OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE KENTUCKY MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Vol. 65, No. 2 WINTER 2014 QuaverCurrAd_KY_KMEA_Fall13.pdf 1 7/3/13 2:48 PM Introducing… Quaver’s Marvelous General Music Curriculum Grades K-5 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Check it out at QuaverCurriculum.com 1-866-917-3633 • [email protected] • Facebook.com/QuaverMusic • QuaverMusicBlog.com ©2013 QuaverMusic.com, LLC QuaverCurrAd_KY_KMEA_Fall13.pdf 1 7/3/13 2:48 PM Volume 65 Number 2 Winter 2014 Introducing… Official Publication of the Kentucky Music Educators Association, a state unit of NAfME: The National Association for Music Education Quaver’s Marvelous Editorial Board: Robert Amchin (Chair), Bradley Almquist, Sara Francis General Music Curriculum Grades K-5 CONTENTS Messages From KMEA 3 President’s Message ..........................Debbie Kidd 5 Editor’s Message........................ George R. Boulden 7 Executive Director’s Message .................. John Stroube Feature Articles 10 Guiding Musical Creativity in a Test Driven Culture ....Scott Harris 16 Let Us Never Give Up on Our Students ........... Colette Jones 18 Five Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities in Band/Orchestra . Chris Lapka C 22 Preparing String Students for College Auditions...J. Patrick Rafferty M News and Information Y 24 Two schools represent Kentucky at NAfME National Honor Choir 25 UK Jazz Ensemble to perform at Midwest Clinic CM 26 2013–2014 District Awards MY 30 Salute to 2013 KMEA Marching Band Championships CY 33 2014 Professional Development Conference Photo by David Greenlee CMY Adair County High School put on a colorful show -Preregistration Forms and Information K on the way to winning second place class 3A at the -Guest Conductors 2013 KMEA Marching Band Championships. -Performing Groups 47 Fern Music Education Scholarship 56 Candidates for KMEA Office 57 Election Instructions for Absentee Voting 60 Constitutional Amendments 62 Candidates for NAfME Office 76 2014 Journal Cover Contest 80 In Memoriam Forms 66 KMEA Research Grant Available 78 Links to KMEA Forms Check it out at KMEA: Kentucky Music Educators Association Photo by David Greenlee QuaverCurriculum.com P.O. Box 1058, Richmond, KY 40476-1058 1-859-626-5635 Printed by JOHNSON PRESS OF AMERICA The Kentucky Music Educators Association is a voluntary, non-profit organization representing all phases of music NAfME: The National Association for Music Education education in schools, colleges, universities, and teacher-training institutions. KMEA is a federated state association of the National Association for Music Education. KMEA/NAfME membership is open to all persons actively 1806 Robert Fulton Drive, Reston, VA 20191 interested in music education. NAfME Toll-Free Telephone: 1-800-366-3768 Inquiries regarding advertising rates, closing dates, and change of address should be sent to Melissa Skaggs, P.O. Box 1058, Richmond, KY 40476-1058; tel: 859-626-5635; fax: 859-626-1115; email: [email protected]. Articles NAfME President: Nancy Ditmer and reports should be submitted to the editor, George R. Boulden; email: [email protected] 1-866-917-3633 • [email protected] • Facebook.com/QuaverMusic • QuaverMusicBlog.com Southern Division President: Christine Fisher Bluegrass Music News is published in fall, winter, spring, and summer. Annual subscription: $15.00. Individual KMEA President: Debbie Kidd copies are $5.00. Subscription for members of KMEA is included in the unified NAfME/KMEA membership dues. ©2013 QuaverMusic.com, LLC 2 Bluegrass Music News WINTER 2014 From the President DEBBIE KIDD In order to ascertain the state of music education across Kentucky members a survey was sent to of the Kentucky Music Educators Association (KMEA) in May of 2013. This direct survey was a resu lt of the Commission on Music in Appalachia which was formed to gather information about music education in the Appalachian region of Kentucky and to bring recommendations to the KMEA Executive Committee about action the association might take to support music education in the region. I want to personally In orderthank to ascertain the ommittee c the state members of musicwho education served representatives as Three hundred from sixty across sevenAppalachian the (367) KMEAregion as members across Kentuckywell as members a survey of was sent the to members Executive of the Committee. Additional responded thanks to the are survey; extended sixty-eight to from each the teacher who Appa- Kentuckyparticipated Music Educators by Association answering (KMEA) the questions in lachian on Results the survey. regionindicate and 299 current who teach trends across outside Kentucky the Appa - May of 2013. This survey was a direct result of the lachian region. Of the sixty-eight teachers who re- in music education and offer an overview of both opportunities and challenges teachers face on a daily Commission on Music in Appalachia which was formed sponded from the Appalachian region 100% indicated to gatherbasis. information about music education in the they teach in a public school. Outside the Appalachian Appalachian region of Kentucky and to bring recom- region 94.6% of the teachers indicated they teach in Three hundred sixty seven (367) KMEA members responded to the survey; 68 from the Appalachian mendations to the KMEA Executive Committee about a public school and 5.4% in a private school. Listed action thereg ion association and might 299 take who to support teach music outside the below Appalachian are the questions region. and the responses Of the submitted. 