C^T-^^vTTfc ^T^TPVTVX T f 1 Al~*V bPORTINGTHADEMAKXED BT THB SFOBTHTO LIFE PtHS. CO. BSTTZB.KD AT PHILA. P. O. ASUFE. SECOND CLASS MATTBB VOLUME 25, NO. 1. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 30, 1895. FIELD CAPTAINS NATIONA March 3O. this year when it came to a question of 5843 miles: Evansville, 5999; Chatta­ salaries." Nothing "queer" about that. AN UNIMPEACHABLE SPORT. nooga, 5707; Atlanta, 6154; Montgom­ Players who win championships and inci­ ery, 5903; New Orleans, 6503; Mem­ dentally help their employers to small bar­ SPORTINGLlFE The New York "Evening World," in phis, 6281, and Little Rock, 7001. The rels of'money very naturally and laudably commenting upon the overdoing of the discrepancy could not well be avoided, desire to tap those barrels for a little of A WEEKLY JOURNAL "reform" fad, satirically remarks: ^ geo­ the filthy lucre they were chiefly in­ however, owing to the awkward That to tbe Southern strumental in putting in the barrels. Devoted to "O for an anti-base ball Comstock graphical arrangement of is purely human. tell legislators how the game of base ball League. BASE BALL, BICYCLING, SHOOT. induces, caters to and fosters an unholy A BIT EASIER THAN BASE BALL. and inordinate appetite for over-indul­ A CHANCE FOR A MISSIONARY. ING, GENERAL SPORTS gence in peanuts and popcorn, and a con­ One of the great advantages claimed for AND PASTIMES. sequent degradation of humanity; to tell The Japanese Mikado is a man of the game of golf Is that it can be play68 of the wicked thoughts that animate a much energy and endurance, in spite of by all sorts and conditions and shapes of pitcher as he hurls the ball past the bats­ the fact that he is a great cigarette men, excepting those who are blind. Many Published by man so that the latter may not smite it; smoker. He is fond of outdoor sports good golfers wear spectacles. There used to recount the villainy of the umpire in and has warmly encouraged the intro­ to be an expert at Leith who had only one TEE SPORTIM LIFE PUBLISHING CO. out at first when the leg. The approach of age does not seem to declaring a runner duction of foot ball into Japan. He is make the game the less attractive, and 34 South Third St., latter meant to reach the bag safely; to and fisherman and is quite a point out the degeneracy of humanity a hunter awkwardness or ungainliness of movement Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. that, with shouts of "Lace her out, Mike," good shot with a rifle. His devotion to do not detract from the merit of a winning goads a player on to knock the wrapper lawn, tennis is marked and he wields a score. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: from an inoffensive little sphere." very clever racquet. He should be enlightened as to the beauties and other NOTHING SLOW ABOUT THIS. One Tear................. ............................. S4.0O Would base ball survive a crusade Six Months....................... ..................... 2.35 merits of base ball. It would just suit The bright outlook indulged in by the by the goody-goods? Well, rather. the Japs as a national sport. Eastern League magnates is justified by a Three Months.................................. .. 1-25 There is one sport at least that the moral­ glance at the circuit. The population of Single Copy...,,................................. .- N>c. fol­ ists cannot find ground for protesting or THE DIVERSION OP PADDY'S MONTH. the eight cities in round numbers is as PAYABLE IN ADVANCK. of lows: Buffalo, 275,000; Toronto, 200,000; Foreign Postage, SI.04 Extra per Annum. legislating against. A month of March without a series Rochester, 150.000; Providence, 150,000; predictions as to the probable individual Syracuse, 100,000; Scranton, 85,000; Sp«ng- strength of the various National League field, 50,000; Wilkesbarre, 40,000. The readers of SPORTING LIFE who CURRENT COMMENT. teams would be a unique period in the Eastern League will also not lack for ex­ have not facilities for reaching news­ calendar. This month has been no excep­ perienced managers this season, which is dealers should by all means subscribe, A TROUBLE-BREEDING BULB. tion in that respect. The National League another big factor in the quality of base thus assuring themselves regular and caught foul tip ball the public will get, and in the success The rule by which a manager or captain who has not already of the financial end of it. prompt delivery by mail direct from must be counted as a strike will make placed the 12 clubs in the order of the this office. life miserable for some of the umpires finish, and especially his own, is not BASE BALL ON PROBATION. unless they give careful attention to the supposed to know the necessary points of ^^SPORTING LIFE goes to press at 