DePaul University Via Sapientiae De Andrein Vincentian Journals and Publications 1957 Volume 27: 1956-57 Follow this and additional works at: https://via.library.depaul.edu/andrein Part of the History of Religions of Western Origin Commons Recommended Citation Volume 27: 1956-57. https://via.library.depaul.edu/andrein/29 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Vincentian Journals and Publications at Via Sapientiae. It has been accepted for inclusion in De Andrein by an authorized administrator of Via Sapientiae. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -- I-C -- ----- I "Prein Volumej5h 27 Perryville, Missouri, October, 1956 NO. 1 BISHOP'S DREAM IS REALIZED IN TUCSON Main entrance to Regina Cleri Seminary. The adminis- tration offices will occupy the first floor. The Priests' quar- ters and school faculty are located on the second floor of this building. Note the two shrines in honor of the Sacred Heart and Saint Joseph. A large statue of Regina Cleri (Queen of the Clergy) will occupy the space immediately above the entrance. On Wednesday morning, June 15, 1955 lasted only two hours and at the end seminary and there is no doubt that the Most Reverend Daniel J. Gercke, ac- of the day the people of the diocese this has a profound effect in fostering companied by a small group of priests pledged over two million dollars for the more vocations within their own homes. from his diocese, began what was to new seminary. By next March it is be a beginning of the final chapter in hoped that seventy-five per cent of the Opening the growth of the Diocese of Tucson. original amount pledged will have been As the hot Arizona sun beat down up'on collected. The laity was kept ever con- Regina Cleri Seminary opened on the desert waste-land, Bishop Gercke scious of the building of the Regina Sep. 10 with an enrollment of twenty- turned the first soil for the founda- Cleri Seminary by means of a highly seven students. These students entered tion of what will prove to be the concentrated and vigorous publicity the first year of high school. Each diocese's greatest asset-the new Re- program. succeeding year will find a new class gina Cleri Seminary. initiated at the seminary, until the Seminary A Necessity top class will have completed the sec- Ground Breaking The need for a seminary in Arizona ond year of college. At the beginning it was thought that the first two years On this memorable occasion, the was momentous. Over ninety-five per- cent of the priests working in the of high school would enroll at the Bishop's words typified his feeling: seminary, however, after due consider- "Thanks be to God for this day . diocese, that is, diocesan priests, were I turn the soil, the good people of the from other sections of the United ation it was thought best to have only diocese will build the seminary. May States or Ireland. If a Southern Ari- the ninth grade enter the seminary and God bless them for their loyalty and zona boy had a vocation it was neces- then to increase a grade each year. devotion in the many priests whom sary for him to travel either to Los they shall send through this seminary." Angeles or to some other far point The seminary as it now stands can for his education. As a result, the na- adequately house one hundred and fifty In May, 1954, the Charles J. Francis tive sons of Arizona in the ranks of the students. Needless to say, some of the Company and its three representatives clergy were few. Moreover, the only present wings will remain unoccupied set up headquarters in the city of Tuc- manner in which to overcome this for about two or three years. son to lay the ground work for a cam- problem was to have a diocesan semi- paign which would begin in January nary in the state. It is now the hope Faculty and last for six weeks of intensive and dream of the Bishop and clergy build up. All the parishes of the that the ranks of the diocesan priest- The seminary faculty consists of diocese took part in this campaign and hood will be vastly increased to meet Father William Mahoney, Superior, on Feb. 20, the hand-picked men of the fast growing population of Arizona. and his assistants are Fathers Manuel each parish began their solicitation of Again, all the faithful of the diocese Pelliteri and John Burger. The Minim all parishioners. This solicitation period have taken a great interest in the (Continued on Page Ten) Page Two The DeAndrein Archbishop Vehr Honored At Dedication This aerial view of St. Thomas' Seminary, Denver, shows the new St. Pius X Addition at lower right, with the class- room-dormitory building at left and library at extreme right. The administration building is at