YOU DONT KNOW WHEN Y O U U NEED YOUR HOSPITAL, SHE NEEDS YOU NOW. XBT PRESS RUM AVEBAOB DAILY CIRCTJLATIOX THE WEATHER OF THE EVENING HERALD Forecast by U. 8. Wcatbes Bnreaa, for the mouth of April, 1927 New Havea Showers today; Sunday generally 4,984 anrlfffltpr £wnitm Irralii fair- Slate Ubvavy VOL. XLI., NO. 192. Classified adrertlsing on page 12 MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1927. (F O l PRICE THREE CENTS Hungary Humor EPISCOPALIANS PLAN Passing of Glory British Use Drills 4 - STORMS DELAYING During the Prepare to LAYMEN’S COMMIHEE World War, Gen­ On Soviet Strongbox laugh! For Ilena eral Kalitan was de Montague, FUGHT TO PARIS; one of Russia’s noted Hungarian comedienne has great military London, May 14.— A nIne-foot<^ Fifty Detectives. State Diocese May H aY eij41^ggg | fj | leaders, winner wall of steel and concrete guarding Fifty detectives reinforced b.v come to America. This photo shows of fame at the the Soviets’ trade and diplomatic scores of uniformed police, remain­ FUERS ARE READY ed in control of Soviet House, head­ the smile with battle of Ei'zer- secrets in raided Soviet house yield­ quarters of Arcos, Ltd., (All Rus­ which she arriv­ ■ ^ " ' " “ 1 BRtNGS DRIVE IN | uni. Now he is ed today to pneumatic drills, acety­ sian Co-operative Society) while the ed. She starred rect Affairs— Convention' „ „ ill and penniless lene torches, picks, shovels and seized documents, weighing seven in Budapest the­ Bad Weather May Last For in Paris, an exile crow bars. tons, were being sorted and exam­ aters, then decid­ MRS. SNYDER ined. ed to try her hu­ On Tuesday. SIGHT OF GOAL' from his home­ The police forced themselves into The act of breaking into the Sov- mor on the U. S, Next 48 Hours; Lindbergh land. the “ strong room” in continuation ient House vault seemed to make it of their search for documents which clear that the government does not IS PENITENT might establish propaganda plot intend to recognize the demand of Anxious to Get Away; Hartford. Conn., May 14.— A against the British government. proposed constitutional amend- Cheney Bros. Drop |15,000! the Soviet trade delegation for dip­ LIBERALS THREATEN The search also, was for at least lomatic immunity. On the other LEVEES BREAK Incnt to allow laymen representa­ one important official document hand the government was appareht- SAMIEST Frenchmen Still Among tion on the standing committee of Into Hospitars Hat; Cam-| missing from British government ly determined to examine every the diocese and the moving of archives. inch of space and every scrap of TO FIGHT MARINES Scotland Yard decided to cut the Missing. Hcrkeley Divinity cchool from Mid­ paign to Continue Till! paper, meanwhile exhausting every ASTHEROOD dletown to New Haven will be the through the wall when the Soviet effort to recover the missing gov­ Chaplain Visits Slayer In principal subjects before the an- representatives refused to surren­ ernment document or prove that It piial convention of the Protestant Monday Night. | der the keys to the room, claiming had found its way into the hands of M O V ^ SOUTH Mineola, N. Y^., May 14.— Storm diplomatic immunity. Cell— Gray Spends Most Episcopal church. Diocese of Con- Nicaraguans Say They Will the Soviets. and fog over the North Atlantic to­ pccticut. liere next Tuesday and day held up the American airmen V'cdnesday. Of His Time On His Tlio Cimngc .At 11:4,5 this forenoon, just be­ Declare War If They Are Half a Dozen More Parishes who will attempt the 3,600 mile The constitutional cliange would fore Herald jiress time, the receipts FREIGHT WRECK HUSBAND DRUNKARD non-stop flight from New York to provide for a standing committee in the Memorial hos|)ital drive wa.s Bothered Now. Knees. Paris. Indications were that the bad nf four clergymen and four lay­ Threatened — Thousands weather may last for at least 48 men, instead of a body of five rei)orted at headquarters to have tdergymen as now. The matter is reached the total of $41,686.11, n ON SHORE LINE MISS MACKAYE SAYS hours. Long Island City, N. Y., May 14. Clarence D. Chamberlin, Lloyd now ill the form of a resolution on leaj) of $17,059.11 from yesterday's Mexico City, May 14.