I l .• '. r . anada l\1ay .....El ·lmlnate Reserve Force . THE DAILY· . Vol. 64. No. 222 R~~~~~~~lmOO~Rll._19_~__ ~ ___~_~(p_rk_e_5~ce_n~_I_C~h=a=r~le~s~H_u_tt~o_n_&_S_o_n_s ~~====~----------~- • Satellite· .Still Whirls nite tates I tan World round The . the American delegation to 1hc ·cr 1_~!o;rt'W radio .Iodrcll Bank In' Cheshire, Eng· urey International Astronautical Con· iations land. lie said there are thrce reaty nisht that meteor· gress In Barcelona, Spain • lli'h in outer space •posslbillties for Ihe sate11lte's fu· ture: First, It might evaporate; ESTIMATES RUSSIAN LEAD int; tlle SOl'iet satel· The first lour U.S. 5atellltes,.he but apparrnli)' causing no secondly, it might come down In small pieces. said, each will have six aerials dall1a~r. and radio transmitters powered artificial !atelhte now is He' added: "Thirdly,' It Is just Khrushchev Is conceivable the Russians have by photo'electrlc cells transCorm· mh ar ri e d by micro Ing the sun', rays Into electric .. tlir ~! 0 seD II' mid· stolen a bigger march on the West by finding some means of ity. .- b'~adca;t reported. Moons No. 5 to No. • would meteor bod): constructing this satellite 50 that ~ajor larg~ it will come through the atmOs· have additional equipment such I Bluntly Told to !top the ~atclhte has as apparatus to measure the cro;;cd its path, MoscoI\' phcre intact' and land." R u s s I a n scientists said the erosion effect of meteoric dust on a satellite. One of the moons WASHINGTON (AP) - The I to anyone particular localil~ l/!din~ Bl'iti~h ftstronomer satellite is likely to go on girdl· and.is constantly contemplated Ing the earth 16 times a day for would be a "mother" 5ateJlib United States biuntly told Soviet . ni~ht that the ar· and would. eject a balloon de· Communist chieC Nikita Khrush· by every responsi,ble official of mi~ltI return to the an undetermined perlod- "may· be a week, a month or a year." signed to aid In visual observa· chev Thursday night that it will cvery country." the statement A Paris newspaper said Thurs· liem. stand by its treaty obligations to said. defend Turkey. The American attitude was ex· day that the United States Is , . Bergeal said experts at the Bar· At Ihe same time, the Eisen· pressed in the form oC comment planning to launch eight types of on an interview Khrushchev gavl! earth satellites. celona congress estimate the Am· hower administration re·empha· Jacques Bergea\. science cor ericans are two years behind sized that it is "determincd to to a New York Times reporter in respondent of France· Soil', said Russia In earth satellites, fivc carry out the national policy" of Moscow. years behind on rockets and 10 blocking any Red aggression in In this interview, Khrushchev of the details of thc American sateUiteJ were given exc!us!\'ely to him by years behind In astronomy. the Middle East. .accused State Secretary Dulles of at The government's view was set trying to entice Turkey into war forth in a state department an· against Syria. nouncement read to reporters at Khrushchev also contended in m\l ..... Army . a press conference. the interview that Deputy Under· HEED OWN WORDS secretary of State Loy Hender· The American stalement ad son, who visited the ll1iddle East vised Khrushchev to heed his last month. had sought to incile all(Ion Divisional Exercise own words Ihat a modern war certain Middle East countries ercise independently lit Gage fol' one week to regular army once started is difficult to confine against S~Tia. D' !l.m: ~lcI~TOSH . i Prc'§ Sip!! Wrller lown. Camp Pelawawa, Ont., and units for training, Camp Wainwright, Aila. Including attendance at Ive· '(PI-The lir~t step Defence olflcials said. equip· nlng parades during tbe year, Jr.ay be r\'~ntual climin!!' ment costs are continuing to rise militiamen will receive 040 days' Cmoa'~ merve forces Thur;rlay. and that to prevent defence ex- . training instead of the current 60. Ottawa Prepares htadquartm ~aid stlm· penditures pushi!lg through their That will mean a one·thlrd eut present ceiling of about $1,725.· In maximum pay a reserve army (or the ~2.(IOO • man . he cut oul and more 000,000 cuts will have to be made soldier can make and wlll reduce placcd on cil'it defencfo in manpower. defence expenditures by $5,000, bl' the rcml'e army. The onl)' fruitful lield for' man· 000 to $10,000,000. For Royal Visit riaction hy ~eniDr mill· power reductions Is the reserve Both the regular and reserve . , was dl~may. forces, which comprise 42.000 In army will devote some· training OT'l;AWA . (C~):-An.air 'D~;.·· . Al!antic. fhey arrived just t~is . the militia mh:ht aa the mllltla, about 6,000 In the to civil deCence. expectancy. IS ·'rlSmg:.ut. :the . 