r E1TTL1 IENEALOGICAL OCI BULL Sprin Vol. 3 1@ 11 L. SPRING 1986 SEATTLE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN SPRING 1986 March 1, .1986 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Of f i cers_ PRESIDENT CarolynTarnum 746-8546 VICE-PRESI DENT Di o P. Ri chardson 523-8969 SECRETARY Jani ce Wasden Pri ce. .362-7191 TREASURER James K. Bl ackard. 232-1867 Di rectors COMMUNICATIONS Col lee¥"firtfiur McCoy 882-0852 EDUCATION • Wi 1 ton M. Whisler 244-9277 LIBRARY Lynn Hebron 932-2161 OPERATIONS Carol Landon Gaiser 746-4162 PUBLICATIONS lona Foster Raney .746-9017 Appointed Advisors S.P.L. REPRESENTATIVE. .'Darlene"Hami Hon 625-2665 PARLIAMENTARIAN .Polly Stevens 322-2939 INTEREST GROUP LEADERS COORDINATOR. Fran Collord 365-9624 BRITISH ISLES MiIdred Eaton. 782-1139 COMPUTER .Margaret Jenks 821-3562 MIDDLE ATLANTIC Luci 1 le Ponder. .633-1786 NEW ENGLAND Dorothy Wi kander 282-5864 SOUTHERN Helen Hewi tt. 232-4677 GERMAN H. Myron Swarm 365-8903 S CAN DI N AVI AN Fl oren ce Kn uts on 772-2747 BULLETIN STAFF AND CONTRIBUTORS FOR THIS ISSUE CHIEF EDITOR Wendy James 283- •9293 PRESIDENT'S PAGE Carolyn Farnum. 746- •8546 RESEARCH HELPLINE William Blue... 282- •6342 NEW MEMBERS LIST Velma Rice..... 271-•4959 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Wi 11 iam Austin 782- •6762 RESEARCH AID .Louise Friar.. 633- •0885 RESEARCH AID. Joanne Babcock INTEREST GROUP PROJECT........ Dorothy Wi kander 282- •5864 INTEREST GROUP PROJECT Selma Erickson. 367- •1618 SGS BOOKS COMPILER .Lynn Hebron.... 932- •2161 SPL BOOKS COMPILER .Darlene Hamilton 625- •2665 QUERIES COMPILER.. .Polly Stevens. 322- 2939 QUERIES TYPIST,... .Alice Hamilton 523- 3238 BOOK REVIEW COORDINATOR... .Marjorie Sansone 935- 5366 UNIVERSITY TRAVEL LIAISON. .Jean Roth..... 527- 6525 INDEXER. .Wendy James... 283- 9293 CHIEF TYPIST..... .Dorothy Wikander .282- 5864 CHIEF PRINTER. Russel Bennett. .833- 4778 ******** * * * Spring 1986 SEATTLE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN Sprinq 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Directors & Bulletin Staff.....Inside Front Cover Information Page & Guidelines,............... 0..........', .b ORIGINAL ARTICLES & RESEARCH AIDS Genealogical Research Strategies.......................115 Scottish Clan and Family Societies, Part Two...........119 Incorporated as a The First Marriages in Skagit County, Washington,...... 123 non-profit organ­ Letter to President Abraham Lincoln.................#.,125 ization under the Laws of the State of Washington INTEREST GROUP CONTRIBUTIONS Scandinavian Ancestor File.......^.....................127 Founded in New England-New York Ancestor File.....................131 October 1923 BOOK ACQUISITIONS BULLETIN Seattle Genealogical Society List, .... a a o . ® X %J *J Seattle Public Library List,...... « e « •• Vol.35, No.3 ..... 138 Published QUERIES General and Smith Queries. •, t •»* ....• ..... JL > ^ Quarterly: BOOK REVIEWS Autumn - Winter - General Book Reyiews...............« Spring - Genealogical Publishing Company Book Reviewsevic JWS. ..... Summer - OF SPECIAL INTEREST Seattle News from SGS Office...................0...............110 New Members List -. •.... 112 81 11 Genealogical Research Helpline 0 0148 Followup: Was Edgar Atheling Your Ancestor?...........153 Society Uniyersity Trayel: Genealogical Trips 1986............155 ll t- I 1 LdQC Q Q ^U C- L- U C. ... ««•.... ......a. ...a".*'*.**..**... »*•>••'"'''''' P. 0, Box 549 Exchange Advertising,..................................158 Seattle, WA 98111 Tfuntrv ICQ (206) 682-1410 Membership and Advertising Information...Inside Back Cover -a- The SEATTLE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY is a nonprofit organization with headquarters consisting of an office, library and press room, in the Jones Building in downtown Seattle. The SGS Library is listed in the Directory of the American Library Association which has assigned a Standard AddressHNumberCSAN #321-1053. The "Bulletin" is indexed in the Genealogical Periodical Annual Index. Street Address: Jones Building, #215 Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 549 3rd & Union Seattle, WA 98111 Seattle, WA 98101 Telephone: (206) 682-1410 Office/Library Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday; closed dur- ing InembersTnpmeetings on alternate Wednesday and Saturday afternoons as well as during certain holiday periods and other SGS events. Special arrangements may be made for groups to meet in the Library. Office and library staff is all volunteer, The "BULLETIN" is published by the SEATTLE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Neither SGS nor any staff assumes any responsibility for errors of fact or judgment on the part of con<~ tributors. Significant errors will be corrected at the earliest opportunity in the "BULLETIN," and the editorial staff welcomes information toward this end. * * * * * * * GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING ARTICLES FOR PRINTING IN