East Sussex Growth Deal Uckfield - London Rural Employment Rail Improvements Sites A21 Flimwell Blackfriars, Battle - Robertsbridge Forest Row Wadhurst Upper A22 Hartfield A21 Hastings - Robertsbridge Crowborough Hastings to Ashford Dual Ticehurst Tracking & Electrifications North & East Hailsham Nutley A26 Mayfield Uckfield Town Centre Accessibility Improvement Camber Central Package A272 Car Park Uckfield Burwash Newick Hailsham/Polegate Accessibility Package Heathfield Rye Camber A26 Battle A21 A259 Ditchling Winchelsea Rye Harbour A22 Queensway Gateway Road Lewes Hastings Fairlight A27 Hailsham A259 A23 Kingston North Queensway Polegate Bexhill-on-Sea Hove Pevensey & A26 Westham A27 Bexhill/Hastings Brighton A27 Junction Capacity Alfriston Improvements Saltdean Pevensey Bay Peacehaven Newhaven Cycle Newhaven Improvement Package Priority Quarter Business Bexhill Leisure District Phase 4 Eastbourne Centre Newhaven Ring Road & Local Seaford capacity improvement package Hastings & Bexhill town Initial Feasibility Work centre access & improvement on 5 Sites in hastings Brighton-Peacehaven-Newhaven package Bus Corridor Phase 2 Bexhill/Hastings Hastings & Bexhill LSTF Link Road Newhaven Port A27 Lewes to Polegate Walking & Cycling Package Access Road Phase 1 Improvements Sovereign Harbour Hastings & Bexhill bus access Enterprise Park at Newhaven Port Site 6 improvement package North East Bexhilll Access Road Phase 2 A22/A27 Junction Improvement Package Eastbourne town centre LSTF Phase 2 Elva access & improvement package North Bexhill Newhaven Flood Defence Acces Road Businesss Centre Polegate Enterprise Park Newhaven Town Station Eastbourne Bus Accesss & improvement package Eastbourne & South Wealden Rail Interchange LSTF walking & cycling package Hailsham/Polegate/Eastbourne Newhaven area Sustainable Transport Corridor walking & cycling package 88 South East LEP: Growth Deal and Strategic Economic Plan 2014 South East LEP: Growth Deal and Strategic Economic Plan 2014 89 Key SEFUND TransportSEFUND National Highways And Rail The East Sussex 4.2 in order to encourage inward investment by 4.8 Through this growth deal, we have significant business. Such investment would improve Improving public transport, road infrastructure Overview potential to unlock our ambitious business the county’s connectivity to the A23/ and extending superfast broadband access and housing growth plans and build on our M23 corridor and a potentially expanding across the county will offer an opportunity to 4.1 current investments in infrastructure. We Gatwick Airport to the west, London and address growth potential, including, in part, beyond to the north, and Kent and the East Sussex has a diverse and growing are currently investing £56.8m in the Bexhill the rural employment issues created by a Hastings Link Road which will unlock sites continent to the east, thereby allowing us lack of access. With the right infrastructure economy, a significant proportion of to unlock further employment and housing which is made up of small and medium for over 1,500 homes and create nearly and accompanying support economic 3,000 jobs in North Bexhill and Hastings, development opportunities and fully realise growth in the county will be significantly sized enterprises across a range of sectors. the economic potential of the county. Finance and business services, retail, and through £20m from the SE LEP Growing boosted. In particular, our ask of Government professional services, health and social work, Places Fund, we are currently delivering 4.4 is investment by the Highways Agency in projects in Hastings, Bexhill and Eastbourne. upgrading the A27/A259 and A21, and by construction, other business services, and Whilst the landscape is predominantly rural Network Rail on the Hastings - Ashford, East distribution, hotels and catering (tourism) 4.3 in character, nearly three quarters of the Coastway and Uckfield rail lines to unlock are important contributors towards the 531,000 residents live in urban areas, with the This also need to be supported with further growth opportunities in the county. employment growth of the county. The majority of those (58%) in the coastal urban investment by the Highways Agency and Gatwick plays an important economic role county is also home to world leaders in the areas. Four of the five urban centres are on Network Rail in upgrading the quality of the for East Sussex, not least offering employment manufacturing of vacuum technology, the coast - Eastbourne and Hastings being strategic road and rail networks serving but also as an international hub and has instrumentation and advanced optical East Sussex, in particular the A27 and A21 the largest. businesses. There are also significant an important part to play in attracting and corridors and the Hastings – Ashford