— Dr. Pedro More Made Homeless In whicli.action was deferred at the — Ruth Brown Snyder, whef on Bertaud and Commander Richard mark. Of this, a clean $2,059.61 Zepeda, representative In Mexico of convention a year ago, and its Monday will be taken In shackles E. Byrd are waiting patiently, but Adoption is looked upon as unlike­ came from sources outside the big Juan Sacasa, leader of the Nicara­ not so Captain Charles Lindbergh, Traffic Blocked on Both Widow Declares He Beall to the death house in Sing Sing, has ly by many prominent in the Cheney Bres. contribution, and as guan Liberals, Issued a statement 4 the restless young sky pilot, who developed “ a profound sense of dropped in from San Diego, Calif., church. It did not originate with some of the teams were out work­ today saying he feared war between the laymen, who liave evidenced no ing it is probable that the head­ Tracks— No One Hurt; Baton Rouge, La., Ma, 14.— penitence,” the Rev. Patrick Mur­ to compete In the big trans-Atlan­ desire to serve on the committee, the Liberal administration and the Her Often Tells Courii tic hop. Lindbergh Is anxious to quarter’s figures do not quite ful­ II m 11 Through at least with the feeble phy, Roman Catholic chaplain, said Bccording to Rev. Dr. John F. United States if United States ma­ today after visiting her. get away. He ;^lew across one con­ Plumb, executive secretary of- the ly represent the whole intake. It Is rines attempt to disarm the Liberal Trains Detoured. n e r l r o u b le s . ■ resistance of man-made levees, the tinent to make the New York-Paris troops. She has not, however, embraced diocese, and already an unfavora­ imiMVSsible at this time to give to- flood waters of the Mississippi religion as strongly as has her one­ jump and he is chafing under the ble report has been made on the Zetpeda quoted a telegram which delay Imposed by adverse weather. dav’s team totals. he said he had received from Sa­ spread leisurely today over a home time. sweetheart. Henry Judd Gray, resolution by the committee on New Haven, Conn., May 14.— All who also makes the trip “ up the He chagrined that a Jlttle thing tonstltution and canons. casa predicting that “ bloody events Los Angeles, Calif., May 14.__ stretch to the Gulf of Mexico. Over like storm and fog should interfere A thumping big contribution would be inevitable” if marines at­ main line traffic on the Shore Line Buy Raymond, musical comedv a whole countryside In South Cen­ river” on Monday. Iq fact, she con­ Moving School fided to one Intimate in the Queens with a flight over the ocean. Moving the divinity school to from Cheney Bros.— $15,000— to­ tempted to take away the rifles of division is blocked following a col­ star, for whose death Paul Kelly, tral Louisiana the river has had its Planes Beady Kew Haven, which has been au­ day put the Memorial hospital drive the Liberal soldiers at the expira­ film actor, is on trial for murder, county Jail that she fears no churcTi lision early this morning between way from Cairo to Cotton Port. nor God can ever forgive her for The three planes of the flyers^ thorized by the State Legislature, on its feet. This was reported at tion of the time limit set by Henry was pictured today as a drunkard From Cotton Port to the gulf is Columbia, America and Spirit of St. L. Stlmson, envoy of President two freight trains at Shore Line and a wife, beater. her sins. will be discussed under the gener­ Drive Headquarters to be an in­ a matter of ten days disaster, in Louis— are all groomed for the al subject of “ Training Men for Coolldge in Nicaragua. Junction. According to a statement The description was supplied by half a dozen rich and fertile parish­ Gray Prays flight, but the America will re­ the Ministry,” at the Diocesan din­ crease of ?5,000 over the concern’.^ This time limit expired last given out by the railroad company Raymond’s widow, Dorothy Mac- es comprising a tillable area of 4,- Gray spends much of his time in quire some more testing before ner, Tuesday evening at Hotel gift to the same cause last year. The night. fourteen cars were derailed, a loco­ kaye, stage actress, for whose love, 200,000 acres. Within the region his cell on his knees. He assures all Commander Byrd will be iatlsfied Bond. Speakers will include Rev. increase alone goes far toward tak­ Asked for an Interpretation of motive damaged and both main line the state charges, the strapping reside 258,917 persons. those Who talk to him that he has to undertake the big hop. Dr. Anson Phelps Stokes, canon of the phrase “ bloody events,” Zepeda tracks placed out of commission'. Kelly slew the song-and-dance man There are more refugees today. “ made his peace with God.” He will ing care of one important factor in with his fists. Lindbergh, who is the most pic­ the Cathedral of Saints Peter and replied: No personal injuries were sustain­ Almost 4,000 at Marksville alone, go to Sing Sing absolutely penni­ turesque of the waiting airmen, haa Paul, Washington, D.
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