THE SGS "BULLETIN" * * * * The "Bulletin" Editorial Staff welcomes your contributions of genealogical interest. It is their responsibility to review & condense material as necessary, where necessary and as space allows. It is their decision as to what is ultimately printed in the "Bulletin," and they are available to help with revisions of any material submitted,, The below guidelines are appropriate for the "Informational Articles" and "Research Aids" sectionso The other sections ("Queries," "SGS/SPL Book Acquisitions," "Interest Group Contributions" and "Society News") are generally compiled by various "Bulletin" staff. We do accept material previously published, but please make sure permission has been given to re-print such articles in our "Bulletin." Suggested contributions: Subject Original material compiled and written by you; material gathered from Matter obscure or common sources; include any personal details such as how and where you found your material, and any tips you might feel important* Northwest regional material as well as the U.S. in general; North America; Europe, Asia, the Orient, Austral ia—in other words, AN Y_ PL ACE JONl_ EARTH y and ANY TIME PERIOD SINCE RECORDED HISTORY! Some Family Records (bibles, letters, diaries, photos, albums, scrapbooks) Source Public Records (burials/obituaries, passenger lists, directories) Ideas Governmental Records (vitals, census, probate, land, immigration) Original Compositions (amusing research experiences, special tours, etcO0.) Physical Typewritten single spaced on 8-1/2x11" white paper or legibly handwritten Description on lined notebook paper (typists are available to retype any material); clear, complete photocopies will also be accepted and probably (re)typed* YOU MUST INCLUDE A TITLE AND THE SOURCE OF THE MATERIAL, and don't for­ get to CREDIT YOURSELF AS EITHER THE AUTHOR and/or THE CONTRIBUTOR. THIS BULLETIN WOULD NOT EXIST IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS! -b- Spring 1986 SEATTLE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN Page 109 PRESIDENT'S PAGE 1985 has been a good year for SGS in spite of the loss of our dear Les Gallaher in August. We have gained from opportunities to learn from one another and fellow­ ship with others of the same interests. You can help to make 1986 even better* As genealogists, you are aware of the benefits of sharing source materials. By helping to build our collection of research materials at SGS headquarters/library, we are helping each other. We need all types of materials such as family geneal­ ogies, town, county and state histories, vital records, bible records, maps, micro­ film and mi cro.fi sch. Donate copies of your family group sheets for our filesi this is a great way to distribute the information to a large group of searchers and also insure their preservation. We have a good start on our collection of materials on families who arrived in the Seattle area before 1900. A big THANKS to those of you who have so generously shared with us so far. Our aim is to obtain material that is not readily available in printed or book form. When spring arrives, we will be heading out on several "cemetery safari es18 to Lakeview Cemetery where our "centennial project" is in progress. Give us a call if you would like to lend us a helping hand and have some fun, too. My special thanks to those of you who continually express your ideas and.to the many wonderful people who have put tn untold hours of work to make our Society strong. God Bless! Carolyn Farnum, SGS President Page vllO SEATTLE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN Spring 1986 NEWS FROM SGS OFFICE Book Donated: SGS member Kathi Abendroth has donated to the SGS library "Summary of the Diaries of Lowell Bennett," Extracted by Maude and Bell Bennett. SGS Book; It is with regret we announce that our publication entitled "New England/NeW York Ancestors before 1850" is completely sold out. You will note that starting on page 131 of this issue, we are pointing additional information gathered toward this.book project but not included in it. Be sure to check future issues for additional data. Dodge Ancestry; Mrs. Ralph Maxwell from Palo Alto, CA, writes us: "I have inherited picturesj a scrapbook and various notes on the DODGE-MERCHANT and related famities and would like this information to pass on to a properly proven family member." She saw there were several DODGE descendants listed in our NE/NY ancestor book arid so brought her information to our attention. Write her at: 818 Seale Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94303. Qstrander Reunion: The 2nd International Ostrander Reunion will take place on July 11-12v 19869 in Kingston, NY, site of the original settlement in America in 1660 of a family 1ine that tod^y embraces nearly all 0stranders residing throughout Canada and the U.S. For details, send SASE to Ostrander Family Association, c/o Rhoda M* Durkan,
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