left, adjoining the tower, with the chapel extending at right angles from the tower. The refectory, with kitchen attached, adjoins the chapel building. At top center is the "old red brick," the original St. Thomas' Seminary building on the site, erected in 1907. On Sunday, June the tenth, Denver Alter, '. .. and a large measure of credit The Very Rev. John Cronin, C. M. played host to the largest assembly of belongs to Bishop Tihen (Archbishop succeeded Father Levan in the presi- the Hierarchy in the city's history. Vehr's predecessor), Archbishopl Vehr, dency in 1911. Father Cronin gave nine Forty members of the American Epis- and to the Vincentian Fathers under years of his life in this capacity and copate led by James Cardinal McIntyre whose auspices the seminary is con- his firm but kindly and spiritually of Los Angeles attended the observance ducted." skillful guidance was evident through- of the Silver Episcopal Jubilee of Past History out those years. His name is remem- bered gratefully by many of the Archbishop Urban J. Vehr and the We might here for a moment digress dedication of the new St. Pius the clergy of the diocese. In Sep. 1920, the somewhat and look back fifty years to Very Rev. William Barr, C. M., suc- Tenth addition to 'St. Thomas Semi- see the important part our con- nary. ceeded to the presidency. The time was freres played in the founding and es- a program of expansion, for Solemn Mass ripe for tablishing of St. Thomas Seminary. during the next two years the capacity Archbishop Vehr's Solemn Mass of In 1906 Fr. Thomas Shaw, C. M. ap- of the original dormitory and study was Thanksgiving was celebrated outdoors proached Bishop Nicholas Matz for reached. And so the seminary expand- on a raised platform which was con- permission to open a Vincentian House ed. Other men who have held the post structed in the seminary quadrangle. of Studies in Denver. Bishop' Matz con- of president of St. Thomas Seminary In addition to the hundreds of mon- sented, but urged that they undertake are: Francis X. McCabe, C. M., in signori, priests and sisters, who at- and manage a diocesan seminary. This 1926, William Brennan, C. M., 1927, tended the Mass and the celebration, they agreed to do, and in the spring Daniel Coyne, C. M., 1933, George Tol- eight thousand chairs were set up to of the same year, the Rev. Joseph Mar- man, C. M., 1942, Francis Koeper, C. accommodate a great part of the laity. tin, C. M., accompanied by four Vin- M., 1946, and the Very Rev. William Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cin- centian students of Theology, came to Kenneally, C. M., who was assigned in cinnati, Archbishop Vehr's native city, Denver and chose and purchased the 1948 and is still the present rector, delivered the sermon at the Mass. He present site. whose presidency has witnessed the paid tribute to Archbishop Vehr's many Building operations were commenced flowering of the greater St. Thomas accomplishments during twenty-five in the spring of 1907 but it was not Seminary. years in Denver and counted the St. until October, 1908 that the first semi- New Addition Pius seminary addition as one of the nary building was opened for ad- Denver prelate's "most notable achieve- mission to students. The first presi- The two large new buildings which ments." "Few seminaries can match dent was the Very Rev. Thomas Levan, form the St. Pius the Tenth addi- St. Thomas Seminary," said Archbishop C. M. (Continued on Page Four) The De Andrein Page Three CONSTRUCTION BEGUN ON LABOURE CLINIC New Laboure Clinic begins to take shape in Pagedale. This is the architects' drawing of the $1,000,000 addition for short-term psychiatric patients. It will accommodate 500 patients a year, and be finished in 1958. The Development Program of St. Early Diagnosis psychiatric nursing. Sister Anne's ex- Vincent's Hospital, St. Louis, was in- perience in building the Rosary Clinic evitable one hundred years ago, when The Laboure Clinic will specialize in addition to De Paul Hospital in New the Daughters of Charity of St. Vin- the prevention, early diagnosis and Orleans was invaluable in planning the cent de Paul began nursing the men- treatment of mental and emotional Laboure Clinic, a highly functional tally ill in the St. Louis area. illness-as opp'osed to extended hos- psychiatric unit. The building is In this century of service, St. Vin- pitalization. It will service an esti- scheduled for completion early in 1958. cent's expansion problems have grown mated 500 individuals a year. "Ex- in direct proportion to the growing in- tended hospitalization" refers to a con- St.
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