1'1 wcek after the external affair. away with right now naval reserve and 5,500 in the An Irmy dlrectlv. IIY5: "If 'tal; ,. -department passedw 0 r d on 10 thc), exppcl reservists RCAF reserve.' " these (cll!.il.Aefencel.lI!!rvlce! are Among .the ranks of ofiiciais the city of Ottawa that the mod· the militia in heavy num· Defence department opinion Is Iii be efficiently performed, it wilt who have spent weeks preparing cIs were available. Ihat the government will have 10 be essential to have a trained and for and worrying about the royal They were oonstructed by AI­ FRml (:AGF.TOWN decide within the next year or disciplined body of men' under visil that starts here Saturday. Ired Greenside, who lives at Har· Irmy aha announced that two whether' to disband the reo good leaders. eyes arc taking on a glazed look rogate, Yorkshire, Englflnd •. He. Canadian Infantry Dlvi· serl'e forces or face the likell· The 1st Division was J:e·estab. here and there. lent them to the city for the four· not condJlct mnnoeuvres hood of higher defence costs. lIshed three years ago, giving But tile face of the capital is day royal visit. · at Cnmp Gagetown, Some o£Clcials said Ihey believe Canada a division for the first bright with bunting, thousands of They include realistic models· of al R ('osl of $100,000,· the new training plan announced lime In peacetime. Its com· flags, copies of the Canadian anci Windsor Castle, Buckingham Pal· dil'i!ional Irainins. Tnursday for the militia Is the mander, Maj.-Gen, John Rocking royal coats of arms. Even the ace; the Tower of London and the announcement led to spec· first step In eventual disband· ham, was reported upset .t the seafi/ln is brilliant. The leaves royal yacht Britannia. Ly arm), ollieers that ment of the reserve lorces alto· decision to cancel Ihe ,divisional are falling faster daily, but the Jl[ayor George Nelms has is· D. gether. Those forces now cost exercise in 1958. autumn colors in their dying sued a proclamation that th~ of the 1st Division Ont .. will be about :1$4,000,000 a year, exclud· The main reason for the can· hours are brightest of all. royal couple be greeted with bells and thRt infanlry brl· ing cost of equipment. celiation is believed to be new In the display windows of one when Ihey drive into lhe capital ~n ",ork directly through The army said that '.'selected" army tactics, which \ emphasize downlown department store ar~ from suburban Uplands airpon JOHN'S ~/ldGuarter!. mllltiamen, Instead of attending Independent operation. by brl· ., heing sllOwn intr.icate modeis of Saturday . tim bri~ade5 Are to f:t· slimmer camp, will be I\ttached gade groups. AKRON, Ohio-The wraps were lifted this week to reveal secret plans for a. royal residences and other build "In order to honor Her Maj· U.S. earth satelilte., It wilt' be manned by a crew of three at an altitude of 500 ings connected with the lives of esly on her visit to the City oC Nomination Day Queen Elizabeth and P r inc P. ottawa. it is requested." says . W miles above the· ,a'rth, The satellite would be launched by a three stage ferry Philip and their ancestors. 3 the proclamation, "that the bells rocket, developed,'by ~he Goodyear Air craft· Corporation, named the "Meteour The models, valued at about In all churches and olher simi· : - At Bay Roberts . $7,500. were transported from lariy equipped buildings be rung . Junior". This is ~1l.arti5t'l drawing of the rocket.-(IN Photo), England aboard an RCAP plane on October the 32th from 5:30 to B making a routine trip across Ule 5:45 p.m." S R d Word from Bay Robel'ls indio " . ea y egln ... .. :".; .. _-_._.... ----- At about that lime Ihe Queen . cates that the nomination date. for ably will be discussed in the and the prince are scheduled to Town Council elections In that In Britain - -I community wtII bl Otcober 25th. Lloyd _ Dulles talks, British ob· be dril'ing a processional route ISSI The report also stated that the servers believe. through· the capital to Govern· On M es Sandys, winding liP the confer· ment House, official residence !If number of Councillor!: for the ence' debate on defencc. said Governor·General Massey, where NATIO~~. N.Y. (API S d· U E h' rcptable agl'eement. 1t is time to town council of that eommunity an y~.. rges xc a· nge Britain and the U.S. arc working they will stay. Stale~ offered Thurs. put trickery aside and stop mak· have been reduced from the pres- ~ "very intensively" logether on Even the local weather bureau !nler Immediately Into ing a good lace when the game ent nine to seven.
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