2 P. M. of the League managers, The Atlanta City Council has reconsid­ matter. The umpire will be kept be­ his business. All ered its refusal to license the Atlanta every Thursday. News letters must the time, with the notable exception of McCloskey, reach this office on or before Tuesday. hind the plate practically all of Louisville, have, we believe, placed Club, of the Southern League which li­ ^^Advertisers to insure insertion should for many times it is impossible to hear themselves on record, and, strangely cense was withheld upon complaints of foul tips when the umpire is behind the enough, nearly all of them are sure of a disorder by the residents near the ball not fail to forward copy so as to reach park. The club has promised to maintain the publication office not later than pitcher. At least that is what the um­ first division place. Now then, how can 11 pires have claimed in the past. If the pegs go Into six holes? better order and upon this promise the Wednesday morning. license was renewed for 60 days in order decision should happen to be given the club a chance to demonstrate wrong at an important part of the . SHOULD NOT BE PLATED. to give DISTRIBUTION: Exhibition games between League teams its ability to carry out its agreement. ^&"SPORTING LIFE is the only weekly game, the team which loses the benefit Noisy coaching will certainly have to go the play will doubtless raise a tre­ before the opening of the season are ill- paper (to our knowledge) requiring a of advised. While they may have no direct in Atlanta, at least. perfecting press to complete ail edition. mendous objection, and with reasonable bearing on the chances of the teams in The circulation of SPORTING LIFE is by cause, for no captain exists who will the real race, owing to lack of condition far larger than that of any weekly pub­ lose a chance for his own side. and interest among the players, they leave WISE SAYINGS BY GREAT MEN. lished and almost equals the largest a bad impression for the first series. basis. The IT IS REALLY ALL-PERVASIVE. How to become beautiful though homely monthly on a monthly wear a mask. John T. Brush. papers are shipped by express as fast as Even the conservation of a trade so A PROMISING MINOR LEAGUE. * * * printed and any and all news stands in much subject to picturesque tradition as President Powers, of the Eastern League, tbe retail tobacco business has yielded to whom has been intrusted the task of "Noessiry may be the mother of inven­ the following cities or localities should tion," but disappointment is often th« have the paper on sale the day specified somewhat to the facts of modern life. making a schedule for the New York making a tour of the child. C. H. Byrne. opposite to each locality: The traditional Turk's head or Indian League, has been * * * chief sign has gradually given place to circuit of that organization to size up the New York City............. Saturday A. M. the base ball player and other emblems situation and acquire needful points for Some men would expect to bo paid for Biooklyu, N. Y............Saturday A. M. the schedule. Mr. Powers is much im­ overtime if they dreamed about their Troy, N. Y.................Saturday A. M. of modern American life. pressed with that bright little league and work. A. C. Anson. Buffalo, N. Y. .............Saturday A. M. predicts a successful season. The circuit, * * * Albany. N. Y............. .Saturday A. M. WHAT THE LEAGUE AND PUBLIC MISSED. which is very compact, is made up of "The man who can say nothing abftit Boston, Mass. ............. .Saturday A. M. The Cleveland "Leader," chief among Albany, Troy, Sehenectady, Amsterdam, anything is not nearly so great a bore Springfield, Mass. ..........Saturday A. M. the few newspapers which-advocated a Johnstown, Gloversville, Blmira, and Bing- as the one who persists in saying any-* Portland, Me. .............Saturday A, M. is 100 miles, thing about nothing." James A. Hart. Providence, R. I...........Saturday A. M. return to the old pitching rules, was hamton. The longest jump * * * Montreal. Can............ .Saturday A. M. much disappointed over the failure of and six of the clubs are within a radius Toronto, Can. .... ......... .Saturday A. M. of 50 miles. The monthly salary limit of A scrap of paper The Corbett-Fitzslm- the League to go backward, and voiced The population as it now is and seeius likely Baltimore, Md. ............ .Saturday A. M. its sentiment as follows: each club is about $1000. mons fight Washington, D. C..........Saturday A. M. is sufficiently large to warrant support for to remain Peter Jackson. New Orleans, La. ........ .Saturday A. M. "If the League can stand it, the public cer­ a league of this calibre.
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