rail line, 4.5 opportunities in creative industries, retaining business interest in the county. A Advanced Manufacturing, MedTech and The high quality local environment which second runway at Gatwick Airport would Low Carbon industries. includes part of the South Downs National significantly enhance the attractiveness of Park, forms the foundation of the visitor and East Sussex for business. wider economy. Approximately two thirds of 4.9 the county is designated either as the High We wish to establish relationships and links with Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty the respective local nature partnerships to or the South Downs National Park. demonstrate and evidence how our growth 4.6 plans can make the most of the outstanding The under-exploited port at Newhaven offers natural asset with the area. In addition we an opportunity to develop both passenger recognise the increasing importance of and freight services, environmental and climate adaptation, highlighted by recent Clean Tech technologies, and Maritime flooding, and will have due reference to the activities. A number of high-value and national adaptation programme on climate distribution businesses have successfully change and ensure our growth is resilient to made East Sussex their HQ ; there are future extremes of weather. major opportunities, including through 4.10 Locate East Sussex , to attract further inward The three main growth corridors in East investment of this type. Newhaven also has Sussex, described in the following sections, significant potential to deliver growth as part and our growth deal asks relate principally to of the Greater Brighton City Region City Deal these corridors where there is considerable under the Coast to Capital LEP. scope for, and need to, create new homes 4.7 and jobs. The area is not asking for LGF in Coastal Hastings is particularly deprived with isolation but in addition to the East Sussex a number of smaller deprived rural areas in local authorities’ financial commitment particular, in Hailsham. However, we have to date in support of economic growth: identified three growth corridors in East Dedicated resources have been directly Sussex that provide potential for significant targeted on supporting economic growth. jobs and housing growth if the transport and Including housing, as appropriate to the communication systems are improved to individual authorities; between 2012 and facilitate access to the locations and sites 2016/2017 the five East Sussex Borough and within them. District Councils’ have already contributed or have committed an estimated £59.5m and the County Council £66m to directly supporting economic growth within the county. 90 South East LEP: Growth Deal and Strategic Economic Plan 2014 South East LEP: Growth Deal and Strategic Economic Plan 2014 91 A21/A259 Hastings- 4.13 4.18 The table opposite summarises our Transport 4.18 In Hastings there are significant Bexhill Growth Corridor asks. It identifies a total request for LGF development sites at North Queensway, of £43,000,000 with public and private Churchfields and Ivyhouse Lane. Additional 4.11 match funding to be provided of just under potential floorspace on the remaining The A21/A259Hastings-Bexhill Growth business growth for example via the soon to £7 million. This includes a local authority proposed industrial sites totals over 45,200 sq. Corridor focuses on the urban centres of be completed Bexhill to Hastings Link Road. contribution of £3.5m and private sector metres. Another part of the growth corridor Hastings & Bexhill, extending northward In this corridor we have the opportunity match of £3.42m. extends along the coast towards Hastings up the A21 towards Tunbridge Wells and to directly create 5,278 jobs and 765 new 4.14 Town Centre where there are major office London, and eastward along the A259 homes by 2021 and facilitate 9,700 jobs and development proposals, which could deliver There are many potential opportunities for towards Rye, Ashford and the continental 11,300 homes through our proposed transport 21,700 sqm of additional office space in the jobs and housing schemes that require some ports. The area contains some of the schemes. Priory Quarter. Further there are 11 allocated support to improve their financial viability. most severe deprivation in the SE LEP, but employment sites in Hastings Local Plan 4.12 These are set out below with requirements for also contains major opportunity sites for Development Management Plan (proposed Local Growth Fund, and summarised in the investment. The corridor connects the town The corridor currently suffers from severe submission version, 2014), which can facilitate following table. centres and seafronts of Bexhill and Hastings congestion and geographical
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