68 teachers who responded from the educationAppalachian in the region. region I want to 100% personally indicated thank they teach Promoting in music a public as a key component school. in the Outside fun the Appalachian region 94.6% - the committeeof the members teachers who indicated served as representatives they teach in damentaland a public school 5.4% education in a of all private Kentucky school. students is Listed below are the the from acrossquestions the Appalachian and the region responses submitted as well as. members primary vision for the Kentucky Music Educators As- of the Executive Committee. Additional thanks are ex- sociation, and it calls for increased emphasis on music tended Promoting to each teacher music who as participated a by key answering component participation in the and fundamental understanding education at all levels of all Kentucky students is the of educa- the questionsprimary on vision the survey. for Results the indicate Kentucky current Music tion. Educators The, Association and resultsit calls of this for survey increased indicate the emphasis importance on trends acrossmusic Kentucky participation in music and education understanding and offer an at all of each levels member of of our education. organization The as we results work of this survey indicate the to overviewimportance of both opportunities of each and challenges member of teachers our organization afford each student as across we Kentucky work to access afford to each student across Kentucky a quality face onaccess a daily basis. to a quality music education taught by music certified education music teachers. taught by certified music teachers. SurveySurvey Results Results from the from Commission the Commission on Music in on Appalachia Music in Appalachia 1. Do you teach in more than one school? If so, how many? Appalachia Outside Appalachia Variance % # of Responses % # of Responses No -­‐ 0 schools 2.90% 2 1.70% 5 -­‐1.20% No -­‐ 1 school 45.60% 31 61.10% 182 15.50% 2 schools 38.20% 26 23.20% 69 -­‐15.00% 3 schools 7.40% 5 8.10% 24 0.70% 4 schools 4.40% 3 3.40% 10 -­‐1.00% 5+ schools 1.50% 1 2.70% 8 1.20% answered 68 298 skipped 0 1 Continued on page 67 Survey results from the Commission www.kmea.org on Music Education in Appalachia, cont. 3 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY BANDS TO play HERE, YOU HAVE TO BEHERE. SPRING AUDITION DATES: JANUARY 24 & 25, 2014 FEBRUARY 14 &15, 2014 MARCH 7 & 8, 2014 “WINDFEST” CONCERT BAND FESTIVAL SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2014 CLINICIANS: MR. RICHARD FLOYD, DR. RICHARD GOOD, & DR. THOMAS VERRIER FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT WWW.UKBANDS.ORG 4 Bluegrass Music News WINTER 2014 From the Editor GEORGE R. BOULDEN I hope that as you are reading through this edition given experience and apply to other related, or even of the Bluegrass Music News your semester is coming to unrelated situations. When we think more broadly, we a close and you are looking forward to the upcoming make our reflection time infinitely more beneficial to holiday break. Personally, I have so much to be thank- our lives. ful for this year and hope you feel the same. If not, a What did you learn today? new year is just around the corner and another oppor- • • • tunity to start fresh begins in January. Professionally, High school teachers: Have you had the talk with I am thankful for the opportunity to work with great your students? You know, the one you have when a students and colleagues at UK as well as the outstand- student comes up to you and says he or she wants ing folks in the KMEA office: John, Melissa, Lisa, and to major in music. How do you answer them? I re- Tony. I must also include our marvelous graphic de- cently discovered a great article that is a must read for signer, Barbara Grinnell, who makes every issue of the the prospective music majors in your class. Entitled BMN look so beautiful. Here’s to a wonderful holiday “Advice to a College Music Student,” it is written by a season and an even better 2014! college instructor, is brutally honest, and spot on with • • • regard to the various challenges that Thinking about thinking about lie ahead. It’s a great read for us as thinking. The power of reflective well. Over the break I suggest you thinking can be a wonderful tool for take time to read it, and if you think improving our personal well-being, Thinking it might be beneficial to your stu- and can also be used to aid our dents, share it with them.
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