New South Wales Mining and Exploration Quarterly No. 58 JANUARY 1998 DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES I I III mil CONTENTS New South Wales Mining FEATURE - Construction materials and Exploration Quarterly Construction materials - essential community resources ....... 1 No. 58 Land use planning & extractive resources management ........... 2 The construction sand crisis in the Sydney Region ................... 6 EDITOR: , \ Frances De Biasi Extractive industry management on the North Coast ................ 10 A new way of protecting mineral resources ................................ 12 EDITORIAL BOARD: Port Stephens sand resources ..................................................... 14 Jon Hawke, Manager Industry Development DISCOVERY 2000 Dave Suppel, Principal Geologist, Geological Survey of NSW Investigations of aeromagnetic anomalies at Broken Hill ......... 18 Garth Holmes, Principal Adviser Minerals Corona 1 :25 000 crowns the Broken Hill Mapping Project ........ 24 Frances De Biasi, Editor Discovery 2000 highly commended in Public Sector Awards .......... 26 Department staff speak at major Canadian convention ................... 27 MANAGER PUBLISHING & MARKETING: Peter Walker MINERALS Outlook for gold in New South Wales .......................................... 28 CARTOGRAPHY: Central west infrastructure minerals study ....................................... 30 Margaret McLaren New publications on Inverell ............................................................ 32 LiLi Murray Basin mapping progress ...................................................... 34 Cheryl Hormann Register of mineral development opportunities ................................ 36 Olga Pavich A major new stratotectonic map of New South Wales ..................... 37 PHOTOGRAPHY: Important New South Wales mineral projects ............................. 38 Photography by David Barnes, unless Exploration licences ...................................................................... 40 acknowledged otherwise Exploration licences in force October 1997 .................................. 40 Exploration (prospecting) licences in force November 1997 ......... 46 GRAPHIC DESIGN: Exploration licences granted October - November 1997 ............. 47 Val Grant Terry Stewart Exploration licences in force November 1997 (map) .................... 48 Summaries of terminated exploration licences ............................. 48 PUBLISHING ASSISTANT: Exploration licences terminated before July 1997 ......................... 51 Pauline D'Souza COAL AND PETROLEUM COVER PHOTO: Columnar jointed basalt at Hymix Industries Government action on Newcastle Port ........................................ 52 Pty Ltd's Kulnura quarry, north-west of Job losses in New South Wales coal mines ..................................... 52 Gosford. Coal projects submit development applications ............................... 53 Newstan planning focus ................................................................... 53 Coal authorisations/exploration licences November 1997 ............... 54 Coal mining proposals November 1997 ........................................... 56 To advertise in this publication, please Petroleum titles - November 1997 ................................................... 58 contact Graham Moore or Barry Norton at Commercial Advertising and Publishing House Pty Ltd, on (02) 99684100, or SAFETY Peter Walker, Department of Mineral Mine Safety Review update ........................................................... 60 Resources, on (02) 9901 8230 Proposed retraining for mine managers ........................................... 61 Challenges for electrical engineers .................................................. 62 ENVIRONMENT fa. Rehabilitation of the abandoned Glen Ayr mine site .................. 64 ~ GENERAL Best practice in community consultation .......................................... 66 Issued January 1998 Orange warms to minerals industry message .................................. 66 ISSN 0812-0293 Teachers leave no stone unturned ................................................... 67 Published under the authority of the New mineral industry annual publication .......................................... 67 Minister for Mineral Resources New drill core available for inspection .............................................. 68 1998 MINDEV 97 Exhibition ...................................................................... 69 Investmin update .......................... _................................................... 69 ----IJ&.,..MINERAL Publications released October - mid December 1997 ..................... 