of a nationally known business riqsos. Ho is popular as guost con- wihotlulo includes visits to Hobron tee lo study the government -of University Hall of Funic, A grad- magazine in Now York City, n re- ductor, throughout the nation.
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