69 ~RESOURCES ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1III0004038530 FEATURE: CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS - ESSENTIAL COMMUNITY RESOURCES Land use planning for future construction resources requires both well informed government agencies and a community which understands their importance. Con~ t ruction malcrial~ arc vcry much community resources When major changes arc proposed to existing land use. because modern COllllTlunitles usc such large quantil ies of variou!> government agenc ie~ are con~u Ited about the potential sand, gravel, crushed rock and structural clay for bui [dings impact on. for exam pie, ml ner.I1 resources. agriculture. hen tage and road co n ~[rucli()n. New South Walc~ uses about 50 MI values or water re ... ouree .... The Department of Milleral of construction rlllilcrial", every year. with a value of about Re~ource~ play~ a recogni)ed and accepted role in assessing $500 million. the State's con ... truction materiab resources and providing Because construction materials have a relatively low unit advice on their management and extmction. Vil luc ,md arc u ~cd in large quantities. and because the cost of The Department assc~~e~ such propo~als to land usc transport from quarry 10 consumer is a major component of changes to ensure that )..nown or potential mineral resources, the price. resourcc~ must be reasonably close to the market partieu Iarly extrllct ive rc ... ource ... cont inue to be made avai Iable where th ey arc needed. Minimising transport distance also to the communit y. reduces the environmental impact of the transport of large In New South Wale!.. a mnge of planning mell~ures is used qUlmtitie ... of con ... truction materials along public roads. to identify exi"lIlg and potential comtruction material To en'iure that the community's future building and resources and 10 protcctthem from incompat ible development. conslnlction need~ aTe met, II i~ es~en lial Ihat known and Measures include regional and local environmental plans. polcmial constructi on malerial resources are made kno ..... n 10 One of the mmt important of thc<>e is Sydney Regional planners. Good land use pl:tnning requires that these essential Environmental Plan(REP) N09. which is designed to protect communit y resources nre available for possible future use. construction m'lterial resources near the S} dney metropolitan Deposits of con~truclion materialsare not uncommon. but area from IIlcompatible competing land usc!> to minimise the they are not always available or suitable for exploitation. cost of con ... truction materials nceded by the community. Availability may be especially restricted in the vicinity of A more recent measure i~ the requirement for local councils major urban area!> where competition between land usc~ i, 10 consult ..... ith the Department of Mineral Resources when p:.rticularly IIlten"e und where demand for construction preparing Local Environmental Plans that may prevent or materials is hi gh. restrici mining and quarrying. 11lis ensures that extractive Urban and other development. such as recreational and and other mineral resource~ nre con~idered at an earl y stage sporting fucililic,. intcn ... ive agriculture. and ruml residential in land U\C planning. eSllltes. exe rt ex tfeme pre~~ufe on cx iSli ng and )..nown potent ial 111e community need .. to understand the importance and construction nllneriul sources close tourban areas. Conservation role of construction materials in the dcvelopment and areas such as NatiolUll Parks. where mineral exploralion and mainte1UlIlce of modem society. Local and district planners mining arc prohibited. fUrlherlimittheavailability of resources. need to rccogni~e the importance of taking account of known Resident i:11 development can encroach on existing quarries construction material resources when making land use and prevent exploitation of. and access to, undeveloped planning decisions and developing future resource and land rc~ourccs. management strutegies. Because ofthi .... il i... e ...... ential thai land U!.C decisions are An informative booklel. COllstruction Materials - made with the benefit of IIlfonned advice on the nature, Blli/dillg Ollr Commullity's FIIII//'e. is available grati s from disposition ,md IInport:IIlCe of known construction m:llerials the Infonnation Counter of the Head Office of the Department resources and on the potential for further discoveries. al 5t Leonards on (02) 99018269. fax (02) 9901 8247. • - Minfo 58.1998 FEATUREC:====~~====~~==~ LAND USE PLANNING AND EXTRACTIVE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT An understanding of the nature and significance of extractive resources can enable governmental agencies to collaborate to protect them for future use. The Department of Mineral Rc~our~e' I ~ onc of the Stille propo~:.h concern extractive re~ources (also called Government's natural re .. ourcc agcncic, whose advice may comtruction materials). be ~o u gl ll \00 hen
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